-------· -..ill ~·~-­! U~IV.!:.R.Slr.Y. OF HAWAII LIBRAA'( arianas %riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 '&1 ews Vol: 25 No .. 6~ . F,.• d· ay • June 20· ·1.997 . Saipan, MP.96950.' . :l!!iC,¢ ·. ©1997 Maria_nas Vari_ety . · . · . ' . , . · . Serving CNMl'for 25.Years iii ., . Chairman Young writes President Clinton: I I as.is' · I By Zaldy Dandan developed and adopted by the "Congress," he said, "has au­ Variety News Staff Northern Marianas pursuant to thorized the use of millions of THE chairman of the U.S. House the Covenant"has proved a highly dollars of Interior Department committee that has jurisdiction successful model." funds in order to ensure that other over the Northern Marianas is He added, "The increased level federal agencies and department against a federal takeover of the of economic development and are active participants in the CNMI's immigration and mini­ decreased reliance on federal Marianas and to contribute to the mum wage policies. funds further emphasizes the suc­ now long-overdue report." Congressman Don Young (R­ cess of self-government" in the Young said he will continue to Alaska), in a letter to President CNMI. monitor the situation in the CNMI, Clinton, said he is "not yet con­ Given the lack of timely report and will personally visit the Com­ vinced"that Congress should ''dis­ by the Clinton administration on monwealth with the members of turb" the CNMI's current setup, the CNMI's immigration and la­ the House Resources Committee. Young's letter followed a simi­ "particularly in view" of the Hay bor issues, Young said he was lar "reassurance" from the U.S. Group report's findings. surprised to learn about the House Majority Leader Dick Contracted by Gov. Froilan C. President's proposal for a federal Tenorio to look into local wage Don Young takeover. Bill Clinton C.ontmued on page 54 polices, the Hay Group came out with a report stating that any in­ consideration by both parties." crease in the CNMI's minimum He said any proposal to impose wage will be disastrous to the federal immigration and mini­ economy. mum wage policies "must thor­ Young said the federal oughly consider the short and government's "Covenant" rela­ long-term impact ori the people of tionshipwith theCNMI "is highly the (CNMI)." . valued and should not be changed According to Young, the self­ without serious and extensive government under a constitution 1tnctmlbent·s~- ex ~officials-:: pick up candidacy forms i By Mar-Vic C. Munar Variety News Staff A CABINET official is likely to join the race for the House of Representatives. A former Republican intends to return to the party fold and run.for Senate. A number of incumbent officials will seek reelection. At least five persons appear to be targeting a Saipan seat for the Board of Education. These are among the people who have sought out petition forms from the Board of Elections to date. They are, however, not yet recognized as official candidates until they submitted their petitions and the board certified them, accord­ ing to election laws. Among those in the list of people with petition forms is Finance Secretary Antonio R. Cabrera, whose name appeared in the log as an independent aspirant for a House seat. Incumbent Washington Rep. Juan N. Babauta is so far the only candidate who has come forth for the same position. Rep. Heinz S. Hofschneider took a petition form for the Senate -.. ·-· ' .. "- ~- -.. -., ,, ·'··"' .... "' ---~~~-t~n.~.:~-~~ ~-~~:-~~-=l CUC lineman ·. falls from pole A LINE crewman of the Com­ monwealth Utilities Corp. was injured after he reportedly fell from a telephone pole in Tanapag Wednesday morning. Police said the victim, a 43- year-old man, fell off the pole while connecting the power line behind Lucky Supermarket. The description of injuries was not indicated in the report, ac­ cording to P03 Cathy Sheu, pub­ lic safety Information officer. ;1 .Continuecf on p_age 54 ·I PAC NEWSPAJ'.81 STACtS ·1 .LI -. rI i FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1997 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS A_l'-1[) v~~ws-3 ·--------------· ---- .. ---~-- ------ 2nd Thailand Tenorio assails Interior minister quits Ex-Lt. Governor says OJA has 'hidden agenda' BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - An­ warning of a possible collapse in TcnOI'io, in :dune 18 lcttertoPresi­ agency," Tenorio s;tid it should be federal immigration, naturalization, otlierkeymemberofThai Prime Min­ the country's financial system. dem CJ inton, said DO I's Office ol' isterChavalit Yongchaiyudh' s"drearn "We're getting closer and closerto "suipp.