RESULTS of the BARRY FERGUSON CLASSIC 2015 There were no radar penalties and I congratulate all crews on their behavior on the road. As all penalties for navigational issues were the same value, the results have been shown as the number of penalties without multiplying by 25. The Results for the Masters and Apprentices are on following sheets of this spreadshhet document. The Results for the event are shown on the sheet marked 'Results' The detailled results for each Division are seperated for Masters and Apprentices on subsequent sheets. These sheets identify the places where penalties were accrued. The reference to points referred to in the details are identified on the sheet marked Reference Boards' Special Notes. The reults have been calculated on the course as set except for the matters listed below. Sect 5 Divn B We had not stated a finish time for the days assembly and consequently closure of the Passage Control at Hanwood was incorrect. No penalties were attributed to the later cars in Division B for the points B30 and 31. Sect 7 Divn C Old and New Alignments of Burley Griffin Way. Kamarah to Ardlethan Due to the visibility of the false Board from the Correct Board at this location and the fact that there was no advice that VRCs will be on the left hand side of the road, the penalty for recording the false Board has been deleted when the correct board has also been recorded. Sect 7. Divn C Travel in Yarrangerry SF. The advice given of the distance that the Director had travelled was incorrect and while only 'Advice' and not an instruction, misled competitors . The VRC near the entry point has accordingly been deleted. Car 9 was not penalised for failing to get boards on the loop at Ganmain as that crew were instrumental in returning another competitor to the roadway. BARRY FERGUSON CLASSIC TRIAL 2015 MASTERS CATEGORY Driver Navigator Divn A Divn B Divn C Total Placing 1 Peter Reed Mike Batten 2 5 4 11 6 = 2 John Cooper Ross Warner 3 1 2 6 3 3 Michael Ward Steuart Snooks 1 3 0 4 1 = 4 John Rawson Dave Smith 3 0 1 4 1 = 5 Mathew Thompson Graham Thompson 0 5 2 7 4 6 Justin Bedingfield Lui Maclennan 4 4 5 13 8 = 7 Lauren Walker Alan Walker 0 4 9 13 8 = 8 Alan Watson Pam Watson 8 14 3 25 12 9 Gerry Both Carol Both 4 7 8 19 11 10 Garth Taylor Michael St John Cox 0 9 7 16 10 11 Gerald Lee Ian Reddoch 1 5 3 9 5 12 Graham Pettit Phillip Stead 2 5 5 12 6 = 13 Gerry Crown John Bryson DID NOT PROCEED All 'Totals' should be multiplied by 25 to accord with the penalties provided in the Supp Regs. APPRENTICE CATEGORY Driver Navigator Divn A Divn B Divn C Total Placing 14 Martin Forbes Rick Bushell DID NOT START 15 Peter Parry Brian Knights 8 14 7 29 5 = 16 Ian Gilholme Elizabeth Gilhome 12 22 11 45 7 17 Peter Jakrot Valerie Jakrot 5 14 7 26 3 18 Peter Thompson Ken Hind 7 7 8 22 2 19 Doug Barber Xanthea Boardman 12 13 4 29 5 = 20 John Moore David Alexander WENT TO TOUR 21 Andrew Inglis Martin Leaver 17 18 11 46 8 22 Ross James Mal Sinfield 6 8 5 