r- .v.".. k i in n T7"r w k tt n rr tt 1 ti u--. .-- FOR SHEER j i m s m a li-U- DELIGHT j J MRSV U MAjy J VOL. VII, NO. 85 KABUL, MONDAYJULY 1, 1968 (SARATAN 10, 1347 S.H.) Price Afs. 4 GAULLISTS SWEEP TO Johnson Said To Be Planning House Approves Afghanistan Land Survey Law ' - Move To Limit Arms Race KABUL, July 1,' (Bakhtar) The Ho- . ABSOLUTE MAJORITY Non-Sprea- use general ses-sio- n To Sign d of Representatives in a WASHINGTON, July 1, (Reu- - at the White House today, Sunday approved the law oh land i ter). Diplomatic observers spe-- - Speculation about unilateral survey by a majority vote. 82 vot- 3 To 1 culated yesterday . that Presid-- U.S. action spread when Vice es were cast in favour and 62 aga- Victory Leaves TheniFree Treaty ent Johnson might be planning President Humphrey said yester inst . an-oth- The session also heard the final to announce a .. .symbolic U.5. day that Johnson will make er part of Pashto text of the law.' Dr. Of Coalition With Republicans KABUL, July 1, (Bakhtar). arms cutback to encourage the announcement which I be--' fieve Abdul Zaher presided over the ses- Afghanistan, will sign the Nuc- Soviet Union to help down the . will prove its significance - nuclear arms race. in terms of arms and, the sion. before lear Nonproliferation Treaty to. control PARIS,') July 1, (Reuter). The Gaullists "Swept all The Budgetary and Financial Af-- .' day in Washington, London and Johnson disclosed Saturday . control of weaponry." them Sunday to win a gerteral election majority beyond even that he would make an impor- "The world will find that a fairs Committee of the House yes- ' Moscow, the information depart- ' ' terday continued deliberating their hopes. ment of the Foreign Ministry tant speech on disarmament at. very substantial breakthrough on the long-soug- ht budegts of the Prime Ministry and They not only crushed the Communists and' Socialists but announced. ' the signing of the has been made, he said in a te- - . v Afghan also won enough seats to govern without the aid of the Indepen- Afghanistan's ambassador in Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty levised interview the. Olympic Federation., The Second Deputy Prime Minis ; Republicans on whom they depended in the last National Washington and London .... and dent ter Abdullah Yaftali, Secretary Gen- Assembly. Charge d'Affairs' in Moscow Before. Humphrey spoke, the- - eral of the Olympic Federation Ghu-la-m ' 357 104. left-wi- will sign the treaty for this co- re was a general expectation With 461 constituencies counted seats to The Farouq Seraj and chief untry! 1 auditor ng federation lost 60 seats and the Communist 34. in the Prime Ministry were summo- The draft of the treaty was Law Urged To Meet 38 SStLSfii Soviet S ned before the committee to answer submitted fcy the United States . Union were ready to be When the assembly was dis- quarter of Paris focal point of questions. and the Soviet Union to the 18 gin talks on limiting offensive month's strikes recent student demonstrations. ' solved after last Geneva disarmament co- Changes Caused By and defensive weapons systems, coalition Capitant was appointed justi- nation and unrest, the Gaullist su- and limiting missile (ABNi) de- 43 be- reshuffle after resign- mmittee. The draft was then had 242 deputies. Of these,. ce in the . Foreign Assembly bmitted together with a report fences. Pak longed to the.. Independent Rep- ing his national seat in Econ. Development The president protest government .handling by the committee to the United told an audien- ublicans, led by former Finance at" ce at a dedication ceremony in D' of student and worker protests. Nations General, Assembly. Minister Valery Giscard LUMPUR, July 1, (Reu- - Nashville, Tennessee. Saturday. Minister To In the last ministerial result KUALA estaing. subsequently ap- ter) Legal structures in developing , tbat he would have important la The assembly , . Among those defeated yester- declared Christian de Malene, u:Mrtn a J: i a - i . research proved the draft. After this the countries needed to adjust to meet uiuigs iu uisvuss ai luuay s treaty day were two government minis- minister for scientific signing ceremony. Visit Turkey his Paris Security Council held a meeting changes brought about by econo- ,and former Prime Minister and space affairs, held ters Commu- - on the issue at the request of mic development, the President of Whether or not he has ordered ' Mendes-Franc- e, standing seat in a contest with a Pierre Sov- Asia any special action, he was ex- KARACHI,-Jul- 1, (Reuter-Pa-kis- tan's ' the United States and the the Law Association for and Unified Socialist nist- - ': . for the small r the Western Pacific (LAWASIA), pected to say the stjge had Foreign Minister . Arshad Grenoble. Raymond Mondon, president of iet Union and Britain. Party (PSU) in powers signatory Justice