ISSN 2577-6460 (Print) ISSN 2577-6479 (Online) Journal of Metaphysical Thought Volume I | Issue 1 July 2018 Mindful Services, LLC Emory, VA JOURNAL OF METAPHYSICAL Contents THOUGHT FRONT MATTER ISSN: Page 5 2577-6460 (Print) Editor’s Note 2577-6479 (Online) Chris Anama-Green Call for Articles (Volume I, Issue 2) Page 7 Published by: Editorial staff Mindful Services, LLC P.O. Box 155 Emory, VA ARTICLES Editor-in-Chief: These Perilous Times Page 8 Chris Anama-Green Joanna Neff [email protected] The Power of Forgiveness to Heal Page 16 Relationships Editorial Board: Jenine Marie Howry D. Ann Gordon Scott D. Vaughn The Misunderstanding between Page 24 Colleen D. Fletcher Schizophrenia and Clairaudience William M. Sloane Philippa Sue Richardson Cover: East-meets-west: How the Dhammapada Page 28 Courtesy of Canva Influenced the New Thought Movement Chris Anama-Green Aims and Scope: With an emphasis on practice- PERSPECTIVES based and research-based articles, the Journal peer Does Reincarnation Matter? Page 34 reviews and publishes practice- J. Joy Maestas based articles, case studies, editorials, original research, A Metaphysical Perspective on Prayer Page 36 "brief" articles, and reviews. Cindy Paulos Journal of Metaphysical Thought covers a range of disciplines, including metaphysics, consciousness studies, New Thought principles, spirituality, and metaphysical theology. Journal of Metaphysical Thought is published by twice each year. Unless otherwise stated, all articles in this publication are licensed under a Cre- ative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. We ask that you credit the author and the journal when sharing any article in this issue. www.metaphysicalthought.com The articles in this journal are thoroughly reviewed and edited prior to publica- tion. We make every attempt to ensure that the information we publish is accu- Volume I, Issue 1 rate. However, the neither the editors nor publisher hold any liability for work July 2018 published by the Journal. The views and perspectives of authors expressed in this journal do not necessarily mirror those of the editors or the publisher. Journal of Metaphysical Thought Editor’s Note CHRIS ANAMA-GREEN Dear reader, Thank you for taking the time to read this inau- reason versus practical and applied metaphysics gural issue of the Journal of Metaphysical guided by inner wisdom and intuition. For two Thought. The concept for this journal came fields that share the same name and overall pur- about due to the lack of modern peer reviewed pose, they couldn’t be more different. Over publications that address “practical” meta- time, the “ivory tower” has adopted the philo- physic. There are, however, several profes- sophical understanding of metaphysics, resign- sional journals that focus on metaphysics from ing practical and applied metaphysics to the a purely academic and philosophical perspec- fringe of human experience. This is, of course, tive. The gap between this form of high-minded nothing new in the grand scheme as mystics and academic thought and the applied metaphysics spiritual seekers who “go against the grain” practiced the world over is, to say the least, sub- have often been quiet practitioners. stantial. Academic metaphysics anchored in However, in this time of Aquarian awaken- philosophical logic and reasoning, while useful ing many practices and concepts once kept se- in its own right, leaves little to no room for di- cret have gone mainstream. The Law of Attrac- vine inspiration. From a practical metaphysics tion (just one of many universal laws), medita- standpoint, it is the divine spark within us that tion, and mindfulness practices are great exam- awakens our inner wisdom and, when guided by ples. Yet practical and applied metaphysics re- our own intuition, makes metaphysical practice mains something deemed not quite “good special and “unquantifiable.” enough” for traditional academia. That, too, is Modern metaphysics as practiced by mys- slowly changing as a new and old universities tics and spiritual seekers around the world often alike adopt metaphysical principles into their does not follow logic, nor is it bound by a rea- curricula. We may never see metaphysics son-based understanding of the universe(s). As properly regarded for its transformative power any student of meditation knows, wisdom and in our lifetimes, but for now we can trust that ideas come from within often when most those who are destined to discover metaphysics needed to help us make sense of our lives and now have ample opportunity to do so. experiences. (Not necessarily when most The Journal of Metaphysical Thought en- needed to meet a publish-or-perish deadline.) ters the picture to somewhat “bridge the gap” so Over time, with dedicated practice, a “big pic- to speak in mending the separation of theoreti- ture” spiritual understanding of life slowly cal and applied metaphysical fields in profes- emerges. “Going within” to answer life’s ques- sional literature. Metaphysical practitioners tions might seem counterintuitive to one dedi- need an avenue (multiple avenues, really) to cated to the life of the mind. And