19 1 23 Donna Wilkinson Scott Wilkinson 8 19 23 50 9 24 Joyce Lawrence Sue Genner 8 14 6 28 4 37 Tanya Arthur Dominic Votano 4 15 WITHDREW END SEC 4 DIVISION A MASTERS DIVISION B SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SEC 4 SECTION 5 Coota to Junee Reefs into Penalties Leaving Ganmain Yanco to Gogeldrie Penalties N0. Bethungra to Marrar Marrar Coolamon Divn A NO. CoolamonGanmain to Yanco Gogeldrie to Griffith Divn B 1 A5 x A17 x 2 1 x B4,5,7,(8 removed) B16 # B22 x 5 2 A5 A13 # A17 x 3 2 x x B16 # x x 1 3 A5 x x x 1 3 x B7,8 x B22 x 3 4 x x A17,18,19 x 3 4 x x x x x 0 5 x x x x 0 5 x B5,7,8 B16 B22 x 5 6 A2,5 A11 A14 x 4 6 x B7,8 B16 # B22 x 4 7 x x x x 0 7 x B7,8 B16 # B22 x 4 8 A5,10 A12,13 #, A15,17,18,19 x 8 8 x B4 -B9 (6) B13,14,16 # B22 B27,29,30,31 14 9 A5,7 A12 A17 x 4 9 B2 x B16 # B22, 25 B29,30,31 7 10 x x x x 0 10 x B7,8 B13,14,16#,17 B20 B30,31 # 9 11 A5 x x x 1 11 x B6,7,8 B16 # B22 x 5 12 A5 A12 x x 2 12 x B7,8 B16 # B22 B30 5 13 DID NOT PROCEED 13 DID NOT PROCEED DIVISION C SECT 6 SECTION 7 Information by MB: LIST OF BOARDS MISSED . Before Barellan to Beckom & SF & Penalties Penalties Place and other penalties N0. Barellan Barellan Ardlethan Walleroobie Tara Divn C Divn A & B Divn A & B x indicates no penalties 1 x x c17 c29 c32,34 x 4 7 7 = X indicates extra boards 2 x x c17 x c35 x 2 4 2 = # indicates WD or IR 3 x x x x x x 0 4 2 = 4 x c12 x x x x 1 3 1 5 x c14 c17 x x x 2 5 5 6 x c12,14 c17,19 x x c39 5 8 9 7 c4 c12,14 c17, 19 c29 c32,34 c39,41 9 4 2 = 8 x c14 c17 x x c39 3 22 12 9 x c12,14 c17,19 x c34,35 c39,41 8 11 11 10 x c12 c17 c29 c32,34 c39,41 7 9 10 11 x c12 x x c32,34 x 3 6 6 12 x x x x c34,35 c39,40,41 5 7 7 = 13 DID NOT PROCEED DIVISION A APPRENTICES DIVISION B SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 Coota to Junee Reefs Leaving Ganmain Yanco to Gogeldrie NO. Bethungra to Marrar Marrar to Coolamon Pens NO. Coolamon Ganmain to Yanco Gogeldrie to Griffith Pens 14 DID NOT START 14 DID NOT START 15 A2,5 A7,10,12,13 # A14,15 x 8 15 x B5 - 10 (6) B13,14,20 B22,23,24 B27,29 14 16 A2,5 A7,8,10,12,13 # A15,16,17,18,19 12 16 B2 B4,6,7,8,10 12,13,14,16-19(4) B21,23,24 B26-31(6) 22 17 A5,7 A12,13,14 x x 5 17 x B6,7,8,X B14,15,16 22,25,26,27,29,30,31 14 18 A2,4,5,7 A12,13 #, A19 7 18 x B4,6,7,8,10 x B22,23 x 7 19 A5,7 A8 -13 (6) A15, XXX x 12 19 x B5,6,7,8,X B14,15,16,19 B21,23,24 B29 13 20 WENT TO TOUR 20 WENT TO TOUR 21 A2,4,5,6,7 A8,9,11,12 A14 -21 (8) 17 21 x B6,7,8 13,14,16 #,17,18,19 B 21-31 (9) 18 22 A5,7 A12,13 #, A19 A20 6 22 x x B16,17,18 B22,23,24 B27,28 8 23 A2,7 A12 A14,15,16,18,19 8 23 x B6,7,8 12,13,14,16-19(4) B21-31 (9) 19 24 A2,5,7 A8 A11,12,13 A21 8 24 x B6,7,8,10 B13,14,16 #,20 B24 B27-31(5) 14 37 A2,5 A12,13 #, x x 4 37 x B6,7,8 B14,15,16 # B21-31 (9) 15 DIVISION C LIST OF BOARDS MISSED . SECT 6 SECTION 7 and other penalties Before Barellan to Beckom & SF & # indicates WD or IR Barellan Barellan Ardlethan Walleroobie Tara Penalties x indicates no penalties 14 DID NOT START