r r :1m ?CIS ^>-, i, ./t ^azj l10 S TX VIof (he Kmsiits,A'V.iUiiUU*} Vvlll^VlloCitizens Cilivxand BurgeflTes,•‘jUif)'-” w7 Summoned byJ the Letter of His Hi;. ^ the Prince ofOK%^ ro Meet at Weftmrfer the 2 a* o£ January, 16 8J. as they have been returned to the Office of the Clerk of the Crown m Chanary Borough of CCb?)'ft dTbtir^h* rStUUu'cUdjire 6* Borough of 5>ept0»\ Borough of §£) r. Borough '/C??f-£afHe. Lciccfict 4. Town of iBfr^arh upon Mathew A^>ple>ard Ejj; SetifojUftftc 4. ^renr. Francis Gwyn Sir Richard Newdigate Bar, James Praed Ejq; Richard Fownes Efq; Bennet Lord Sherard. Henry Guy Ejlf; H E fJonour ittc The Bight Honourable'Willi- William Ecirick Efj; Sir Richard Verney Kj* Edward W'alter Vincent Efq; William Okeden Efq; Sir Thomas Halford Bar. Borough of Bo^OUSM'fC'X- Efo Borough of 6filb) rfbtlffb* City of Cobenrrp. Ruflel, B oro’igl) of ^otoar*. Borough of fteirefler. am Lord Eland. Sir bfi Henry VVallop Efq; Sir Roger Cave Bar. Henry GooTicke ^Villiam punco:nl)e, Jonathan Rafhleigh Eff; Thomas Babington Efq; The Honourable Nicholas San- and Baronet, Durban) 4. The Honourable J a mes Ruflel John Stratford Efq; • Tbaw of li5e'd:o:n. ShadVach Vincent Efq; William Lampton Ejq; Ejq; derfon Efq; Lawrence Carter Borough of ODiarteitb. Chfiftopher Vane £"7; Thomas ChriiHe, Ef]'y B trough of §2 r. slo ectuan^. , Robert Byerly Ejq; sfr> , Borough of Ejfj, Borough of nmraiinstoti. William Lord Digbey. Thomas' Hillerfdon, Sir Walter Moyle Knt. City of IDurbatn. ®ton 9. Sir William Strickland Bar* iUnicolne 12. Richard Holt Ejq; William Colemorc Ejq; 'Beilis 9. Daniel Elyo‘t Efif; George Morfand Efq; The B/zht Honourable George Sir Robert Jenkinfon Bar. William Palmes Ejq;^ Borough of f&t. ^irhael. John Burrard Eqq; T^e Honourable Mountague Ber- Henry Lyddel Ffq; Lord Vifcount Caftleton. Sir John Cope Bar. Borough of Cb|l*ht> . Charles Lord Vi fount Fanfhaw. Borough of 411nbober. tie, Lore/ Norris. Sir Thomas Hufley Bar. XJniverfty of on. CCteffmojlauti 4. Thomas Franckland Ejq; Francis Vivian Efq; The Honourable Heneage Francis Powlet of Amport -U/V Henry Winchcombe, B r. CEffet 8. City of lUnrolne. Jirjohh Lowther, of Lowtlrer, Richard Staines Ejq; B orough of $eYnpo?r. Efq; Efr> Borough of /^ebO-SUInDfO?. Henry Mildmay Ejq; Sir Henry Monfon Bar. Finch Bar. Borough of dKl0bo?OUgis Sir William Morrice Bar. - Sir Thomas Clargis Knt. John Pollen of Andover Efq; Menry Powle, 'EJq\ John Wroth Ejq; Sir Chriftopher Nevite Knt. Henry Wharton Efiq; Sir Michkl Wentworth Kf* John Speccott Efq; C*>y of SDjon. Str Chriftopher Wren, f^nt, Borough of Colrbeffer. Borough of Boffon. Borough of 4!pulbp. Chriftopher Tancrcd Ejq; Borough of (^atoesr. The Honourable Henry Bertie B trough of IReahins. Samuel Reynolds Efq; The Honourable Robert Lord ^taffo^fyfee 10. Borough of Better Up. Sir Jqfeph Tredenham Knt. The Honourable John Gray Philip Mufgrave Efq; Sir