“THUS SAYS THE LORD: HERE IS MY SERVANT WHOM I UPHOLD, MY CHOSEN ONE WITH WHOM I AM PLEASED, UPON WHOM I HAVE PUT MY SPIRIT,” ISAIAH : January 10 The Baptism of the Lord Nnool.us | (303) 469-5171 Encouraged by her own tion, we must learn to look A LETTER experience, Teresa upon our weaknesses with persuaded others to culti- tender mercy.[12] vate devotion to Joseph.[9] The evil one makes us see FROM OUR […] and condemn our frailty, The greatness of Saint whereas the Spirit brings Joseph is that he was the Joseph saw Jesus grow it to light with tender love. spouse of Mary and the daily “in wisdom and in Tenderness is the best PRIESTS father of Jesus. In this years and in divine and way to touch the frailty way, he placed himself, in human favour” (Lk 2:52). As within us. Pointing fingers the words of Saint John the Lord had done with and judging others are Chrysostom, “at the Israel, so Joseph did with frequently signs of an service of the entire plan Jesus: he taught him to inability to accept our own of salvation”. walk, taking him by the weaknesses, our own hand; he was for him like a frailty. Only tender love Saint Paul VI pointed out father who raises an infant will save us from the that Joseph concretely to his cheeks, bending snares of the accuser (cf. expressed his fatherhood down to him and feeding Rev 12:10). That is why it is “by making his life a sacri- him (cf. Hos 11:3-4). so important to encounter ficial service to the mys- God’s mercy, especially in tery of the incarnation In Joseph, Jesus saw the the Sacrament of Recon- and its redemptive tender love of God: “As a ciliation, where we experi- purpose. He employed his father has compassion for ence his truth and tender- legal authority over the his children, so the Lord ness. Paradoxically, the FR. ACCURSIO Holy Family to devote has compassion for those evil one can also speak the himself completely to who fear him” (Ps 103:13). truth to us, yet he does so CIACCIO them in his life and work. only to condemn us. We He turned his human In the synagogue, during know that God’s truth vocation to domestic love the praying of the Psalms, does not condemn, but into a superhuman obla- Joseph would surely have instead welcomes, Dear Parishioners, tion of himself, his heart heard again and again that embraces, sustains and and all his abilities, a love the God of Israel is a God forgives us. That truth placed at the service of of tender love,who is good always presents itself to As you may know, recently the Messiah who was Pope Francis wrote a beauti- to all, whose “compassion us like the merciful father growing to maturity in his in Jesus’ parable (cf. Lk ful letter called Patris Corde, is over all that he has home”. made” (Ps 145:9). 15:11-32). It comes out to With a Father's Heart, on St. meet us, restores our Joseph. This letter describes Thanks to his role in salva- The history of salvation is dignity, sets us back on how St. Joseph was a good tion history, Saint Joseph worked out “in hope our feet and rejoices for father and describes the has always been venerat- against hope” (Rom 4:18), us, for, as the father says: ABOUTnature of fatherhood for all ed as a father by the through our weaknesses. “This my son was dead men. I want to invite all of Christian people. This is All too often, we think that and is alive again; he was you, and especially the shown by the countless God works only through lost and is found” (v. 24). fathers, to read the entire churches dedicated to our better parts, yet most him worldwide, the of his plans are realized in Even through Joseph’s document, which is fairly numerous religious Insti- short. Here is a little teaser. and despite our frailty. Thus fears, God’s will, his histo- tutes, Confraternities and Saint Paul could say: “To ry and his plan were at ecclesial groups inspired keep me from being too work. Joseph, then, teach- Have a great week, by his spirituality and elated, a thorn was given es us that faith in God Fr. Accu bearing his name, and the me in the flesh, a messen- includes believing that he many traditional expres- ger of Satan to torment me, can work even through our sions of piety in his honor. to keep me from being too fears, our frailties and our Innumerable holy men and elated. Three times I weaknesses. He also women were passionately appealed to the Lord about teaches us that amid the devoted to him. Among this, that it would leave me, tempests of life, we must them was Teresa of Avila, but he said to me: ‘My never be afraid to let the who chose him as her grace is sufficient for you, Lord steer our course. At advocate and intercessor, for power is made perfect times, we want to be in had frequent recourse to in weakness’” (2 Cor 12:7-9). complete control, yet God him and received whatev- always sees the bigger er graces she asked of Since