December 8, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 27767 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, December 8, 2005 The House met at 10 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, On May 1 of 2003, the President stood called to order by the Speaker pro tem- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. on the deck of an aircraft carrier and pore (Mr. LAHOOD). f gave his ‘‘mission accomplished’’ f ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER speech. Last week he gave his ‘‘secret PRO TEMPORE plan for victory’’ speech. Yesterday, he DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER gave his ‘‘making progress’’ speech. PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I think I know the problem here. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Chair will entertain up to 10 one- Whoever has been writing the Presi- fore the House the following commu- minute speeches on each side. dent’s speeches owes him an apology. nication from the Speaker: f They badly mixed up the sequence over WASHINGTON, DC, AMERICA’S SUCCESSFUL ECONOMY the last few years. First, he was to give December 8, 2005. his ‘‘plan for victory’’ speech, then he (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- I hereby appoint the Honorable RAY was to give his ‘‘making progress’’ mission to address the House for 1 LAHOOD to act as Speaker pro tempore on speech, then he was to give his ‘‘mis- minute and to revise and extend her re- this day. sion accomplished’’ speech. J. DENNIS HASTERT, marks.) I have here a copy of his ‘‘get out of Speaker of the House of Representatives. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, the latest Iraq’’ speech. f economic numbers show that the Re- publicans’ pro-growth economic poli- f PRAYER cies are working. In November, the CONGRATULATING ST. XAVIER The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. U.S. Consumer Confidence Index rose HIGH SCHOOL Coughlin, offered the following prayer: almost 15 points from the previous (Mr. CHABOT asked and was given Lord God of prophets and saints, ever month, which bodes well as we enter permission to address the House for 1 attentive to Your people, hear the the holiday shopping season. minute.) prayers of this Nation and bless the The White House has projected that Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, today I United States of America, all its citi- the economy would record a growth have the honor of congratulating Cin- zens, all those who work in the three rate of 3.5 percent for 2005. In addition, cinnati’s St. Xavier High School, one of branches of government and all who the number of Americans filing first- Ohio’s most athletically successful and serve in the military. time job claims fell to a new 7-month academically accomplished institu- Upon the dome which augments this low, and the unemployment rate is tions on its first Ohio High School Di- building, Lord, there stands in classical holding steady at 5 percent. vision I State football championship. feminine style a bronze Statue of Free- Finally, nearly 4.5 million jobs have St. X defeated powerful Massillon dom. She is dressed in flowing drapery been added in the last 21⁄2 years. This Washington 24–17 in the final game, symbolic of the outpouring of plenitude encouraging economic news dem- Massillon having previously won 22 which You have showered upon this onstrates that the Republican plan of State football championships. My wife, land. Her headdress of eagle feathers low taxes and restrained Federal spend- Donna, and I had the good fortune to pays tribute to our Native roots and ing is a winning combination. attend many of St. X’s games this year crowned by stars bearing witness to Last month, we passed the Deficit and last year since our son, Randy, is the flag and the heavens. Reduction Act, which is a plan to help in the band. She is Your creation, a beacon of reform government and yield savings St. X was great. They went 15–0 this hope and symbol to all who search in for American taxpayers. Democrats, on year. USA Today in their national poll their souls for the lasting freedom You the other hand, continue to push their ranked them number nine in the whole offer all Your beloved children. May we tax-and-spend policies, a plan which is country. I think they should have been hear again today Your clear and assur- neither good for the family checkbook number one. ing message saying to the heart of this nor the American economy. Even more impressive, this is St. X’s Nation, ‘‘I alone am the Lord’’ and Republicans will continue to push for 36th State title in all sports, the most ‘‘The Lord is with you.’’ Amen. pro-growth policies to ensure that all of any high school in the State. I am f Americans can realize the American proud to say that this is the fourth Dream. THE JOURNAL consecutive year that Ohio’s Division I f football champs are from my congres- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sional district. St. X joins Colerain and Chair has examined the Journal of the PRESIDENT BUSH’S SPEECHES ARE OUT OF ORDER Elder high schools in making that pos- last day’s proceedings and announces sible. to the House his approval thereof. (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given Congratulations to Coach Steve Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- permission to address the House for 1 Specht, his staff, the players, parents, nal stands approved. minute.) alumni, fans, and of course the band. f Mr. KUCINICH. Yesterday, the Presi- You were amazing. Go Bombers. dent gave his progress in Iraq speech. f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE However, in Najaf, security is not being The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the provided by the U.S.-trained Iraqi SUCCESS OF CLARK COUNTY’S gentleman from Washington (Mr. troops, but by the militia of radical INTER-SERVICE WALK AND BAIRD) come forward and lead the Shiite Muslim Muqtada Al-Sadr. KNOCK FOOD DRIVE House in the Pledge of Allegiance. In Mosul, the President said 50 per- (Mr. BAIRD asked and was given per- Mr. BAIRD led the Pledge of Alle- cent of the people voted. But 56 percent mission to address the House for 1 giance as follows: of those who voted, voted against the minute.) I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the constitution that the Bush administra- Mr. BAIRD. Mr. Speaker, on Satur- United States of America, and to the Repub- tion was promoting. day December 3, I was proud to join b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:11 Mar 02, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK20\BR08DE05.DAT BR08DE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 27768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE December 8, 2005 more than 4,350 volunteers to conduct count for a changing marketplace and Mr. Dean may not believe that our the largest single-day food drive in the does not result in the most benefit for troops are up to the task in Iraq, but I State of Washington. workers. and the overwhelming majority of my Throughout Clark County, Wash- Today, a retirement plan must be as colleagues do. It is important our ington, members of social service clubs dynamic as our society. Flexibility for troops understand that. Our troops and volunteers from all walks of the employers and employees is impera- have freed 26 million Iraqis from the life gathered at 31 staging areas to can- tive, and the Pension Protection Act is grip of a brutal and murderous dic- vass the entire county. I was pleased to a step in the right direction; and Con- tator, set the stage for democratic join a young group of Brownies as we gress should pass it this year. elections in a country where this was went door to door. I urge my colleagues, Republicans once thought impossible. By 4 p.m. we had collected more than and Democrats, to step up and help Make no mistake, if the war against 114 tons of food at an approximate provide this needed reform now. Ameri- terrorism is lost, it will not be lost by value of $365,000. Collections will now cans expect us to solve difficult prob- our magnificent troops on the battle- continue through December 9, bringing lems, and pension protection is one field. It will be lost right here at home the total to an expected 130 tons. In the that requires and deserves our atten- by politicians who lose their resolve. 21-year history, Clark County Walk tion. f and Knock has collected more than 4.9 f million pounds of food valued at $6 mil- AMERICA’S ECONOMY IS IN THE CRISIS IN DARFUR lion. TROUBLE Walk and Knock is 100 percent volun- (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY asked and was teer, and 100 percent of any money do- given permission to address the House given permission to address the House nated by the public is used for the ex- for 1 minute.) for 1 minute.) clusive use of purchasing additional Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, it Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, the food. Organizers included members of is not often that we get everybody here President would have us believe that the local Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, Opti- in Congress to agree. But we do agree all is well with our economy.
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