Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091 A REVIEW ON DINACHARYA MODALITIES W.S.R TO ABHYANGA AS A PROPHY- LACTIC MEASURE Vandana K S1, P Sudhakar Reddy2, Vinaya TM3 1III PG Scholar, 2Prof&HOD, Dept.Dept.of PG Studies in Swasthavritta JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore 3Asst.Professor, Dept.of Swasthavritta, SriAdi Siva Sadguru Alisaheb Sivaryula Ayurvedic Medical College, Guntakal, Andhra Pradesh ABSTRACT Abhyanga is one among the Dinacharya and it is a kind of Bahyasneha. It gives strength to the body, nourishes the sense organs, increases longevity etc. it is the most natural and powerful me- thod of relaxing and at the same time rejuvenating the body. Abhyanga preserves the body energy and saves the individual from degeneration. Is also works as a cleanser and helps the individual in expelling the toxins out of the body through sweat, urine and mucus, thus rejuvenating the body. It is done to whole body or to a particular part of the body (Shira, Karna, Pada etc). Abhyanga has been highlighted with its wide spectrum of usage both for preventive and curative purpose. Abhyanga can be correlated to massage in contemporary science. The term is applied to certain manipulations of soft tissue which are effectively performed with the palmar aspect of the hand and administered for the purpose of producing effect on nervous system, muscular system as well as on the local and gen- eral circulation of blood and lymph. Keywords: Abhyanga, massage, Dinacharya INTRODUCTION Abhyanga has been explained in the dures done with hands on the external surface contest of Dinacharya1, Ritucharya2 for Swas- of the body in variety of ways either with a tha and as a Bahiparimarjana Chiktsa3 in dis- curative, palliative or hygienic point of view4. eased. Thus it can be performed in healthy in- Aim and Objective: dividual and in diseased to maintain the health To review the literature regarding Abhyanga and to cure the disease respectively. Practical- To review the literature regarding effects and ly it is seen that Abhyanga is advised as Poor- scientific documentation regarding prophylac- vakarma to Shodhana karma, Pradhanakarma tic effect of Abhyanga in many Vataja disorders and Paschatkarma after Vyayama. As a part of Dinacharya if one REVIEW OF LITERATURE: The word Abhyanga is derived from the word practices it daily will prevent the ageing 5 process, exertion and aggravation of Vata, Ang Dhatu – to smear Abhi Upasrga – Hence; bestows good vision, nourishment of the body, Abhyanga is defined as rubbing with any kind long life, good sleep and improves the quality of Sneha Dravya (unctuous substances). of skin1.In modern science Abhyanga is com- Description of Abhyanga is available in Bru- pared with oil massage. It is group of proce- hat Trayis, Sharangadhara and Bhavapraka- Vandana K S Et Al: A Review On Dinacharya Modalities W.S.R To Abhyanga As A Prophylactic Measure sha as for prevention and cure of disease. Oth- this the Abhyanga should be done in a syn- er than Ayurvedic text the description of Ab- chronized manner by the two therapists stand- hyanga is also available in Vatsyayana Kama- ing in each side of the person in 7 postures- sutra as one among the 64 Kala (art) which sitting, supine, left lateral, prone, right lateral, has been specifically explained to enhance supine, sitting. sexual power of an individual and in Bahvi- It is mentioned that Abhyanga should be per- shya Purana different techniques of massage formed in Anulomagati. Also explained the have been explained which specifies impor- specific direction of movement depending on tance of pressure on different parts. The syn- involvement of Dosha ie, Anuloma Gati in onyms6 of Abhyanga are Abhyanjana, Sneha- Vata Dushti, Pratiloma Gati in Kapha Dushti na,Vimardana and Samvahana. and alternate Pratiloma and Anuloma Gati in Types:7 Pitta Dushti11. On joints abdomen and but- According to Vatsayana Kamasutra tocks should be in circular manner. Samvahana- whole body massage 3. Paschatkarma Keshamardana- head massage The procedure of Abhyanga should be fol- Utsadana- massage with Kalka lowed by removal of the oil with a cloth, Swe- (paste)/sneha dana and Snana. According to Tiruka (author of text of An- Penetration of Sneha to different Dha- 12 gamardana) tu (Therapeutic duration) Shushkangamardana It is mentioned that it takes 300 Matrakala Tailangamardana (approximately 1.5 mts) for Sneha to penetrate Ksheerangamardana Romakupa (hair roots), 400 Matrakala (2.1 mts) to penetrete Twak, 500 Matrakala (2.6 Swayam Angamardana mts) to penetrate Rakta, 600 Matrakala (3.1 Yamalangamardana mts) for Mamsa, 700 Matrkala (3.6 mts) for According to Charaka Samhita8 Meda, 800 Matrakala (4.2 mts) for Asti and Shiroabhyanga 900 Matrakala (4.7 mts) for Majja.so for the padabhyanga complete benefit of Abhyanga one should per- karnapoorana form it for 35 mts, 5 mts in each 7 postures. According to Ashtanga Hrudaya9 Shiroabhyanga Oil according to Prakruti13 padabhyanga Sl No Prakruti Taila karnapoorana 1 Vatapitta Himasagarataila 10 Procedure 2 Pittakapha Chandanaadi taila, 1. Poorvakarma Ksheerabalataila The person should undergo Abhyanga only 3 Kaphavata Tila taila, bruhatsaind- when he feels hunger (Jata Annapanecha) havadi taila The vitals should be checked. The Sneha used for the purpose of Abhyanga should be indirectly warmed by keeping it over the hot water. 