® Serving the Hampton Roads Navy Family Vol. 17, No. 44, Norfolk, VA FLAGSHIPNEWS.COM November 5, 2009 More than 97 percent selected from Continuation Board President BY MCC (SW) MARIA YAGER Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs proclaims MILLINGTON, Tenn. — More than 97 percent of candidates reviewed by the Navy’s military Senior Enlisted Continuation Board were se- lected to continue naval service according to a Navy message released Oct. 30. family “The overwhelming continuance of our se- nior enlisted demonstrates the extraordinary month quality of the chief petty offi cer mess. The re- cords of eligible master chiefs, senior chiefs PRESS RELEASE and chiefs were reviewed and given full con- American Forces Press Service sideration,” said Vice Adm. Mark Ferguson, chief of naval personnel. WASHINGTON — President After complete review of 5,686 eligible ac- Barack Obama pledged his sup- tive duty and full-time-support candidates, the port of military members and board selected 5,528 members for continua- Photo by MC1 Jennifer A. Villalovos their families and said Ameri- tion. Senior Chief Mass Communication Specialist Bill Houlihan interviews Master Chief Petty Offi cer cans have a “solemn obligation” of the Navy (MCPON) Rick West and Navy Total Force Fleet Master Chief Scott Benning for a According to the precept, which outlines Continuations Boards podcast. to preserve their well-being in his what information board members may or may proclamation declaring Novem- not consider from a record, documented mis- “There were chiefs with adverse informa- notifi ed prior to the results posting in BUPERS ber as Military Family Month. conduct and substandard performance were tion in their records, and many of them are Online. Candidates can check their status at The proclamation reads: the primary reasons a Sailor would not be se- staying. That, in itself, should tell any doubt- https://www.bol.navy.mil. “No one pays a higher price lected for continued service. ers that there was no quota, and that we are “The purpose of this board was to continue to for our freedom than members Some examples include “signifi cant not a zero defect Navy. People make mistakes. improve the effectiveness of the force by iden- of our Nation’s military and their problems” or “progressing” promotion rec- Often times, it’s how we respond after those tifying and continuing our most fully qualifi ed families. As sons and daughters, ommendations, declining performance from mistakes that defi nes us as chiefs, as Sailors enlisted leaders. I appreciate the leadership of husbands and wives, and moth- the same reporting senior, failure to maintain and as leaders in our Navy,” said Master Chief the CPO mess in this process,” Ferguson com- ers and fathers are deployed, physical fi tness assessment standards, mili- Petty Offi cer of the Navy (SS/SW) Rick West. mented. military families endure with tary or civilian convictions, and non-judicial The board concluded deliberations at Navy The Senior Enlisted Continuation Board is exceptional resilience and cour- punishment. Personnel Command Oct. 1 and the results a performance-driven review of master chiefs, age. They provide our troops Members not selected for continuation will were forwarded to CNP for approval. Sailors senior chiefs and chiefs with more than 20 with invaluable encouragement retire no later than June 30. not selected for continuation were personally years of service and three years time-in-grade. and love, and serve our Nation in their own right. During Mil- itary Family Month, we honor the families of our Armed Forces Act ends controversial personnel system and thank them for their dedica- tion to our country. BY JIM GARAMONE offi cial said. delay,” Curry said during an in- “Though only a small percent- American Forces Press Service Tim Curry, acting program ex- terview recently. The transition age of our Nation’s population, ecutive offi cer for NSPS, said the will take place organization by our troops bear the great respon- WASHINGTON — With department could start transi- organization, he said to minimize sibility of protecting our people. President Barack Obama’s sig- tioning employees in six months. disruption. Meanwhile, employ- They, along with their families, nature recently on the 2010 The department has begun a ees under NSPS will remain in serve us every day with courage National Defense Authorization comprehensive planning pro- that system. and dignity. Ensuring that mili- Act, a controversial pay-for-per- cess, he explained, with the goal “It took three years to bring tary families receive the respect formance personnel system is of ensuring a smooth and order- those 220,000 employees into the they deserve and the support abolished. President Barack Obama ly transition of employees and system,” Curry said. “Congress they have earned is a top priority About 220,000 Defense De- organizations out