J. Kerr, of Australia, said been set for talks he proposed Husain told reporters at Lahore yes- defeated in the elec- the Independent Republican Gr- The nuclear He was treaty pledged to defend here yesterday. during his meetings with Soviet terday he would call at Tehran, on Jean-Marc- el' assembly, gave an to the oup in the six-da- y tion by Gaullist, Premier Alexei Kosygin Gla-ssbor- o, his wayback from a scheduled non-nucle- ar countries at former minister of assurance that it would remain signatory He said a lot of stress and strain jeaneney, against a nuclear attack or the New Jergey, last summer. visit to 'Turkey starting on Tue- within the Gaullist majority, was now being placed on old laws v social affairs. a nuclear attack. Johnson,, pressing for further sday. who was dropped through preserving a critical ap- threat of because of the increasing economic Jeaneney, ' signing of the treaty is disarmament progress and impr Pakistan, Iran and Turkey three mo- proach, . The . government i activity. ab from the in last an important step to- roved relations with the Russ- non-Ar- moslem nations are gro- changes, beat Mendes-- With this support behind him, considered nth's cabinet Pompidou will wards general and complete dis- Justice Kerr was presid- ians during his final six months uped together in the Regional Coop- France by only 145 votes, ac- Prime Minister and especially tow- ent of LAWASIA for a second term in office, appears determined to eration for Development Organisa- . be in a stronger position in the armament cording to the official result. by a weekend council meeting pre- press ahead in trying to lift the tion (RCD) which aims at welding neck-and-ne- (Continued on page 4) ards nuclear disarmament. The counting was paratory to the opening here tomo- nuclear threat. them into a single economic bloc. way. most of the rrow of its first full conference oe? mi- . The former radical prime delegat- France's ing attended by about 500 nister, who arranged Cong Destroy Refugee all over Asia and the wes- colonial war Viet es from withdrawal from its tern Pacific. Indo-Chi- na 1954, won the in in More than 200 have came from Grenoble seat in last year's ge- Village, Kill 88 Civilians Home News In Brief almost 10 "may Australia alone. neral elections after SAIGON, July 1, Reuter). an here said the attack piji was also admitted over the political wilderness -. Viet Cong years in the troops stood guard th- well be the worst membership the or- KABUL, July 1, (Bakhtar)Pres-iden- t Pastor Insjtitute Paris arrived .here Mitterrand, leader of American weekend to of Francois the nisht by the dying" rocity against civilians m the ganisation, its secretary announced of postal services Ghulam Mo- Sunday to hold talks regarding the opposition federation of the Sikander-i- Ministry the embers of burned-o- ut huts in war. yesterday. hammad the establishment of serum vaccine pro- to the ,, Na- a left, won Son Tra refugees village wh- The village was" situated in The council also approved applic- of Communications returned from a duction plant in this country. Assembly but with a dra- the just below tional ich was levelled' Saturday in a sandy coastal plain ations from 401 individual members postal seminar in Tokyo. He said majority. Zone dividing Ja- stically cut Viet Cong attack and 88 civil- the Demilitarised bringing membership to total 863a the seminar was organised by the Mitterrand, opposition presi- a killed. the two Vietnams. said large Aust- panese government in which repre- 1965, re- ians tr- Justice 'Kerr the dential candidate in Several miles to the south, sentatives of 14 Afro-Asia- n countri- straight Troops and militia yesterday ralian contingent could be seen as Kosygin Meets ceived 20,208 votes in. a gruesome task ' of oopers from the U.S. first air ca- es discussed various aspects oi pos- -- Jean-Clau- de began the an Indication of their interest in .fight' with a Gaullist in valry division Saturday discove- got laying out the bodies of the building relations with Asian law- tal services. Hanoi Delegate Servan-Scheib- er who 73 of North Vi- 15 government red more bodies yers. finishing four killed a -- 17 326 votes after pacification workers who died etnamese soldiers hi KABUL; July , (Bakhtar) Abd- among Ausjril-ian- s Paris Talks votes ahead of Mitterrand after thr- clash last Thursday. This brou- ' Regional feelings ul an official of the Ministry Jo - when guerrillas raced Hadi first-roun- voting.- the 1, (Reuter).-So- viet Sunday's d" 225 pf bodies was growing and the people letur-ne- MOSCOW, July last ough the village hurling explos- ght to the number of Agriculture and Irrigation d Mitterrand, who forced de discovered as a result of the ac- there were more conscious of their where he Premier Alexei Kosygin ive charges and hand .
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