X indicates extra boards 15 x c12,14 c17,20 x c34 c39,41 7 16 c3 #,6 c12,14 c16,20 c25,26 c32,34 c39 11 17 c3 # c14 c17 c29 c32 c39,c41 7 18 c6 c12,14 c17 c24,26 c34 c39 8 19 c3 # c12 c17 x x c39 4 20 WENT TO TOUR 21 c3 # c12,14 c17 c25,26,29 c34,35 c39,41 11 22 c4,6 x c 15,17,18,X x x x 5 23 c2,4,6 C10 - 21(9) c26,27,28,31 c32,34,35 37,38,39,41 23 24 c6 c12,14 c17,19 x x c39 6 37 DID NOT PROCEED Reference of Boards ID ID Division A ID A 1 P End of Route Chart Cootamundra A 8 P Goldfields Way Old Junee A 15 P Wise St Marrar A 2 Z Railway underpass A 9 P Parkwood Rd Old Junee A 16 P Webb St Marrar A 3 P Suttons Road A 10 P Turners Lane Rockview A 17 P West of Oval Marrar A 4 Z Old Rd South Dadauman A 11 M Crudens Lane A 18 P Lyne St Marrar A 5 Z Black Gate Rd A 12 P Cemetry Lane E Marrar A 19 P Wise St Marrar A 6 P Ironbung Rd Bethungra A 13 PC Junee Rd E Marrar A 20 P Railway Crossing A 7 P Church Ln Junee Reefs A 14 P Lime St E Marrar A 21 P Bredins Lane Coolamon ID ID Division B ID B 1 P End of Route Chart Coolamon B 12 P Whites Lane Matong B 22 P Board for Tour Wrong for Trial B 2 P Lesterfield Rd Coolamon B 13 P Cowabbie Road N Grong Grong B 23 P Kirkup Rd Wamoon B 3 P Rands Tank Rd Ganmain B 14 P Bull-Oak Tank N Grong Grong B 24 P Gogeldrie B 4 Z Dyces Lane E Ganmain B 15 P Newell Hgy N Grong Grong B 25 P Dummy board near B24 B 5 P Roping Pole Rd N Ganmain B 16 PC Bogolong Tank B 26 P Whitton B 6 Z Old Roping Pole Rd SGanmain B 17 P Barellan Rd Narranderra B 27 P Stanbridge B 7 P Old Roping Pole Rd NGanmain B 18 P Sawmill Road Narranderra W B 28 P Whitton B 8 P Roping Pole Rd N Ganmain B 19 M Regulator Rd Yanco B 29 P Stacey Rd Willbriggie B 9 P Roping Pole Rd S Ganmain B 20 P Board for Tour Wrong for Trial B 30 P D'Aquinos Rd Hanwood B 10 P Rands Tank Rd Ganmain B 21 P McKay Rd Yanco B 31 PC Murrumbidgee RdHanwood B 11 M Ganmain SF ID ID Division C ID C 1 P Oakes Rd Griffith C 15 P Mannings Rd Barellan C 29 P Dummy Board near C28 C 2 P Macedone Rd Griffith C 16 P Wilga St Barellan C 30 P Northside of Rail 2 C 3 PC Gribble Rd Yenda C 17 P Dummy Board in Kurrajong St C 31 PC Ardlethan C 4 P McManus Rd Yenda C 18 P Dummy Board in Boree St C 32 P Beckom C 5 P Canal Rd Yenda C 19 P Dummy Board in Kooba St C 33 P off London Hill R C 6 P Dummy near C5 C 20 P Box St Barellan C 34 Z Nth of Walleroobie C 7 M Old Whitton Stock RteYenda C 21 P Barellan North C 35 P Old Alignment near Walleroobie C 8 Q NW Binya SF C 22 PC Ryans Rd Moombooldool C 36 P Comfort Board at Walleroobie C 9 Q N Binya SF C 23 P Kamarah N C 37 P Exit Yarrangerry SF C 10 P Binya Rail Stn Binya C 24 Z Kamarah C 38 Z Entry Tara North Tara C 11 P Garoolgan C 25 P Dobells Rd Kamarah C 39 P Western Road Tara C 12 P Mannings Rd Barellan C 26 Z Dobells Rd C 40 P Eastern Rd C 13 P Martins Rd W Barellan C 27 P Northside of Rail C 41 P Bectric Fire Station C 14 P Martins Rd E Barellan C 28 P Old Alignment off Burley Griffin Way.
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