S8922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 5, 2006 paid $35 for his first ride in a prop jet I am glad that newspapers all across Bobby Meaux, Harrodsburg, Ky. plane. C.W. realized his dream after Kentucky have printed details like Kaye Craig Morris, Lexington, Ky. graduating from Eastern Kentucky these about the victims of the terrible Leslie Morris, Lexington, Ky. University with an aviation degree. crash of Comair Flight 5191. This way Cecile Moscoe, 29, London, Ky. Judy Ann Rains, Richmond, Ky. A kind man, during his and Sarah’s we can know not just how these people Michael Ryan, Lexington, Ky. courtship, C.W. helped care for her fa- died, but also how they lived. Mary Jane Silas, 58, Columbus, Miss. ther with terminal cancer. As a pilot, I am also grateful that even in such Pat Smith, 58, Lexington, Ky. he received commendations from Fed- dark times, the generosity and kind- Tim Snoddy, 51, Lexington, Ky. eral Aviation Administration officials ness of Kentucky continues to shine Marcie Thomason, 25, Washington, D.C. who flew on his plane. A few days be- through. Local volunteers have been Greg Threet, 35, Lexington, Ky. fore the crash, he and Sarah celebrated invaluable to the relief and recovery Randy Towles, 47, Watertown, N.Y. their 8-year wedding anniversary. effort, and to the families that have Larry Turner, 51, Lexington, Ky. This past Sunday, at C.W.’s funeral, Victoria Washington, 54, Richmond, Ky. been left behind to grieve. Jeff Williams, 49, Centerville, Ohio 300 mourners pinned on pairs of pilot’s Volunteers from local chapters of the Paige Winters, 16, Leawood, Kan. wings. Mourners also got to see Mr. Salvation Army served as chaplains Bryan Woodward, Lafayette, La. Lamb, a tiny stuffed lamb that C.W. and grief counselors. They also served JoAnn Wright, 56, Cincinnati, Ohio bought for his wife on a whim about 3- more than 1,000 meals and over 6,000 Betty Young, 74, Lexington, Ky. years ago at an airport gift shop. Now, snacks and drinks to relief workers at The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- their toddler son Calvin James takes the crash site. ator from Virginia. Mr. Lamb everywhere. The Bluegrass Chapter of the Amer- Mr. STEVENS. Will the Senator Sarah has said that as she raises Cal- ican Red Cross fielded dozens of volun- yield for a moment? vin James, she will be sure to teach teers, who helped arrange memorial Mr. ALLEN. I yield. him the words his father took as his services for the victims’ families. They Mr. STEVENS. Is there not an order motto: ‘‘In dreams and in love, there also worked as grief counselors and to lay down the Defense bill now? are no impossibilities.’’ We hope it is provided meals. Both groups say they f not impossible that one day, Calvin will stay as long as there are workers James will soar as high as his father at the crash site. CONCLUSION OF MORNING did. Local businesses pitched in as well BUSINESS Last week’s crash also robbed the with food, and toys for kids like Calvin The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning world of Patrick Smith, 58, of Lex- James Fortney and others who lost a business is closed. ington. Pat’s ultimate destination that parent. f morning was Gulfport, MS. That was The National Transportation Safety DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AP- only a short distance for him. Because Board is currently conducting an inves- PROPRIATIONS ACT, 2007—Contin- of his volunteer work with Habitat for tigation into the cause of this crash. I ued Humanity, Pat had traveled to Ghana, intend to do everything I can to ensure Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland, South Af- that investigation proceeds smoothly, Mr. STEVENS. What is the pending rica, Mexico, and India to build houses and that all of the questions we have business? for those less fortunate than he. can be answered as thoroughly as pos- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The De- Pat was a member of Habitat for Hu- sible. fense appropriations bill is pending. manity International’s Board of Direc- Mr. President, I have only been able Mr. STEVENS. May I ask what the tors, as well as the board of his local to talk about a few of the 49 souls that Senator from Virginia intended to do? Lexington chapter, and had served with were lost on a Sunday morning. If Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, I wanted the organization for more than 15 there is no objection, I ask unanimous to call up amendment No. 4883. I was years. He excelled at organizing fellow consent that the names of every person waiting for our chairman to be here, volunteers from Kentucky and leading who died on Comair Flight 5191 be and ask I be recognized to offer this them in their humanitarian efforts. printed in the RECORD. amendment. It will take approximately