Arthropoda Selecta 25(2): 183–197 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2016 Continental copepod biodiversity in North-Eastern Borneo, Malaysia Áèîëîãè÷åñêîå ðàçíîîáðàçèå êîíòèíåíòàëüíûõ êîïåïîä Ñåâåðíîãî Áîðíåî, Ìàëàéçèÿ Victor R. Alekseev1,3*, Fatimah M. Yusoff2, Elena B. Fefilova3,2 Âèêòîð Ð. Àëåêñååâ1,3*, Ôàòèìà Ì. Þñîô2, Åëåíà Á. Ôåôèëîâà3,2 1 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya Emb. 1, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia. 2 Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Bioscience, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM-Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. 3 Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Centre, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russia. * Corresponding author: V.R. Alekseev (e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]) KEY WORDS: zooplankton, copepod faunà survey. tropic ecosystems, de-forestation anthropogenic effects. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: зоопланктон, фауна веслоногих раков, тропические пресноводные экосистемы, вырубка лесов, антропогенные эффекты. ABSTRACT. To obtain a relevant information on late antennule organisms was found that possibly re- copepod biodiversity/distribution in continental Borneo flect a negative result of wide artificial hormone-based water bodies in June 2011 about 30 different sites in pesticide usage in this area. Keys for Harpacticoida Malaysian state Sabah were visited and more than 50 species for Borneo and for Eucyclops species known alcohol and formalin preserved samples in nine rivers, for SEAsia, Australia and India are provided. Within 10 ponds, and six near-road ditches and canals, rice practically each copepod genus studied in Borneo there fields and forest leaf litter environment were collected. are forms with problems on species identification by In literature 16 copepod species were referred for existing faunistic keys. This possibly indicates a neces- Borneo and 10 other species for Kalimantan (In- sity of new species description from this area in the donesean) states. After the Sabah sample analyses, the nearest future. copepodspecies richnessin the Borneo island increased more than twice. The most abundant with species num- РЕЗЮМЕ. Для получения актуальной информа- ber genera were ranged as: Mesocyclops (13), Ela- ции по биоразнообразию и распространению вес- phoidella (6), Microcyclops (5), Eucyclops (4), Ther- лоногих раков в континентальных водоемах Бор- mocyclops (4), Halicyclops (3) and Paracyclops (3). нео в июне 2011 г. в Малазийском штате Сабах Species biodiversity in different sites plotted against были исследованы около 30 разных биотопов, в type of water body and several environment parame- которых отобрали более 50 спиртовых и формали- ters revealed significant positive correlations for num- новых проб зоопланктона. Параллельно в девяти ber of species and both for depth and temperature in реках, 10 прудах, шести придорожных канавах и sampling site (Pearson non-parametric tests 0.6 and 0.5 оросительных каналах, рисовых полях и пересыха- respectively at p < 0.05). One way Kruscal-Walise dis- ющих временных водоемах в широко-лиственных persal analysis confirmed significant relationship be- лесах регистрировали важнейшие параметры сре- tween copepod biodiversity and water transparence/ ды обитания. До нашего исследования из литерату- turbidity (p < 0.05). The highest copepod biodiversity ры для Северного Борнео были известны 16 видов values were found in ponds (23 species), near road веслоногих раков и 10 видов копепод указаны для ditches (15), rivers with transparent water (12), low- индонезийской части острова. После анализа об- land or swamp areas related with rivers (9). The lowest разцов из одного только штата Сабах известное для number of species were found in rivers with turbid Борнео число видов копепод увеличилось более water colored in orange with soil-erosive matter where чем в два раза. Наибольшее их число установлено the average number of copepod species (0.2 ± 0.08 для родов Mesocyclops (13), Elaphoidella (6), Micro- species per site) was about 20 times less than in waters cyclops (5), Eucyclops(4), Thermocyclops (4), Hali- without silt particles (3.8 ± 2.8 species per site). This cyclops (3) и Paracyclops (3). Видовое разнообразие indicates a strong negative effect of soil erosion result- зависело от типа водоема и нескольких параметров ing water land-used activities and deforestation in the окружающей среды, что было подтверждено зна- watershed on the biodiversity of aquatic organisms in чимыми положительными корреляциями для числа Borneo. In one sub-urban population of Mesocyclops видов и глубины, а также температуры (непарамет- cf. thermocyclopoides, a trans-sexual mutation of fe- рические критерии Пирсона 0,6 и 0,5 соответствен- male-sized but constructed as male armed with