r 501 The Tax Assessor met with the Board of County Commissioners and presented his 1933 assessment roll and sat Wlth the Board of County Commissioners as an· Equalization Board for the purpose of hearing complaints and receiving . testimony as to the value of any prop~rty as fixed and assessed by the County Assessor. Resolution being duly adopted that said Assessor and the Board continue to meet as such ~qualization Board from day to day for one week and as long thereafter as it may be necessary, uijtil and including July 20th, 1931, the Cl~rk being directed to publish as information to the public, notice that the Board will finally mt as such bqualization Board on July 20th 1931. ~ere being no further business the meeting was adjourned. ~C?f~ Chairman }' Attest ~U vv '-'~\,.V " V\'VIl~~ The ~oard of County Commissioners met in their office i n the Court House, Orlando Florida at a regular n1eeting July 2 Oth 1931 at 9;30 a. m. Present, Chairman, J.:J Stes, Commissioners, Shearer, Sadler, Tanner and Clarl(. A quorum being present the meeting wa s called to order by t he Chairman. Minutes of the last meeting was read and upon mot ion duly seconded and carried, same was adopted. Sale of Tax Ce r tificates owned by State of Florida on lands in Orange Coun ~ , under Section 42, Chapter 14572, Laws of Flori da. Date of N~ber Description of lands Year Face of Amt Rec- Amt . of ac­ sale by of tax for certf & ommended tual bid for clerk certf. which subsequent by Bd of sale of each sold taxes Co. Cow~s chain of tax ctf.vovering same land July 2 867 Lot 58 Lake Park Hyls. 1927 64.16 64.16 64. 16 868 Lot 59 II tl " 1927 64.16 64.16 64.16 8?1 Lots 1 to 13 Blk E Lake Park Highlands 1927 58.:09 58.39 58.39 July 3, 1517 Be~ . NVl cor. of W-~,. of SW4 of SEi of SWi~Sec 35 tp 22 S.R. 29 E. run E 50 ft S 100 ft W.50 ft N.lOO ft 1926 22 .. 13 15.00 15.00 July 15, 4450 Lots 12 & 13 Blk B Conway Terrace 1926 29.73 29.73 29.73 July 16, 2775 E 225 ft of Beg. 496 ft S & 461 ft W of NE corn of swt of SEt of Sec 2 tp 23 S. R. 29 E 1926 34.06 34.06 34.06 I, B. M· Robinson Clerk of Circuit Court in and for the State of Flori da County of· Orange aforesaid Do Hereby Cert i fy that the foregoing statement is true and correct. B. M. Robinxon , Clerk Circuit Court Orange County Approved _ Comptroller, State of Florida. (Offici al Seal) f5o2 I 'i - . - ,I ------- - ----------- Report of Licenses Issued by the Tax Collector for the month of June 1931 received and filed. Reports of various departments of the county were presented as follows and a copy delivered to each of the Commissioners for their inspection. Social Service department, Health department, .l!ublic ,,elfare department, colored Home Demonstration department, Parental Hone and County Home departments, convict and Road and Bridge departments. The following Hotary Bonds were presented to the Board and approved; Eugene Wise , Surety by American Surety Company D. F. ·.wurst, ff tl American Surety Company Received from Road & Bridge Department the following amounts B. J. Overstreet I:oving machine with trailer Item 2 15.00 Item 3 14.00 Item 8 n.oo $40.oj H. F. dildman Inc Culvert coupling Item 4 2.8 Total 42~ Received from County Judge $10.00 as refund in full of all monies paid b~ the vQow~tf.tWi~~~f~~H~ies serving as a committee and otherwise in the case of the State vs W. R. Williford. Letter received from Hon. Doyle E. Carelton acknowling receipt of certified copies of resolutiom passed by theBoard with reference to State Audit #1438. '/ Letter received from Standard Asphalt Company of Wi nter Park with reference to applying Asphalt on a small piece of road for ·,;. A. Spinney. ~oved, seconded and carried, that the Chairman of t he Board and Commissioner Shearer be and they are hereby authorized to secure the July coupons past due on the Bonds which are in a safety deposit box in The Florida Bank at Orlando, deliver same to 'il. H. Tunnicliffe for collection and obtain proper redeipt from him. copy to Ba nk & I;:r. Tunnicliffe. Chenk received from U. S. Department of Agriculture in t he amount of ~1 ?.50 for rent at county home on ground for expermential purposes. Letter received from H. E. Wheelre1of Apopka, relative to mowing road sides. Latter referred to Supt. of Roads and Bridges. On motion, Resolved, that any and all resolutions heretofore approved by this Board relative to the seining for predatory fish in the waters of Orange County as permitted in Senate Bill #438, 1929, Section 24 