2. Pradhanakarma First importance should be given to Shira (head) Sravana (ears) and Pada (foot). After 219 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 5; Issue 1; January- 2017 Vandana K S Et Al: A Review On Dinacharya Modalities W.S.R To Abhyanga As A Prophylactic Measure Oil according to Ritu Khalitya (baldness), Palithya (graying of hair), Si No Ritu Taila Keshapatana (hair fall), increases the Bala of 1 Shishira & Laksjhaadi taila, Karpoo- Shira (strengthens the scalp) and Kapalaa, the Hemantha raadi Taila, Tila taila hairs will be strong black and long, there will 2 Vasanta Triphala taila, Bruhat be Indriyaprasada (strengthens the sense or- saindahvadi taila gans), good for skin and renders sound sleep17. 3 Greeshma & Ashvagandha bala lak- Karna Abhyanga/Tarpana/Poorana (mas- Varsha shadi taila sage to ears) 4 Sharat ritu Chandanadi taila Hanu, Manya, Shira, and Karna Shoolagh- na18(relieves pain from neck and facial re- Benefits gion). The person will not suffer from Vataja It mitigates Vata, Pustida (nourish- Karnarogas, Manya and Hanusangrana will ment), Nidrajanaka (induces good sleep), not suffers from Uchasruti or Badhirya (deaf- Twachya (good lustrous skin), Bruhatwakrut ness) who dose karnatarpana daily19. (gives strength to body) Sramahara (cures ti- Padabhyanaga (foot massage) redness), Jarapaha (delays agieng), Drusti- Kharatwa,(dryness of foot) parsadana (improves vision), Ayuprada (im- ,Rooksata(roghness of foot), Srama (tiredness) proves longevity), Kaphavatahara (mitigates and Suptata of Pada (numbness of foot ) will the vata and kapha ) be relived immediately after Padabhyanga, Indications14 increases the Sukumarata, Bala and Sthirya of All healthy individuals Pada (strength and stability of foot), improves Abhyanga specially indicated for Bala (child- the vision, mitigates Vata. By doing Padab- ren), Vrudha (old age people) and Krusha hyanga the person will not suffer from Grid- (undernourished people). hrasi (sciatica), Padasputana (cracking of All type of Vataroga (nervous disorders), Vi- foot), Sira and Snayu Sankocha20(stiffness of shamajwara (intermittent fever) and all Twak- tendons and ligaments). vikara (skin diseases). The simile have been quoted that disease do Contra indication15 not go near one who massages his feet before Kaphajaroga (Kaphaja disorders), Ajeerna sleeping just as snake do not approach (indigestion), Navajwara (acute fevers), and eagles21. Tarunajwara (recent fevers), after Shodhana- Abhyanga for Bala (child) karma (bio-purification), in Santarpanottha- Susrutacharya have mentioned that the Ab- roga (over nutritious disorders), immediately hyanga for baby should be done with Balatai- after consumption of food because there is la22 (a type of medicated oil). It improves chance of regurgitation of food articles and growth, renders good sleep and nourishes the delay in digestion, person accustomed to Ruk- Dhatu (tissues). Newborn is in growing phase, sa and Abhishyandhi Ahara , it act as Satmya- and growth velocity is highest in this period of virudha to the individual and during Sneahpa- life, which demands continuous nutrition. Al- na. so it is the time of development of central Types and Benefits of Abhyanga nervous system along with senses and Ab- Shiroabhyanga (head massage) hyanga helps in the healthy growth and devel- Kapala and Indriya tarpana16(nourishes the opment of baby. brain and sensory and motor organs), will not Abhyanga for Garbhini (pregnant women) suffer from Shirashoola (prevents headache), 220 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 5; Issue 1; January- 2017 Vandana K S Et Al: A Review On Dinacharya Modalities W.S.R To Abhyanga As A Prophylactic Measure Garbhini Abhyanga is only mentioned in Yo- be absorbed in skin and circulates through garatnakara in Ksheeradosha Chikkitsa. Dhamanies. In practical life also it is been practiced. Main- As per our classics Abhyanga is to be done in ly Vatahara and Balya Tails (oils mitigating Anuloma direction, as the strokes will be in the Vata and strengthening type) are used for this. direction of muscle fiber i.e., origin and inser- While doing Abhyanga care should be taken tion, and in circular manner in joints as the that it should not be done with more pressure muscle bulk will be less and vasculature will and the lady should be seated in her comforta- be more and in circular manner. ble posture. Karnapoorana, Karnatarpana and Karna Ab- Abhyanga for Sutikastree (puerperal period) hyanga are mentioned under Karna Abhyanga only among this practically Karna Abhyanga As per Charaka Samhita and Ashtanga San- can be done. The mode of action of Karna graha Sutikastree should be done Abhyanga Abhyanga and Karnapoorana is that it comes with Sarpi (ghee) and Taila (oil).
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