ERDB Newsletter Vol. 7 No. 1 January - March 2013 ERDBERDB celebratescelebrates Women’sWomen’s MonthMonth 20132013 Month Celebration. Furthermore, this theme recognizes top women leaders, as well as their significant participation in decision making, and participation in the political arena, peace-building and conflict resolu- tion. Hence, this has been aligned to Sec- tion 11 (Participation and Representation) and Section 29 (Peace and Development) of the Magna Carta of Women. The celebration of ERDB Women's Next page Laguna representative Ma. Evita |R. Arago (in yellow blouse), of the 3rd Dis- trict of Laguna cutting of ribbon during the opening of Tianggehan sa ERDB held on March 5, 2013 at the ERDB grounds. Also in photo are Asst. Director L.Tandug (3rd from left) , Ms. M. Santos, GAD Focal Point (leftmost) and other attendees. RDB through the Gender and Development E Focal Point System (GADFPS) spearheaded the celebration of Women's Month last March 2013 Photo showing the First Quarterly Meeting of with the theme of "Babae : Gabay sa Pagtahak sa the ERDB GAD Focal Point System wherein one Tuwid Na Daan ". The said theme was in support of the agenda discussed was the preparation of of P-Noy administration’s campaign on Tuwid na a month-long activities for the Women's Month Daan (straight path), as cited by the Philippine Celebration, March 2013. Commission on Women's statement on Women's Dr.Dr. PortiaPortia GamboaGamboa--Lapitan,Lapitan, newnew ERDBERDB DirectorDirector he Ecosystems Research and Develop- tan will focus on the redirection and reengineer- T ment Bureau (ERDB) has a ing of the projects on the Na- new director – Dr. Portia G. tional Greening Program (NGP) Lapitan as per DENR Special as well as the research, develop- Order (SO) No. 08, Series of ment and extension programs, 2013 signed by DENR Secre- activities and projects (RDE tary Ramon J.P. Paje. Dr. Lapi- PAPs) of ERDB so that they will tan took over ERDB’s top post become more responsive to the when former Director Marcial C. call for the protection, conserva- Amaro, Jr. was designated as tion and sustainable manage- the DENR Assistant Secretary ment of Philippine ecosystems for Field Operations. and natural resources. ERDB as In her stint as the new director, Dr. Lapi- Next page INSIDE: 3 ERDB top women leaders honored 4 DENR joins the 1st National Peace Jamboree for Luzon 5 ERDB inks MOA with Avilon Wildlife Conservation Foundation 6 ERDB Kick-Off Activity: Launching of the 2013 Women’s Month Celebration 8 ERDB at the Green Agriculture Trade Fair and Exhibit at UPLB, College, Laguna 8 Dr. E. Rimando at the Intergovernmental TWG on Forest Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy 10 Strategic Planning Workshop Series held 2 Vol. 7 No. 1 ERDB Celebrates Women’s Month …. from page 1 sources (CFNR), ERDB WOMEN's Organization, Month became more meaningful and significant ERDB Multipurpose Credit Cooperative and Local because of the joint collaboration of the following Government Unit (LGU) , the Municipality of Los agencies and institutions, DENR Region 4A, Forest Baños. Products Research and Development Institute Aside from the above activities, a tar- (FPRDI), UPLB College of Forest and Natural Re- paulin featuring the theme Page 9 Table 1. Sex-Disaggregated Data of Participants in the WMC activities Sponsor (s) / Participating No. of Participants Activity Date Venue Agencies/Institutions Male Female Total ERDB Kick-Off Activity Mar. 5 ERDB, For- ERDB; ERDB Multi- 59 236 295 (Advocacy Walk, Opening estry Cam- Purpose Credit Coopera- Program, and Tianggehan sa pus tive; ERDB WOMEN's Or- ERDB) ganization; DENR R4A; FPRDI ; UPLBCFNR ; LGU, Municipal of Los Baños Honoring Top Women Leaders Mar. 11 ERDB ERDB ; ERDB Multi- 50 96 146 of ERDB Auditorium Purpose Credit Coopera- tive Health and Wellness Program – Mar. 12 ERDB ERDB ; ERDB WOMEN 's 14 17 31 Eye Refraction Clinic Organization Seminar cum Workshop on Mar. 15 ERDB ERDB ; ERDB Multi- 25 50 75 GAD Planning and Budgeting Auditorium Purpose Credit Coopera- Guidelines tive ; FPRDI ; DENR R4A Gender Sensitivity Training Mar. 18 ERDB ERDB ; ERDB Multi- 32 49 81 (GST) Auditorium Purpose Credit Cooperative Health and Wellness Program – Mar. 21 ERDB ERDB ; ERDB Multi- 15 40 55 Seminar on Cancer Aware- Auditorium Purpose Credit Coopera- ness and Prevention tive, ERDB W.O.M.E.N., Inc. Health and Wellness Program – Mar. 21 ERDB ERDB GADFPS, ERDB 11 28 39 Lecture on Debilitating Dis- Auditorium Multi-Purpose Cooperative, eases (Causes, Symptoms, ERDB W.O.M.E.N., Inc. Complication, and Interven- tion) Dr. Portia Gamboa-Lapitan ... from page 1 ment as the ERDB Director, she held office in the UPLB CFNR as a professor, associate the research arm of the DENR will also strive dean and college secretary. She was also the to make RDE activities avenues for attaining former director of the Makiling Center for inclusive growth in the country. Mountain Ecosystems (MCME). Dr. Lapitan is Dr. Lapitan graduated at the