SATURDAY JUNE 21 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABC News (N) Kake Movie: Camp Rock (2008, Musical) Celebrity singers coach News (N) American Idol Ent. H h (CC) News aspiring musicians at a special summer camp. Joe Jonas. (CC) Rewind (CC) Tonight KSNK/NBC News (N) Wheel of U.S. Olympic Trials: Women’s Law & Order: News (N) Saturday Night Live Tina Fey; LSATURDAYj Fortune Gymnastics. Philadelphia. (CC) Criminal Intent Carrie Underwood.JUNE (CC) 21 KBSL/CBS News (N) Paid NCIS Grace Period Criminal Minds A 48 Hours Mystery News (N) M*A*S*H Without a Trace 1< NX (CC) Program (CC) Real Rain (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) The Stranger (CC) K15CG Taste-6 PM Ameri-6:30 Keeping7 PM As 7:30Time The8 LawrencePM 8:30 Welk Ro-9 PM New9:30 Red Austin10 PM City Limits10:30 Soundstage11 PM 11:30(Part 1 d Midwest ca’s Hrtl Up Goes By Show mance Green (CC) of 2) (CC) KLBY/ABCESPN CollegeNews (N) BaseballKake : NCAAMovie: World Camp Series Rock Game (2008, 14 -- Musical)Teams TBA. CelebrityBaseball singers Tonightcoach SportsCenterNews (N) American (Live) Baseball Idol TonightEnt. HO_h From(CC) Omaha,News Neb. (Live)aspiring (CC) musicians at a special summer camp.(Live) Joe (CC) Jonas. (CC)(CC) Rewind (CC)(Live) (CC) Tonight News (N) Wheel of U.S. Olympic Trials: Women’s Law & Order: News (N) Saturday Night Live Tina Fey; KSNK/NBCUSA (5:30) Movie: Sweet Home Alabama TT Movie: Bruce Almighty TTZ (2003, Law & Order: Action Sports From LP^j (2002) ReeseFortune Witherspoon.Gymnastics. (CC) Philadelphia.Comedy) (CC) Jim Carrey. (CC)Criminal Intent Criminal IntentCarrie Underwood.Baltimore, (CC) Md. (CC) KBSL/CBS News (N) Paid NCIS Grace Period Criminal Minds A 48 Hours Mystery News (N) M*A*S*H Without a Trace TBS King(CC) of KingProgram of Movie:(CC) Stealth TT (2005)Real Three Rain pilots (CC) Movie:(CC) Mission: Impossible(CC) 2 TTT(CC) (2000) EthanThe StrangerMovie: (CC) 1<P_NX Queens Queens combat artificial intelligence. Josh Lucas. Hunt must retrieve a deadly virus from enemy hands. Lethal K15CG Taste- Ameri- Keeping As Time The Lawrence Welk Ro- New Red Austin City Limits Soundstage (Part 1 WGNd (5:00)Midwest Movie:ca’s Jurassic Hrtl UpPark TTTZGoes (1993, By Movie:Show Jurassic Park TTTZmance (1993,Green Science (CC)Fiction) Cloned RENOof 2) (CC) 24 (CC) Pa Science Fiction) Sam Neill. (CC) dinosaurs run amok at an island-jungle theme park. Sam Neill. 911! ESPN College Baseball: NCAA World Series Game 14 -- Teams TBA. Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (Live) Baseball Tonight TNTO_ (5:00)From Movie:Omaha, Four Neb. (Live)Movie: (CC) The Longest Yard TTZ (2005, Comedy)(Live) (CC)Movie: Spider-Man(CC) TTT (2002) A (Live)bite from (CC) a mutant QW Brothers TT (2005) Prisoners train for a football game against the guards. spider gives a teen unusual powers. Tobey Maguire. USA (5:30) Movie: Sweet Home Alabama TT Movie: Bruce Almighty TTZ (2003, Law & Order: Action Sports From DSCP^ Killer(2002) Ants Reese (CC) Witherspoon.Deadliest (CC) Catch WhenComedy) We LeftJim Carrey.Earth: The(CC) NASA HowCriminal It’s IntentHow It’s DeadliestBaltimore, Catch Md. (CC) QY Missions The Explorers Made Made TBS King of King of Movie: Stealth TT (2005) Three pilots Movie: Mission: Impossible 2 TTT (2000) Ethan Movie: A&EP_ (5:00)Queens Movie:Queens The Andromedacombat