Winter 2010-11 Vol. 39, No 4 IOWA The OfficialLAW Member PublicationENFORCEMENT of the Iowa Peace Officers Association (IPOA) Conference 2011: May 2-3 in Sioux City Conference seminar: Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs by Detective Steve Cook Also in this issue of Iowa Law Enforcement: • Training issues • Joint Public Safety Board resolutions • Fairfield P.D.’s year of transition • ILEA 236th & 237th Basic Level I school graduates • Waterloo P.D. promotions • Sigourney P.D. Chief receives IDEA Award Check out the latest equipment at Conference 2011 2 Iowa Law Enforcement Winter 2010-11 Vol. 39, No. 4 A big “Thank You” to the advertisers who make this magazine possible: Karl Chevrolet - Page 2 Denver Savings Bank - Page 4 Electronic Engineering - Page 9 Brownell’s Law Enforcement Supply Group - Page 9 Schumacher Elevator Page 9 D.A.R.E. - Page 10 RC Systems - Page 11 Public Safety Emblems - Page 12 Carpenter Uniform & Promotional Products - Page 13 State Officers 2009-2010 ShieldWare - Page 3 of The Gold Star Radio Communications - Page 2 of The Gold Star President Sgt. Bill Melville, Sioux City P.D. What’s Inside: Vice President Secretary’s Report: Conference is free to IPOA members ............... Chief David Lorenzen, IDOT MVE 4 Secretary/ Treasurer President’s Message: Get involved in politics, educate lawmakers . 5 Terry Dehmlow IPOA 2011 Annual Training Conference details .............................. 6 Past President IPOA 2011 Conference registration form ......................................... 7 Chief Jeff Harnish, Toledo P.D. Training Issues: Preparing Survival Mode ....Offcrs Erie & Gergen 8 The IACPPO Board An open letter from DARE Advisory Board President Sheahan ...... 10 SPO Ted Stroope, Des Moines P.D. Fairfield Police Department survived 2010 “year of transition” ...... 12 legislative committee Waterloo P.D. promotes Rasmussen, Hoelscher, Mohlis, Frana ...... 13 SPO Greg Dickel, Des Moines P.D. Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) evolution in Iowa .............. 14 by-laws committee Joint Public Safety Board picks three joint resolution priorities ...... Officer Gus Farmer, Waterloo P.D. 15 finance and membership committee 26th Annual Jerry Greenlee Sr. Mem. Law Enforcement weekend .. 17 Major Paul Steier, IDOT MVE ILEA 236th & 237th Basic Level I Training School Graduates ....... 18 employment committee Gov.’s Drug Control Policy Office gives first IDEA award ............ 20 DOT/ MVE Officers escorted snow blowers in Feb. blizzard ......... 20 www.iowapeaceofficers.org Moving? Don’t forget to send your change of address to: IPOA, PO Box 100, Denver Iowa 50622 or iacop2@mchsi.com Iowa Peace Officers Assn.: Terry Dehmlow, iacop2@mchsi.com; P.O. Box 100, Denver, Iowa 50622 iowapeaceofficers.org Magazine Editor: Eric J. Salmon, erineric@aol.com, purchase additional copies of Iowa Law Enforcement for $5 each Iowa Law Enforcement: (ISSN# 0886-8336), published quarterly, is the official member publication of the Iowa Peace Officers Association. Secretary/ Treasurer’s Office: P.O. Box 100, Denver, Iowa 50622. Editorial Office: 34334 White Oak Lane, Cumming, Iowa 50061. Office of Publication: 525 N. Front Street, Montezuma, Iowa. Periodicals postage paid in Denver, Iowa, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Iowa Law Enforcement, PO Box 100, Denver Iowa 50622. Winter 2010-11 3 IPOA President’s Message Get involved in politics to educate lawmakers on how pension/ union issues affect your family This will be my last President’s mes- years ago. The bylaws will be posted on sage. When you receive your next maga- the website and will be brought up for ap- zine issue, a new President will have been proval at the business meeting at the con- chosen at the annual conference and it will ference on May 2nd. be their turn. I will say I’m not sure where Fundraising will be an area of con- the last two years have gone? The IPOA cern for this organization in the upcoming has accomplished much in the last few months as we have discontinued our rela- years, but there is still much to do. The tionship with Jack Olson and Bacon Ball challenge of this organization is to bring all and because of the negative publicity cast aspects of law enforcement and all ranks on our fundraising efforts by the Attor- together to be one voice. That is what ney General’s Office last fall. We will be makes us unique compared to other groups, watching our bottom line very closely in and at times, what seems like an impossible the coming months. task. However, I do believe that all walks I am still trying to put a shoot together and ranks of law enforcement can, and in before the conference on Sunday, May 1st fact must, work together for the benefit of here in Sioux City. Stay tuned into our all. IPOA