of NSPS. recognized that it was going to for my Administration. partment employees who had transition back to the long-stand- “The department is going to take time … to do it right.” “The strength of our Nation come under the National Securi- ing General Schedule system, proceed deliberately and cau- ty Personnel System (NSPS) will but that will take time, a senior tiously without unnecessary See NSPS, A11 See FAMILY, A11 Obama declares H1N1 Flu national emergency BY ARMY SFC MICHAEL J. CARDEN The declaration grants author- American Forces Press Service ity to the Department of Health and Human Services to waive WASHINGTON — President legal requirements and gives Barack Obama signed a national medical facilities the ability to emergency declaration on H1N1 set up alternate care sites, mod- infl uenza over the weekend to ify patient triage protocols, alter accommodate American health patient transfer procedures and care facilities’ ability to address other actions to employ disaster the pandemic. operations and relief, Pentagon “By rapidly identifying the vi- spokeswoman Rene White said. rus, implementing public heath Temporary waivers are peti- measures, providing guidance tioned to HHS by the individual for health professionals and medical facilities under Section the general public, and devel- 1135 of the Social Security Act. oping an effective vaccine, we Although the president de- have take proactive steps to re- clared the pandemic a national duce the impact of the pandemic emergency, waivers still require and protect the health of our cit- specifi c requests to HHS, and izens,” the president said in his some state laws may need to be Photo by MCC Eric M. Durie proclamation Oct. 24. addressed, according to a White The amphibious dock landing ship Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) New York (LPD 21) transits New York Harbor Health and Human Services House statement released yes- past the Statue of Liberty. The ship has 7.5 tons of steel from the World Trade Center in her bow and will be Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has terday. commissioned Nov. 7 in New York City. twice declared a public health “The H1N1 [pandemic] is emergency due to the H1N1 moving rapidly,” White said. “By strain. The fi rst came July 24, the time regions or health care NYC guests visit PCU New York and the most recent was Oct. 1. systems recognize they are be- BY MC1 (SW) RACHAEL L. LESLIE “As a nation, we have prepared coming overburdened, they PCU New York Public Affairs berg, a guest from DRS Technologies. “It’s the at all levels of government, and need to implement disaster plans experience of a lifetime for someone like me. My as individuals and communities, quickly. Adding a potential de- PCU NEW YORK, At Sea — The crew of the company makes a lot of the equipment for the mil- taking unprecedented steps to lay while waiting for a national future PCU New York (LPD 21) and the ship’s of- itary, and it’s so great to get the chance to get out counter the emerging pandem- emergency declaration is not in fi cial commissioning committee offered several here and actually meet the men and women who ic,” Obama said. “Nevertheless, the best interest of the public, New York City distinguished visitors (DVs) the use our products.” the 2009 H1N1 pandemic con- particularly if this step can be once in a lifetime opportunity to embark a history- Once aboard, Cmdr. Curtis Jones, the ship’s com- tinues to evolve. In recognition done proactively, as we are do- making U.S. Naval vessel at sea Nov. 1. manding offi cer, personally welcomed the guests of the continuing progression ing here.” The crew brought the more than 80 DVs on board to the ship. Crew members then escorted guests of the pandemic, and in further The most recent examples of a in Marine Corps CH-46 Seaknight helicopters. to their quarters and provided them with a “Navy preparation as a nation, we are U.S. president granting the Sec- They will remain on board for the transit into and Marine Corps 101” brief held in the ship’s cha- taking additional steps to facili- New York City Nov. 2. tate our response.” See H1N1, A11 “This is just unbelievable,” said Rich Gold- See NEW YORK, A11 INSIDE: TRAINING A8 FRONT & CENTER B9 OFF DUTY C1 USS Nassau ARG prepares ITs, the people you call Monster Jam comes to for COMPTUEX when systems fail Hampton Roads Sailors and Marines use COMPTUEX USS Nassau’s Automated Data Friday the 13th, Monster trucks as deployment certification/realistic Processing (ADP) Help Desk makes it will dive into Hampton Coliseum. training scenarios. easier to track trouble calls. FRC Mid-Atlantic holds fi rst change of command BY AT3 MATTHEW STROUP it’s time…Fleet Readiness Center and his family, including his father Fleet Readiness Center Mid-Atlantic Mid-Atlantic has just begun build- in-law, retired Marine Corps Maj.
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