Letters solar system impacts at the time of the Week rocks.’ Those of your readers ter (I offer this process as forming the Flood, but I have several objections to who have considered Precambrian ‘fountains of the great deep’), so in like that. First, it fails to account for the fossils will perhaps recall a proposal manner it was absorbing, not yielding, unique features of the moon. Second, by Wise, that microbiotas existed in sedimentary products. the crater density of heavily cratered the seas by early Day Three of Crea- When did the fossil-bearing sedi- terrains, such as the lunar highlands, tion Week, thus explaining the fossils ment originate? I believe a third day suggests an extremely high impact of the Precambrian.2 Wise suggested interpretation is not acceptable scien- rate. That high rate appears too cata- that the process of continental eleva- tifically, and is certainly biblically strophic to me to have merely caused tion led to deposition of Precambrian extravagant! the Flood. Such a titanic calamity sediments, which entrapped and buried should have taken precedent as the Precambrian fossils in what he calls the William Tompkins instrument of God’s judgment, rather ‘Day Three Regression’. (Re gression, than the water that prevailed upon the as I understand, implies a return of the Toronto, Ontario earth. Third, a general mass of debris waters to a former state or location. If CANADA would be difficult to clear from the so, I hardly think it a suitable substi- solar system in a few thousand years. tute for ‘the gathering together of the 1. Froede Jr, C.R., Precambrian metazoans Wayne has suggested that an inter- waters’ 3 on the third day. Possibly he within a young-earth Flood framework, CEN stellar swarm of debris swept through meant recession.) Tech. J. 13(2):90–95, 1999. the solar system at that time. I concede The foregoing proposal, it would 2. Wise, K.P., Precambrian fossil record, CEN that this would answer this final objec- appear, rests on whether Precambrian Tech. J. 6(1):69, 1992. tion. However, that suggestion is not fossiliferous rocks are third day, or 3. Genesis 1:10b, KJV. as far removed from my suggested Flood sediments. 4. Hunter, M.J., Pre-Flood/Flood boundary in source, a comet swarm. The only In this vein of thought, it was stated the earth’s mantle? CEN Tech. J. 10(3):351, differences are that my comet stream by Max Hunter 4 that: 1996. would have directly affected only a ‘Oard89 [Hunter’s reference89 seems few bodies in the solar system and to be a nonentity] questions the leaves the possibility of a return visit need for geological activity on by the stream. Day 3, noting that the earth was This sort of speculation is only in in the process of being created So-called error in its infancy. It is a real pleasure to have “very good” (Genesis 1:9-13) such fine individuals as Wayne Spen- and that God could have raised Luke 3:36 cer involved in this. It is my desire that the dry land without erosion and my modest proposal act as a catalyst sediment ation.’ I was surprised at the non-caution- to stir up the thinking and discussion I believe that Oard’s proposal ary approach taken by Larry Pierce of others. under examination is not without a with respect to the alleged error in healthy measure of sound reasoning, Luke 3:36 (i.e. that Cainan is a sup- Danny Faulkner and is complimentary to Froede’s quest posed addition in the genealogy Lancaster, South Carolina for a better understanding of the forces through copyist error).1 He states: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that historically formed the earth’s ‘The evidence from Josephus and sedimentary legacy. Bear with me in Gill shows conclusively that the my attempt to verify this claim. extra name Cainan is not part of Psalm 104:8 (‘mountains rose, and God’s original Word, but due to a valleys sank’, a third day Divine con- later copyist’s error.’ The third day struct), tells us that on the first day of Really? Was he there? His Creation, the submarine lithic surface reliance on extra-biblical sources to — Precambrian was as ‘void and without form’ (un- try to correct God’s Word reminds skeletons in the tenanted and featureless), as the water me of another dangerous trend in that composed its swaddling cover. the creation-evolution debate — that closet? From the moment of the all-prevail- of interpreting Genesis according ing command to gather together, the to extra-biblical ‘scientific’ sources. I was somewhat taken with Carl transportation process, unhindered This trend is dangerous and contribu- Froede Jr’s paper on Precambrian by any vestige of flow impediment tory to the undermining of faith in the metazoans,1 in particular the state- was undoubtedly