<7^7r:r77^^ri? ■i'g«^.r.^JESrrr-^:rTTfr-TTl|iir edftefeti* = 5 ^ VACATION CROWDS FLOCK TO MISSION HELD AT MANITOH T H R O W HHSH INTO ARCHBISHOP HANNA ; GERMAN CATHOUCS FOLKS SEEKING REST GUTTER TO DIE, WORD LANDS IN NEW YORK; Pray for the Nat’i Catholic EMBRACE CHANCE TO Sueeess of the Welfare Coun. WELL REPRESENTED OF POUCE HEAD TO SAW SOLDIERS EVERY­ Catholic Press News Service IN NEW GOVERNMENT; SET CONSCIENCES A T MEN; KILL INNOCENT WHERE ON JOURNEY PRIF.ST IS SECRETARY EASE IN S E R V IC E S NOT TO MISS GUILTY THRU EMERALD ISLE OF LABOR IN CABINET AT SUMMER RESORT Hoyal Constabulary Members San Francisco Prelate Praises Chancellor Is Layman Who Some Away from Sacraments Testify About Orders French Devotion at Re­ Once Studied for for Years Return to Given by Officer. cent Canonizations. Church. Spiritual Peace. SKUNK IS SHOT HIMSELF HE VISITED HOLY FATHER CENTER PARTY STRENGTH FR. GEIERMANN MISSIONER (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) Commisioiter Smyth of the Royal Iri.-<h (By N. C, W. C. News Service.) VOL. XV. No. 51. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY. AUG. 5, 1920. $2 PER YEAR. A mission held in Our Lady of Per­ Cliicago, HI.—A Catholic priest and a Constabulary, whose speech to Irish po­ Xew York.—The Most Rev. Edward ,1. petual Help church, Manitou, last week, Catholic wage-earner are members of the licemen counseling violence and murder Hanna. Archhi>hop of San Franci.sco, ar- proved that many people who go on va­ new. cabinet of the German republic, oc­ caused several of the constables to re­ rived here on the Baltic, July 24, after cations are not at all averse to working cupying portfolios intimately related to sign, as related in the following corres­ a delightful trip across the Atlantic. The Omaha Jesuit is New Head o f College; spiritually, even if they are seeking the economic welfare of the toilers. Three pondence, was killed in the County Club .■Archbishop went abroad primarily to physical relaxation. The services were other members of the cabinet, including of Cork, July 17. In view of Commis­ pay his ad limina visit to His Holiness, unique because of the number of vaca­ Chancellor Constantine Fehrenbach, arc sioner Smyth’s assassination the full and likemany American prelates, timed Father Brown Goes to Creighton ‘U’ tionists attracted. Manitou is one of also practical Catholics, according to the text of his speech to the policemen as it so he would be in Rome at the time the favorite summer resorts of Colorado. — s o NEBRASKA PAPERS SAY results of research made by the Gcrnian- published by the organ of the Sinn Fein of the canonization and beatitication Two Jlasses were celebrated each Omaha papers this week announced Austrian Relief committee of the Chica­ will be read with interest. ceremonies of -Joan of Arc, .Archbishop Omaha articles before press time proved and New Mexico jnission of his order, morning, one at 6 and the other a t 8, that Father Robert Kelley, S. J., vice unsuccessful. go archdiocese, and madC| public today by Oliver Plunket, the Unganda Martyrs merged last year with nearby provinces. and the church was filled both times. president of the Creighton university, A number of changes are expected to He ■svas preconized as the first Bishop the. Rev. Father Oscar Strehl, 234'2 Le (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) and others, -nhich made May and June Ijirge crowds attended the evening ex­ that city, had been named president of Moyne street, agent general of tlie-organ- Dublin.— Resignations of Catholics such historic months in Vatican annals. be made in the Sacred Heart college of El Paso, Texas, January 22, 1915, ercises also. A number of persons who the Sacred Heart college, Denver. This faculty this year. The fact that the ization. from the police force in Ireland were an The .Archbishop confessed himself as ut but resigned before he was consecrated, had gone to Manitou for their vacations means that Father John J. Brown, S. J., college is now in the Missouri province The priest, the Rev. Dr. Henry Brauns, easily foreseen result of the astounding terly unequal to the task of telling of being succeeded by the Rt. Rev. A. J. were noticed among those at the early president of tlie college here, will go is secretary o f labor, and it is pointed publication made by the Sinn Fein gov­ the beauties of these ceremonies. He de­ of the Society of Jesus gives a much Schuler, S. J. The Sacred Heart col­ Mass. to Creighton, in Father Kelley's place. out that in this position, because of the ernment regarding what transpired on scribed them as simply