<tongrtssional Rtcord United States of Amel'ica PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 98 tb CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, May 26, 1983 The House met at 10 a.m. Bedell Fazio Lehman <CAl Paul Seiberling Thomas<GAl Beilenson Ferraro Lehman <FLl Pease Sensenbrenner Torres The Chaplain, Rev. James David Bennett Fiedler Lent Penny Shannon Torricelli Ford, D.D., offered the following Bereuter Florio Levin Pepper Sharp Towns prayer: Berman Foley Levine Perkins Shaw Traxler Bethune Ford <TNl Levitas Petri Shelby Udall 0 gracious God, we are in awe of Bevill Fowler Lewis <CAl Porter Shumway Valentine Your presence and the majesty of Bilirakis Frank Lewis <FLl Price Sikorski Vandergriff Boehlert Franklin Lipinski Pritchard Siljander Vento Your power. Yet we humbly place Boggs Frenzel Lloyd Pursell Sisisky Volkmer before You our innermost thoughts Boland Frost Loeffler Quillen Skeen Vucanovich and needs, those feelings we hold from Boner Fuqua Long<LAl Rahall Skelton Walgren Booker Garcia Long <MDl Ratchford Slattery Watkins all else, asking that You would forgive Bosco Gaydos Lott Ray Smith <FLl Weber that which is selfish and bless that Boucher Gephardt Lowery <CAl Regula Smith <IAl Wheat which is noble and good. Help us to Britt Gibbons Lujan Reid Smith <NEl Whitehurst open our hearts to Your spirit that we Brooks Gilman Luken Richardson Smith <NJl Whitley Broomfield Gingrich Lungren Rinaldo Smith, Denny Whittaker may be filled with a sense of higher Brown <CAl Glickman Mack Ritter Snowe Williams <OHl purpose and that the goals of justice Broyhill Gonzalez MacKay Robinson Snyder Winn and liberty and righteousness and Bryant Gradison Markey Rodino Spence Wirth Burton Gramm Marlenee Roe Spratt Wise peace will ever be our way. Amen. Byron Green Martin <ILl Rogers Stangeland Wolf Campbell Gregg Martin <NCl Rose Stark Wolpe Carney Guarini Martin <NYl Rostenkowski Stenholm Wortley THE JOURNAL Carr Gunderson Matsui Roth Stratton Wright Chandler Hall <OHl Mavroules Roul' ema Studds Wyden The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ Chappell Hall, Ralph Mazzoli RowLmd Stump Wylie amined the Journal of the last day's Chap pie Hall, Sam McCain Roybal Sundquist Yates proceedings and announces to the Cheney Hamilton McCandless Rudd Swift Yatron Clarke Hammerschmidt McCloskey Savage Synar Young<FLl House his approval thereof. Clinger Hansen <UTl McCollum Schaefer Tallon Young<MOl Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Coelho Harrison McCurdy Scheuer Tauke Zablocki Journal stands approved. Coleman <MOl Hartnett McDonald Schneider Tauzin Zschau Coleman <TXl Hatcher McEwen Schulze Taylor Mr. DEWINE. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Collins Hefner McGrath Schumer Thomas <CAl to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on Conable Hertel McKernan agreeing to the Speaker's approval of Conte Hightower McKinney NAYS-23 the Journal. Cooper Hiler McNulty Brown <COl Forsythe Roberts The SPEAKER. The question is on Corcoran Hillis Mica Coats Gejdenson Roemer Courter Holt Michel Coughlin Goodling Sabo the Chair's approval of the Journal. Crane, Daniel Hopkins Mikulski Dickinson Harkin Schroeder The question was taken; and the Daniel Horton Minish Dorgan Hawkins Solomon Dannemeyer Howard Moakley Speaker announced that the ayes ap­ Durbin Lowry<WAl ~ taggers Daschle Hoyer Molinari Emerson Miller<OHl Walker peared to have it. Daub Huckaby Mollohan Evans <IAl Mitchell Mr. DEWINE. Mr. Speaker, I object Davis Hughes Montgomery to the vote on the ground that a de la Garza Hunter Moody ANSWERED " PRESENT"-5 Dell urns Hutto Moore quorum is not present and make the Derrick Hyde Morrison <CTl Jacobs Oberstar StGermain Lundine point of order that a quorum is not De Wine Ireland Morrison <WAl Owens present. Dicks Jeffords Murphy NOT VOTING-73 Dixon Johnson Murtha The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Donnelly Jones <NCl Myers Akaka D 'Amours Jenkins is not present. Dowdy Jones <OKl Natcher Alexander Dingell Kastenmeier The Sergeant at Arms will notify Downey Jones <TNl Nelson Andrews <NCl Edgar Kemp absent Members. Dreier Kaptur Nichols Applegate Erlenborn Kolter Duncan Kasich Nielson AuCoin Feighan Kostmayer The vote was taken by electronic Dwyer Kazen Nowak Biaggi Fields Leland device, and there were-yeas 331, nays Dymally Kennelly O 'Brien Bliley Fish Livingston 23, answered "present" 5, not voting Dyson Kildee Oakar Bonior Flippo Madigan Early Kindness Obey Borski Foglietta Marriott 73, as follows: Eckart Kogovsek Olin Boxer Ford <MD Martinez [Roll No. 1401 Edwards <ALl Kramer Ortiz Breaux Gekas McDade Edwards <CAl LaFalce Oxley Carper Gore McHugh YEAS-331 Edwards <OKl Lagomarsino Packard Clay Gray Miller<CAl Ackerman Annunzio Barnard English Lantos Panetta Conyers Hall <INl Mineta Addabbo Anthony Barnes Erdreich Latta Parris Coyne Hance Moorhead Albosta Archer Bartlett Evans <ILl Leach