accomplished with veracity and surety of God’s Word. ment, ‘The presence of animal traces the barest degree of superficial lithic Even Dr Morris, whom Mr Pierce within these deeply buried strata turmoil. I have suggested in an unpub- cites, is far more cautionary in his ap- means that they cannot be Creation lished paper that the rising continents, proach to the supposed error. Never though frac turing, were ingesting wa- does he say that the presence of Cainan CEN Technical Journal 14(1) 2000 49 Letters in the genealogy is conclusively an er- fati but neglects to note the cautionary ror. Preferring to allow the possibility nature of Sarfati’s explanation of the of his own error, he instead states the supposed error in Luke 3:36. Sar- following: fati gives a fictional account of how ‘Although the question is un settled, a copyist might have inserted Cainan the weight of evidence does seem without stating that this was definitely to be in favour of the Hebrew text the case; ‘but suppose an earlier copy- as it stands …[the] insertion [of ist…’.6 Although I disagree with his Cainan] in Luke 3:36 is most likely conclusion that the Cainan inclusion a copyist’s error.’ 2 is an error, I must applaud his use of The words Morris uses — ‘un- cautionary language in his fictional settled’, ‘seem’ and ‘most likely’ — are supposition, perhaps something that all cautionary terms and show that Pierce has neglected to do. Larry Pierce replies: Morris approached the topic warily with respect to extra-biblical sources. Craig Savige If what Mr Savige has said is so, In light of ‘the foolishness of God is Geelong, Victoria then we have a greater mystery. It is obvious that the extra Cainan was wiser than men’ (1 Corinthians 1:25a), AUSTRALIA would it not be advisable to accept the not in copies of the Septuagint (LXX) that existed in about AD 100, otherwise Traditional Text reading of the Author- References ised Version for Luke 3:36? The ma- Josephus would have used it. And jority of all Greek manuscripts avail- 1. Pierce, L., Cainan in Luke 3:36: insight from further information comes from Julius able today have the name of Cainan as Josephus, Letters to the Editor, CEN Tech. J. Africanus, (c. AD 180–250), ‘the first being present in this verse.3 Nowhere 13(2):75–76, 1999. Christian historian known to have 1 in the genealogies presented in Gen- 2. Morris, H.M., The Genesis Record, Baker produced a universal chronology.’ In esis 11 or 1 Chronicles 1 does it state Book House, Grand Rapids, MI, p. 282, his chronology (tabulated below), writ- 1976. that these are necessarily complete. ten in c. AD 220, he also omitted this 2 What if God in His wisdom chose to 3. ‘[T]he New Testament text first printed by mysterious Cainan. The numbers of Erasmus and later by Stephanus (1550) and years in his chronology (right column), reveal Cainan in Luke 3 for perhaps a Elzevir (1633) is in full agreement with the yet-to-be-determined reason? Also, Traditional Text providentially preserved in identical to those of the LXX (clearly the inclusion of Cainan does not give the vast majority of the Greek New Testament inflated from the reliable Masoretic 3,4 any ground for an old earth theology transcripts. This printed text is commonly Text ), show that he must have used called the Textus Receptus (Received Text). the LXX — but no Cainan even as late — all it shows (for those who believe It is the text which was used by the Protestant the reading to be correct) is that there Reformers during the Reformation and by all as AD 220! is at least one hole in the genealogies the Protestants everywhere for three hundred of Genesis and 1 Chronicles. years thereafter.’ Hills, E.F., The King James Adam to Noah 2262 Version Defended, The Christian Research Arphaxad begat Salah 135 It borders on the ludicrous when Press, Des Moines, Iowa, pp. 106–107, Dr John Gill states ‘for certain it is, 1984. Salah begat Eber 130 Eber begat Peleg 134 there never was such a Cainan’ whilst 4. Note on Luke 3:36, in: Gill, J., An Exposition acknowledging that the reading is ‘in of the Old and New Testament; the whole Peleg begat Rue 130 many Greek copies, and in the Vulgate illustrated with, taken from the most ancient Jewish writings (nine volumes), London: I think we have more than enough Latin, and all the Oriental versions, printed for Matthews and Leigh, 18 Strand, 4 evidence that would stand up in any even in the Syriac, the oldest of them.’ by W Clowes, Northumberland-Court, 1809: How can he state that Cainan never ex- Edited, revised and updated by Larry Pierce, court of law to show that every single isted without coming against the verac- 1994–1995 for Online Bible CD-ROM.
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