HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1900. SIXTEEN PAGE 3. PRICE FIVE CENTS; PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ,t4 MrvfK AND iNVKdtMfcKTa. f , ca-j- THE r!j-r.- roND di Bide; CHRONOLOGY OF THE PAST YEA-R- " ATTonNBTa. ,1;, JWM.-nihj.-- fvr. Ai and , J J iMi'HI. - unirt phk W West RECORD OF LOCAL EVENTS OF tr ; Ti. i 1000 ,n.S r'u xkt. Ring an-- l Bth Bta, The. following chronological record of throughout the city. Citizens Sanitary FiBaUABY. timely arrival of the Iroquois' powerful ! mill, as also Paia, will endeavor to save a -- Attorney and Notary kM to v,Sr An- - pump. as much of it as Is possible. Two sus- rb the year 1900 is copi-- d from jucceWomnutce-estaUi- h h.ouse J?00 Feb. lat Noon wedding at St. nation bv inspectors a drew'a cathedral of Dr. Walter Hoff 26th Death at Waikiki of Solly Wal pected cases crop up to maintain the numberi of Th Friend, th- - liv- - ters, HNOMIt AT. Attorn-- y. Notary cldeit 16th Death of Mrs. Boardman casts a mann and Miss Katherine McNeill. a well known San Francisco news Sunday record. jM tnmi-!i.nr- - tr Nw Torh I lag periodical la tbe Island. gloom over the city. Block 9, bounded Three Japanese crushed to death at the paper artist, recently arrived for our 26th Miss Mary.Krout delivered the J rl . Mrenani sc.; i U Mia M. by Berctania, Smith, Pauahi and Mau-nak- ea Pioneer mill, Lahaina, by the fall of a climate benefits. first of her course of lectures at Pauahi JANUARY. streets, burned by order of the MARCH. Hall. Punahou, which was well attend- tit T. rETKHBON.-- lJ Kaahumaou inolasaes tank. Jan. lt New Year's day. The Ad- Health authorities, 2nd J. Weir Robertson is stricken March 1st Honolulu's rainfall for ed by an Interested audience. il- - 27th Young Men s vertiser tties an exceptionally fine irth Three more claeue victims and with the plague and becomes the first February was but 1.14, and for the past 1 Concert at the - Association hall for the bene I'HYBICIANis. Ilmtratcd Holiday number of twenty one suspect case comprise the day's re- patient treated with the Pasteur serum, four months, our usual rainy season, it (Christian ' Society was Ai ui.ii. iiomApiiti Pro--1 ngni rages, replete with Hawaii s pat. cord. More of Chinatown is con- - recently received through the Marine was only 4.30, a deficit of 15 Inches from fit of the Hawaiian Relief I 0. - Pi-U- attention gtven to l preent and future. Plague infected ' demned for purification by fire. Hospital Service at Washington. In the average amount for the period. well rendered and largely attended by trm ifflc and an appreciative audience. Armstrong I it.., ri.lnrbai!dinscs on Maunakea Jtreet burned by 19th Half of block ll, and infected his caie, however, it falls to prove eff- Another white "suspect" case, which .IK: direction of the Health authorities. icacious and he succumbs two days eventually proves other ailment, does Pmith resigns from his school worlc to inprn n'l'fii murv. u iib ti s. n. rn 1 stable in King stree: near Likha, burned. go abroad for medical study. Uncalled , evfni" mettin of the Board serious damage to prominent business m.; Sundays.""!130 to l7It'trU,n btart-e- l. later. ?t 20th Condemned l!ock IS tire persons In proximity to t, n ; Tel. 733, i 01 ncaim at wiucn me cabinet ana 2 4th A welcome rain gladdens Hono nterests and continues the plague anx for arrests of number of were near Kaumakapili church, and in proves general Salvation Army street meetings create prominent cititn pitc etTort to save the lulu and throughout iety. .A 9 c M. -. I Dra;- - of strenuous a in town not comforting to the LKVKUANn, D.Omc- present to consider the situation. t...:i.': .i.- - ... I... ,u I :.. Oahu. 2nd The police neatly capture a breeze 4 t.nt l hours, I It U a. m., I to (.. making police department. - v: - v ,,s"v "v I 5th A new attempt at brick treet robber. Honolulu Microscopical i m.. Tt C3. their send fire brandi. to 28th Wholesale business houses Join I c ity promise of early es organized, with Dr. Sloggett and Two suspect cues di covered. which, getting beyond ne in this has the Society monthly settle- ut,t.r ytks tablishment with machinery from the president and E. C. Shorey secretary in the movement for area extended. Another trcj mjke, a ckan ,c-ervo-f Chinatown ment of accounts Instead of quarterly, t fcinmn