ATcrage Dmily Net Preis Ran ' The Wm Umt PeraeMt ef 0 . 1 . W( Per the Week Baded ^ ^ Mey SSrd. l*5 t VWr tcMgh* aiiM tMoparatwre fHdght hi Ma Vtfh 12,925 Tneadey t f -te •§ with • dMM»> Member et Um Aodli fort ladex Mhr IT. Bojieen ef Oirenlattea Moncheat^r— A City of Village Charm ------- — (OUaelfled AdreHittaig an Page 10) PRICB PIVp CBNTt VOL. LXXVUI, NO. 211 (TWELVfe PAGES) MANCHESTER. rONN„ MONDAY. JUNE g. 1959 ‘Deadliest Spy’ X 15 ,MakeS GuidedRocket Soon to Leave Successful British Prison Ike Would Increase Deliverst Mail London, June 8 (/P)— In just a few more weeks the gates of Jacksonville, Fla., June 8f«« trom Poetmaeter General 8um- prison will probably awing Edwards Air Force Base, merfield, were for members of the Calif., June 8 (/P)—The ex­ (fp)—The Navy today, made cabinet, members of Congress, open for the man they call the the first successful delivery of deadliest spy in history. perimental rocket ship X15 Justices of the Supreme Court made a swift, smooth glide . Bonds Interest U.S. mail by a guided missile. the Governors , of all American Klaus Fuchs will walk out to The missile was fired from a BtateJ’ and territories, afid the freedom after serving nine years from 38,000 feet to,a perfect Postmasters General of the 99 for betraying western atomic sec- landing on a dry lake bed to­ submarine at sea to the reU to Soviet Russia—secrets that Navy’s auxiliary air station other nations which are members day in its first free flight. of the Universal Union. probably enabled the Russians to The sleek black needle, expected Asks Raise at Mayport, Fla., at the mouth The missile was fired at 10:10 produce, an atomic bomb five years ultimately to blast a pilot 100 of the St. John’s River near. a.m. EOT and landed safely at sooner than they could b miles to the edge of Space, kicked Jacksonville. 10:32 a.m., the department said. otherwise. up a great plume of dust as Its Siimmerfield, describing the Home SecreUry Richard A. skids touched down on the sun­ In National Poatmaater General Arthur Et Butler probably will tell the House Buminerfteld announced the atic- event in a telephone conversation baked mud. with the Washington Evening of Commons this week what hap­ At the controls was crack test eeaahil delivery at a hastily called pens next to the 47-year-old Ger­ preaa conference an hour and Star, said it was a dramatic sight. pilot Scotl CroBSfield. first man to He rc(portec the wheeled missile man-born scientist. fly twice the speed of sound. Debt Limit half after a Navy Regulua I was As a docile, model convict, brought In to Mayport. made a perfect landing on the Ho went aloft at 8 'a.m., with runway, trailing a parachute to Fuchs is believed to have earned -the X15 locked under the wing Washington, Jufle 8 </P)— The distance traveled by the slow it down. the maximum remission of one of its B15 mother ship. missile was not disclosed. The third of the 14-year ^ n ten ce Preai(ient Eisenhowar flaked The weight of the payload was At 8:45 a.m. they cut him loose permission today to pay Navy would say only that the 8- not imme^ately disclosed but passed on him at London’s Old seven miles high. foot missile was fieisd from inter­ Summerfleld said .postal workers Baily in- March, 1950. It took six miutes for the long, higher interefit on savings national waters off the coast— were ready for it. This would make hini due for shallow glide to culminate on bonds and other long'-temi meaning more than three- miles They unloaded the mail, proc­ release early next month. '' Earth. .As the rocket ship neared government obligations and out. essed it and aped it on Its way. He could be deported.. Although the lake bed newsmen noticed that to borrow more morliy than The cargo of 8,000 letters in­ Last Jan. 23 Summerfltid pre­ Fuchs acquired British citizenship It seesawed ever so slightly In 1942, he lost ' it after being present law allows. cluded one addressed to President dicted regular ntissile mail. Crossfield apparently maneuvered Eisenhower *ald th* Treasury sentenced. , ' the controls for a perfect ap­ Eisenhower. ' ' plans, if Congress permit* It, to Other messages in the cargo, (Conttnned on Page PIve) But demands‘ have been raised proach. in press and parliament that raise the rat* on saving* bonds ^iit it was stable as it B^^'oo.shed from SV per cent to 3% per cent. Fuchs should be prevtoted from in at an estimated 200 m.p.h. going tP live in the Uommunist At 31,000, Crssfield executed Wiping out of th* limit on 200 f'ly to West i^rmany East for fear that he may