wonderful, and wider field for transfers than was had lege, under his long term as president, But the regular re.sidents of Manitou The report lacks official confirmation when it was under the old Colorado and powerful and widespread influence ex­ June 17 at Listowel police barracks. ■was especially pleased with the large has been conspicuous for the excellence gained as well as the visitors. There so far, but is believed by local priests erted by the Catholic clergy throughout County of Kerry. Ireland is now divided number of French people who made the New Mexico mission. of discipline maintained, as well as for were several instances in which persons to be true. labor circles. Rev. Dr. Brauns stands as into four police areas by. the British au­ pilgrimage to Rome to witness the ele­ Father John J. Brown is one o f the its scholarly attainments. The loss of who had been away from the sacraments Efforts by The Register to get wire one of the most powerful bulwarks thorities. The area in which Listowel is vation of the Maid of Orleans to the best known priests in the West. For Father Brown, all will agree, is a very for years returned. For instance. Father confirmation from the Provincial of the years he ■was superior of the Colorado against the spread of bolshevism and •situated is commanded by one Commis­ altar. serious one for the Church of Colorado. Peter Geiermann, C. ,SS. R., who preach­ radicalism among the German toilers. sioner Smyth. Accompanied by the head “It must have been gratifying to the ed the mission, saw an old man walking His influence with the masses in the new of the police and military forces of Ire­ heart of the Holy Father to see this up and down the chureli yard one morn­ republic is not dependent wholly upon land, Mr. Smyth visited Listowel bar­ homage /rom the people and officials of ing after the first Mass. He saw that Father Walter Grace Made Pastor and his official jiosition, but come.s from a racks on the date mentioned, assembled France, after all the trials through which the gentleman was having a stniggle, itr long career spent close to the working the police in the day room, and id- the Church has been compelled to pass so spoke to him. classes. dressed them. Part of his address, ac- in that country,” he said. “If you want to get to Mass, there Arvs^da a Parish on Cornerstone Day Constantine Fehrenbach, the new •cording to the divulged account, ran: His Grace was hi Paris at the dedi­ will be one at 8,” lie .said. cation of the Franco-American communi­ chancellor, was intended for the Church, “ I have something of interest to tell “It’s not getting to Mass that worries ty house, which was formerly the Etoile Arvada was announced as a separate W. Ryan of the Fitzsimons hospital, the lectual development. Are jails and peni and studied at Freiburg university, but you, something that I am sure you me,” said the man.” I was at Mass this club, under the auspices and care of the parish by the Rt. Rev. J. Henry Tihen, Rev. Thomas Kelly of the Cathedral, the tentiaries filled with illiterates? The abandoned theology for the law, and es ■would not 'wish your wives to hear. Sinn morning. .And something you said .there National Catholic War Council. Madame D. D., Bishop of Denver, at the corner­ Rev. Walter Grace, and Messrs. McCar­ percentage of the uneducated in them is tablished himself as an'attorney at Frei­ •( Fein has had all the sport up to the has set me thinking. I haven’ t been to stone laying of the new Shrine of St. burg, where he held several local public Foch attended the dedication services. thy and Hatch of St. Thomas’ seminary. very small. The Bishop also showed Confession for forty years.” present. We are going to have the offices and in 1903 was elected to the « The .Archbishop also visited Ireland, Anne last Sunday afternoon, and the Cathedral sanctuary boys attended the that prosperity and wealth, as well, sport now. We must take the offensive. “ It’s easy enough to fix that too.” said but fortunately was not at the scene Rev. WaltijJ- Grace was named as pas­ clergymen. could not be relied upon to bring good Reichstag. Martial law covering all Ireland is to the priest. “Come with me.” And a of any of the outbreaks following the tor. The parish has been a mission of T Atnong the Knights of Columbus pres- citizenship without the aid of religion. As presiding officer of the last Reich­ come into operation immediately. I am short time iater the man felt happier efforts of the Orangemen to expel the the Holy lamiiy church, Denver, of p^t were Grand Knight J.
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