1242 July 13 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 should pass the Kassebaum-Kennedy health Statement on the Death of John insurance reform bill which could benefit 25 Chancellor million Americans by saying that you don't July 13, 1996 lose your health insurance when you change jobs or just because someone in your family Hillary and I were saddened to learn of has been sick. In its strongest form, this bill the death of one of the true frontiersmen passed the Senate unanimously. But for of television journalism, John Chancellor. months it slowed to a crawl as Republicans John's scrupulous attention to the facts and insisted on an untested and unlimited pro- his ability to capture the spirit of an issue posal for so-called medical savings accounts won him the hearts and minds of the Amer- that have nothing to do with the fundamental ican people. From his historic coverage of purposes of Kennedy-Kassebaum reforms. a story very personal to me, the desegrega- So I urge them to reject the political games, tion of Central High School in Little Rock, and let's come to a quick agreement. to his renowned political reporting, John We should also reform our illegal immigra- brought us the very best journalism had to tion laws. I support legislation that builds on offer. We extend our sincerest prayers and our efforts to restore the rule of law to our deepest sympathies to his family, his friends, and his colleagues at NBC News. borders, ensures that American jobs are re- served for legal workers, and boosts deporta- tion of criminal aliens. But some insist on Executive Order 13010ÐCritical kicking the children of illegal immigrants out Infrastructure Protection of school. Every major law enforcement or- July 15, 1996 ganization says this could lead to more crime. So let's put aside this punitive measure and Certain national infrastructures are so vital reform our illegal immigration laws now. that their incapacity or destruction would It's no secret that this is a political year. have a debilitating impact on the defense or And there will be plenty of time to discuss economic security of the United States. our differences in the months to come. But These critical infrastructures include tele- our Nation faces challenges that cannot wait communications, electrical power systems, until November, real welfare reform, a mini- gas and oil storage and transportation, bank- mum wage increase, access to health insur- ing and finance, transportation, water supply ance, stronger immigration laws. We can systems, emergency services (including med- achieve all these things now if we work to- ical, police, fire, and rescue), and continuity gether. of government. Threats to these critical infra- I look forward to working with Majority structures fall into two categories: physical Leader Lott, Speaker Gingrich, and the threats to tangible property (``physical Democratic leaders of Congress to do the threats''), and threats of electronic, radio-fre- people's business in the coming weeks. If quency, or computer-based attacks on the in- we're willing to put our differences aside for formation or communications components that control critical infrastructures (``cyber the sake of the American people, we can threats''). Because many of these critical in- make this a time of genuine achievement for frastructures are owned and operated by the our Nation. It would not only be good for private sector, it is essential that the govern- both parties, it would be very good for Amer- ment and private sector work together to de- ica. velop a strategy for protecting them and as- Thanks for listening. suring their continued operation. Now, Therefore, by the authority vested NOTE: The address was recorded at 6:52 p.m. on in me as President by the Constitution and July 12 in the Roosevelt Room at the White House the laws of the United States of America, it for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on July 13. is hereby ordered as follows: VerDate 28-OCT-97 15:12 Dec 30, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00002 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P29JY4.015 p29jy4 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / July 15 1243 Section 1. Establishment. There is hereby Sec. 3. The Steering Committee of the established the President's Commission on President's Commission on Critical Infra- Critical Infrastructure Protection (``Commis- structure Protection. A Steering Committee sion''). (``Steering Committee'') shall oversee the (a) Chair. A qualified individual from out- work of the Commission on behalf of the side the Federal Government shall be ap- Principals Committee. The Steering Com- pointed by the President to serve as Chair mittee shall comprise four members ap- of the Commission. The Commission Chair pointed by the President. One of the mem- shall be employed on a full-time basis. bers shall be the Chair of the Commission (b) Members. The head of each of the fol- and one shall be an employee of the Execu- lowing executive branch departments and tive Office of the President. The Steering Committee will receive regular reports on agencies shall