this is part of the picture. N him. entire economy of salva- DAILY READINGS PARISH OFFICE DAY 1ST READING 2ND READING GOSPEL Location Sat 1/9 900 W. Midway Blvd Sun 1/10 Broomfield, CO 80020 Mon 1/11 Tues 1/12 Website: www.nool.us Wed 1/13 Thurs 1/14 Fri 1/15 Phone: (303) 469-5171 Sat 1/16 Sun 1/17 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am-9:00pm PARISH TIMES Saturday Mass Times Confession Drive-up Monday - Friday Thursday Communion 8:00am-5:00pm 7:00am | 9:30am 5:00-6:00pm Sunday 9:30am Fax: (303) 469-5172 Saturday Saturday Daily Livestream School: (303) 466-4177 9:30am | 4:00pm 8:00-9:30am of Mass 5:00pm 3:00-4:30pm 9:30am BULLETIN INFO Sunday Sunday For all bulletin submissions, 7:30am | 8:30am During Mass please email us at: 9:30am | 11:00am when possible 12:00pm | 4:00pm | 5:00pm [email protected] The submission deadline is every Tuesday at noon. Be on the lookout for early holiday submission times. PARISH STAFF Pastor Parish Sacristan Director of Music IT Specialist Fr. Michael Carvill, FSCB Marylou Sivigliano Dr. Marcia Marchesi Jim DuBey [email protected] | ext. 114 [email protected] | ext. 136 [email protected] | ext. 123 [email protected] | ext. 115 Assistant Sacristan Faith Alive Direct Number Admin. of Parish Reception & Ops Jen Kuzik Associate Pastor Ron Kaiser (303) 731-0425 [email protected] | ext. 100 Fr. Accursio Ciaccio, FSCB Director of Faith Alive Executive Assistant to the Pastor [email protected] Mark Thomason Admin. Assistants - Front Desk Roberta Hebert [email protected] | ext. 104 Lindsay Smith Associate Pastor [email protected] [email protected] | ext. 112 Fr. Emanuele Fadini, FSCB Director of Religious Education Stacy Logay [email protected] | ext. 166 School Principal Diane Irby [email protected] | ext. 112 Holly Peterson [email protected] | ext. 103 Rose Pearson Associate Pastor [email protected] | ext. 141 Faith Alive Assistant [email protected] | ext. 112 Fr. Matteo Invernizzi, FSCB Tricia Fankell [email protected] Facilities Manager Business Manager [email protected] | ext. 103 Mike Hebert Deacons Kyle Hubbart [email protected] | ext. 122 [email protected] | ext. 108 Parish Registrar Huan Nguyen Past. Associate, Charity & Outreach Merrilyn Sikora [email protected] Accounting and HR Manager [email protected] | ext. 110 Lynne Gallagher Steve Vallero Carol Sullivan [email protected] | ext. 101 [email protected] [email protected] | ext. 109 Director of Stewardship Director of Communications David Arling Diane Denfeld Accounting Assistants Jacquie Fankell [email protected] [email protected] | ext. 106 Suzie Sloan [email protected] | ext. 135 Sisters [email protected] | ext. 140 Director of Development Communications Associate Srs. Teresa, Marilú & Arianna Candy Gritz Ilene DuBey Lauren Abeyta [email protected] [email protected] | ext. 140 [email protected] | (303) 641-3667 [email protected] | ext. 135 3 SAINT OF THE WEEK QUOTE OF THE WEEK Endowed with ʻa spiritual and immortalʼ soul, the human person is ʻthe only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake.ʼ From his conception, he is destined for eternal beatitude. The human person participates in the light and power of the divine Spirit. By his reason, he is capable of understanding the order of things established by the Creator. By free will, he is capable of directing himself toward his true good. He finds his perfection "in seeking and loving what is true and good. (Catechism #1703-1704) ST. MARGUERITE BOURGEOYS SACRISTY LAUNDRY MARGE LAY Tuesday, January 12 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 9 Monday, January 11 Thursday, January 14 Sunday, January 17 9:30 † George Lutito 7:00 † Ann Marie Adams 7:00 Intentions 7:30 † Fr. Luis Jaramillo by Ron and Chris Morrison by The Cloutier Family of the Wilk Family 8:30 † John Sunderman 4:00 † Janina and Alojzy Wegrzyn 9:30 † Mary Jane Collopy 9:30 † Nick Thomm by Linda Kent by The Wegrzyn Family by Carol Day by His Family 9:30 People of the Parish 5:00 Sister Rosa Lombardi Tuesday, January 12 11:00 † Ahna Mack by Cynthia Lombardi 7:00 † Robert Siurek Friday, January 15 by MIke Oakes by His Family 7:30 † Celia Garcia 12:00 † The Faithful Departed Sunday, January 10 9:30 Linda Siurek by Her Daughter of The John Paulsen Family 7:30 Intentions of by Her Family 9:30 † David Soenksen by Linda Kent The Wilk Family by Bette Dean 4:00 † Anne Watkins 8:30 June Curran Wednesday, January 13 by Colleen and Eric Rupp by John Curran 7:00 Ryan Siurek by Kim Saturday, January 16 5:00 Karen Moreira 9:30 People of the Parish 9:30 † Bobbie Mitchell 9:30 † Maria Marian Cwierz by The Family 11:00 Griffen Schowe by Her Daughter Kim by The Wegrzen Family by The Buzbee Family 4:00 † The Cloutier Family 12:00 † Josephine Logay 5:00 Magdalen Storey by Stacy
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