C A R D I F F C A T H E D R A L - 14 / 07 / 2019. The Metropolitan Cathedral Church of Saint David. Eglwys Gadeiriol Fetropolitan Dewi Sant. Cathedral Clergy House, 38 Charles Street, Cardiff CF10 2SF. Cathedral Telephone. 029 20231407. Cathedral E.Mail. [email protected] Cathedral Website. www.cardiffcathedral.org.uk Cathedral Choir Website. www.cardiffcathedralchoir.org Churches Together Website. www.cardiffcytuncityandbay.com *** Archbishop of Cardiff: The Most Reverend George Stack. *** Cathedral Dean: The Reverend Canon Peter Gwilym Collins. *** St.Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School. Letton Road, The Bay, Cardiff CF10 4AB. *** St.John’s College – Cathedral Choir School. College Green, William Nicholls Drive, Old St.Mellons, Cardiff CF3 5YX. *** Religious Houses and Chaplaincies within the Cathedral Parish. * The Oratory of St.Philip Neri in Formation. @ 62 Park Place. Rev.Fr.Sebastian Jones (Moderator). Rev.Fr.Alexander Gee. Brother Ambrose. Brother Illtyd. * Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth. @ Nazareth House, Colum Road CF10 3UN. Sister Teresa Fallon (Superior), Sister Nora Corry, Sister Therese Docherty, Sister Barbara Harris, Sister Aquinas MacDonald, Sister Rita O’Shea. Chaplain: Rev.Fr.Sebastian Jones. * Cardiff University Catholic Chaplaincy. @ Newman Hall, Colum Road CF10 3EF. Chaplain: Rev.Fr.Sebastian Jones. *** Parish Safeguarding Representative. Mr.John Fellows. Tel. 029 20231407. 8 *** Contact details for Hospital Chaplaincy. Tel.02920743230 / E.Mail [email protected] Catholic Chaplain: E.Mail [email protected] Catholic Chaplain: E.Mail [email protected] SUNDAY MISSAL: Page 10 & 509. Sunday: Cycle C. Weekday: Year I. Eucharistic Prayer III. th SATURDAY 13 JULY. THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR. ‘SEA SUNDAY’. *** RETIRING COLLECTION – A.O.S.. SUPPORTING THE WORK OF THE APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA, OUR NATIONAL AGENCY THAT PROVIDES PASTORAL CARE FOR SEAFARERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. 5.30.pm. Vigil Mass: Rev.Richard Neil Parry R.I.P. th SUNDAY 14 JULY. THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR. ‘SEA SUNDAY’. *** RETIRING COLLECTION. SUPPORTING THE WORK OF THE APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA, OUR NATIONAL AGENCY THAT PROVIDES PASTORAL CARE FOR SEAFARERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. TODAY CANON COLLINS CELEBRATES THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD. 11.00.am. Mass: Intentions of Canon Collins. 1.00.pm. Prayer Meeting for The Eritrean Community @ The Mostyn Room. *** 1.00.pm. PARISH SUNDAY LUNCH @ THE CORNERSTONE. 5.30.pm. Mass: Intention for the Cathedral Community. th MONDAY 15 JULY. Memoria: St.Bonaventure. 12.30.pm. Prayer During the Day. 12.45.pm. Mass: Josephine Murphy R.I.P. th TUESDAY 16 JULY. Memoria: Our Lady of Mount Carmel. 12.30.pm. Prayer During the Day. 12.45.pm. Mass: Intentions of Spiro & Solin Sueref (Wedding Anniversary). *** 6.45.pm. MASS FOR THE TRUSTEES OF THE A.O.S. (OPEN TO ALL), Celebrant: BISHOP PAUL MASON, Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark, Bishop Promoter of the Apostleship of the Sea. *** 7.00.pm. Meeting of the S.V.P. Cathedral Conference @ Cathedral House. th WEDNESDAY 17 JULY. 12.30.pm. Prayer During the Day. 12.45.pm. Mass: For Vocations to the Priesthood. *** 6.00.pm – 7.00.pm. HOLY HOUR OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS. Readings and Reflections. Evening Prayer of the Church. Sung Benediction. *** PLEASE COME AND PRAY IN SUPPORT OF OUR SEMINARIANS. th THURSDAY 18 JULY. 12.30.pm. Prayer During the Day. 12.45.pm. Mass: Michael & Theresa Collins R.I.P. th FRIDAY 19 JULY. 12.30.pm. Prayer During the Day. 12.45.pm. Mass: Mr.R.J.Hodge R.I.P. th SATURDAY 20 JULY. Votive Memoria of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 10.00.am. Mass: In Defence of the Sanctity of Human Life. 10.30.am. – 4.30.pm. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 11.00.am. – 12.00.pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation. 2.00.pm. – 4.00.pm. Divine Mercy Devotions. 4.30.pm. – 5.00.pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation. SIXTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR. 5.30.pm. Vigil Mass: Ida & Dante Sabini R.I.P. th SUNDAY 20 JUlY. SIXTEENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR. 11.00.am. Mass: Coopey Family Intentions. *** 1.00.pm. Sacrament of Baptism. 1.00.pm. Prayer Meeting for The Eritrean Community @ The Mostyn Room. 5.30.pm. Mass: Intention for the Cathedral Community. OFFERTORY DONATIONS: 5.30.pm. £ 156.17. 11.00.am. £ 406.64. 