PHOTO ROUnDS Gary N. Fox, MD Family physician in private A new papule and “age spots” practice limited to skin, Defiance, Ohio [email protected] n 87-year-old woman came to the graphs were taken through the dermato- office for evaluation of a lesion scope of the temple, forehead, and cheek Darius R. Mehregan, MD Department of Dermatology, A above her lip (FIGURE 1) that had lesions (FIGURES 3A, B, aND C). Wayne State University, Detroit, “been there a while” and had intermit- The 4 lesions are easily identified Mich tently been bleeding and crusting for the as worrisome, given that they were pig- last few months. On examination, there mented and asymmetric, with a variety of was a distinct, firm (but not hard) papule bizarre colors. with some adjacent erythema. No dis- The lip. In particular, the lesion tinct telangiectasias, ulceration, blood, or above the upper lip (FIGURE 1) clinically crusts were visible with handheld magni- presented a wide range of possibilities, fication or upon ®dermoscopy.Dowden (See “The Health including Media basal cell carcinoma (BCC), digital camera: Another stethoscope for milial cyst, nevus, trichoepithelioma, the skin,” page 282.) fibrous papule, or any of a variety of CopyrightAn evaluationFor ofpersonal the remainder use of adnexalonly skin neoplasms. Knowing the woman’s face revealed 3 more lesions that the lesion was relatively new and FAST TRACK that the patient termed “age spots.” They had bled and crusted was sufficient to We did a deep had been present for quite some time, warrant biopsy. incisional biopsy had not had any notable rapid change, The temple. Dermoscopically, the and had not caused her (or a physi- temple lesion (FIGURE 3A) had blue and rather than cian in the family) any concern. These brown ovoid structures (also called risk "shaving “age spots” are depicted in FIGURE 2A “blebs” or “blobs”), white areas within a melanoma" (left temple), FIGURE 2B (forehead), and the lesion (whiter than normal surround- FIGURE 2C (left cheek). Digital photo- ing skin), a high degree of asymmetry, and distinct telangiectatic vessels. The pink FIGURE 1 color on dermoscopy was also a cause for Lesion above lip concern. The blue ovoid structures plus telangiectasias were highly suggestive of basal cell carcinoma. The forehead. Dermoscopy of the forehead lesion (FIGURE 3B) showed leaf- like structures (12 o’clock) and maple-leaf structures (6 o’clock). These alone were highly suggestive of pigmented basal cell carcinoma—but in the absence of distinct telangiectasias, we decided to do a deep incisional biopsy rather than risk poten- tially “shaving a melanoma.” (If a mela- noma is biopsied via a shave technique, This lesion, which prompted the visit, had bled and the ability to histologically measure its crusted repeatedly in the past. thickness and to stage it according to 278 VOL 56, NO 4 / APRIL 2007 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACtICE For mass reproduction, content licensing and permissions contact Dowden Health Media. A new papule and “age spots” FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 Digital photos Dermoscopy images A A Temple: Note telangiectatic vessels, blue and brown Temple: Asymptomatic papular “age spot” noted during ovoid structures, pink and white areas, and hair examination of left temple near anterior to hairline. protruding from the lesion at about 6 and 8 o’clock. B B Forehead: Note leaf-like structure at 12 o’clock and Forehead: Incidentally noted, asymptomatic, papular above the periphery of the lesion at 6 o’clock. Also “age spot” on left forehead. note blue and brown ovoid structures of varying sizes . FAST TRACK C C The lesions were worrisome: they were pigmented and asymmetric with a variety of bizarre colors Cheek: Incidentally noted, asymptomatic predomi- Cheek: “Spoke-like” structure at 6 o’clock. Note the nantly macular “age spot” on right cheek. extensive variations in color and the asymmetry. Clark and Breslow staging is lost.) technique—were biopsied via generous The cheek. Dermoscopically, the le- incisional ellipses. sion on the cheek (FIGURE 3C) also had no obvious telangiectasias but had a “spoke- wheel” structure (6 o’clock) highly sug- z What is your diagnosis? gestive of basal cell carcinoma. All the lesions—except for the temple lesion, which was biopsied via a shave z How would you treat? C O NT I N U E D VOL 56, NO 4 / APRIL 2007 279 DS n ROU z Diagnosis: confident diagnosis of molluscum con- Basal cell carcinoma tagiosum, for example. Here, 3 lesions Histology confirmed that all 4 lesions were had similar dermoscopic structures, only PHOTO basal cell carcinomas, the most common one of which exhibited telangiectasia. A type of skin malignancy. The temple lesion fourth lesion lacked diagnostic character- in FIGURES 2A AND 3A and the forehead istics. The best guess, based on the sum lesion in FIGURES 2B aND 3B were histo- total appearance of all of these lesions, is logically both pigmented nodular basal that all are basal cell carcinomas because cell carcinomas, clinically characterized of the “company they are keeping”—but as