nominate not more than two the progress of the Commission's work and full-time members of the Commission: approve the submission of reports to the (i) Department of the Treasury; Principals Committee. (ii) Department of Justice; Sec. 4. Mission. The Commission shall: (a) (iii) Department of Defense; within 30 days of this order, produce a state- (iv) Department of Commerce; ment of its mission objectives, which will (v) Department of Transportation; elaborate the general objectives set forth in (vi) Department of Energy; this order, and a detailed schedule for ad- (vii) Central Intelligence Agency; dressing each mission objective, for approval (viii) Federal Emergency Management by the Steering Committee; Agency; (b) identify and consult with: (i) elements (ix) Federal Bureau of Investigation; of the public and private sectors that con- (x) National Security Agency. duct, support, or contribute to infrastructure One of the nominees of each agency may assurance; (ii) owners and operators of the be an individual from outside the Federal critical infrastructures; and (iii) other ele- Government who shall be employed by the ments of the public and private sectors, in- agency on a full-time basis. Each nominee cluding the Congress, that have an interest must be approved by the Steering Commit- in critical infrastructure assurance issues and tee. that may have differing perspectives on these Sec. 2. The Principals Committee. The issues; Commission shall report to the President (c) assess the scope and nature of the through a Principals Committee (``Principals vulnerabilities of, and threats to, critical in- Committee''), which shall review any reports frastructures; or recommendations before submission to (d) determine what legal and policy issues the President. The Principals Committee are raised by efforts to protect critical infra- shall comprise the: structures and assess how these issues should (i) Secretary of the Treasury; be addressed; (ii) Secretary of Defense; (e) recommend a comprehensive national (iii) Attorney General; policy and implementation strategy for pro- (iv) Secretary of Commerce; tecting critical infrastructures from physical (v) Secretary of Transportation; and cyber threats and assuring their contin- (vi) Secretary of Energy; ued operation; (vii) Director of Central Intelligence; (f) propose any statutory or regulatory (viii) Director of the Office of Manage- changes necessary to effect its recommenda- ment and Budget; tions; and (ix) Director of the Federal Emergency (g) produce reports and recommendations Management Agency; to the Steering Committee as they become (x) Assistant to the President for National available; it shall not limit itself to producing Security Affairs; one final report. (xi) Assistant to the Vice President for Na- Sec. 5. Advisory Committee to the Presi- tional Security Affairs. dent's Commission on Critical Infrastructure VerDate 28-OCT-97 15:12 Dec 30, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00001 Frm 00003 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P29JY4.016 p29jy4 1244 July 15 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 Protection. (a) The Commission shall receive (e) In order to augment the expertise of advice from an advisory committee (``Advi- the Commission, the Department of Defense sory Committee'') composed of no more than may, at the Commission's request, contract ten individuals appointed by the President for the services of nongovernmental consult- from the private sector who are knowledge- ants who may prepare analyses, reports, able about critical infrastructures. The Advi- background papers, and other materials for sory Committee shall advise the Commission consideration by the Commission. In addi- on the subjects of the Commission's mission tion, at the Commission's request, executive in whatever manner the Advisory Commit- departments and agencies shall request that tee, the Commission Chair, and the Steering existing Federal advisory committees con- Committee deem appropriate. sider and provide advice on issues of critical (b) A Chair shall be designated by the infrastructure protection, to the extent per- President from among the members of the mitted by law. Advisory Committee. (f) The Commission, the Principals Com- (c) The Advisory Committee shall be es- mittee, the Steering Committee, and the Ad- tablished in compliance with the Federal Ad- visory Committee shall terminate 1 year from visory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. the date of this order, unless extended by App.). The Department of Defense shall per- the President prior to that date. form the functions of the President under Sec. 7. Interim Coordinating Mission. (a) the Federal Advisory Committee Act for the While the Commission is conducting its anal- Advisory Committee, except that of reporting ysis and until the President has an oppor- to the Congress, in accordance with the tunity to consider and act on its rec- guidelines and procedures established by the ommendations, there is a need to increase Administrator of General Services.
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