STATE UNIT: ANDHRA PRADESH PROJECT: GEOCHEMICAL MAPPING SUPERVISORY OFFICER: Dr. S. Ravi, Supdtg. Geologist Mission-IA Ground Survey (Geochemical Mapping) Item No. 030 Field Season Year FSP Number GCM SR AP 2016 64 2016-2017 Type Code Com. Region State Unit Year of Sl. No. Code Code code/ Mission Initiation Unit(s)/ Participating Region(s) GCM SR AP Division/ Region State Division/ Region/ Division/ Region/ SU Division Region Project Unit Project SU Project / Project / SU Geographical Information State (Code) District (s) Degree Sheet (s) Toposheet (s) Mineral/ Tectonic Belt/ Basin etc. Mahboobnagar, AP Prakasham, Guntur 56P 56P/04 PGC-II, Cuddapah Basin Personnel 8G Geochemical mapping in toposheet no. 56P/4 in Mahboobnagar district of Title Telangana & Prakasham, Guntur districts, Andhra Pradesh. Geochemical mapping, Baseline data, Key words Mahboobnagar, Prakasham, Guntur Objective (s)/ Projected To create a geochemical database of 57N of Andhra Pradesh state using multi Outcome elemental analyses. Total duration of item One Year (FS 2016-17) Item linked with XIIth Plan Whether GPM item is in toposheets already No covered by GCM or vice versa Whether the item is a spinoff of any other item No Whether the item is sponsored No If yes, Name of the sponsor NA Outsourced work component if any (specify) No Nature and Quantum of work and time schedule a) Expected Year of Total Work Work completion Nature of Work workload already proposed for b) Circulation of final envisaged completed FS 2016-17 report (1) Mapping (sq km) a) March 2017 New Item GCM (1:50K) 756 b) September 2017 756 (2) Sampling (Nos.) (a) Stream sediment/slope 756 756 wash (Composite (196) (196) samples) (b) Soil C-horizon 9 9 (c) Regolith 9 9 (d) Water 9 9 (e) Humus As Necessary As Necessary (f) lood plain sediment As Necessary As Necessary (g) Duplicate 36 (9) 36 (9) (h) t-Pd Analysis NIL NIL (3) Analysis# (Nos.) 247 247 # Analysis to be done at Chemical lab, SR 95 Timeline proposed for each work component Field Studies Expected field stay Expected period of fieldwork Name of the officer (number of days) From To Shampa Khan, Sr. Geologist + 1G 30 April 2016 March 2017 Gauri V Motghare , Sr. Geologist + 1G 30 April 2016 March 2017 Arvind Kumar Singh Geologist +1G 30 April 2016 March 2017 Rajni G D +1G 30 April 2016 March 2017 Laboratory Studies Activity From To Pre-field laboratory component and reconnaissance for the April 2016 September 2016 assignment under consideration, finalization of report of the previous field season and planning for current programmes Geological study (fieldwork and collection, processing of samples September 2016 March 2017 and their submission) Geophysical study (consultation of interpreted geophysical data) April 2016 September 2016 th Chemical study (last date of sample submission )* 30 April 2017 Chemical study (acquisition of analytical data) October 2016 March 2017 * GCM samples to be submitted periodically and within 30 days of date of collection Report Submission th Submission of the first draft of report 30 June 2017 Scrutiny of the report 1st July to 31st August 2017 Finalization of the report September 2017 th Circulation of the report 30 September 2017 Operational expenses Heads Amount POL NIL WAGES Rs. 2,80,000/- OC Rs. 3,90,000/- including expenditure of outsourced vehicle Background information The area is bounded by N latitudes 16° 00" to 16° 15' and E longitudes 79° 00" to 79° 15'). A major part of it lies is in Prakasam District and smaller part of the area is in Mahbubnagar and Guntur districts of Andhra Pradesh. The area is thickly forested with meagre communication facilities. There is practically no metal or fair-weather road, except the net-work of cart tracks, connecting