Pashayan Craig Hansen <IDl Mrazek Anderson Aspin Bateman Fascell Leath Patman Crane, Philip Heftel Neal Andrews <TXl Bad ham Bates Crockett Hubbard Ottinger 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 14017 14018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE May 26, 1983 Patterson Simon Weiss The Speaker will recall that last overnight and then get to vote on the Pickle Smith, Robert Whitten Rangel Solarz Williams CMT> night there was some discussion over next day. It is a wonderful thing. Ridge Stokes Wilson that program. The gentleman from Mr. MYERS. If the gentleman will Russo Vander Jagt Young(AK) Pennsylvania was not aware that the continue to yield, now in cow pasture Sawyer Waxman gentleman from Illinois was on his language, what is the gentleman Shuster Weaver feet desiring to make a statement to saying? 0 1015 the effect that the Speaker and I had Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, may I earlier concluded that because of the So the Journal was approved. ask the majority leader if the starting situation next week, the number of time for next Thursday will be 10 The result of the vote was an­ Members who were obligated for this nounced as above recorded. o'clock in the morning. or that, that it would be best to have a Mr. WRIGHT. We will go into ses­ program of some consequence Wednes­ sion at 12 o'clock noon next Wednes­ day, but that rollcall votes could be de­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE day, for the benefit of the gentleman ferred until Thursday because the from Indiana and others of us who are A message from the Senate by Mr. gentleman from Massachuesetts <Mr. so diligent that we plan to be here Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced BoLAND> wanted to bring up the hous­ come whatever. that the Senate had passed without ing appropriation bill and that we do Then on Thursday and Friday, we amendment bills of the House of the have a big schedule to meet in June would go in at 10 a.m. We would ad­ following titles: and that we had to take advantage of journ by 3 o'clock on Friday. H.R. 2681. An act to make certain amend­ it. Mr. MICHEL. I thank the gentle­ ments to sections 4, 13, 14, 15, and 15B of So, having made that comment, I man. the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and would be glad to yield to the distin­ H.R. 2990. An act to increase the perma­ guished majority leader in expectation nent public debt limit, and for other pur­ that he would renew his unanimous­ PERMISSION TO DESIGNATE poses. consent request. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1983, FOR The message also announced that Mr. WRIGHT. Well, I thank the SUSPENSION CALENDAR the Senate had passed bills and con­ gentleman for yielding. Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I ask current resolutions of the following We would like very much to renew unanimous consent that next Wednes­ titles, in which the concurrence of the that unanimous-consent request which day, June 1, may be designated as a House is requested: is to the effect that we may have a special day for the consideration of S. 212. An act to authorize funds for the special day for the consideration of bills under suspension of the rules. U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration; bills on suspension of the rules next The SPEAKER. Is there objection S. 379. An act to cancel certain indebted­ Wednesday, the first of June. ness in connection with disaster relief activi­ to the request of the gentleman from If that consent is granted, then we Texas? ties; would roll the votes until Thursday. S. 778. An act authorizing appropriations There was no objection. to the Secretary of the Interior for services We would spend the day considering necessary to the nonperforming arts func­ those bills and debating them and any tions of the John F. Kennedy Center for which required rollcall votes would be DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR the Performing Arts, and for other pur­ postponed for the voting purpose until WEDNESDAY BUSINESS ON poses; Thursday. Then Thursday we would WEDNESDAY NEXT s. 840. An act to amend the Act of Octo­ follow by taking up the HUD appro­ Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I ask ber 15, 1966 (80 Stat. 953; 20 U.S.C. 65a), re­ priation bill, and if time remained in lating to the National Museum of the unanimous consent that the business Smithsonian Institution, so as to authorize that week, then we would follow with in order under the Calendar Wednes­ additional appropriations to the Smithsoni­ the Energy and Water Appropriation day rule be dispensed with on Wednes­ an Institution for carrying out the purposes bill. If it did not, we would conclude day next. of said Act; with the HUD bill for next week. The SPEAKER. Is there objection S. 929. An act to amend the Act of July 2, Mr.
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