pass successful period of level flight. Treasury bonds which run five over more secrets or use his sc.ien- Then he moved into a lazy S pat­ year* or more to maturity, he tlfic skill and ■ learning to the tern, turning 180 degrees to the said, would give greater flexibility Reds’ advantage. , right and then to the left. to federal finaneing. TB* present U.S. Moves A-Bombers For seven years Fuchs worked TTie weather at this desert limit I* 4 >4 per cent. T)iere is no » wdth .British nuclear scientists. flight lest center was perfect- celling on bonds of less than 6- Part of the time he was on the clear and sunny. years maturity. British team that worked with Coming down. Crossfield radio­ At the same time, Eisenhower From Bases in France American nuclear scientists dur­ ed' that his contro^wer# function­ proposed that Congresa hike the ing World War 11. He had access ing perfectly, t h ^ added: permanent national debt ceiling to top-secret nuclear centers in I wish I could do a barrel from the current $283 billion to Paris, June 8 i/P) — About 2000now based in France. Shape can Britain and the United States. roll.’’ ' 8288 billion and boost Uie tem­ fighter-bombers may be removed make no further comment at this He stayed inside the tiny 7 ^ - porary limit from |288 billion to from their bases in FrMce to West time. (Continued on Page Two) lon ship w'hile volatile liquid hy­ $295 billion. 6erman.v. informed sources at Negotiations have been under V drogen was drained from auxiliary In a special message to Con­ Gen. Lauris Norstad's Supreme Al­ way for more than two years to get powei units. gress, the President said these lied Headquarters in Europe said France to accept atomic bomb ■An Air Force officer said ’’He Steps are necessary for sucotsaful today. stockpiles. The French want an Car Insurance looks real happy.’’ management of the public debt, These planes have atomic mis­ agreement that would give them ’The X I5 program has been de­ now at a record |286 IflUion. sions which they cannot perform control over the stockpiles and also layed because of bugfs in its elec­ The immediate reaction to n - effectively because France so far the know-how to make their own Rates Cut for tronic systems. It required four senhower’s proposals on Capitol has not come to an agreement'with bombs. test flights locked under the B52’s Honors for Governor Hill was mixed. the United States on stockpiling Giving American atomic secrets wing. Instead of one. Gov. Jibraham A. Ribicoff is shown receiving an. honorary degree of doctor of humanities at com­ Rep. Clarence E. KUbum of New nuclear bombs on French soil. Safe Drivers And the first glide flight was mencement exercises yesterday at American International College, Springfield, Mass. At left is York, ranking Republican on the A Defense Department spokes­ (Continued on Page Five) postponed twice at the last min­ president John F. Hines of AIC. (AP Photofax). House Banking Committee, said man in Washington yesterday de­ ute because of technical troubles. Elsenhower was right, hecause "If Hal-tford. June 8 (AT—TTie Trav The craft is equipped now with nied that a decision had been made elers Insurance Company's experi­ we’re going to get t)ie money we to withdraw the fighter-bombers. a jet engine. It carried no fuel to­ astd we’ve got to raise InUrsst 16 Dead, 32 Injured ment with lower rates on automo- day, but before lomr it will under­ Nikita May Delay T ou r Norstad ignow in Washington. A bilt insurance for safe drivers was East Reds Fly rates.” French newspaper had said such a take jet-powered fligltt. 'When this Cbngress shows evi- In Bus Crasli-Fire to begin today in Nebraska. For Its all-out fling into decision was made. ’The company announced May 22 dsne* of trying to keep a sound Noratad's SHAPE headquarters Space it will b)s powered by rocket To Moscow for dollar by cutong spendiag prd- Phoenix, Ariz., June 8 UP—Six­ that it wanted to inaugurate such engines expected t o . push it 4,000 herel'rtfuaed to comment on the re- a system in .Nebraska, loWa, Min­ Reds Seen Pushing grams, yoii’11 flhd ccmfldanc* tn nig)l...that a decision already had teen farm laborers were killed and m.p.h. or more. government bonds coming back Sam made to shift the nine Ameri­ 82 othisrs were injured w)ten nesota. ' aiifLJMJeMnia< and was About 40 minute* after taktoff Talk to Nikita and interest rates coming down,” crudely fashioned bus crashed into BUbraittlh^ deTanT^fd insurance the B52 coirimander, Capt.
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