GE Lighting Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamps are the optimal replacement to meet legislated requirements for energy saving. GE Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamps A world of choices in an energy-efficient, long-life lamp Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamps: More choices,more possibilities. Screw in a GE Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent There’s Strength in Numbers. Lamp and forget about it. Years later, it will still be GE produces self-ballasted CFLs in so many shapes, sizes, wattages producing even, flicker-free, high-quality light, and color temperatures for one simple reason: to better serve while steadily keeping operating costs low. our customers. GE’s premium self-ballasted CFLs include the following categories: Spiral® Compact T2s for small fixtures, dimmable T3s, and 3-way T3s and T4s Dimming Products that dim from full light to 5% GU 24 Twist-and-lock plug-in with an integrated ballast Reflectors R20, dimmable R30 and R40, and PAR38 flat lens Decorative Candles, globes, bullets, A-lines, post lights and bug lights Advantages ~ Energy savings: As much as 75% over traditional lighting. Simply switching one 100-watt incandescent lamp to a 26-watt CFL lamp can save as much as $65.* ~ ;^]V[XUT) 6,000 to 15,000 hours ~ Color Quality: High CRI and available in Reveal® ~ ETabPcX[Xch) Broad range of shapes, wattages, and color temperatures ~ Exceptional Performance: Flicker-free starts in temperatures as low as 10° F ~ ATSdRTS\PX]cT]P]RT) Stretch your replacement schedule from several times a year to once every few years. * Electricity cost savings based on using the lamp for 8,000 hr rated life at 11¢ per kilowatt hour compared to ten 100-watt Soft White incandescent lamps (rated life 750 hrs). 2 The New Standard for BT[U1P[[PbcTS25;b GE’s technical expertise, reputation for quality, and long- standing commitment to innovation going back 100 years provides the foundation for a number of breakthroughs in CFL technology. ~ 8\_a^eTSSX\\X]V) GE dimmable CFLs now dim from ;TVXb[PcXeT0RcX^] full light down to 5%. That’s a 75% improvement com- pared to previous dimming to 20%. Existing and new legislation is affecting the industry. ~ FPa\d_) GE Lighting’s Spiral CFL lamps are typically We realize that new legislation means new mandates characterized by warm-up times of 30 seconds or less. and GE is dedicated to helping you understand these Covered CFLs can take up to 180 seconds, however imperatives and offer energy saving alternatives. GE GE’s new Hybrid glass covered with Halogen is Bright has created an informative web resource to explain from the StartTM and reaches 60% lumens immediately. the new regulations, complete with a tool that can help you choose the appropriate energy-saving, ~ <TaRdahR^]cT]c) GE Lighting’s CFL lamps contain a compliant replacements. minimal level of mercury, with some of the most recent designs as low as 1.0mg versus the maximum 5.0mg Visit www.gelighting.com/legislation allowed by Energy Star for lamps less than 25 watts. CWTaT{b0[fPhb<^aTc^2^\T GE is constantly looking for opportunities to improve their existing line of self-ballasted CFLs and to introduce new lamps: ® ® ~ ATeTP[ 25;b) The clean, beautiful light you expect Reveal® lighting Soft White lighting from Reveal®, with the long life and energy savings you expect from a GE CFL. ~ 7hQaXS7P[^VT]25;) GE inserted a halogen capsule in the CFL to produce a covered incandescent-shaped lamp that is Bright from the StartTM with outstanding energy efficiency and long life. Hybrid halogen CFL 3 Property Managers Choose CFLs to Curb Energy Use the volume of For property managers, 2^]UTaT]RTA^^\ATRTbbTS;P\_2^bc^U;XVWc8[[dbcaPcX^] fixtures in the standard office building 20331 21709 is a detail well worth their attention. ;P\_Ch_T %$FA" $F25;A"3X\\X]V Self-ballasted CFLs can dramatically cut %$A5;<8 5;4 $!3EA" ;P\_;XUT 2,000 8,000 energy costs, while freeing maintenance 4]SDbTa;P\_?aXRT $3.49 $9.19 staff for other projects. And with dim- FPccPVT/ !E 65 15 mable CFLs available for special uses like ;d\T]b 755 700 conference rooms, tenants have all the 0]]dP[>_TaPcX]V7^dab 2600 2600 ;PQ^a?Ta;P\_AT[P\_>][h $3.00 $3.00 flexibility of traditional lamps plus the Average Electric Rate $0.110 $0.110 satisfaction of using an energy-efficient, C^cP[=d\QTa^U;P\_b 400 400 environmentally preferable alternative. ;P\_2^bcb $1,815 $1,195 ;PQ^a2^bcb $1,560 $390 CWT2^bc^U;XVWc8[[dbcaPcX^] (on right) Electricity Costs $7,436 $1,716 7E02BPeX]Vb7E022^TUUXRXT]c 0.33 $629 reveals that replacing just the recessed Total Annual Operating Cost $10,810 $2,672 lamps with dimming CFLs in the 20 Annual Savings ' "' conference rooms in a typical 10-story Simple Payback 0.3 office building generates savings of ATcda]^]8]eTbc\T]c 357% $8,138 a year. ecomagination 0]]dP[ZFW{b 67,600 15,600 Benefits of a project like this: ZFW{bATSdRcX^] (52,000) ZFW{bATSdRcX^] -76.9% ~ ;TbbcWP]P#\^]cW_PhQPRZ 2PaQ^]3X^gXST &!"'