The original documents are located in Box 26, folder “Turkey - Military Aid (4)” of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 26 of the Loen and Leppert Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION • 1. Memo Janka to Friedersdorf1 9/18n5 1 a. List List of participants Undated C(A) (ca. 9/18/1 5) • FILE LOCATION Charles Leppert Files General Subject File Turkey - Military Aid (4) RESTRICTION CODES (A) Closed by Executive Order 12065 governing access to national security information. WHM 11 5/1/84 (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GSA FORM 7122 (REV. Hill "':"' - ' ?AG~ 0 1. STATE -181562 64 ORI GIN .ss-15 . - ". , -- - ....... - "'9 !SO·~I SNM-~2 NSta~5 Ha~2 SS0.~0 NSCE"00 ... ·• ~~1 037 .. ..,_ . ·.. : ·~"".. R • :::·-~·-;.,( - · •> • •' ._, oRAFTEo .-0v r~xr::REC'fO FROM:.:;w HITE HO~,~ ~~~~: <~:-/!{{~:~~\ A?f'R.OV~o·; av · s/s.!Ic:JoHNS.TON£·~' . EUR :lBLAINr,EN . 5/NM~OERNST WH:COL. ·:p·MACFARLANE -· ~- 029558 ~ ~1~1!9! AUG ~5 - FM SECST~TE WASHDC • TO . A.1'4°E.MBASSY ANXARA IMMEDI.ATE - UNCLAS"STATE .181582 N/A ·- (' . , ' . ~ - ~ · T ~GS·.:.·· ~ MASS, TU .• ·--=:· • . : • ,_,. ·• ;: ·~::t ' .. suaJ ~~f; ~ LErre-~ FROM ·rHE PREsioE~ -t:i·a·~.c oNGREssMiN tA.!i~~0~~a..1~ 6?. ~§~;f~f:.~ , • ~ -•~- .. -~~~: - •• ~~:~~*'~i~4~': ·. .. r FO~ YOUR " INF~RMATIQNp 1'H~R~ " fOLLOW~ .! H~ eo~RECTEO ·:rEXT'. ·- ·' ~F A LETTER fRPM . TME_PRE~IDENT TD CO~G~ESSMAN RANGEL .. .. WHICH WAS OELIVERED TODAY~ ·~ • -·t'"'. .. : ( ......... -- .. ''.' ~-... .,. • :-l"'f...;_. ....-.. - ..... ' OUOTC'.: .• JUL Y 3i, 1975 .. , 1. T HAS , COM~'-:T: o _MY ~ TTENTiON .,THAT M~N.~ QF.. T~E r VQTES . AGA ! Ngr :·:. THF 8ILL TO LI~T THE EMBARGO ON MI L I!A~Y ASSYSTANC~ TO ti TUqK~ Y WERE AASEn ON A MISUNDERSTAND?N~ ~F THE POLIC!ES .· nF MY ADMINIST~ATI6N RgG~RDING T8E T8R~A~ TO . T~I5 ~O~NiRi · ~OSED BY F~R~IGN PROOUCE~S AND EXPORTE~S OF OPIUMe ... .,._~ ............. l'·n ! WANT you TO KNOW THAT I HAV~ HAD A THO~OUGM CONV~R~AiI~~ ~~ ~·~ -· . -t.lffr2 5·;975~~ . -· '.I • UN CL A$'S ! F I i:' D • th t. .., ... 4 • . • ~~~ ~£:: :~. .. ] ~ :·-_. r' ,;, .,._ ... -.- ... -~ - .... 1 .• .,,... ·- .. ..\~.!;~J~:r <:'. .. ' . - Depq~t:tnzent of. State -· ...- -. -- B:l ~MI Tt;Jl.'lCGD 1\6-U . """ ..-- ""' ;.. UNeLASSIFIE'D . .. - :.~... ..... ~ ....... PAGE 02 STATE 181662 nN THE OPIUM siTUATION w1TH PRTM~ ~INISTER oEM!REL _of, TURKEY EARLIER THIS WEEK 0 "I EXP L A!N~D Tn H!M "THE HIGH , . : • ~ .... ~ I ' . .... p R r. 0 R IT y wH I c H. I - p L Ae E 0 N. r HI s p Ra~ l r: M" . :I KN 0 w TH .& T ~ y p u W1 LL •. B ~ ? LE A ~ E P. ~ S _ I W~ S :;r p lj E;A R·- H p W• S :r RQ N GL Y :t'. HI! F_> R 1. flt !: __ . :':- _ MINISTER BEt.:IEVES ' IN THE ·MOST EFFEt::TtVE eONTROLS ON .THf:. .