MST PRESS BUR) AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIQN OF THE EVENING HERALD for the mooth of December, 1926, 4,957 State Conn VOL. X U ., ^ 0 . 82. Classified Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, €01^., THURSDAY, JANUARY, 6, 1927. PAGES) ‘ W r TAR M u rderer RUSH WOMEN, ROTA w m . DISSOLVE Culinary Queen TO BE SCRAPED CHILDREN, OUT MARCONI MARIUAGE SEEN IN U. S. ORDERS OFF EmYBODY OF C n PERIL Pact to Be Voidied by Catholic Church on Ground of "Conditions”— ^Recalls Anna Gould’s Case. ACCUSES KEEOGG Blanket Absolution For Ball Hankow Mobs Swarm Over Rome, Jan. 6— ’The petition of; nature of the Imposc^bilUy of . the IN MEXICAN L IR E Senator GugUelino Marcoini that ^is match accomplishing the natural Players Besmirched By British Concession, Hard marriage to the . Hon.' Beatrlcjb aims o f marriage. O’Brien be annulled by the Rota Striking evidence of the drastic Fighting Reported; Amer­ tribunal will be granted, R was limits set to marriage annulments Risberg, Nearly Certain, learned today. The annulment will may be found in the repeated at­ Wheder Asks Senate Probe be published shortly. tempts of the Count Boni de Cas-' Declares Walsh. icans Believed Safe. The annulment will be granted, tellane to have he Rota annul his' it is understood, on the grounds marriage to Anna Gould, now the Of Insdgatkm of Story To Close Ports, Bottling that the marriage contract contain^ Duchess de Talleyrand. By DAVIS J. IVALSH. Shanghai, Jan. 6.— A most criti­ ed a written agreement that if the Evidence in the Boni de Castel- By State Dept Up Liberals; Storm of Pro­ marriage proved unsuitable steps lane case before the Rota tribunal, Chicago, Jan, 6.— Blanket abso­ cal situation existed at Hankow to­ for a divorce might be' tgken by which brings to light interesting lution for players, coaches and day where Chinese mobs swarmed either party. details o(^ a marriage ceremony test Aroused is Senate over the British concession, des­ The Rota officials made it eip- that held the attention of Ameri­ Washington, Jan. b.— A sweep­ managers, past and present, who Harold F. 'Webster, admitted ^ ' ing investigation of charges that pite repeated official assurances by phatic that annulments of mar­ can society more than thirty years , were named in Swede Risherg’s that, he slew his mother-in-law, riages must be based upon evl^i Famed as a .. cook throughout the state department influenced ago, is contained in the Rota rec­ Washington, Jan. 6— Abandon­ strictly personal expose of major Mrs. Catherine Gallaway, at Hemp­ the Cantone^ authorities of pro­ dence of facts or occurrences prior ords in this case, records which Great Britain vis Mrs. Rosa Lewis. the . Associated Press to carry an league baseball, was deemed inevi­ stead, Long Island. Robbery, not tection for foreign lives and prop­ to the marriage--that: the church have become available. From the range,, she rose to o-wnec inspired story regarding alleged ment by the state department oi domestic troubles, as he declared, erty. limits itself to declaring null and Count Boni de Castellano’s peti­ of the Cavendish .-Hotel,; London, Bolshevist acUvitles in Mexico was the last pretense rf neutrality in table to^lay in spite of the fact that and chef to royalty. She. recently is now suspected as his motive. It was reported that heavy street void (only those mar'iages which it tion for annulment was made on demanded on. the floor of the Sen­ the Nicaraguan civil war— reflect­ a further and final airing of the arrived in New ;York. ' , ate this afternoon by Senator fighting has broken out there. believes to ; huve been vitiated grounds that both before and after ed by the. lifting of the embargo on ' blacklisted player’s charges still whenXtoey were celebrated. It was his marriage Anna Gould had de­ Wheeler, DenSocrat of Montana. The British consul-general has arms to the hard-pressed Diaz . was to be accounted for in Judge ordered the evacuation of all also wpaphasized that unhappy clared her intention of divorcing, ■Wheeler nrgqd that the Senate foreign relations, committee con­ Landis’ somewhat semi-public in­ KILL THE DRINKERS! British women and children, and marriages are never annulled un­ forces, and the landing of addition­ three boatloads of these refugees less there is evidence of a i>hysicul (Contlnned on Paga 2.) duct the inquiry and summon Sec­ al American marines to frustrate ner office tomorrow. The prepon­ the advances of the Liberal revolu­ were hurrying to Shanghai today. retary of State Kellogg along with derance of rebuttal testimony tak­ tionists under Sacasa— aroused a DRYS URGE M ELO N Although the American consul has officials of the Associated Press, en yesterday made a general ac­ International News Service and veritable storm of opposition In the not yet ordered the evacuation