pearly papules with pigment. FIGURE note that this is also potentially a trap: 3A also demonstrates telangiectasia. missing the single basal cell carcinoma lesion among a field of sebaceous hyper- plasia, for instance. Differential diagnosis: • Don’t focus exclusively on the Innocent papule or carcinoma? symptomatic lesion. Do a survey of the The lip lesion, the presenting “symp- general region. For ultraviolet-associ- tom,” did not have evident bleeding and ated lesions (including basal cell car- crusting on visual or dermoscopic ex- cinoma), it's preferable to perform, at amination. In the absence of a complete minimum, a survey of “high-radiation” history, it could have been “passed off” areas (face, exposed scalp, neck, ears, as an innocent papule, such as a mol- and dorsal hands and forearms) for luscum (though not common in the el- other ultraviolet “damage” (eg, actinic derly) or a milial or epidermoid cyst. keratoses). Remember that basal cell carcinoma • Be meticulous when examining can be subtle. These lesions were missed patients’ backs. Patients may not spot by a patient and her family—which in- lesions on their backs—especially if they cluded a physician within the house- are older and have poor vision. hold—and grew slowly enough that the • Avoid thinking in terms of abso- FAST TRACK patient felt they were simply “age spots.” lutes like “never” and “always.” The Some basal cell We have seen basal cell carcinomas that clinical axiom that basal cell carcinomas carcinomas patients have indicated have not changed “never” have hair growing from them in years—have not bled, ulcerated, or is disproved by FIGURE 3A, which clini- never display crusted, while symptomatic lesions have cally, dermoscopically, and histologically typical ulceration, been the least impressive, clinically, at is a basal cell carcinoma lesion. Some bleeding, and the time of the exam. Always maintain a of the hair seen here is overlying, loose high index of suspicion. scalp hair “caught” in the dermoscopic crusting The clinical types of basal cell carci- field because of the location of this le- noma and their dermoscopic findings are sion on the temple adjacent to the hair- summarized in the TablE. line. But there are also very distinct hairs seen coming out from areas (at about 6 and 8 o’clock) that are clearly part of the Tips for making lesion, especially on its periphery. an accurate diagnosis Basal cell carcinoma and melanoma can mimic other lesions, so keep these tips in When in doubt, biopsy mind: When in doubt about which technique • The “company” a lesion keeps to perform, do an incisional biopsy— sometimes can help in diagnosis. A pa- preferably excisional, but at least a good tient may have a group of small “pearly sampling of the most worrisome area(s). papules,” only one of which may show Suspected basal cell carcinoma, when the typical umbilication that allows a the examiner is confident the lesion is 280 VOL 56, NO 4 / APRIL 2007 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACtICE A new papule and “age spots” TABLE Clinical types of basal cell carcinoma and dermoscopic findings CLINICAL tYpE DERMOSCOpIC FINdINGS NOtES Nodular (including Arborizing (tree-like branching) • Most common type noduloulcerative telangiectasias • Small lesions easily missed and cystic) • Can be difficult to t differentiate from irritated seborrheic keratosis, sebaceous hyperplasia, and numerous other papular lesions • If pigmented, look for findings of pigmented basal cell carcinoma “Wart” on a supraclavicular Dermoscopy of lesion at left, area—note pearly translucency clearly showing arborized of nodular basal cell carcinoma. telangiectatic vessels. Pigmented • Blue-gray ovoid structures • Contain melanin in all or part (sometimes called “blebs” or of lesion “blobs”) (55/97*) • Dermoscopy may identify • Arborizing telangiectasias highly suggestive features (52/77*) to aid diagnosis • Multiple blue-gray globules • May mimic melanoma (smaller than ovoid structures and larger than “dots”) (27/87*) • Leaf-like or maple leaf–like areas FAST TRACK (17/100*) • Spoke-wheel structures (10/100*) The axiom that basal cell Sclerosing, cicatricial, Arborizing telangiectasias • May appear innocuous carcinomas never or morpheaform • Subclinical extension may be extensive; requires Mohs have hair growing micrographic surgery from them or wide surgical excision is disproved Superficial Arborizing telangiectasias • Least aggressive type by this patient • May resemble eczematoid diseases (eczema, psoriasis, extramammary Paget’s disease, Bowen’s disease) *Sensitivity/specificity. Sensitivity is the percentage of basal cell carcinomas that possess the feature. Specificity listed is the percentage of melanomas that lack the feature.1 All discussion of dermoscopic diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma assumes absence of a melanocytic pigment network, the presence of which suggests a melanocytic lesion such as a nevus, lentigo, or melanoma. Note: The primary use of dermoscopy is the evaluation of pigmented lesions.
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