artificialStrain (2008) intelligence. A reporter Josh links Lucas. a TheHunt Sopranos must retrieve a deadlyThe Sopranos virus from Join enemyMovie: hands. The Lethal Q^ pathogen to a government conspiracy. Benjamin Bratt. (CC) Members Only (CC) the Club (CC) Andromeda Strain WGN (5:00) Movie: Jurassic Park TTTZ (1993, Movie: Jurassic Park TTTZ (1993, Science Fiction) Cloned RENO 24 (CC) HISTPa ModernScience Marvels Fiction) Sam HowNeill. the (CC) Earth Was Madedinosaurs Geological run amok atHow an island-jungle Life Began (CC)theme park. Sam Neill. How911! the Earth Was Q_ Lead (CC) history. (CC) Made (CC) TNT (5:00) Movie: Four Movie: The Longest Yard TTZ (2005, Comedy) Movie: Spider-Man TTT (2002) A bite from a mutant NICKQW DrakeBrothers & TTDrake (2005) & iCarlyPrisoners trainNaked for a footballDance, gameDrake against & theGeorge guards. Georgespider givesFresh a teen unusualFresh powers.Home Tobey Maguire.Home Rl Josh Josh (CC) Brothers Sunset Josh Lopez Lopez Prince Prince Improve. Improve. DSC Killer Ants (CC) Deadliest Catch When We Left Earth: The NASA How It’s How It’s Deadliest Catch DISNQY Hannah Zack & Movie: Stuart Little 2 TTTMissions CoryThe Explorers in Phineas Suite ZackMade & HannahMade That’s- Phil of R] Montana Cody (2002, Comedy) Geena Davis. House and Ferb Life Cody Montana Raven Future A&E (5:00) Movie: The Andromeda Strain (2008) A reporter links a The Sopranos The Sopranos Join Movie: The FAMQ^ (4:30)pathogen Movie: to a governmentMovie: conspiracy. The Parent Benjamin Trap TTT Bratt. (1998, (CC) Comedy)Members Reunited Only twin (CC) Movie:the Club You’ve (CC) Got MailAndromeda TTZ (1998, Strain R_ Stepmom (1998) girls try to get their parents back together. Lindsay Lohan. (CC) Romance-Comedy) Tom Hanks. (CC) HIST Modern Marvels How the Earth Was Made Geological How Life Began (CC) How the Earth Was HALLQ_ (5:00)Lead Movie:(CC) Movie:history. The (CC) Parent Trap TTT (1961, Comedy) Twins separated Movie: The Journey ofMade Natty (CC) Gann TTZ SW Heavyweights TZ as infants plot to reunite their parents. Hayley Mills. (CC) (1985, Adventure) Meredith Salenger. (CC) NICK Drake & Drake & iCarly Naked Dance, Drake & George George Fresh Fresh Home Home Rl Josh Josh (CC) Brothers Sunset ColbyJosh FreeLopez Press Lopez Friday,Prince June Prince20, 2008Improve. PageImprove. 7 DISN Hannah Zack & Movie: Stuart Little 2 TTT Cory in Phineas Suite Zack & Hannah That’s- Phil of 4le0005-7 R] Montana Cody (2002, Comedy) Geena Davis. House and Ferb Life Cody Montana Raven Future FAM (4:30) Movie: Movie: The Parent Trap TTT (1998, Comedy) Reunited twin Movie: You’ve Got Mail TTZ (1998, R_ Stepmom (1998) girls try to get their parents back together. Lindsay Lohan. (CC) Romance-Comedy) Tom Hanks. (CC) By Dave Green HALL (5:00) Movie: Movie: The Parent Trap TTT (1961, Comedy) Twins separated Movie: The Journey of Natty Gann TTZ SW Heavyweights TZ as infants plot to reunite their parents. Hayley Mills. (CC) (1985, Adventure) Meredith Salenger. (CC) TV LISTINGS 9 3 4le0005-7 5 2 4 sponsored by the SUNDAY JUNE 22 3 4 6 COLBY FREE PRESS 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 KLBY/ABC In Touch With Dr. Good Morning This Week-George Hour of Power Paid Paid First United 7 5 H h Charles Stanley America (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos Success. (N) (CC) Program