Resettlement Planning Document Resettlement Plan Grant Number: 0093 May 2010 Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Project Cheme-Khangsar Road Road Sub-Project, Manang (From Chaniage 0+000 to 35+000) Prepared by the Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank. This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Government of Nepal Ministry of Local Development Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR) Office of District Development Committee District Technical Office Chame, Manang Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program (RRRSDP) Short Resettlement Plan of Chame - Khangsar Road Sub-Project (From chaniage: 0+000 to 35+000) May 2010 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 2. Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement .............................................................. 2 3. Socioeconomic Information of the Affected Households ........................................... 3 4. Applicable Legal and Policy Framework ...................................................................... 4 5. Definition, Objectives, Policies and Entitlement for the Project ................................ 6 6. Information Dissemination, Consultation, Participation, Disclosure and Approval of Resettlement Plan .......................................................................................................... 11 7. Grievance Redress Mechanism .................................................................................... 12 8. Compensation and Income Restoration ...................................................................... 13 8.1 Valuation and Compensation Determination ........................................................ 13 8.2 Income Restoration and Rehabilitation Program .................................................. 14 8.3 Livelihood Enhancement Skills Training (LEST) for APs ...................................... 14 9. Institutional Frameworks ............................................................................................. 15 9.1 Institutional Arrangement of the Project ................................................................ 15 9.1.1 Central-level Arrangements ................................................................................ 15 9.1.2 District Level Arrangements ............................................................................... 15 9.1.3 Subproject Level Arrangements ......................................................................... 15 9.1.4 Compensation Determination Committee (CDC) ............................................... 16 10. Resettlement Budget and Financing Plan .................................................................. 16 10.1 Costs of Compensation for Assets ...................................................................... 16 10.2 Cost of Rehabilitation Support ............................................................................. 18 10.3 Cost of Implementation of RP ............................................................................. 19 10.4 Total Cost Estimate for RP .................................................................................. 19 11. Implementation Schedule ............................................................................................. 20 12. Monitoring and Evaluation ........................................................................................... 22 12.1 Monitoring at District Level .................................................................................. 22 12.2 Verification by PCU. ............................................................................................. 22 12.3 External/Third Party Monitoring ........................................................................... 22 List of Appendix Appendix - 1: Poverty level Analysis of APs Appendix - 2: List of Affected Household by Type of Loss (Land) Appendix - 3: List of Affected Households by Type of Loss (Structure) Appendix - 4: Losses of Trees with Estimated Cost Appendix - 5: List of Participant of Public Consultation Meetings along the Alignment Appendix - 6: Voluntary Contribution Consent Form Appendix - 7: Letters from Third Party NGO and Grievance Redress Committee Appendix - 8: Meeting Minutes of Community Consultation, CDC, GRC Formation Appendix - 9: Summary of RP in Nepali Appendix -10: Cadastral Map Indicating Alignment List of Table Table No -1: Summary of Impact=========================..2 Table No, 24 Socio,Economic Anal0sis of APs 5ouseholds==============.3 Table No, 34 Entitlement Polic03Matri2=======================.9 Table No, 44 Li elihood Enhancement Skill Training for Affected Persons=======..14 Table No, 54 Comparati e Price of the Land along the Alignment (NRs. per Ropani)==....1- Table No, -4 Rate of the 7ruit trees in NRs====================...18 Table No, 84 Agriculture product based on the market price in NRs==========.18 Table No, 84 Summar0 of the affected structures============.==.=..........18 Table No, 94 Summar0 of Cost for RP........................................................................===.19 Table No,1.4 An Implementation Schedule ================...===.21 Table No,114 Monitoring and E aluation Indicator=================..23 Abbreviation ADB4 Asian De elopment Bank APs4 Affected Persons CDC4 Compensation Determination Committee CDO4 Chief District Officer CISC4 Central Implementation Support Consultant DADO4 District Agriculture De elopment Office DDC4 District De elopment Committee DIST4 District Implementation Support Team DoLIDAR4 Department of Local Infrastructure De elopment and Agriculture Road DPCC4 District Project Coordination Committee DPO4 District Project Office DSO4 District Sur e0 Office DTO4 District Technical Office :oN4 :o ernment of Nepal :RSC4 :rie ance Redress Sub,committee LAA4 Land Acquisition Act LRO4 Land Re enue Office Mo7SC4 Ministr0 of 7orest and Soils Conser ation N:O4 Non,:o ernment Organization PAPs4 Project Affected Persons PM4 Project Manager RB:4 Road Builder :roup RBIC4 Road Builder Implementation Committee RP4 Resettlement Plan RRRSDP4 Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector De elopment Program SM4 Social Mobilizer VDC4 Village De elopment Committee VICCC4 Village Infrastructure Construction Coordination Committee VI1:4 Village Infrastructure 1ser :roup Executive Summary 1. This Resettlement plan (RP) of the Chame , Ahangsar road sub Project that describes the in oluntar0 Resettlement Planning and Procedure of Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector De elopment Program (RRRSDP) 2. Chame Ahangsar Road Sub project lies in the upper part of Manang District headquarter nominated b0 the DDC. The length of the proposed road is about 35.22 km which passes through si2 VDCs namel0 Chame, Pisang, Bhraka,Manang, Tanki Manang and Ahangsar.This alignment, a north,west rural road which pro ides access from district headquarters at Manang to the ser ice center at Ahangsar, 3. The total road section requires 34.95 ha. Land and passes through 434 land parcels of pri ate ownership measuring 12.32 ha. Since the road follows e2isting trail, 5.-1 ha. Of pri ate land is alread0 obtained b0 the trail, and remaining -.81 ha needed for the construction. 4. 5ousehold sur e0 of the project affected people (APs), altogether 92 household comprising 423 people were affected Bhere 218 male and 2.5 female. No one household were below po ert0 line and 38 public and pri ate structures need to be remo ed throughout the alignment. 241 trees belonging to pri ate and communit0 forest and 2- fruit trees will be affected. 5. In terms of food sufficienc0 onl0 few 1. households reported more than 9 month, 2. household reported -,9 month, 49 households reported 3,- months and 13 household reported to ha e food sufficienc0 less than 3 month of the 0ear. An a erage food sufficienc0 moth is reported -.8 and most of the population in ol es in the hotel business because this is one of the best route of trek. -. The RP has been prepared based on the ADBCs polic0 on in oluntar0 Resettlement. The major objecti es of the project is to a oid of minimize land acquisition and in oluntar0 resettlement where er possible and in una oidable situation to ensure the APCs rights and recei e assistance to remain in the same le el as the0 would ha e been in absence of the sub project. All in oluntar0 land acquisition (other than oluntar0 land donation) will be compensated at replacement cost. Special attention will be paid to ensure that households headed b0 the women and other ulnerable groups recei e appropriate assistance. The national laws, Regulation, resettlement framework and ADBCs resettlement safeguard polic0 are followed during land acquisition and pa0ing compensation. 8. The project has formed a grie ance redress committee (:RC) in the district le el and two sub,committees at VDC le el for hearing and addressing complaints
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