President, Sgt. Bill Melville website for the details should we be able As our State and local governments to pull it off. across Iowa sit down to develop their up- duced to alter, weaken or flat out kill col- I would like to thank my fellow board coming budgets, public employees’ wages lective bargaining along with recommenda- members for their service, fellowship, and and benefits are again in the crosshairs. The tions to change our pensions from defined the occasional family feud. I would like arguments that public employees are the benefit to defined contribution plans. It is to thank Kellie Pashke and Troy Skinner source of budget woes takes several forms: up to the membership, not just the leader- for the outstanding job they do lobbying Employees are too well paid. Employee’s ship, the membership of this organization for the IPOA. I would like to thank the pensions are too good and cost too much. to start contacting their lawmakers and help Sioux City Police Officers Association and And also, employees should not be able to educate them on how our pensions function Chief Doug Young for their support of my engage in collective bargaining. as well as the collective bargaining process. service on the IPOA board. I would like The IPOA has traditionally remained Quite frankly a lot of people on the Hill are to thank my wife and 3 children for being neutral on issues relating to collective bar- misinformed on these issues. Con- gaining and has opposed changes to our tact all your local lawmakers and member’s pension systems. The reason for help educate them on these issues. our past neutrality was because, again, we Include a reminder to the Gover- represent all aspects of law enforcement nor in that list as he stood before a and we chose to stick to issues affecting room full of officers at the fall ISPA the safety and welfare of our members and conference and pledged he would those we protect. not allow any changes to our pen- However, in the current political cli- sion systems. Get involved in your mate, I do not feel the IPOA can afford to local political scene as well to help not become “politically active” on these explain to the local leadership how subjects. Changes to our standard of living these issues affect us all. The opin- and our retirement systems affect everyone ions on these matters are mine and of all ranks regardless of whether you’re do not necessarily reflect the views in a bargaining unit or not. While those in of all the board members, but this is management may not always get the full my last message anyway. wage and benefits increases awarded to Terry has put a link on the web- those they supervise, there is usually some site so you can join an email list and “trickling upward” of those wages and ben- be sent legislative updates as well as efits. any matters of importance that arise So I believe these are issues we can, and throughout the year. should stand united on. What is happen- We have put together a revised ing in states across this country amounts set of bylaws that will be more in to class warfare on our way of life. It is line with what is required by Iowa already happening here in the Iowa House law as well as clarifying the chang- of Representatives with several bills intro- es that were implemented several 4 Iowa Law Enforcement IPOA Secretary’s Report This year’s conference free to IPOA members; Invite your colleagues to join us in Sioux City As spring approaches I look forward to this training because you don’t work gangs, getting the bike out and packing the camp- but I beg to differ. This training will benefit er. But before I bore you with my plans, let all in attendance. me update you on important IPOA business While you are making plans to attend, at the Annual Training Conference in Sioux why not invite an officer from a surround- City on May 2 - 3. ing agency to join us? Sometimes it just The Iowa Peace Officers Assn. Board takes that personal invitation to get others met in Ankeny in January and February to involved. You do not have to be a member discuss a variety of issues. The Board is to attend the conference and take advantage busy working with lobbyist Kellie Paschke of the training and camaraderie. This is also and our partner associations monitoring a reminder to attend the business meeting and promoting our legislative issues. There there on May 2! are too many to mention, but as always you Please send your registrations in early to can read Kellie’s weekly legislative update help us finalize plans. We have had strong on our web site, iowapeaceofficers.org. interest from vendors. Their support helps The Board finalized plans for us to host us provide a zero-cost conference, and a morning meeting with Iowa legislators IPOA Sec./ Treas.
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