FINEST IN THE FIREARMS FIELD mt ' G " ' '' ' .. ' U" 'f - --. - .- .~ ~ u.. + APPROVED HUNTING • SHOOTING . ADVENTURE THE RIFLEMAN Int RIFLEMAN WHO STUNNED THE WORLD B&L Rifle Sight Varmint shooting is more fu n and more pro­ ductive when your rifle is equipped wi th a B&L sight. Unequalled in optical quality and mechanical ruggedness, all B&L sig hts provide the wide field, brilliant image and razor-sharp contrast you're looking for-they're guaran­ teed fogproof and stay in constant zero. Before you buy any scope, try a B&L-you'll see the rlijf"renrp! ___ the wide held, brilliant Image and razor-sharp contrast you're looking for-they're guaran­ teed fogproof and stay in constant zero. Before you buy any scope, try a B&L-you'll see the difference! ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT THE II .:: . TIME PAYMENT PLAN Fixed power, wi de field 8X va rmint sig ht. Rugged, __ ;:::, fogproof construction. Cross-hair reticle, BaIcote ,:::::,:,: a nti-re flec tio n coati ng. $85 . FREE MAN UAL• Send for m------------------~~~ ---------- -mt tt your copy of "Facts About Telescopic Sights," BALvar a 96-page manual filled with valuable infor ­ a mation about telescopic shooting. Gives full description of entire line of B&L rifle sights. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 20639 Lomb Park, Rochester 2, N . Y. .....::. :.;.:.;.:. ~!'J ~ : l ! ll " Variable power, 6X-24X, target-va rmi nt sig ht. Ta- ,:,:,:,::: pere dc;?~~ ha i r reticle Ys m inute at cente r. W ith:?? from $129.95 Amodel for COlTSMAN High Power Rifles, in 3 models. every shooting .243;.308; 30-06;.300 Mag.Coltmasterscopesoptional. purpose! $19.95 scopes from $9.75 COLTEER 1-22. Sin gle Shot. .22 short, long, long rifle, sta ndardor highspeed cartridges. Coltmaster scope optional. COLT...WORLD'S GREATEST NAME IN GUNS ·........ ... ............... .......................................... ' . .... : : . : .... : $67.85: $78.25 : POLICE POSITIVE SPECIAL.: COMMANDER. $46.75 : .38 Special; .32 New Police. : .45Auto; .38 Super Auto ; 9 m/m HUNTSMAN•.22 Long Rifle. : 4/1 and 5/1 barrels.WI., (.38) 23oz.: Luger.4W' ba rrel. WI. , 2 6~ oz. 4W' and 6/1 barrels. Wts., 30 : Sights: Fixed. : Sights: Fixed. and 31~ ozs. Sights : Fixed. · . '.' . · . .... · . · ·.· . · · . ·.· . · : $67.85 : $78.25 : DETECTIVE SPECIAL.: GOVERNMENT MODEL .45. $125.00 : .38 Special;.32NewPolice. 2/1 barrel. : .45 Au to. 5/1 barrel. WI., 39oz. PYTHON•.357 Magnum. 6/1 barrel. : WL 21 oz. Sights: Fixed. • $.izh1$ : Fixed. WI.. 44oz. Siahts : Ad iustable rear. • DETECTIVE SPECIAL. GOVERNMENT MODEL .45. \\1 $125.00 - .38Special; .32 NewPolice.2/1 barrel. .45 Auto. 5/1 barrel. WI., 39oz. 1 PYTHON.. 357 Magnum. 6/1 barrel. Wt., 21 oz. Sights : Fixed. Sights : Fixed. Wt., 44oz. Sights: Adjustable rear. : . ... ........... ... .....................: .... .... .......•...•••....•••••..... ~ •••.•.... ••..•.•.......•.......•.....: · .... · .... ··.. : $71.50 .: : $84.50 • : COBRA..38Special; : $78.25 : WOODSMAN MATCH TARGET. : .32New Pol ice. • SUPER .38. .38Super Auto.• .22 Long Rifle. 4W' and 6" barrels. 2", 3/1 , 4" and 5" barrels. 5" ba rrel. Wt. , 39oz. Wts. , 36and 40ozs.• WI., 19oz. Sights: Fi xed. Sights :Fixed. Sights: Adjustable rear. • · '.' " .." ." ."""" " ."""".'.: · .... ··.... · . :; " ·:. : 3 :. $7015 · ·: $75.00 .: $49.50 .: OFFICIAL POLICE. · ·. .38 Special; .22 Long Rifle. · : THREE·FIFTY·SEVEN •.357 Magnum.: FRONTIER SCOUT. : Barrel lengths: 4",5" and 6" in.38; · : 4" and 6" ba rrels. Weights : 36 and : .22 short, long and long rifle. : 4" and 6/1 in .22. Wts., (6" barrels) : · ·: 39 oz.Sights: Adjustable rear.. : 4W' barrel. WI., 24oz. .: .38,35oz.; .22, 38oz. Sights : Fixed. · ·........ ... .. .... ............... .. .."".... " " " " " "" " " """." .. """.. "" ·" Other military, police ana target mocle/s ana a full line of bolsters also available. COLT'S PATENT FIRE ARMS HARTFORD 15, CONN., U. S. A. ONLY AT REGISTERED COLT DEALERS GUNS • MARCH 1959 3 01vw ~'y FASTDRAW' HOLSTER BLACK or D e signed a n d NATURAL m an u f a ctured by Arvo Ojala, Sin gle the " to p gun" of $39.50 Ho llywoo d ­ plain I ns t r uctor a nd t ech. advisor t o Double most of leading By AL FREELAND $59.50 vVestern TV and Champion Rifleman & Riii esmitli pl ain m o v i e s tars. OR TARGET SHOOTING my favorite is th e th e BSA Martini .22 match rifle, Your Fast Dra w Ho ls te r is metal lined ; because I can hit with it. At Camp P erry last summer I won th e Dewar Course cus to m made. When ordering send y our F w a i s t and hip m eas u r em e n t s - a lso Iron Sight event and th e 50·yard Any Sight mat ch, placed second in th e 50 meter your g u n m a k e, calibe r a n d bar rel Any Sight and wound up sixth in th e Any Sight Aggregat e. I lik e thi s BSA rifle len gth. E nclose full a mo unt plus $1.0 0 (p ost. and in s. ). Send 23 % dep osit w it h beca use it is short coupled so I do not have to get out of positi on between shots. orde r on COD' s. I can spot, load, and fire for record without losing my original hold and I find SATISFACTIONGUARANTEED the dropping lever gun a con veni ent type to load. For consist ent accuracy over the HOLLY'VOOD F AS']' DIlA'w HOLSTER year s, th e Martini system has some advantages in wear ing better than bolt ac tions. 4126 Lnnkershlm m va., It holds headspace bett er, since th ere ar e fewer surfaces to wear in th e Martini, North Holl'""'oo(l, C nlifornin POIJlnr 0 -8721 S'l'nnle,- ;-7S.l4:J than in a bolt rifle. We have found in tuning these rifles for match work that it is best to have the forearm bedd ed snugly for about six inc hes from the receiver and then, if a bedd ing system is fitted, to relieve the stock from about an inch forward of the stock-barrel screw, up to th e bedder at the forend. That way we ~ YOUR INNOCENT can ad ju st the bedd er and improve the grouping of the barrel. A stock properly ' 'lL...PROTECTOR bedd ed thi s way, we have proved, will not change impact from cold to hot barrel, POIJlnr 0 -8721 S'l'nnle,- ;-7S.l4:J thail in a bolt rifle. We have found in tuning these rifles for match work that it is best to have the forearm bedd ed snugly for about six inc hes from the receiver and then, if a bedd ing system is fitted, to relieve the stock from about an inch forward of th e stock-barrel screw, up to th e bedder at the forend. That way we YOUR INNOCENT can ad ju st the bedd er and improve the grouping of the barrel. A stock properly bedd ed thi s way, we have proved, will not change impact from cold to hot barrel, PROTECTOR during shooting. THE HIDE·A·WAY DAGGER A miniature version of the sw or d ca ne . This ca n be left ca sually lying a bo ut the h ouse with only few knowing t ha t wi thin its r ich go ld en leathe r wrapping s li es a deadly I S" s teel dag g er; ex te nding 5" into the handle MY a nd 26" ov er a ll len g th. $3 .93 P .P. or C.O.D. plus shipping. B & J LEATHER COMPANY FAVORITE P.O. Box 990. BROWNSVILLE 18. TEXAS GUN By PAT McMURTRY Rank ing U. S. Heavyweight HORTLY after I fou ght S George Chuvalo, th e Can a­ $2 dian heavyweight champion, my SPECIAL OFFER: Both Fox C alls Plus father and I went hunting in $2 Instruction Record (78 or 45 rpm)ONlY $5 th e Northwest's Blewett Pass Surefire unbreakabl e BURNHAM cn tf s teetu rert In A ug '56 TRUE " T he CR ITTERS C o me When CALLED to Burnham area. Out of th e brush popped Cfl.I1 ~ lured up 121 FOl{. 33 Racc o on s, 156 C o yot es , 11 Bobcat, 42 Deer . a nd hundred s o f Ha wk s a nd Eagl es on th eir dry run. a deer about Chuvalo's same Th o u sands 01 th es e cal ls In use every ..... her e Letters tell us of weight-nearly 200 pounds. My a maz ing results-"Very fir st li me I u sed your call I call ed up 5 Coyoles"-P T C .• New M& KICO. BURNHAM calls mu st g ive Hu sqvarna .30-06 lightweight you c l o se shot at abo ve mentio ned gam e or your money back! rifle weighs only 6 V2 pounds. FREE Calling Stor ies and best instr uct ions 50 yeors of ca lling But it did th e job. I onl y wish expe rience can prod uce. I had th e hefty punch of thi s Dealer Inqui ries Invited Husqvarna lighty. It's definit ely THE COVER Pictured on the cover are rifles HE American Revolution was a popular from the past and for the T revolution. It differed from more recent fut ure. Remington 's nylon types in that there was no mass defection sporter is the start of a new of government troops, no pal ace coup by tradition. The Sharps are echoes military junta. The people formed their own of an old one. The middle gun mil itia, took their own guns to war.
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