INDEX Data Sheets and Application Notes The information in these data sheets and application notes has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, PHYTEC Meßtechnik GmbH assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies. PHYTEC Meßtechnik GmbH neither gives any guarantee nor accepts any liability whatsoever for consequential damages resulting from the use of these data sheets or application notes. PHYTEC reserves the right to alter the information contained herein without prior notification and accepts no responsibility for any damages which might result. 1 Index 1 Data Sheets 1.1 Altera 1.1.1 PLD MAX7000 Programmable Logic Device Family M7000.PDF Data Sheet, ver. 5.03 MAX7000A Programmable Logic Device Family M7000A.PDF Data Sheet, ver. 1.2 Operating Requirements for Altera Devices Data DSOPRQ.PDF Sheet, ver. 8 1.2 AMD 1.2.1 x86 Élan SC400 Data Sheet 21028A.PDF Élan SC400 and Élan SC410 User’s Manual 21030A.PDF Élan SC400 Register Set Reference Manual 21032A.PDF Élan SC400 Register Set Reference Manual 21032A1.PDF Amendment 1.2.2 FLASH Flash Memory Quick Reference Guide 21531.PDF Summer ‘98 Am29F080B 8 Megabit (1 M x 8-Bit) 21503C.PDF CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Uniform Sector Flash Memory Am29F200AT / Am29F200AB 2 Megabit 29F200AB.PDF (262,144 x 8-Bit / 131,072 x 16-Bit) CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Sector Erase Flash Memory 2 Am29F400AT / Am29F400AB 8 Megabit 29F400.PDF (1,048,576 x 8-Bit / 524,288 x 16-Bit) CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Sectored Flash Memory Am29F800T / Am29F800B 8 Megabit 29F800B.PDF (1,048,576 x 8-Bit / 524,288 x 16-Bit) CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Sector Erase Flash Memory Am29F800BT / Am29F800BB 8 Megabit 29F800BB.PDF (1 M x 8-Bit / 512 K x 16-Bit) CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Sector Erase Flash Memory Am29F016B 16 Megabit AM29F016.PDF (2 M x 8-Bit) CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Uniform Sector Flash Memory Am29F010 1 Megabit AM29F01A.PDF (128 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Uniform Sector Flash Memory Am29F040B 4 Megabit AM29F040.PDF (512 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Sector Erase Flash Memory Am29LV160B 16 Megabit AM29LV16.PDF (2 M x 8-Bit / 1 M x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Boot Sector Flash Memory Am29LV400T / Am29LV400B AM29LV40.PDF 4 Megabit (524,288 x 8-Bit / 262,144 x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Sector Architecture Flash Memory Am29LV004T / Am29LV004B AM29LVX0.PDF 4 Megabit (524,288 x 8-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt- only, Sectored Flash Memory 3 Index 1.3 Atmel 1.3.1 Flash AT29C010A AT29C010A.PDF 1 Megabit (128K x 8), 5-volt Only, CMOS Flash Memory AT29LV040A AT29LV04.PDF 4 Megabit (512K x 8), 3-volt Only, 256 Byte Sector CMOS Flash Memory ATLV010A ATLV010A.PDF 1 Megabit (128K x 8), 3-volt Only CMOS Flash 1.3.2 PLD ATF1500ABV/ATF1500ABVL DOC0723.PDF High-Performance EE PLD ATF1500A/ATF1500AL DOC0759.PDF High-Performance E 2 PLD ATF1500CPLD FITTER.PDF Device Fitter Manual 1.4 Dallas 1.4.1 8051 Derivatives DS80C320/DS80C323 80C320.PDF High-Speed/Low Power Microcontroller 4 1.5 Harris 1.5.1 PIO 82C55A FN2969.PDF CMOS Programmable Peripheral Interface 1.6 Hitex 1.6.1 Quad-Connectoers Application Note Quad Connector System DPROBE100.PDF QC100 25x25 Target receptacles for CPUs in P-TQFP-100-1 package 08.97 Dprobe 167 Adapter for