Program Methodist Church KSNK/NBC (Off Air) Paid Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Paid Paid Your Paid Paid Paid LSUNDAYj Program (CC) Program Program Bible ProgramJUNEProgram Program22 KBSL/CBS Paid Newspr- Care Straw- CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Cake (EI) Horse- Paid Paid 1 4 1< NX Program ing TV Bears berry (N) (CC) Nation (CC) land (EI) Program Program K15CG Euro.6 AM Ninos6:30 Plaza7 AM Kinder-7:30 Ribert8 A &M Mama-8:30 Saddle9 AM Animalia9:30 Keeping10 AM Wealth-10:30 Kansas11 AM To11:30 the KLBY/ABCd JournalIn Touch Withen-Casa Dr. SesamoGood Morninggarten Robert’sThis Week-GeorgeMovies ClubHour of Power KidsPaid TrackPaid WeekFirst UnitedContrary 2 7 ESPNH h Sports-Charles StanleySportsCenterAmerica (CC) (N)NBA (CC) Sports-StephanopoulosOutside SportsSuccess. (N)SportsCenter (CC) Program (Live) (CC)Program MethodistBaseball Church KSNK/NBCO_ Center(Off Air) Paid Today (N)Matchup (CC) CenterMeet the PressLines (N) ReportrsPaid Paid Your Paid Paid TonightPaid LUSAj Paid Chang-Program Ed Joel In(CC) Plain Sight Never LawProgram & Order:Program LawBible & Order:Program LawProgram & Order:Program KBSL/CBSP^ ProgramPaid ingNewspr- YoungCare OsteenStraw- theCBS Bride News (CC) Sunday MorningCriminal IntentFace the CriminalCake (EI) IntentHorse- CriminalPaid IntentPaid 8 3 9 1<TBSNX SteveProgram Movie:ing TV WhatBears About Bob?berry TTT (1991,(N) (CC) Movie: First Kid TTZ (1996,Nation Comedy)(CC) Movie:land (EI) RV TTProgram (2006, Comedy)Program K15CGP_ HarveyEuro. Comedy)Ninos BillPlaza Murray. (CC)Kinder- Ribert & (PA)Mama- Sinbad,Saddle Brock Pierce.Animalia (CC) Keeping RobinWealth- Williams.Kansas (CC) To the WGNd PaidJournal Amazingen-Casa KeySesamo of Paidgarten JimmyRobert’s SwaggartMovies FeedClub the Paid Movie:Kids PolyesterTrack TTZWeek (1981, Comedy)Contrary 9 6 1 ESPNPa ProgramSports- FactsSportsCenterDavid (CC) ProgramNBA (CC)Sports- Outside ChildrenSports ProgramSportsCenterDivine, (Live) Tab (CC) Hunter. (CC) Baseball TNTO_ LAPD:Center LAPD Movie: The MatchupLegend of CenterZorro TT (2005,Lines Adventure)Reportrs Movie: A Knight’s Tale TTZ (2001) A peasantTonight poses QWUSA OnPaid Beat (CC)Chang- TheEd swordsmanJoel and hisIn wife Plain fight Sight a count. Never (CC)Law & Order:as a knight forLaw a shot & Order: at jousting glory.Law Heath & Order: Ledger. 2008 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. DSCP^ PaidProgram Paiding JoelYoung PaidOsteen Areathe Bride 51 Military (CC) FactoryCriminal IntentFactory MythBustersCriminal Intent Red MythBustersCriminal Intent 7 5 QYTBS ProgramSteve ProgramMovie: WhatOsteen About Bob?Program TTT base.(1991, (CC) Movie: FirstMade Kid TTZMade (1996, Comedy)Rag to a BullMovie: (CC) RVExploding TT (2006, Pants Comedy) Difficulty Level 6/20 A&EP_ BiographyHarvey DollyComedy) Parton Bill Singer Murray. Dolly (CC) Private Sessions(PA) Sinbad,The Brock Sopranos Pierce. (CC) The SopranosRobin Join Williams.Movie: (CC) Die Hard Q^WGN Parton.Paid (CC)Amazing Key of Paid Jewel.Jimmy (N) Swaggart (CC) MembersFeed the OnlyPaid (CC) theMovie: Club Polyester(CC) TTZTTTZ (1981, (1988) Comedy) (CC) HISTPa Scien-Program Busi-Facts SiberianDavid Program Decoding(CC) the Past DecodingChildren theProgram Past CountdownDivine, Tab toHunter.
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