LOVE AND REASON— Johnson Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. CHURCH EAR-PHONES SICï-eM ïfïlD B Make your church a place of real AGITOLO# worship for the DEAF of the S N0..325 SIXTHAVLNVlvNl.WYORK. community you serve. STAINED GLASS - MURALS Install the Globe Church Ear­ MO SAIC-M ARBLE-STONE RES phone Service and your hard of COURT and CORTLAND STS- ROCHESTER N.Y CARVED •WOEDDMLTAL M i hearing people will enjoy to the full your services and the music FORTY YEARS IN THE ECCLESIASTICAL ARTS of the church. Globe earphones are a needed service in your church. Buy at low English prices th Ask for folder and details of our finest Church Silver & Metal work direct from the actual Heaton, Butler & Bayne four Sunday free trial plan. makers:— Globe Phone Mfg. Corp. F. OSBORNE & CO.,Ltd. (glaFH Artists Reading, Mass. 27 Eastcastle St., London, By appointment to the late W. I., Eng. (Cables: Oscraft, London) KING EDWARD VII. CHALiCES from £3., & all Church Silver & Metal work. Send for Book 26. Stained Glass Windows HALL ORGANS MEMORIAL TABLETS in Brass, Bronze, Memorial Brasses, Etc. have gained much prestige because Enamel, etc. Send for Book 27. c f many outstanding Episcopal Designs and Estimates installations. Richard N. Spiers & Sons Heaton, Butler & Bayne The Hall Organ Company (N. Y.) Ltd., West Haven, Conn. Established 1889 French Building STAINED and LEADED GLASS WINDOWS 551 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK MENEELY BELL CO T R O Y , N.Y and 50 West 15th Street New York 220 BROADWAY.NY CITY,___ INQUIRIES INVITED Murals and Decorative Painting BELLS Oliver Smith Studios Designers and Craftsmen ? in Stained and Leaded Glass. MENEELY&CO,SC O . ggk Wilbur HBuml) am BRYN ATHYN, PENNA. ESTABLISHED IWfjfliM D esigner «acfraftsmaii Cr-thi" VVo d Ca \ iru- m mie ÆWm , WATERY LIIT, MoYom ¡ s m Stained » Glass CHURCH BELLS. CHIMES AND PEALS Studios ♦ 1126Eo7 lston-5t:Eostoxi Unequaled Musical Qualities ► I r .GEISSLER.INg T- 45O SIXTH AVE.NEAR IOta ST. NEW YORK ST. HILDA GUILD, Inc. Cassocks 131 E. 47th St., New York For the Clergy and Choir GKjurtfj Jurnishinns CHURCH VESTMENTS VESTMENTS IN CARVED WOOD AND ECCLESIASTICAL EMBROIDERY Altar linens, embroideri.s MARBLE-BRASS - SILVER FABRICS + WINDOWS Conferences with reference to the adornment materials W of churches Clerical and lay tailoring Telephone EL-dorado 5-1058 J. M. HALL, INC. 174 Madison Avenue Bet. 33rd & 34th Sts., N.Y. ®lt£ ITAarptt^fl ^tuhin0 PHILADELPHIA— 1604 SUMMER ST. H l l Designers of Historical Windows MEMORIAL TABLETS “of enduring worth L Cc¿ \ LTD WASHINGTON MEMORIAL and attractiveness” CH A PEL in genuine cast bronze Valley Forge, Pa. Moderate in Price - Booklet on Request Chapel windows, ELLISON BRONZE CO., INC. • Riverside Baptist Church, JAMESTOWN, N. Y. New York City will be pleased to submit Memorial windows, Mural decorations, designs and Estimates fo r Glass Mosaics. M. P. MOLLER ORGANS The Pride of the Church Over half a century of success­ AUSTIN ORGAN CO. ful organ building have estab­ Embroidery-Wood lished the Moller reputation for Hartford, Conn. quality and workmanship. Stone.-MetaI and Designers and Builders 350 Moller Organs in Episcopal Churches alone. Stained Cjlass : of PIPE ORGANS noted for their superior tonal qualities E X E T E R ♦ * Cathedral Yard. and mechanical reliability. L O N D O N • • Hjufton StS.Wi M AN CH ESTER * 32,Victoria Street. Correspondence Solicited Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Frank E. W ilson George P. A twater Managing Editor THE WITNESS C. Russell Moodey W illiam B. Spofford Irwin St. J. T ucker A National Weekly of the Episcopal Church Vol. XVI. No. 52 A U G U ST 18, 1932 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year; in bundles of ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter April 3, 1919, at the postofiice at Chicago, Illinois, under act of March 3. 