Join us oh a Local Gulf War vets hailed at New 'Introductions,' European Holiday Memorial Day ceremonies our 900 singles link Photos on page B-6 Ticket contest, details pg B-12 Details, contest pg B-5 Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river — Nikita Khruschev. Vol. II, No. 22 A Forbes Newspaper Thursday, May 30,1991 233-9696 P.O. Box 2790, Westfield 07091 15 Cents MacRitchie opposes McClure... By Donald Plzzl Jr. Record staff writer McClure said this week that Mac- harmony on the council will continue. Ritchie's effectiveness as a councilman This is just one more example of her On June 4, Third Ward residents will has been diminished severely because he negative campaign." have a chance to put the controversy of has alienated himself from other poli- (Please turn to page A-10) the Republican primary behind them and ticians in town. MacRitchie disputes that vote for the candidate they feel will best serve them. "Ken tends to be a negative person more than a positive person," McClure Councilman Kenneth MacRitchie, who said, "and he has alienated other poli- is finishing up his first term in office, will ticians. I feel I would have a better wor- try to thwart Board of Adjustment mem- king relationship with members of the ber Pamela McClure's bid to unseat him. Town Council." MacRitchie took issue in with Rep- "I'm not the one who ran a negative ublican party chairman Allen Chin in campaign," MacRitchie said. "I merely early April, when he was bypassed for responded to each salvo of her highly the party endorsement, which was given negative campaign. I have been working to McClure. MacRitchie and Chin ex- effectively with the mayor and council for changed accusations in a series of press over a year. Mayor Bagger and I are close releases. friends. I expect this warm sense of Ken MacRitchie Pamela McClure ...as Greco faces Corbet in race By Donald Plzzl Jr. Corbet said that the initial effect of the the concerns of the constituents, and Record staff writer act would be a dramatic decrease in their concerns are my concerns." In this year's First Ward Republican taxes over the next four years, "but once (Please turn to page A-10) primary, Councilman William Jubb Cor- the money is all gone, we'd no longer be bet faces a political threat in the form of able to have money to invest to generate businessman Norman Greco. interest income." Though they agree on some issues, the "We're currently working on, or gues- two men are separated by what Greco sing at the ground rules," Corbet said of describes as "philosophical differences." the act "Our goat is to minimize the ef- Corbet, the council's finance chairman, fects of this." thinks the biggest issue facing the town is To Greco, taxes are also the town's the tax impact of the Qualify Education greatest concern. Act "Taxes are just spiraling higher and He said that the revisions to the act higher," he said, "The increases disturb would "force the town to use up all its me, and the fact that many elderly citi- financial assets, and that would go from zens are being forced out of their homes *>*. the 1991 to the 1994 budget years." of 30 and 40 years disturbs me. These are Jubb Corbet Norm Greco Photo by Diane Matflerd PARADE WATCHERS: Kathy Cecala and her daughter Francesca were among throngs observing Memorial Day Parade in Westfield Monday. Town may collar cats with $10 license Ceremonies honored local Persian Gulf veterans as "America's new heroe." By Donald Pizzl Jr. case of rabies in town was confirmed See page B-6 for more photos and mayor's address. Record staff writer ministered. If the cat has been vac- cinated before, the innoculation lasts earlier this month when a raccoon found A cat licensing ordinance that has al- dead in Lenape Park tested positive for ready been tentatively approved by the about three years, and the license would the disease, A suspected case in March Town Council will be on the council's be good for that time period, was never confirmed, while two cases of CO On the job and on the board, agenda for an initial vote at next week's All licenses would expire on December rabies have been documented in Cran- official public meeting. 31. ford. The ordinance would make it illegal for Following the discovery of rabies in cats over the age of six months who are The licensing will be handled through ZFuhrman 's focus is education local veterinarians, who would be res- town, two local veterinarians urged Ihe not licensed or vaccinated to be let out- town to adopt a licensing ordinance. ""By Stephanie Brown doors by their owners. The cost for the ponsible for filling out the necessary Record assistant editor license would be $10. paperwork. The fee for the license would The council had been split on Ihe be tagged on to the veterinarian's bill. issue, with some members of the opinion According to Susan Fuhrman, the best ree eventually brought her to the Eag- If a cat has never been vaccinated, the leton Institute in 1979, where