Bt. : hour. I to It a. tn.. Chinatown section condemned to be).,, wunjnu trram and the water front. Cuast. samples of bricks made abroad and treasurer. tir1 p. very as heretofore. to m.; 7 Ji to m p. m. : -- n i from Island clay being. satisfac f.th Pad news received of the sudden I i Ttl burnt (.itien Committee report 1 lonolulu Iron Work narrowly escape 29th A sick Japanese suicides In an :. Tel. Whlto UOt. propo-e- j - tory. Of three new plague cases one is death, in New York, of H. Waterhouse, ri lnr srlection of a site for qturan- destruction. Many citicn volunteers empty Kamoiliili. A number on side of Iwilci. a white employe of the Pantheon eta Jr., on the 22nd ult. Annual meeting house at OAt.nrtAiTii. oftic t- - tine barracks the Lwa ,jj ti,c authorities in the preliminary i j and controls bles. Annusl meeting and election of and election of officers of the Hawaiian of citizens meet and tak H r tw'unla and A lake Bta. jrd Furttier susrjeious eajes deve'.orv--1 homeless hordes of this cnaranrincd steps for the organization of the "Re- 1 T officers of the Pacific Club. Belief Society. hi.ir, to I to I and to 1 ing. the Board of Health place J bection and marchirg tl.oin to temporary Honolulu." Mrs. F. the entire Portuguese t 6th The Board of Health offers a re publican Party of a J4. iudicial di t of Honolulu strict Kawaiihao church and 7th Death of at Lowrey holds a Japanese loan exhi- net under rhec of hc!tcr. Queen's Hospital from an accident at ward of $100 to anyone not an employe J. quarantine, ind ail pcr.-on-.i are forbid- - ground received over 5,000, some ot bition for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid i a. w. jortK.-or- nv I n'.ajitatlon by falling between the of board for every genuine plague tui rort Bt: - . ...... n - . rn , r.i m flfflTlJ llV Kwa the appealed to 1 den to leave the city without perru- Society, which successfully I r m , 1 t 4 and 7 to p. Burning 'of the reported. I . nieht-fal- cars of a leaded train. case . t i J I') a, US, sion l as space was found. Then taste of Honolulu-- .horltuhlv iiuUt, to m.; TL infected premises. 8th-- An employe of the Electric the art Company's feeding and clothing of the Pantheon Uht jdlsposPd.-Fa- to a 4tli Wilder Steamship came the o. Injuries by falling tal accident JP fc T M'T rxnro th The Board of Health decides to sustains serious mura. iva Nuuano new steamer Kaiulani, arrives from San multitude, in which, service a sympa Love build- - irrom masting ai the Diamond Head W a throughout through the skylight of the i-- i Ti WMn ire, mro I to govern- -' inaugurate rat crusade . hour, . n . 1 . n .... v . m , thetic public generously aid the resprvnl f. 1 1 v - I to and I to p. m., otcopt .- 1 city. attempts it: ..t -i - i...:i t... ' . fatality or serious personal the ''B- evnnr' itiin, uiiciru t'limiiiiK uuuiiu. 'i num. 20 received of a plague out IMh-- The week closes with area recM rkin.. , Four plague.i death ccur today, making injury reported for the day. 10th News 1, own break at Kahului. Maul, four deaths ord of crime. Two stabbing anray., Bntwm. bnt 1 t;u:it-- . M.n r.r: Tar. Not a total of nineteen since it firt 2 1 t Death of James Dodd, a well having oovrred. Drs. Wood and Gar l Tl'f"t rtt St., known citizen of many years residence. ' Ullt. otP. leave per steamer Kauai to investl W (' A. : vin hour to 13. 3 to 4:10. 5th Dr. C. B. Wood succeeds Min The Advertiser get out a Sunday edi- gate and aid. since died. Both assailants "i ... lot; I to II. 1 to 4. i Cooper a of "passing whom has -- .um)r(sslon of 1 ter the President of the tion with a full account the re police ana to avow T State tltfi Church services resumed, were secured by the "e Cleveland arrived at c om and Board of Health. Council of of Chinatown." Ladies of the city form against public assemblies by r wATr.rmouaK. votes $70,000 for the work of suppres- bees," make up gar- strlctions and MUUr Vta. : of-- various "cving to the health authorities being removed. '. rrntaI 11 a. 1 to 1 7 sing the pUgue. S. S. Monna from the needy. ,.. tlon. it m.! and to ment for the 13t1 Report .of a case of plague at to tne Pr. , . T-- l. Franct-o- , Pre station tm another slashing affray i . WMto Colonies en route for San re- bu-inc- ss 22m Merchants acne on Hilo In the death of Mrs.
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