-:d of ils responsibility of dic­ ;md wage laws in the CNMI, Clinton team" of technocrats recruited to save the abyss," said Neil Saker, an econo­ lnsulrn· Al'fai10 is feeding the White u1ting the livelihood of native ,md mentioned the continuing 1epo1ts of theeconomy resignedTiiursday, amid . mist with SocGen-Crosby. House "false info1mation" about tJie mi1101ity Ameiicans in 1-eservations labor abuses in tlie CNMI mid tl1c fears of a financial collapse. The Stock Exch:mge of Thailand CNMI to protect "itsi.lwindlingsmall mid unincorporated teJTitories of the local government's failu1-e to curtail Commerce Minister Narongchai fell 3.6 percent, or 17.15 point~, lo tmf ani.l cushy jobs which will otlier­ United States." tl1e flow of aliens into tlie Common­ Akr.L"'1Jlee quit shortly after Finance 465.79 near midday Thursday on the wisc oc cut by (Office of Manage­ There were speculations that wealth. Minister and Amnuay Yiravan, who news of the resignations. ment :mu Budget) for lack of respon­ Clinton's announcement of the lliese 1eports, f01111er Lt. Gov. led the drean1 team, delivered his Stock exchange officials had de­ sible ju1isdiction for their continuing adrninistralion 's takeover plan was Te1101io said, we1-e based on ";u·chaic resignation letter to Chavalit. niedon Wednesd;ythatAmnuayw,L~ budget." drafted by OJA Di1-ector Allen P. findings of abuse." Amnuay announced his resignation about to resign. "I hate to say tliis but tliose folks at Stayman. The announcement was He told the president that DO I last night. Investors were nervous about Inte1ior's sub-office for Insuhu· Af­ "We came in together, so we have whom Chavalit would appoint to re­ Pedro A. Tenorio contained in Clinton's May 30 letter ",md others responsible for your let­ Allen P. Stayman to leave together," said Narongchai, place Amnuay mid Narongchai. The ·, fair:; ;u-e incompetent imd biased," lo Gov. Fmilan C. Tenorio. ter" purposely did not repo1t about ;{ By Mar-Vic C. Munar Tc1101io wrote. Stayman denied this, maintain­ "recent positive facl," observed by office to amend this sacred document an Amnuay protege and one of two piime minister is scheduled to an­ I prominent businessmen asked to join nounce an inte1im finance minister Vanety News Staff He added that DOI ignrn-es tl1e ing that Clinton's letter was a prod­ congressional staffers whovisitedthe simply because you were given false the cabinet in December. Thursday afternoon. PEDRO A. Tenorio. fomier licuten­ CNMl's self-government under tlie uct of White House staff consulta­ CNMI. infomiation by some bureaucrats who Analysts said Thursday that the The candidates include :uit gowmor and member of the Coven:mt, as it w:ml, to '"extend its tions. Ten01io1eminded Clinton that the designed such infonnation about the departures suggest Thai economic Virabongsa Ramangkura, a fonner Nrn1he111 Mrni,m,l, p:mel that negoti­ colonial h:mds" and to rnle the Com­ Commonwealth officials, how­ Covenant was a ti-eaty signed be­ CNMI to purposely mislead you in policy could be cast adrift at the finance minister who presided over ated the Covcn:uit. h,L, accused the monwealth ''.just like what it does to ever.are not convinced by Staym:m 's tween A111e1ica ,md the Northern orderto Iegitimize thei rh idden agenda moment of greatest danger. a baht devaluation in 1984; Olarn Dep,utmelll of the I11tc1iorof orches­ other insulm possessions" such ,L, denial. Mmi,mm;. about tlie Commonwealth," Tenoiio Some economists say Thailand Chaipravat, president of Siam mtting the l~deral takeover pl,m "to Guarn,tlie Virgin IslandsandAmc1i- In justifying the plan to extend "It will be sac1ilegious for your said. could face its first recession in Commercial Bank PCL; and legitimize hidden agenda" in the GU1 Smnoa. · more than 30 years in 1997 or Pridiyathorn Devakula, president of 1998, and bankers are increasingly the Export-Import Bank ofThail;md. CNMI. Describing DOI as "a confused 5 nightclubs 'under watch' Pol Pot sUITenders Farrell denies. he is ByJojoDass the overstaying foreigners. ableDOLlofficialshavesaid, "nig­ Vanety News Staff The five clubs, it was gathered, are gered an intensified search opera­ people has not been seen by the AT LEAST five more nightclubs disper.;ed in Garapan, Susupe, and tion against illegal alierL~ working outside world since he and his fol­ eyeing political seat suspxted to be harboring illegal Chalan Kanoa in night~pots." lowers fled the capital in 1979. A By Mar-Vic C. Munar fray would "compromise tl1e integ­ aliens are nowunderclose watch by Its owners, according to the sow-ce, Oiinese nationals comprise the ragged handful of followers surren­ Variety News Staff ri,y of my position." the Depaitment of Labor and Im­ are employing foreign workers, bulk of the close to 300 illegal de1ed with him. 1:30:\!<Dof Glucation chai1111,ui Don At present, F;u,ell said, his p1iority migration. mostly Chinese nationals, without aliens rounded up and deponed by '"This evening, Pol Pot surren­ Emdl yesterday c111shcd 1umors he is to make sUJe the Public School A ranking DOU official, speak­ the necessary work papers. DOLI this year. deted with 15 people," Gen. Nhek w,L, planning ton111 fora political scat System get, the adequate budget tl1at ing on condition ofanonymity, said ''We me closely watching these About (:JJ of tJ1ese were nabbed Bunchhay, deputy army chief of in the November elections.
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