UPLB Col- also connected with local and international or- lege of Forestry and Natural Resources (UPLB ganizations such as the Forest and Natural Re- CFNR) with a bachelor’s degree in Forestry. sources Research Society of the Philippines, She took her master’s degree major in Tree Inc. (FORESPI), National Research Council of Physiology minor in Biochemistry in the same the Philippines (NRCP), International Union of university, and doctorate degree in Forest Ge- Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and netics and Tree Physiology in Seoul National served as chair/team leader of the ASEAN For- University, South Korea. Prior to her appoint- (Continued on pagePage 12) 12 ERDB News Vol. 7 No. 1 3 ERDBERDB toptop womenwomen leadersleaders honoredhonored Administration and Finance Corazon C. Davis. Dr. Ric G. Enriquez, Director of the Human Resources Development Service, delivered the inspirational message during the program.Director Lapitan was awarded as top woman leader of ERDB with high regard as “Woman with Distinction” and for her professional accomplishments and contributions to Environment and Natural Resources Research and Development as well as in the field of Education. Assistant Director Tandug was awarded also as a top woman leader of ERDB with high re- gard as “Woman with Distinction” and for ERDB’s top women leaders awardees together with Dr. Ric G. Enriquez, Director of DENR Human Resources Develop- her commitment and valuable contribution ment Service (center), male ERDB Executive Committee and to the Bureau in directing and pursuing its GAD Focal Point System Members during the awarding technical mandate in relation to Environ- ceremony on March 11, 2013 at the ERDB Auditorium. ment and Natural Resources Research, Development and Technology Transfer. Ms. Belina was awarded for her commit- roclamation No. 227, series of 1988 pro- ment and valuable contributions to the adminis- P claimed March as the “Women’s Month”. trative and financial operations and management As such, there are several activities required to of the Bureau and for exceptionally sharing and be conducted within the whole month of March contributing her time and effort beyond her duties to observe “women’s role in history”. This and responsibilities as Woman Chief of Finance year’s (2013) theme is “Kababaihan: Gabay sa and Administrative Service Division. Dr. Lapis for Pagtahak sa Tuwid na Daan”. One of the ac- the pride she brought to ERDB for being Scientist tivities of ERDB in celebration of the Women’s I as conferred by the Civil Service Commission Month is honoring the top women leaders of through the Department of Science and Technol- ERDB. As stated by the Civil Service Commis- ogy Scientific Career Program, and for her com- sion (2013), this kind of activity is being held to Page 11 celebrate and recognize their capabilities and strengths as women leaders effecting change in our society. The activity was held on March 11, 2013, from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at ERDB Auditorium, College, Laguna. The honor- ees included Director Portia G. Lapitan, Ph.D., Assistant Director Leuvina M. Tan- dug, Ph.D., Ms. Belen B. Belina, Drs. Aida B. Lapis, Aleli M. Luna, Editha P. Eusebio, and Evangeline Castillo. Each of them re- ceived certificate of recognition specific to their achievements signed by DENR Un- dersecretary and Chief of Staff and GAD Focal Point Analiza Rebuelta-Teh, and DENR Assistant Secretary for Dr. Ric G. Enriquez, Director of Human Resources Development Service, delivering the inspirational message during the program. ERDB News 4 Vol. 7 No. 1 DENR joins the 1st National Peace Jamboree he First National Peace Jamboree with the Spiritual Path. DENR was included in the T theme “SCOUTS: Messengers of Peace” Peace Advocate’s Path and was assigned to was held simultaneously in Luzon, Visayas and discuss the “GO Green and Seeds of Peace” Mindanao (Mt. Makiling, Los Baños, Laguna; which dealt with environment protection and Capitol Hills Scout Camp, Cebu, City and Boy education. The activity was in cooperation with Scout of the Philippines (BSP) Camp Malagos, the Coca Cola’s Go Green and Go for the Real Davao City, respectively). The jamboree started Thing Project through massive tree planting last February 22 – March 02, 2013. In the Lu- campaign with support from the DENR. It ad- zon area, there were 6,000 scout participants dressed the importance of the environment in while in the Visayas and Mindanao regions, safeguarding the very existence of human be- there were about 5,000 scouts who actively ing in the faces of natural calamities and disas- participated. ters. It also tackled human intervention to pro- The DENR team composed of youth co- tect natural resources to avoid, prevent and ordinators and staff from the central office, Re- reduce disaster risks brought about by the im- gion 4A, and ERDB participated in the first Na- pacts of climate change.
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