-~ .. -· . ' ,. .. .. .. PRO DUCTION O~ OPIUM 'r:'Of!P!,ES.. ~ '-· ..• ' I ALSO WANT VOU "TO KNOW 'THAT MY eoNCER~ " TN TURKEY IS THE . •., SAHE AS · MY cbN~E~N IN ~V~R~ ~AiI6N .I~ ~ ~HiCH OPIUM - • • ' .- - l' · _ - ' o I 1'0--•• , . I! r . .... • ·-· ··:- "· POPP._IES ·· ARE ~ ~R91HL. !LLt NA!ION~:';QF ~ T~E Wt:IRLD ,._ :fR}END ~ . " ' AND .ADVERSARY ALIKE ..... MUST UNMERSTA~D Tl-IAT ' AMERICA . CO~ S~DERS " TH~ iL~I~I! EX~O~T 6 0~ optu~ - ~o_T~I~ ~OVN~Ri ~ ~~. KISS!N~ER 'THQEAT. TO OUR NATIONAL.... ..... Sl!CUR!TV.,... .., SECRETARY ANn · I INTEND ·ro MAKE SURE 'THAT THEV oo.. • - • - ••• - lo- i ~ t AS I MENTIONJ:p ., TO you ON . iHE ,,. PttONE FR0t:1 l;:4ELS !N~ I Tf.!I ~ •. • -· MORN~NG, I LPO~ fORWARO TO OISCU~STN~ 'THIS FURTHER W!TH VOU AND THE CONGRE~~ UPON.. .. MY RETURNo. · SINCE~~LY, GER~LO R~ FORD. ·~. THE HQNQRABL~ CHARLES Be RANGLE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: WASH!NGTONi D~Ca UNOUOTEa ING~RSOLL :~. ·.;:: ~~-~- h ··_;--,(·,: ;• ·,'- ,.. <... :·:i\Y\: .·i:~ . ,~ . • .. '~ . '";~~~:~; ' J ~ .... \. ~· • • ; . ..,. ..... ;-"4.,. ..- ·, I . : +'- ~ ~ . ., .. .. ~ ~";. ;... ... .. < r • ·.• /l.U~ I:l 'i975 ..... ~!cEri:fRAi:.·HLES ....j .. .. ..... ......-:.. •. ..-.11CF .• "•-l.- . ...... A..,an '• 1975 MEMORANDUM roaa LU JANKA TH1\U1 JACK MARSH BILL KENDA.LL l'R.OM1 CHARLES LEPPERT, J&. SUBJECT a SeoYIUe and Dde Letter OD the Utility el U. s. baH• ta Tvby Max l°l'leduMC>rf aued lbat l obtala a copy of th• Scovtlle letter OD tb• m.u11aal utlllty el our ha••• ta Tulley and to ••• yeu prepare a rebuttal for cbculatl• on th• HUI. Pl•H note that al•o attache4 l• the re•.-•• ol. Mr. Fred c. Dde. w'.t;:l-ffNGT':",.. 0"">--rc&· -.· ?234 Lo~W!)~H H:'>JsE. 0,P'ICC e:.:n.,:::!HCI TEL£!»... 0~E (;:.oz1 U:-5231 CO.,..,.,T'TE.l:S: - ·- - JU::>IC . .<.RY Ct!;TRtC1 i>F'P'tCE t INTE:Rr-vR AND \Congre.b~ of tbe 'Q:lnite!J g§tate~ ~' 1 w~ LE::coa PA;:u(V."AY INSULAR I.FrAIRS Al<..,,,., OHIO <¢4311 ~ouse of i\epresentatibe~ TEU:rt1.,Ni: {Z 16) 762-932.3 Wa5bington, ~.<!C. 20515 July 31, l 975 Dec::-- Colleague: Last 1·1eek I circulated a letter from Dr. Herbert Scoville stating that the Turkish bases have only r.xirginal utility in verifying past and future strategic arns limitation agree~ents . It seemed to ire that Dr .. Scoville's vim·1s had an important bearing on the claims by the Adrainistration that the Turkish bases \.'ere essential for this purpose.. Dr. Scoville is one of the foremost U.S. experts in the fields of strategic \·:eaponry, arr.is control and scientific intelii!Jence gatlmring, \·1ith r.:-0re than t\1enty years of service in important posts in the Departr.1ent of D~fense, Central