'Housinq Lottery CIo es Tomorrow. The ea er Today: Thunderstorms, 79°F (26°C) Tonight: Thunder tonn ,62°F (17° ) Tomorrow: Partly loudy, 79°F (26°C) Detail , Page 2 02139 IFe Keeps Close Eye On This Year's Rush Rules Regarding Females More Stringent ding females from taying overnight in all-male living group Thi year' ru h ha featured may be re pon ible in part for the higher budget more vigilant lower figure. Interfraternity Council policing, and gue t appearance by the Cam- IF atche women do el bridge Licen e Commission. hang aid that IFC repre enta- Delta Kappa Epsilon Ru h ti e topped by the front de ks of Chair ichola A. ielsen '03 all the F ILG immediately after guessed that most fraternities were Killian Kickoff to make sure there pending $20,000 to 30,000 on were no problem and addre any recruitment this year. concern. t that time IF repre- "They're probably pending a entatives checked among other little more than u ual thi year, . things, to make sure no women because they're trying to stay were checked into all-male hou es. strong," he said. "But these are This year, freshmen women are already such high budgets that it not allowed to sleep over at all- doesn't really matter." male living group . "Freshman The IFC Judicial Committee girls should not be overnighting STANLEY Hu-TIIE TECH investigators "are always around," where they are not potential new Outnumbered and outgunned by (right to left) Rodin O. Entchev '02 and Riad S. Wahby '02, said Phi Beta Epsilon Rush Chair members," Chang said. In past members of the east campus army, a soldier from west campus attempts to hold his ground. Jae K. Ro '02. years the IFC has not taken any The CLC sent its own investi- stance on this is ue, but Chang gator to each of the fraternities in said that it became a problem last Cambridge "to make sure every- year. Dorm Rush Attracts Frosh Can thing is okay," said IFC Recruit- "They're missing out on oppor- ment Chair Joanne Chang '03. The tunities for ILGs and [Panhellenic investigator checked for alcohol rush]," she said. and made sure that building capac- "Last year, Panhel had a weak More Frosh This Year Start Doing ities had not been exceeded. "They rush," Ro said. The weak Panhel- know about rush ... they know the lenic rush may have inspired the By Dana Levine pIe came for tours," said Ben chaos, and they wanted to see for IFC to be more strict about fresh- EDITOR t. CHIEF Maron '04, a Baker House rush Research themselves" how rush is going, she man women being taken away While fraternities treated fresh- chair. "I certainly think the turnout said. from Killian. men to teak and lob ter dinners, was decent." About 350 freshmen stayed "[IFC has] been really strict MIT's dormitories showed the Burton- onner House ru h All ummer the lass of 2005 has overnight in fraternities, sororities, about girls going on jaunts," said freshman cia s that they too know chair ChanelJe J. Howe '02 noticed been inundated with mail welcoming and independent living groups on Nu Delta Rush Chair Guillermo J. how to have fun. that there were a lot of fre hmen them to MIT, which is described by Saturday night, Chang said. Chicas '03. "I guess it's affecting Rush chairs at several dormito- examining dormitories this year. "1 the Admi ions Department' web Last year, about 400 freshmen sororities ... It's not like we're ries were impressed by the number think we ve had more people this ite as the "world premiere center stayed overnight at FSILGs on Sat- rushing girls, but with girls come of freshmen who showed up at the year. Ye terday 1 expected people for the tudy of science and technolo- urday night, according to Chang. dormitories, especially on atur- to be going aero the river to the gy." The only question which However, a new IFC rule forbid- IFe, Page 7 day. "A surprising number of peo- fratemitie , but there were a lot of remains, then, is how to make use of people here,' he aid. the vast resources that the Institute lejandro Morale '04 a ru h offers. chair for Random Hall also aid The most popular answer i par- that freshmen came to his dorm ticipation in MIT' pioneering earlier thi year. 