5.30.pm. £ 112.68. Contributions by Standing Order. £ 250.00. ‘SEA SUNDAY’ – RETIRING COLLECTION IN SUPPORT OF THE A.O.S. Today is ‘Sea Sunday’, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Without them we would not have access to most of the items we buy in the shops. Today’s second collection is for STELLA MARIS (Apostleship of the Sea), the Church’s official maritime welfare agency. It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually. This collection is vital to enable this work to continue. Please give generously and remember seafarers in your prayers. With the thanks of A.O.S. To donate online please visit www.apostleshipofthesea.org.uk OUR LADY, STAR OF THE SEA, PRAY FOR SEAFARERS, PRAY FOR US. O Mary, Star of the Sea, light of every ocean, guide seafarers across all dark and stormy seas that they may reach the haven of peace and light prepared in Him who calmed the sea. As we set forth upon the oceans of the world and cross the deserts of our time, show us, O Mary, the fruit of your womb, for without your Son we are lost. Pray that we will never fail on life’s journey, that in heart and mind, word and deed, in days of turmoil and in days of calm, we will always look to Christ and say, ‘Who is this that even wind and sea obey him?’ Our Lady of Peace, pray for us! Bright Star of the Sea, guide us! JULY EDITION OF ‘THE CATHOLIC PEOPLE’. Please collect your copy of the July edition of ‘The Catholic People’, our archdiocesan newspaper (edited by parishioner Dr.James Campbell), which contains some wonderful photographs of the ordination of Fr.Laurence Bryce. REVEREND FATHER.THOMAS CLARKE. Please pray for Fr.Thomas Clarke who was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Liverpool at his home parish of St.Charles Borromeo on Saturday th 13 July. Whilst he was a student at the Royal English College, Valladolid, Spain, Thomas undertook a month’s pastoral placement here at the Cathedral in January 2013. You might remember him as having served as the ‘Youth Lord Mayor of Liverpool’ during his Upper Sixth School Year. In the autumn of 2013 Thomas moved from Valladolid to St.Mary’s Seminary, Oscott for six more years of formation. We offer him our congratulations and extend the assurance of our prayers. THE CATHEDRAL AND CORNERSTONE HOSTING THE TRUSTEES OF THE APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA (A.O.S.). This Sunday we celebrate ‘Sea Sunday’ when we reflect upon the work undertaken by the Apostleship of the Sea in support of Seafarers and their families. On Tuesday th 16 July we will be hosting a meeting of the Trustees of the A.O.S. At the conclusion of the meeting Bishop Paul Mason will celebrate Mass in the Cathedral at 6.45.pm. All are welcome to join the A.O.S. Trustees for this Mass. HOLY HOUR OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD. Our archdiocesan seminarians have arranged a Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations th to the Priesthood here at the Cathedral for 6.00.pm on Wednesday 17 July. There will be readings and reflections before the Blessed Sacrament, the celebration of Evening Prayer and Benediction. Please come and pray in support of our seminarians and for the nurturing of more vocations to the priesthood within our own Archdiocese of Cardiff. BOOK SALE – IN THE MOSTYN ROOM. A large selection of NEW BOOKS are on sale for just £1. A large selection of SECOND-HAND BOOKS are on sale for 50p. Bargains for everyone! FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE APOLLO 11 MISSION. The coming week will see us celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the first moon landing in July 1969. We should never forget the wonder of that moment when we witnessed human beings setting foot upon another celestial body for the first time. How long will it be before we return to the Moon? How long will it be before we undertake the journey to Mars? As stewards of creation we should explore the horizon so as to expand our understanding and thus draw closer to the Creator. th 16 July 1969: Launch of the Saturn V Rocket carrying the Apollo 11 Mission. Neil Armstrong, ‘Buzz’Aldrin and Michael Collins begin their 239,000 mile journey from the Earth to the Moon. th 20 July 1969: During the descent to the surface of the Moon, Flight Commander Neil Armstrong assumed manual control of the Lunar Module. He took over from the computer so as to manoeuvre the spacecraft towards a safe landing site. The touchdown was successful but with only thirty seconds of fuel remaining in the tank. As Neil Armstrong placed his foot on the lunar surface he declared the immortal words, “One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” When ‘Buzz’Aldrin joined Armstrong on the surface and beheld the vista, he declared “Magnificent desolation.” Astronaut Michael Collins, Command Module Pilot, had no television contact with the Lunar Module and had to be satisfied with an audio link. NOW AS THEN, I LIKE TO THINK THAT MICHAEL COLLINS AND I ARE RELATED IN SOME WAY!!! ARCHBISHOP STACK APPOINTED APOSTOLIC ADMINISTRATOR OF THE DIOCESE OF MENEVIA.
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