Nutr Hosp. 2011;26(4):874-883 ISSN 0212-1611 • CODEN NUHOEQ S.V.R. 318 Original Blood pressure of omnivorous and semi-vegetarian postmenopausal women and their relationship with dietary and hair concentrations of essential and toxic metals S. Ródenas1, F. J. Sánchez-Muniz2, S. Bastida2, M. I. Sevillano3, T. Larrea Marín4 and M. J. González-Muñoz5 1Sección Departamental de Química Analítica. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense. Madrid. Spain. 2Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología I (Nutrición). Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense. Madrid. Spain. 3Centro de Espectrometría Atómica. Universidad Complutense. Madrid. Spain. 4Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas. CSIC. Madrid. Spain. 5Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Toxicología. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Alcalá. Madrid. Spain. Abstract PRESIÓN ARTERIAL EN MUJERES OMNÍVORAS Y SEMIVEGETARIANAS POSTMENOPÁUSICAS Objective: This study aims to ascertain the relation- Y SU RELACIÓN CON LOS METALES ESENCIALES ships between mineral consumption, hair mineral con- tent, and blood pressure. Y TÓXICOS EN LA DIETA Y EN EL CABELLO Methods: The study involved 26 postmenopausal women from enclosed religious communities, 14 were semi-vegetar- Resumen ians and 12 were omnivores. Mineral dietary assessment was performed using a 14-d precise weight method and Objetivo: Se pretende establecer una relación entre Food tables. Hair mineral levels were measured by means consumo y niveles de minerales en cabello y tensión san- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) guínea en mujeres postmenopáusicas. and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spec- Métodos: El estudio se ha realizado en 26 mujeres post- trometry (ICP-OES). Multivariable stepwise linear regres- menopáusicas pertenecientes a dos comunidades religio- sion analyses were performed to find out the variables that sas de clausura, siendo 14 semivegetarianas y 12 omnívo- affected most blood pressure. ras. La determinación de la ingesta de minerales se Results: In general terms, the omnivorous diet contained realizó mediante pesada precisa durante 14 días y las a significantly higher mineral content than the semi-vege- Tablas de Composición de Alimentos. Los niveles de tarian one. The mineral intake from both diets implied no minerales en cabello fueron determinados mediante health risk to the women studied, as their estimated daily Espectrometría de Masas con Fuente de Ionización de intake (EDI) of toxic elements such as Cd and Pb was lower Plasma de Acoplamiento Inductivo (ICP-MS) y Espectro- than their respective provisional tolerable weekly intake metría de Emisión Atómica con Fuente de Excitación de (PTWI) of these minerals. Hair of the semi-vegetarians con- Plasma de Acoplamiento Inductivo (ICP-OES). Se realizó tained higher amounts of Al (p < 0.01), Ba (p < 0.01), K (p < un análisis lineal múltiple por pasos para explicar los 0.001), Na (p < 0.001), Pb (p < 0.001) and Mn (p < 0.01) but variables que más influían en la presión arterial. lower levels of Ca (p < 0.05) and Zn (p < 0.05) than that of their Resultados: En términos generales, la dieta omnívora omnivorous counterparts. The omnivores presented signifi- posee un contenido en minerales significativamente supe- cantly higher systolic (p < 0.01) and diastolic (p < 0.05) pres- rior a la semivegetariana. La ingesta mineral de ambas die- sures than the semi-vegetarians. Levels of hair Co (R2 = 0.328; tas no implica riesgo para la salud de las mujeres estudiadas p = 0.032) and hair K (R2 = 0.409; p = 0.014)) were explicative ya que la ingesta diaria de elementos tóxicos como Cd y Pb, for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively. estimada (IDA) está por debajo de sus respectivas ingestas Conclusion: Several dietary mineral and hair contents semanales tolerables provisionales (ISTP). En las semivege- were higher in semi-vegetarian women suggesting that tarianas el cabello contienen cantidades mayores de Al (p < the hair is an important mineral excretion via contribut- 0,01), Ba (p < 0,01), K (p < 0,001), Na (p < 0,001), Pb (p < ing to maintain blood pressure at low levels. 0,001) y Mn (p < 0,01) y niveles inferiores de Ca (p < 0,05) y Zn (p < 0,05) que las omnívoras. Éstas últimas, además pre- (Nutr Hosp. 2011;26:874-883) sentan presiones arteriales superiores, tanto sistólica (p < 0,01) como diastólica (p < 0,05). Las concentraciones de Co DOI:10.3305/nh.2011.26.4.5197 (R2 = 0,328; p = 0,032) y K (R2 = 0,409; p = 0,014) en cabello Key words: Minerals. Hair. Diet. Blood pressure. Postmeno- fueron explicativas de los niveles de presión arterial sistó- pausal. lica y diastólica, respectivamente. Conclusión: Los resultados de varios minerales en la Correspondence: Francisco José Sánchez-Muniz. dieta y en el cabello de mujeres semivegetarianas sugie- Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología I (Nutrición). ren que el pelo es una importante vía de excreción mine- Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense. ral, contribuyendo al mantenimiento de la presión san- Madrid. Spain. guínea a niveles más adecuados. E-mail: [email protected] (Nutr Hosp. 2011;26:874-883) Recibido: 7-IX-2010. DOI:10.3305/nh.2011.26.4.5197 1.