of FOR GUNS, MAYBE Senate today. quittal of all concerned almost a American women and children, DR. U C K E Y TALKS CONN. INTERSTATE United Press, to learn the truth of the charges. “ This is Inter-'^entlon,” said Sen­ certainty. many of them have left the Biitish ator Borah, Republican of Idaho, concession and are also enroute to I f the charges are proved over It was offered by Eddie Collins, Treasdry Gets Many Letters Kellogg’s recent denial, made in chairman of the Senate foreign re­ among the greatest players of the Shanghai. TO MEN’ S LEAGUE BUS TAX IS VALID Seized Shp Claire Mattien lations committee. “ Under the cir­ Five U. S. Ships There response to a House resolution of modern generation; Ray Schalk inquiry, Wheeler declared, the sec­ cumstances and conditions existing The American legation at Peking and Donie Bush, Chicago and Pitts­ Calling For More Poison retary of state should he dismls-» in Nicaragua it is nothing else.” burgh managers; Ty Cobb, the as reported as not unduly alarmed Profound Mystery; Had “ It is an act of war,” declared j for the safety of Americans in sed. great Georgian whose name has re­ Reads Anderson’s Storf Senator Norris, Republican of Ne­ In Alcohol i Hankow, inasmuch as Admiral Hartford Pastor the Princi­ Constitutional Court Denies mained under something of a cloud Wheeler i.._. pub­ braska, while Senator 'Wheeler, j Hough of the American Asiatic Neither Aboard. as a result of unsustained charges lished by Paul Y. A.,.. .„oU, a Democrat of Montana, asserted that j fleet is at the scene with five that he engaged in a betting coup; pal Speaker at Banquet at Injunction to Concern Washington correspondent for the “ the mask Is now oft the State De­ Clarence Rowland, American American warships for the protec- Washington, Jan. 6.— Public Stv Louis Post-Dispatch, Charging partment’s policy.’’ Wheeler has a League umpire. And, Infact, all ; tion of American interests. Other New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 6.— opinion is divided on the question the state department with having resolution pending demanding the who were named in Risberg’s now vessels were enroute to Hankow Local Chnrck. Fighting IC Tales of the briny deep that have inspired the Associated Press story immediate recall of the marines famous process known as “slough­ of poisoned liquor. Secretary of today. from Nicaragua. ing” ball games. Every one called the Treasury Mellon disclosed to­ echoed and re-Mhoed since the find­ on “ Mexican' Bolshevism.” The It was reported that all British story set forth that representatives To Close Sacasa’s Port to the stand entered emphatic and, day that telegrams are pouring and other foreign women and chil­ ing of the ship Marie Celeste at sea, The State Department, it was Rev. Dr. John N. Lackey, pastOT New Haven, Jan. 6— The state of like a phantom vessel, with her of the three leading hress servic­ in some cases, convincing denials into 'the Treasury from all parts of dren were evacuated last night learned, has given Admiral Lati­ o f the allegations. o f the Central Baptist, church of Connecticut has the constltutiqual equipment in order, the tables all es were called to the State Depart­ mer, the American commander, the country, either protesting from Ichang and Kiukiang, and ment by Assistant Secretary of i Sticks to Story. Hartford and one of the best known right to tax interstate ' pa'ssengei: set for dinner, but without a soul blanket authority to close the ports against the poisoning of liquor,, ad­ that virtually all other Cantonese- State Robert E. Olds, “ on a mat­ Risberg, however, stuck to his held Yangtse ports are being sim­ preachers In the state, was the busses for use of the state’s roads. on hoard, were nearly rivaled 'when at Puerto Cabezas, Sacasa’s capital, story that in September, 1917, the vocating a continuation of the the mystery of the Steamer (jiaire ter of importance.” Olds then told and Rio Grande Bar,) on the east present policy, or demanding that ilarly evacuated. principal speaker last night at the Such is the decision handed down the newspapermen that .the depart­ Chicago White Sox all and sever­ All men from the various points Mattieu remained unexplained to­ coast, to the storing or movement alcohol denaturants be made even annual banquet and’ business ses­ here today in the case of the Inter* ment desired publicity on the. alleg­ ally had contributed $45 each to a have been concentrated in the day. of Liberal army supplies. With pool he alleges was raised to re­ more deadly. sion of the Men’s League, of the state Busses Corporation against W. The Claire Mattieu, sailing, under ed action of Mexico. In “ spreading Bluefields also under American na­ Treasury officials said that most British concession at Hankow.
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