Intelligence Agency and Arms Control and Disarmar.:ent Agency. , In connection Nith the Administration's efforts to obtain consideration of a revised compromise resolution on a partial 1 i fting of the ban on arms shi pr.tents to Turkey, I received a phone call yesterday from Or. Fred C. Ikle, Director of.the U.S .. Arms Control and Disarmam~nt Agency. Or. Ikle called to say that he considered the bases very important for monitoring both present and future arms control agreements. I suggested to Dr. Ik.1e that he revie~·1 Dr .. Scoville's letter and give rr£! his coElnents, and I offered to give his corri:lents the same distribution that I had given to Or. Scoville's letter. l3oth letters are attached, in order that itembers may dra~-1 their mm conclusions as to the adequacy of Dr •. Ikle 1 s response to the points made by Dr. Scoville .. - JFS :jmb ~ear Congressman Seiberlin~: I \·1ish to follow up on your· questions as to the iooortance of U.S. bases in Turkey for tile verification cf arms control agrcer.~nts. In riarticular 9 you \'1ere interested in my reactions to the letter b_y Doctor Herbert Scoville, Jr. \'!h~ch you ins2rted in the Cor.nressior.al Record of Jul_y 22, 1975. · In his letter, Dr. Scoville states that the bases in Turkey are not ue 11 located to noni tor the S/\LT Interim l:greenent and the l\Eri Treaty. Hhile the sites in Turkev have made some contribution to oonitorino the Affl Treatys it t·muld ~e shortsi~hted to consider the verifiability.of only those 1 imitations '.>?hi ch \'!~re etgreed to in the oast. The Interim Agree­ rrent t1ill exoire in t~·Jo y2ars and the S.l\LT Ir aoreernent n01·1 under negotia­ tion 1·.1ill have additional liriitations nore difficult to monitor. tioreover, He must ensure that our veri fi ca ti on capabi l i ti e·s \'Ii 11 be adequate for further limitations and reductions to be neootiated after SALT II. If ue permit our verjfication. capabilities to contract:: hm·J can \•Je expa"nd the scope of future arr.is control limitations? · f-1any members of ConC1ress exnressed an interest in lir.iitinq cruise missilei. As far as ~e ~an anti~ipate~ the verification of su~h limits 1·1il l have to be based orimaril v on the ohservati on of tests. For this puroose, bases in Turkey t·!Ou 1d. play a crucial ro 1 e; Hi thout them,, any actual or likely potential test locations could not be monitored. It ~ould take many vears and considerable invesb~nt to develop alternate Means of verif°ication, if° the gap could be closed .at all. Pe must also keep in mind that the Sovie~s may.change the lo~ation of their test sites or the t:a.v in t·1hich they use them.
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