yet, metaphys- share their work and perspectives, driven by ical practices in their many forms have power- that tiny but mighty divine spark, inner wisdom, fully improved the lives of many. and intuition. To share our work in a profes- And so, the separation arises: academic sional manner, we must adopt some of the prac- metaphysics anchored firmly in understanding tices established by traditional academic pub- life, consciousness, and God from a third-di- lishing. However, traditional academic publish- mensional perspective anchored in logic and ing is plagued with challenges ranging from Journal of Metaphysical Thought Volume I | Number 1 (July 2018) 5 of 40 counter-productive peer review processes to registration required) via our website “pay-to-publish” schemes to outright falsifica- (www.metaphysicalthought.com). Unlike tion of data and research. (And they call us many other “open access” journals, we never “woo woo.”) The examples are endless. And charge authors a fee to submit their work. For yet, some of these principles are good in theory. those interested in print copies of the journal, Every discipline needs benchmarks to ensure, printed issues of journals may be ordered online encourage, and reward high quality work (while for a nominal fee. weeding out plagiarism and sloppy research). We rely 100% on volunteers to edit, design, To produce a high-quality publication, the peer review, and write articles. As such, if after Journal of Metaphysical Thought has adopted reading the journal you are interested in con- the following guidelines for the publication of tributing some of your time to our cause, please articles. Authors are welcome to submit articles feel free to contact the editor (editor@meta- representing any theme that falls within meta- physicalthought.com). physics, consciousness studies, or New This issue contains articles from a variety of Thought (with or without a religious perspec- perspectives to provide a taste of what’s to tive). To account for the diversity of topics and come in future issues. Our next issue (Decem- needs, the Journal accepts research articles, ber 2018) will be themed “metaphysical heal- “brief” articles, “practice-based” articles, case ing” and will include articles focusing on a wide studies, reviews (of literature or books), and spectrum of modern techniques. Full submis- “perspective” articles (similar to guest editori- sion guidelines are available at www.metaphys- als). Ideally each journal will contain a mix of icalthought.com. these article types. I hope you enjoy this issue and I welcome All articles submitted first go through a rig- your feedback. Thank you to the authors and orous content-based editorial review. Those ac- peer reviewers for their hard work in bringing ceptable for inclusion in the journal are anony- this issue to life and to members of the editorial mized and referred for peer review. Unlike tra- board for their continued service to the Journal. ditional journals, articles referred for peer re- view are already tentatively accepted for publi- Sincerely, cation. Peer reviewers for our journal are not the arbiters of which articles will not be pub- lished (except in cases of plagiarism or some- Chris Anama-Green thing similar). Our peer reviewers focus on Editor, Journal of Metaphysical Thought helping authors to make their articles stronger. [email protected] Results from peer review are reviewed by the editor and anonymized comments are referred back to the author. Articles are accepted for fi- nal publication on the condition that the author makes revisions identified during peer review. This process avoids many of the issues rampant in traditional peer review. The Journal has committed to produce two issues per year, though this may change de- pending on demand. As an “open access” pub- lication, all work is made available free (no Journal of Metaphysical Thought Volume I | Number 1 (July 2018) 6 of 40 Call for Articles (Volume I, Issue 2) The editors of the Journal of Metaphysical able to provide proof of certification. Excep- Thought welcome article submissions for the tions to these rules will be made on a case-by- Journal’s second issue. The thematic focus of case basis for qualified and currently licensed Volume I, Issue 2 is “metaphysical healing.” health providers writing about topics within This issue will feature articles focused on many their specialties. Any research articles focused areas of metaphysical or spiritual healing. Arti- on human subjects must be approved by the au- cles related to other areas of complementary thor’s Institutional Review Board. This rule and alternative medicine (CAM) will be consid- does not pertain to case studies, reviews, or per- ered provided that they also relate in some way spective articles. to metaphysics. Examples of metaphysical healing tech- About the Journal niques include, but are not limited to: The purpose of the Journal is to promote dis- • Reiki, course and information exchange among pro- • mental/metaphysical healing, fessional practitioners of metaphysics and New • dowsing, Thought.
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