Siemens SAB C161RI/ B5600215.PDF MQFP 100 PressOn FLEX 05.98 Dprobe 167 Adapter for Siemens SAB C161-RI/ B5600216.PDF TQFP 100 PressOn FLEX 05.98 Dprobe 167 Adapter for targets with C161 QC80 DPROBE.PDF Headers 11.96 Quad Connector System QC100 30x20 QC161RM.PDF Target Headers for SAB C161RI 10.97 Quad Connector System QC100 30x20 QC30X20.PDF Target Headers for CPUs in MQFP-100 or TQFP-100 package 06.95 Quad Connector System QC80 QC80.PDF Target Headers for Siemens C161 O/V/K and C164CI 1.6.2 ICE-Connectoer Spezifikation ICE/connect-16x 01.97 ICECON_D.PDF 5 Index 1.7 HP 1.7.1 Optocouplers 6N137, HCNW137, HCNW2601, HCNW2611, 6N137.PDF HCPL-0600, HCPL-0601, HCPL-0611, HCPL-0630, HCPL-0631, HCPL-0661, HCPL-2601, HCPL-2611, HCPL-2630, HCPL-2631, HCPL-4661 High CMR, High Speed TTL Compatible Optocouplers HCPL-7710, HCPL-0710 HCPL7710.PDF 40ns Propagation Delay, CMOS Optocoupler 1.8 Intel 1.8.1 x86 Intel386™EX L-155.PDF Embedded Microprocessor User’s Manual 1.8.2 PIO 82C55A 23125604.PDF CMOS Programmable Peripheral Interface 6 1.9 Linear 1.9.1 RS485 LTC485 LT0485.PDF Low Power RS485 Interface Transceiver 1.10 Maxim 1.10.1 ADC MAX180/MAX181 1031.PDF Complete, 8-Channel, 12-Bit Data-Acquisition Systems MAX186/MAX188 1070.PDF Low-Power, 8-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCs MAX1202/MAX1203 MAX1202.PDF 5V, 8-Channel, Serial, 12-Bit ADCs with 3V Digital Interface MAX1246/MAX1247 MAX1246.PDF +2.7V, Low-Power, 4-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCs in QSOP-16 MAX1247 Evaluation Kit MAX1247.PDF MAX146/MAX147 MAX147.PDF +2.7V, Low-Power, 8-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCs MAX191 MAX191.PDF Low-Power, 12-Bit Sampling ADC with Internal Reference and Power-Down MAX194 MAX194.PDF 14-Bit, 85ksps ADC with 10µA Shutdown 7 Index 1.10.2 DC-DC MAX679 MAX679.PDF Regulated 3.3V Charge Pump MAX848/MAX849 MAX848.PDF 1-Cell to 3-Cell, High-Power, Low-Noise, Step-Up DC-DC Converters MAX856-MAX859 MAX856.PDF 3.3V/5V or Adjustable-Output, Step-Up DC-DC Converters MAX866/MAX867 MAX866.PDF 3.3V/5V or Adjustable-Output, Single-Cell DC-DC Converters MAX877L/MAX878L/MAX879L MAX877.PDF 5V/3.3V/3V/Adjustable-Output, Step-Up/Step-Down DC-DC Converters 1.10.3 RS232 MAX220-MAX249 MAX220.PDF +5V-Powered, Multi-Channel RS-232 Drivers/Receivers MAX3221/MAX3223/MAX3243 MAX3221.PDF 1µA Supply Current, True +3V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers with AutoShutdown™ MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX32337/MAX3241 MAX3222.PDF 3.0V to 5.5V, Low-Power, up to 1Mbps, True RS-232 Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors 1.10.4 Supervisory MAX691A/MAX693A/MAX800L/MAX800M 1150.PDF Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits 8 1.10.5 Watchdog MAX690/91/92/93/94/95 MAX690-5.PDF Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits MAX690A/MAX692A/MAX802L/MAX802M/ MAX690A.PDF MAX805L Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits MAX691A/MAX693A/Max800L/MAX800M MAX691A.PDF Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits MAX706P/R/S/T, MAX708R/S/T MAX706P.PDF +3V Voltage Monitoring, Low-Cost, µP Super- visory Circuits MAX793/MAX794/MAX795 MAX793.PDF 3.0V/3.3V Adjustable Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits MAX814/MAX815/MAX816 MAX814.PDF ±1% Accuracy, Low-Power, +3V and +5V µP Supervisory Circuits 1.11 Motorola 1.11.1 PowerPC PowerPC™MPC505 RISC Microcontroller MPC505R2.PDF Technical Data 97’ PowerPC™MPC505 RISC Microcontroller 505B.PDF