different villages. A few of the prominent villages include Palutla (16° 09' 30":79°02' 30"), Alatamupenta (16° 12' 45":79°07' 15"), Garnipenta (16° 06' 40":79°12' 30"), Virabhadrapuram (16° 03' 15":79°15' 00"), Venkatadripaalem (16° 02' 50":79°`13' 00"), Ganjivaripalle (16° 02' 20":79°12' 15"), Doddanalapenta (16° 01' 25":79°05' 00") and Nekkantipenta (16° 06' 45":79°01' 10"). The area constitutes part of Nallamalai Reserved Forest, with steep hill ranges elongated along NE-SW direction. The highest elevation is 916 m (16° 03' 30" : 79° 05' 30") above MSL and the lowest point is 150 m above MSL in the Krishna River Valley. Numerous small ephemeral streams with parallel, dendritic to sub- dendritic pattern drain the hilly region and join the Krishna River. Among the ephemeral streams, Palanka Vagu, Dwarapusari Vagu, Muddulasari Vagu, Chennavaram Vagu, Gandi Vagu and Nekkanti Ralla Vagu are noteworthy. The area forms the northwest elbow of the Cuddapah Basin, overlooking the Kurnool sub-basin to the northeast. The Cuddapah Supergroup rocks are predominant with minor outcrops of Kurnool Group occurs as outliers. Among the Cuddapah sediments, the Srisailam Quartzite occupies nearly half of the area to the northwest, whilst thle Cumbum Shale and Quartzite of Cumbum Formation occupy the remaining area. Scattered outliers of Banganapalle Quartzite, Narji Limestone and Paniam Quartzite occur amidst Srisailam Quartzite in the north The Cumbum Formation consists of shale and phyllite, intercalated with quartzite. The predominantly argillaceous units are shale, slaty shale, slate and phyllite. The minor arenaceous unit is a thinly laminated to thickly bedded, brown, grey, purplish grey and greenish grey quartzite with glauconite. The Banaganapalle Quartzite is gritty in nature and consists of conglomerate at its base. It is historically known for secondary diamond occurrences, which are evident from old workings for diamond. The Narji Formation is represented by few outcrops of massive and flaggy limestones. Paniam Quartzite outcrop occurs associated with Banganapalle Quartzite which is surrounded by Srisailam Quartzite. The southeastern part is occupied by Cumbum Shale and Quartzite which constitutes part of Nallamalai fold belt. The northwestern part belongs to Srisailam sub-basin which is a down-faulted segment, formed due to uplift of Nallamalai sub-basin. The structure of Nallamalai Group is complex in comparison to the Srisailam rocks. The Cumbums are subjected to intense folding and faulting. The folds are open, low amplitude and isoclinal with axes trending in ENE-WSW and NNE-SSW directions. These fold axes plunge on either side resulting in a number of culminations and depressions. The Srisailam Quartzite is horizontal to sub-horizontal and overlies the folded Cumbum strata. Faulting in Srisailam rocks is along NW-SE directions. The Kurnool rocks truncate along a major fault extending from northwest of 401 m hill (16° 12' 30" : 79° 23' 00") to southeast of Alatamupenta in the northern part of the area. Vein-type Barytes is developed along fracture zones and occurs within the Cumbum Formation near Doddanalapenta. Placer diamond recovery is reported from Banganapalle Conglomerate along the Krishna River in gravels located 2 km NNE of Alatamupenta. BIBLIOGRAPHY G.K. Kesari, G. Satyanarayana; Report on quaternary geological studies of Cheyyeru and Kunderu valleys in Cuddapah and Kurnool district, AP; FS 1999-2000 Unpublished GSI report. M. S. Reddy & Aijaz Aktar; Report on the Transect geological mapping for bedded barytes in Pullampet sub-basin, Rajampet Pullampet-Rasapalle area, Cddapah district, A.P.; FS 1996-97 Unpublished GSI report. .
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