ª Revisión: 8-XI-2010. 2.ª Revisión: 28-I-2011. Palabras clave: Minerales. Cabello. Dieta. Presión sanguí- Aceptado: 1-II-2011. nea. Post-menopausia. 874 Introduction included a) previous cardiovascular, metabolic, or sys- temic disease, b) treatment with any lipid-lowering, Elderly persons often alter their nutritional habits, antihypertensive or anti-inflammatory drugs and/or becoming vegetarians for religious, socio-cultural, hormone replacement therapy, and c) smoking habit. economic and/or therapeutic motives.1 However, fol- Thirty volunteers were selected from among 40 nuns lowing vegetarian diets it is not always easy to meet recruited in two enclosed convents from the same town current recommendations for some nutrients, as miner- in the centre of Spain and with a regular lifestyle and als.2 Vegetarian diets differ from one another according dietary habits. Two volunteers were excluded due to to the extent to which they may include animal prod- ongoing use of drug therapy. Three volunteers were 45 ucts. In this regard, the vegan diet is the most restric- years old but were considered premenopausal. Five tive, while the semi-vegetarian diet is the most permis- participants suffered from white coat hypertension. In sive. Semi-vegetarians, also called partial vegetarians, addition, two volunteers were excluded for habitual use or moderate vegetarians, consume certain foods of ani- of hair cosmetics, and another two were excluded due mal origin but usually exclude red meat from their to their very short scalp hair, which prevented hair diet.3 Although vegetarian diets, associated with a low sample collection. Thus, a total of 26 nuns (12 from an incidence of several chronic diseases, and are normally omnivorous enclosed community and 14 from another considered healthy, not all of them provide the same enclosed convent with semi-vegetarian food habits) health benefits.4 were studied. Study protocols were approved by an The most common deficiencies documented in the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Complutense de elderly have been for zinc,5 magnesium and calcium. Madrid, Spain, and research activities were performed Ca deficiency is mainly associated with bone resorp- in accordance with the principles laid down in the tion,6 while magnesium deficiency increases muscle Helsinki Declaration. catabolism and cardiovascular risk.7 Zn, Cu, Mg and Mn imbalances affect blood pressure values and are thus related to hypertension.8 Other metals (e.g. As, Pb, Dietary assessment Cd, and Hg) that have no known beneficial biological function may be harmful to health, and may even prove Food intake of each individual was estimated by the toxic at low doses following long-term exposure. precise weighing method during a 14-day period.13 The mineral status of individuals has conventionally Energy and nutrient intakes were calculated using food been determined by analysis of biological samples, composition tables for raw weights of foodstuffs and most commonly blood. In recent years, however, the compared with the Recommended Dietary Allowances use of human scalp hair has become increasingly popu- for the Spanish population.14 Daily intake of the toxic lar as a biomonitor of trace elements to determine nutri- elements studied was calculated taking into account tional status, as well as for diagnostic purposes.9,10 The dietary composition and food consumption according study of this metabolically inactive tissue permits an to specialized literature.15,16 estimation of environmental exposure levels to miner- als and investigation of the status and alterations of trace element concentrations in the body. Nonetheless, Anthropometric measures the limitations of hair mineral analysis, such as possi- ble contamination by dust and/or sweat, and the effects Trained personnel obtained body weight and height of age, sex, and place of residence, must be considered using standardized methodology. Body mass index together with its potential advantages.11 (BMI) [(weight (kg)/height2 (m2)] was also calculated. The aims of the present study were a) to assess the Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were measured dietary mineral content of semi-vegetarian and omniv- using a Hg sphygmomanometer, following WHO rec- orous postmenopausal women; b) to monitor hair min- ommendations.17 eral content; and c) to study the possible relationships between blood pressure, dietary mineral content, and hair mineral concentrations. Mineral concentrations in hair. Sample collection and analysis Material and methods Scalp hair samples (1-3 cm) weighing approxi- mately 1.0 g were taken from the occipital region, by Study participants cutting hair 2 cm from the hair root using stainless-steel scissors without vanadium and stored in plastic bags. Volunteers had to fulfill the following eligibility cri- Samples were washed to ensure accurate assessment of teria: a) age: women ≥ 45 years, b) postmenopausal, endogenous metal content. The washing procedure was and c) BMI ≥ 18 kg/m2.
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