she con- that vaccination without licensing could thing about the Westfield Public Schools license would be good for one year, be- The council has opted to mandate cat suffice. is the community's support of education; ducted policy research. cause that is generally how long the vac- licensing in the wake of the increasing the worst thing is the danger of com- (Please turn to page A-10) cine is effective the first time it is ad- threat of rabies in New Jersey. The first (Please turn to page A-10) placency. Fuhrman should know: not only is she serving a second term on the Board of New van would help paraplegic regain independence lost after assault Education, where she was just appointed By Donald PIzzi Jr. vice president, she directs the Con- Record staff writer sortium for Policy Research in Educa- tion, a center funded by the U.S. Dep- Before Nov. 4, 1989, two of Shawn artment of Education. McMiller's favorite things to do were The consortium is a joint venture of driving and playing basketball — things Harvard University, the University of he is no longer able to do. Southern California, Rutgers University, "Things like being able to get in a car Michigan State University, Stanford Uni- and just go wherever you want to go, you versity and the University of Wisconsin- just kind of take them for granted," said Madison. It studies state and local poli- Shawn. cies to improve schooling. These things no longer go un- appreciated by UV soft-spoken Scotch Fuhrman said the consortium focuses Plains Avenue man, who was rendered on educational policies and learning, and paraplegic following an 1089 assault. on education finance and productivity. The incident made it impossible for The research includes looking at "how Shawn to return to his job as a driver for states develop systems of instructional a beer distributor, and helped to end his guidance by coordinating curriculum marriage, he said. Shawn, who turned 32 frameworks, materials, assessments, and Monday, now lives wiLh his parents Julius professional development," Fuhrman and Katie, who, along with his brother said. It also investigates "how such pro- and other members of the family have ferarns affect teaching and learning, and taken to caring for him. how they influence flexibility at school; "Our lives have changed in so many resource allocation at different schools in ways," said Julius, who along with his different states and nations." wife, is retired. "Caring for Shawn takes The consortium is affiliated with 25 a lot of lime We don't mind, of course, education associations around the nation. but someone has to IK* with him all the "We study the natural experiment," time." Fuhrman said. "We look at what is being By Shawn's account, the incident hap- done and also at particularly promising pened because he was trying to conic to examples." the aid of his wife's niece-, who was argu- Fuhrman's started her career in educa- ing with her boyfriend in front of her tion as a social studies teacher in Illinois, East Windsor Avenue home. and then taught at a private school in Shawn said that when he tried to get New York City. From there, she moved between Uie two to calm them down, the to California, where she decided to go boyfriend accused Shawn of touching buck to school. him, and pushed him to the street curb. "I wanted a master's in administration He said that two unidentified men and my advisor said, 'You don't want a Photo by Diane Mattterd wrestled him to the ground, where he master's in administration — you want a "IT STILL CONFUSES ME AS TO WHY," Shawn McMlller said of a 1989 assault that left him paralyzed from the was knocked unconscious, PH.D. in education policy.'" chest down. McMiller, shown here with his mother Katie and father Julius, is in need of a van which would help him (Please turn to page A-10) She took her advisor's advice. The deg- resume some of his favorite activities. Arts '. B-7 Calendar B-ll UNICO gives scholarships to Dr. Bernard Goldstein is elected to institute Education A-6,7 Inside ...A-6 Obituaries A-8 nine Westfield High School students. of National Academy of Sciences A-11 Opinion ..A-4,5 The Record Police B-12 Politics A-2,3 Republican GOP contenders in primary Holy Trinity alum Parti Gardner will perform Sharing A-ll this week serve up final campaign statements.! A-2,3 at Garden State Arts Center B-7 Social A-9 Sports B-1,5 A-2 - THE WESTFIELD RECORD - May 30,1991 McClure: Til be a more effective member of the council' Pam McClure, Republican can- campaign in the Third W&rd, I Club, and above all, obtaining ef- "The major difference between MacRitchie ends tour, didate Tor Third Ward Town warmly reflect back on the won- fective representation on Town me and my opponent is his lack of Council, summarized this week derful experience I have had in Council." effectiveness on Town Council," her commitment and her cam- meeting so many friendly people said McClure.
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