Technical Data 97’ PowerPC™MPC505 RISC Microcontroller 505BERAT.PDF Technical Data 97’ PowerPC™MPC505 RISC Microcontroller 509ERAT.PDF Technical Data 97’ PowerPC™MPC505 RISC Microcontroller MPC509.PDF Technical Data 97’ 9 Index 1.12 NOHAU 1.12.1 Emulator EMUL166-PC C166.PDF In-Circuit Emulator C500 Enhanced Hooks C500.PDF In-Circuit Emulator EMUL51-PC EMUL51.PDF In-Circuit Emulator 1.13 OKI 1.13.1 8051 Derivatives MSM85C154HVS Piggy Back 154HVS.PDF 8-Bit Microcontroller 82C55A 154S.PDF 8-Bit Microcontroller 1.14 Philips 1.14.1 8051 80C552/83C552 80C552.PDF Single-chip 8-bit microcontroller Data Sheet 08.98 P8xC592 L-048.PDF 8-Bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN 10 1.14.2 CAN PCA82C250 L-130.PDF CAN controller interface P82C150 L-132.PDF CAN Serial Linked I/O device (SLIO) with digital and analog port functions SJA1000 SJA1000.PDF Stand-alone CAN controller 1.14.3 RTC PCF8583 L-126.PDF Clock/calendar with 240 x 8-bit RAM 1.14.4 UART SCC2691 L-127.PDF Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) 1.15 Samsung 1.15.1 SRAM KM6161000B Family KM61610B.PDF CMOS SRAM, 64K x 16 bit LOW Power Static RAM KM6164000B Family KM61640B.PDF CMOS SRAM, 256K x 16 bit Low Power Static RAM KM616FV1000, KM616FS1000, KM616FS1.PDF KM616FR1000 Family 64K x16 bit Super Low Power and Low Voltage 11 Index Full CMOS Static RAM KM62256D Family KM62256D.PDF 32Kx8 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM KM681000C Family KM6810C.PDF 128K x8 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM KM684000A Family KM6840A.PDF 512Kx8 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM KM68512A Family KM68512A.PDF 64Kx8 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM KM68FV1000, KM68FS1000, KM68FR1000 KM68FS1.PDF Family 128K x8 bit Super Low Power and Low Voltage Full CMOS Static RAM KM68S2000 Family KM68S200.PDF 256Kx8 bit Low Power and Low Voltage CMOS Static RAM KM68V2000A, KM68U2000A Family KM68U20A.PDF 256Kx8 bit Low Power and Low Voltage CMOS Static RAM 1.16 Sgs Thomson 1.16.1 X86 ST PC PC110.PDF High Performance Multimedia Consumer PC on a chip Data Sheet 08.97 12 1.17 Siemens 1.17.1 C16x Family C161V/C161K/C161O C161CXD.PDF 16-bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller Datasheet C161RI C161RI.PDF Consumer Class 16-bit Microcontroller Product Info C161V/C161K/C161O C161U.PDF 16-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller User’s Manual C161 C161V.PDF The Basic 16-bit Microcontrollers Product Info/Device Cross Reference C163-16F C16316F.PDF High Performance Processor-Oriented Microcontroller with 128K Byte Flash Product Info C163-16F C16316FD.PDF 16-bit CMOS Microcontroller Data Sheet C163 C163V.PDF Processor-Oriented Low Cost Microcontroller with up to 25 MHz CPU Clock Product Info C164CI C164CID.PDF 16-bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller Data Sheet C164CI C164CIU.PDF 16-bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller User’s Manual C164CI C164CIV.PDF General Purpose High Performance Microcontroller with OTP on Chip 13 Index Product Info C165 C165-25S.PDF 16-bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller 25MHz Specification C165 C1653VS.PDF 16-bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller 3V Operation Specification C165 C165D.PDF 16-bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller Data Sheet C165 C165V.PDF Processor Oriented Microcontroller with up to 25MHz CPU Clock Product
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