genicu- но при p < 0,05). Анализ Краскела-Уоллеса под- 184 V.R. Alekseev et al. твердил значимую связь между разнообразием ко- particular interest to large size animals like freshwater пепод и прозрачностью воды воды/мутностью (р < crabs or shrimps. The first data on freshwater inverte- 0,05). Высокие показатели разнообразия копепод brate fauna of Borneo were obtained in the end of 19th были обнаружены в прудах (23 вида), придорож- century during the Dutch Scientific Expedition to cen- ных канавах (15), реках с прозрачной водой (12), tral Borneo, when several new species of freshwater заболоченных низинах, связанных с реками (9). Наи- Palemon (Macrobrachium) were described [De Man, меньшее число видов обнаружено в реках с мутной 1898] водой, окрашенных в оранжевый цвет почвенно- Of three cyclopoid species found by Spandl [1924], эрозионной взвесью (0,2 ± 0,08 видов на биотоп). Cyclops strenuus Fischer, 1851, Cyclops (Megacyclops) Оно было примерно в 20 раз меньше, чем в водо- viridis (Jurine, 1820), Cyclops (Macrocyclops) fuscus емах без илистых частиц (3,8 ± 2,8 видов на био- (Jurine, 1820), the validity of identification of the first топ). Это указывает на сильное негативное влияние species inhabiting mainly high latitudes in Palearctic эрозии почв и вырубки лесов в бассейнах рек на was under doubt since it was published [Lindberg, биоразнообразие водных организмов на Борнео. В 1954] and the same critic will be applied to two others одном из пригородов столицы штата у массового hereafter. A very short visit of Humes in 1945 to Borneo вида копепод Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides, было allowed him to specify Halicyclops caridophilus Hu- обнаружено явление транс-сексуальной мутации mes, 1947, which was still not found after him. Lind- особей женского пола, построенных как самцы в berg [1954] from the same samples collected by Hu- строении антеннул (преобразованы в геникулиру- mes in Borneo described Apocyclops borneoensis Lin- ющие), что, возможно, отражает отрицательный ре- berg,1954, later found in many other SEAsian coun- зультат использования пестицидов на основе ис- tries and in Japan [Ishida, 2002; Dussart, Defaye, 2003]. кусственных гормонов. Приведены ключи для ви- Brehm [1953] and Kiefer [1965] later on explored дов отряда Harpactiformes Борнео и рода Eucyclops some Woltersk’s samples of the Wallacea expedition из Юго-Восточной Азии, Австралии и Индии. На- and found or described two more freshwater copepod личие практически в каждом роде копепод трудно species from this area, including endemic-like diapto- определяемых или не определяемых по существу- mid Philodiaptomus longipes Kiefer, 1965, which was ющим ключам видов указывает на возможность never found after the description. описания с Борнео новых таксономических единиц Several species of Mesocyclops were found or de- в самой ближайшей перспективе. scribed from Norhtern Borneo/Kalimantan by B. Dus- sart [Dussart, 1985; Dussart, Fernado, 1986; Dussart, Introduction Sarnita, 1987]. The biggest contribution to copepod biodiversity of Norhtern Borneo was done by Löffler The island Borneo consisting of Malaysia (Sarawak [1973] who collected and identified five Harpacticoida and Sabah), Brunei and Indonesia (= Kalimantan) is species from the island. Three of them, Maraenobiotus the third largest island on the planet with the oldest kinabaluensis, Löffler, 1973, Elaphoidella labani Löf- tropical forest ecosystem, at the same time remains as the one of largest white spots for aquatic invertebrate fler, 1973, Attheyella (Canthosella) silvicola Löffler, biodiversity. The WWF [WWF-Cannon, 2010] stated 1973 became new for sciences and were described that 413 vertebrate animal and plant species have been from Sabah, in small water bodies in vicinity the high- discovered in Borneo since 1996. Aquatic vertebrate est of SEAsia mountain, Mt. Kinabalu. Similar large biodiversity in Borneo is also very rich and includes impact to copepod fauna of Kalimantan states was 160 (19 endemic) fish species, 100 amphibian species, provided by Maria Holynska [2000] who found five most of which are endemic to the territory. In contrast species of Mesocyclops with M. dayakorum Holynska, to vertebrates, aquatic invertebrates of Borneo are poor- 2000 as new for sciences. ly studied and till our expedition, included 26 species In total, 26 copepod species (13 Cyclopoida, 8 of entomostracan crustaceans,1 species of nematode, Harpacticoida and 5 Calanoida) were found in Borneo/ 25 species of decapods, 16 species of polychaetes, 10 Kalimantan before our study, that should be only eval- species of oligochaetes, 51 species of aquatic insects uated as a preliminary data on biodiversity in this group and one species of echinoderm. As the preliminary for such a large tropical island. Such clear contrast result of our study, the
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