1879. E H A V E R E C E IV E D a delightful letter from may be judged by the following letter, typical of letters Wan honest sinner, long a subscriber to T h e being received regularly. “ It is with real regret that I W it n e s s , informing us that now that his stomach is am writing to ask you to discontinue my subscription. full of acid he has been compelled to stop drinking and I have had the paper from the beginning of its publi­ that as a result he has joined the ranks of the other cation. However the stress of the present conditions washed-out elders who criticize youth for their ex­ of finances makes me feel that it is something that I cesses. One wonders how much of this criticism does simply must do without. I do hope that too many are come from people of that sort— fast steppers once upon not doing the same thing and so crippling the paper a time who have been slowed down to a walk by the which is so deserving of support.” Many are doing infirmities of their bodies, and so express their envy by the same thing, we are sorry to report. To them we complaining about the moral standards of others. For can only urge that they see if there is not some other in spite of much talk about the breakdown of the mor­ place where they can economize. Four cents a week—- als of the younger generation there seems to be plenty perhaps if a real effort is made the paper can be con­ of evidence that they are more vitally interested in re­ tinued. And to those who simply must cancel their ligion than were their elders twenty years ago. Word subscriptions, we ask that they so inform us if it is comes, for instance, from a rector in which he says that because a saving is imperative. We will then hope to he finds a very keen interest in religion on the part of receive sufficient contributions to T h e W it n e ss Fund young people. His parish has a young people’s group to enable us to continue sending the paper each week', numbering forty-five boys and girls between the ages drawing upon this fund to pay for it. of fifteen and twenty-five. A corporate communion is held once a month at the early service, with a good U R IN G T H E P A ST Y E A R the government of percentage of them there each month. Meetings are D Brazil, in order to increase the price of coffee, has held twice a month when there is a discussion, follow­ burned seven million bags, valued at thirty million dol­ ing the reading of a paper prepared by one of the lars. Another seven million bags are now on hand group, on such subjects as “ Why I Believe in God” ; waiting destruction. Funds for the purchase of the “Why I Believe in Jesus Christ”; “Why the coffee to be burned are secured from a tax on exported Church?” ; “ The Teachings of the Anglican Church,” coffee. An interesting little sidelight on the working and “ My Duties as a Church Member.” If his ex­ of present day economic life. perience with young people is at all typical then cer­ tainly we have more serious problems to worry about A N Y R E A D E R S have requested that the series than the morals of youth. M of articles by Bishop Johnson on The Story of the Church be put into a book. We are now happy to H E B IB L E is still the best seller. The British and announce the publication of such a volume, ready for T Foreign Bible Society recently announced that immediate distribution. It is printed in large type on they distributed ten and a half million volumes last a standard book page size. The binding is of a heavy year. The National Bible Society of Scotland gives paper called leather embossed which is durable and yet for its total for 1931 over four and a half million. Add inexpensive. The book sells at 50c for single copies to these the distributions made by the several Ameri­ and at $4.00 for ten copies. We believe the book will can societies and the total of books distributed is said be of value not only for the individual reader but also to pass twenty-five million copies. This, of course, is for study groups. At the same time we are bringing in addition to the sales of the various commercial pub­ out as a book the series of articles which appeared in lishers of the Bible. T h e W it n e ss during Lent on The Christian Way Out, to which such eminent people as Nicholas Murray A ST W E E K we urged those able to do so to make Butler, Archbishop Temple, Bishop Parsons, Bernard L small contributions with the renewals of their own Iddings Bell, W. G. Peck, Vida Scudder, and others subscriptions in order that others- desiring the paper contributed. It has a binding similar to that described might continue to receive it. Donations to T h e W it ­ above and sells at the same price.
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