be hereby rescinded, and the following resolution be approved thi s day in lieu of all previous resolutions; Resolved, that all waters in or bounding Orange County, except the St. Johns River, is hereby opened to the seining of predatory fish as set forth in Senat e Bill #438, of 1929 Section 24. It being understood that any party or parties desiring to seine in the waters of Orange County shall obtain permission of the Stat e Game Warden or his deputy and all seining shall be directly under the supervision of a l egal , State Deputy Game Warden. One copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to Hon. c. c. Woodward, State Game Wa r den and one copy to Deputy Game warden, James Black. - ---~ 5 0 3 1 Due to the fact that several complaints from citizens Of Orange County has come to the attention of the Board to the effect that proper care and supervision of Kelly Park is being neglected the Clerk is instructed to call the attention of the Kelly Park Caretaker James Wheeler to t hese complaints and instruct him to give such time as may be necessary to keep the grounds, toilets and premises in clean and sanitary condition. Also that he or substitute be present on the Park Grounds at all times, especially all Holidays and Sundays. Unanimously carried. The Board adjourned until 1 o'clock p. m. The Board met pursuant to adjournment at 1 o'clock P. M. July 20, 1931 All members being present. ,----- State Auditor's Report of Individual Tax Certificates in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court received and o~dered spread on the minutes. On motion, Resolved, that the Sheriff be notified that the County has no facilities at the County Home for the care of White persons except from time to time one or more trusties can be admitted. Unanimously carried. Letter received from Hon. ,/. S. Murrow, State Auditor, stating that the matt er of Audit of the accounts of Orange County Bond Trustees incident to the turnover to the Board of County Commissioners would have his attention within the next few days. Moved, seconded and carried, that a warrant be drawn to the order of Mamie Wrig:rt colored Demonstration Agent in the amount of ~ 50.00 to help defray expense of 4-H colored girls trip to Tallahassee A letter was received from the State Auditor that the request of C. P. ~ickinson attorney for B. M. Robinson that Audit No. 1410 be divided into two parts, had been approved and said separation wou ld be made. Ordered filed. On motion, Resolved, that t he Tax Collector be requested to make proper levy pursuant to law for the collection of all owing and unpaid licenses and personal tax. Unanimously carriedl. ' \VKEREAS, the annual budget for the fiscal year 1930-1931 the Excess Fee col­ lections were estimated at $6000.00, and, ·~·,mREAS, the actual collections for l!.xcess Fees to date are ~23, 700., and, WHEREAS, the excess coll ections over and above the estimated collections are available under the Statutes for expenditure, NOW THEREFORE, On motion, Resolved, that the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby authorized and directed to place in the i tern "Excess Fees Fundr' of t he annual budget of 1930-31 the sum of ~no,ooo. Said ~10,000 being now available from funds actually collected as Excess ]'ees, above estimated collections. Unanimously carried. WHEREAS, in the annual budget for t he fiscal year 1930-31 the coll ections on account of ~xc ess Fees were estimated at v6,000., and, ~ (504 --- WHEREAS, the actual collections to date are ~? 23, 700. and, WHEREAS, thru error an insufficient millage was imposed to meet the interest and Sinking Fund requirements for the Old Court House Bond Issue for the fiscal year 1930-31, now, therefore, On motion, Resolved, that the Comptroller be, and he is hereby requested to authorize the transfer of v6 ,000. from the Bxcess Fee Fund to the Uld Court House Interest and Sinking Fund. Unanimously carried. ANALYSIS OF ACT ABOLISHING BOND TRUSTEES. 1, Approval of Depositories 2, Report of Retiring ~rustees (a) All transactions (b) Condition of Funds (c) Collateral, securities and investments (d) Book and records of funds and securities (e) All information requisite and necessary 3, Create, "Department of County Bonds and County Bond Funds". (a) Under supervision of Clerk (b) Provide necessary help 4, (:tuarterly at least, corrnnissioners check, with the clerk, whose duty it is t'o bring to attention of Board.
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