'We ve been get- ndergraduate Re earch Opportuni- ting a lot of fre hman from the tie Program, known to most imply start, which i unu ual. We ha e as ' UROP' . According to the UROP fre hman who are coming traight Office, approximately 0 percent of from kickoff, and before, and stay- undergraduate participate in at least ing," he said. one during their MIT careers. Getting a UROP can be as easy as Fre bmen know proce better e-mailing a professor or as involved aron believes that freshmen as having to compete for the job decided to check out the dormito- replete with a resume and full inter- rie early on during ru h becau e view proce . they know more about the rush proce . "I think that the fre hrnen Begin with que tion were better organized and better The first step in a search for the prepared than I wa Ia t year. It perfect UROP i asking yourself why kind of cares me,' he aid. you want to take up a lab po ition. Morales al 0 thinks that this aybe to explore a potential major. year's freshman class is better Perhaps to try working in a field you informed than tho e in previous had never considered before. Have year . "Part of it i probably the too much pare time between prob- fact that ids know what they want lem sets? All are good rea ons for ahead of time, they are better walking over to 7-104, "UROP Cen- informed," he said. "A large per- tral " and signing up for a project. MATTHEW M1SHRIKEY-THE TECH centage had a en e that they Of course it' often not quite that . Freshmen rushees enjoy an afternoon roofdeck party on top of Phi Beta Epsilon. Dorm Rush, Page UROP, Page 7 The Tech s Daily Cornie OPINIO Confu ion J oti Tibrewala reflect on r. Roger departure from the tube. World & ation , , 2 Opinion .. , 4 Cornie 6 Page 12 Page 6 Page 5 Page 2 H pril 27,2001 WORLD & NATION Bush eeess Inclement Conditions Delay LO A GELES TrMES Pre ident Bush join d mor than 1,000 te I or er for a f rnily picnic unday and von th ir hearty appro al h ow d to protect Salvage of Kursk Submarine the dom tic teel indu try again t illegal foreign imp rts ailing it matter of national ecurity." 8y Robyn Dixon take pla late a ept. ugust and promised to bring back The pre ident al 0 expre ed concern that the manuf cturing ec- LOS A GELES TIMES nder oring the problem the the bodie . MO cow tor i a lot lower than I would hope," noting that the .' economy 1 a million operation fa es, ot- He wa facing int n e heat for has grown at a paltry 1 percent' 0 er the pa t 12 month . Gale in the Barent ea forced ak onceded that the weather will continuing a ummer acation while It orrie me first and foremo t for the effe t that' going to diver in the urs nu lear ubrna- wor n in ptember. But he aid the navy bungled the re cue opera- have on the familie all aero Ameri a" Bush aid adding that hi rine al age operation to top work the Kur k hould be d livered to dry tion after th ubmarine ent down administration i taking a tion. ' und y, in the Itt in a erie of do k by early tober. ug.12. s e ample , he cited debt reduction, the 1.3 trillion tax cut and interruptions that ha rai ed doubt He a contr dieted by na al Twel of the 11 bodie were the pur uit of a fair trade policy that i 'going to h e a le I playing about heth r the venture ill man- pr poke man Dmitri Bur- pulled out in 0 tober. fi ld as its component." ge to rai the ve el b for winter. mi trov, who d nied any delay. everal key part of the opera- The pre ident made hi pledge to maint in a trong dome tic teel In ign of th bubbling ten ions It a plann d to rai e the tion ha e repeatedly been delayed industry during a 12-minute peech before flying to illiam port o er the ituation top Ru ian na al Kur k in the middle of eptember, be au e of problem with equip- Pa., to attend the Little League orId erie hampionship game. official were at odd over the and we are till on chedule, Bur- ment and weather. There, Bush threw out the ceremonial fir t ball and was indu ted ee end on th target date to rai e mi tro aid. e re not re pon ible The drilling of 26 holes along into the league hall of fame - in recognition of the f ct that he i the ur k. for what otsak choo e to ay." the ide of the ub was cheduled to the first president to h ve played Little League ball.
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