# 6[^QP[FPa\X]V)2> Reduction (lbs) ~ "$&A>8 2 Bd[Uda3X^gXST (314) Acid Rain: SO Reduction (lbs) ~ CWTT`dXeP[T]c^UcPZX]V" #[Qb^U 2 =Xca^VT]>gXST sulfur dioxide — a contributor to acid (154) Smog: NO Reduction (lbs) rain — out of the air per year Equivalent number acres of trees (7) planted per year Equivalent number of cars (4) removed from the road per year ;P\_BT[TRcX^]6dXST?a^_Tach<P]PVT\T]c0__[XRPcX^] Spiral GU24 covRguard® Reflector Decorative ;P\_3TbRaX_cX^] T2 T3 T4 "FPh R20 R30 R40 ?0A"' Genura® Candle A-line Glass Covered Globe Post/Bullet Shape 8]cTaX^a Spiral GU24 R20 R30 Conference Rooms R 5R 5R Table Top/ R R R 3TbZ;XVWcX]V 5 Downlighting R 5R 5R Corridor R R R R R40 PAR38 Genura® Candle Task 5R 5 R 5R 5R Exterior Entryway R R R R Pathway Security A-line Glass Covered Globe Post 4 5 Dimmable lamp available R Reveal® lamp available Retailers Sell with CFLs Drama. Excitement. Allure. ATcPX[?0A"'ATRTbbTS;P\_2^bc^U;XVWc8[[dbcaPcX^] Retail lighting is literally designed to put ""' 61227 products in their best light, but because ;P\_Ch_T (F?0A"'7P[^VT] !#F25;?0A"' displays can’t be moved easily, replacing (?0A75;!$ "E 5;4!#"?0A"'5; ;P\_;XUT 5,000 10,000 down and track lighting can be difficult. 4]SDbTa;P\_?aXRT $5.99 $8.75 That’s why long-lasting, self-ballasted FPccPVT/ !E 79 24 CFLs are a great choice. Retailers can ;d\T]b 1000 1185 0]]dP[>_TaPcX]V7^dab 4500 4500 choose CFLs in the color temperature ;PQ^a?Ta;P\_AT[P\_>][h $3.00 $3.00 that best complements the shopping Average Electric Rate $0.110 $0.110 experience—and enjoy the outstanding C^cP[=d\QTa^U;P\_b 31,500 31,500 energy savings they provide. ;P\_2^bcb $169,817 $124,031 ;PQ^a2^bcb $85,050 $42,525 8]PWd]SaTSbc^aTRWPX] with 315 Electricity Costs $1,231,808 $374,220 7E02BPeX]Vb7E022^TUUXRXT]c 0.33 $94,240 fixtures per store, swapping out PAR38 Total Annual Operating Cost $1,486,674 $446,536 halogen lamps in the recessed lighting Annual Savings # "' for PAR38 CFLs yields an annual savings Annual Savings per Store # of $10,401 per store. Multiply that by Simple Payback 0.1 ATcda]^]8]eTbc\T]c 1196% 100 stores, and you have almost a ecomagination million dollars in savings, which all goes 0]]dP[ZFW{b 11,198,250 3,402,000 to the bottom line. ZFW{bATSdRcX^] (7,796,250) ZFW{bATSdRcX^] -69.6% Benefits of a project like this: 2PaQ^]3X^gXST '$!"' 6[^QP[FPa\X]V)2>2 Reduction (lbs) ~ ;TbbcWP]P!\^]cW_PhQPRZ Bd[Uda3X^gXST (47,119) Acid Rain: SO Reduction (lbs) ~ (%A>8 2 =Xca^VT]>gXST (23,131) ~ CWTT`dXeP[T]c^UaT\^eX]V%&# Smog: NO Reduction (lbs) Equivalent number acres of trees cars per year from the road (1,063) planted per year (See the Cost of Light Illustration to the right). Equivalent number of cars (674) removed from the road per year ;P\_BT[TRcX^]6dXSTATcPX[0__[XRPcX^] Spiral GU24 covRguard® Reflector Decorative ;P\_3TbRaX_cX^] T2 T3 T4 "FPh R20 R30 R40 ?0A"' Genura® Candle A-line Glass Covered Globe Post/Bullet Shape 8]cTaX^a Spiral GU24 R20 R30 Track R 5R Downlighting 5R 5R Table Top/ 3TbZ;XVWcX]V 5R R R ® R40 PAR38 Genura A-line 5 Dimmable lamp available R Reveal® lamp available Glass Covered 5 Hotels Turn to CFLs to Ensure Guest Satisfaction Guest satisfaction is a key driver 6dTbcA^^\CPQ[T;P\_2^bc^U;XVWc8[[dbcaPcX^] of profitability in the hospitality 41034 ''( industry— and CFLs can play an ;P\_Ch_T F0[X]T !%F25;B_XaP[ 0F !E 5;4!%7C"!G;'!& important role in creating a favorable ;P\_;XUT 750 hrs 12,000 hrs impression. CFLs are energy-efficient, 4]SDbTa;P\_?aXRT $0.49 $2.99 long-lasting, have great quality of light FPccPVT/ !E 100 26 and are environmentally preferable. In ;d\T]b 1690 1700 0]]dP[>_TaPcX]V7^dab 628.53 628.53 the lobby, corridors, and guest rooms, ;PQ^a?Ta;P\_AT[P\_>][h $0.00 $0.00 well-functioning lighting powerfully Average Electric Rate $0.110 $0.110 conveys the message that the property C^cP[=d\QTa^U;P\_b 14,000 14,000 is clean and well maintained.
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