Under his direction, 80 Kentucky vol- There being no objection, the mate- 5 or 6 minutes to offer the amendment. unteers constructed 26 houses in small rial was ordered to be printed in the Mr. STEVENS. I might say to my fishing villages in southern India for RECORD, as follows: friend from Virginia, when we left this people who had lost everything in the COMAIR FLIGHT 5191 bill, the understanding was Senator tsunami of 2004. Rebecca Adams,47, Harrodsburg, Ky. KENNEDY’s amendment would come He also helped those closer to home. Lyle Anderson, 55, Ottawa, Ont. first. We will be happy to have the Sen- Pat’s final trip to Gulfport was to fol- Christina Anderson, 38, Inglewood, Ont. ator offer his amendment with the un- low up on the work he had already Arnold Andrews, 64, Tampa, Fla. derstanding it will come up after the done in 7 trips to Mississippi before, for Anne Marie Bailey, 49, Vancouver, B.C. amendment of Senator KENNEDY, if a project to build 13 houses on South Bobbie Benton, 50, Stanford, Ky. that will be agreeable to Senator KEN- Carolina Avenue to replace the ones Jesse Clark Benton, 48, Stanford, Ky. NEDY? Carole Bizzack, 64, Lexington, Ky. Mr. KENNEDY. That is fine. that were washed away by Hurricane George Brunacini, 60, Georgetown, Ky. Katrina. Brian Byrd, Richmond, Ky. Mr. STEVENS. Is Senator KENNEDY’s Pat’s wife Jean often accompanied Jeffrey Clay, 35, Burlington, Ky. amendment the pending amendment? him on his projects, although last Sun- Diane Combs, Lexington, Ky. The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is day on Flight 5191 Pat traveled alone. Homer Combs, Lexington, Ky. no amendment pending. Pat had done so much good work for Fenton Dawson, Lexington, Ky. Mr. KENNEDY. I have it ready to the organization that he was named Thomas Fahey, 26, Leawood, Kan. send to the desk. Habitat’s volunteer of the year in 2003. Mike Finley, 52, London, Ky. Mr. STEVENS. I yield the floor to Clarence Wayne Fortney II, 34, Lexington, have the Senator propose his amend- Several of Pat’s volunteer projects Ky. ment and then Senator ALLEN propose were sponsored by his church, Cathe- Wade Bartley Frederick, 44, Danville, Ky. dral of Christ the King. He worked as a Hollie Gilbert, Somerset, Ky. his amendment and we will come back partner at a Lexington industrial auto- Erik Harris, 28, Lexington, Ky. to his amendment. mation company, Versa Tech Automa- Kelly Heyer, 27, Cincinnati area The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tion. Jonathan Hooker, 27, London, Ky. ator from Massachusetts is recognized. Pat once stated very simply the rea- Scarlett Parsley Hooker, 24, London, Ky. AMENDMENT NO. 4885 son he had dedicated so much of his Priscilla Johnson, 44, Lexington, Ky. Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I send time and efforts to volunteer work: Nahoko Kono, 31, Lexington, Ky. an amendment to the desk on behalf of Tetsuya Kono, 34, Lexington, Ky. ‘‘We have an obligation to help.’’ Now Charles Lykins, 46, Naples, Fla. myself and our Democratic leader, Sen- his wife, Jean, and their children and Dan Mallory, 55, Bourbon County, Ky. ator REID. grandchildren will rely on the help of Steve McElravy, 57, Hagerstown, Md. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The others as grief sets in. Lynda McKee, Richmond, Ky. clerk will report the amendment. VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Feb 05, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S05SE6.REC S05SE6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 5, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8923 The legislative clerk read as follows: ginia so he may offer his amendment. the ball and captured Osama bin The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. KEN- As I understand it, there is an agree- Laden—rather than rushing headlong NEDY], for himself and Mr. REID, proposes an ment to dispose of it. into a war that we did not need to amendment numbered 4885. Is it the understanding of the Sen- fight. Mr. KENNEDY. I ask unanimous con- ator from Virginia that they are going The American people know that the sent the reading of the amendment be to accept the amendment of the Sen- administration should have imple- dispensed with. ator from Virginia? mented fully the recommendations of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. ALLEN. I say to the Senator the 9/11 Commission to protect our objection, it is so ordered. from Massachusetts, I hope that Sen- ports and support our first responders— The amendment is as follows: ator STEVENS and the committee will rather than spending more than $200 (Purpose: To include information on civil accept my amendment. I would not million each day on a failed policy in war in Iraq in the quarterly reports on want to speak for them.
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