William Rich, Bar. Ifaac Rebow Efq; Willoughby ofErsby. m Richard Lowther Ejq; Sir J >hn Hotham Bar. Henry Seymour Efq; Sir Edward Norreys Knt- Sir Hen: y Fane IQit.ofthc B ttb. Borough of Sir William Yorke Knt. Sir Michael Warton Kf * Borough of KelUngton. Borough of $ebO*£fliOObnotk. Sir Walter Bagot Bar. Birough of CflfalUtl5fo?D. Sir Thomas Darcy Bar. Borough of^Kieat ©gfnwtbp. B rough of /12o£rb=<liUertoru Sir John Cory ton B IT. Sir John Doyley Bar. Ci>y of Htffbfieltl. Thomas Tipping E/}-, ? Charles Mountague SirThomas BarnardiftonJ^r. J£ltltfl)tre I4. William Robinfon Ffq; Jonathan Prideaux Ejq; Sir Bar. Sir Michael,Biddulph Bar. f ohn Dormer Ef] 5 B.rMgh of tyartofeb. Sir Edward Ayfcogh Knt. Thomas Littleton Thomas La feel Is Ejq; y Robert Burdett Ejq; \ The Bight Honourable Edward Thomas Tipping £.% ? Sir Thomas Middleton Ifnt- Town of §bramfo;t>. Borough of 215anbtirp. Borough of JStenrtfraftk Sir. Robert 4)afliwood Knt. Boro ghof iS>raffo?t!. Vijcount Carnbury. William Jennens-E/^j S CtimberlaitB 6- John Eldred Efq; Charles Bertie Efq; Sir Thomas Mompeflbn Kf- John Lord Vifcount Downs. Sir George Fletcher Bar. and Bar. Phiftp Foley Efq; Borough of 2frbington. William Hyde Efq;. City of Jfteto jg>aruni. Sir Thomas Yarburgh Kt- Sir John Lowtherigf Whitehaven John Chetwind Efq; Thomas Mediycott EJqy . Borough of fenrham. Thomas Hobby Efq; Bar. 8 Borough of Jl^eteraftle under Sir John Guyfe Bar. SiV John Brownlowe Bar. ; Kutinna 2. nine. Giles Eyre Efq; TStlCliS 14. City of garlifle* Sir William Ellis Bar. Sir Thomas Mack worth Bar. Sir Ralph Dutton Bar. Wttliam Lerefon GomrEJq; “Borough of CCflTfOtt. B^A RONS of the The Honourable Thomas Whar- Sir Chriftopher Mufgrave K$* Bennet Sherard Efq; City of SKlourefier. Thomas Penruddock Efq; Cinque-Ports. (,5.; ton Efq; (and Bar. John Lawton Ejq; r Sir Duncombe Colechefter ^tnwerer 8. Thomas Wyndham Ejq; ■Sir Thomas Lee Bar, Jeremiah Bubb Efq; Borough of Camteo^rb. Town of Burfcmsham. Knt. Sir Charles Gerrard Bar* S>alop 12. The Honourable Henry Syd- Borough rf JDotonrotl.' , Port 0/Rafting*, Borough of Cockermontfr. The Honourable Richard New- Sir Richard Temple Knight of William Cooke Efq; Ralph Hawtrey Efq; ney Ejq; JiV Charles Rawleigh Kf. Joh-n Afbburnham Efq; Sir Henry Capell Knt. port Ejq; the Bath and Bar. Borough of Cirenrefter. City of Cfflfeffminftet." Sir Henry Gough Knt, Maurice Bocland Ejq; Thomas Munn Ejq; Henry Fletcher Efq; Edward Kynafton 0/ Oattly Sir Ralph Verney Bir. Thomas Mafter Sir William Poultney Knt. Borough of ibtnDOn, Town of CKtntberfea. Ejq; 4B rough of ^bippina*aihfom^i John How Efq; The Honourable Philip Ho- Robert Hyde Efik Richard Auften Ejq; Borough of Town of f&alap. Suffolk 16, hfq; DecOp 4. <ff e\Bh«btirp. ward Ejq; John Milner Efiq; Samuel Wefton Efij; Thomas Lewes Sir John Cell B ir. The Honourable kwdxe.'N New- Sir John Cordell Bar. William Jcphfon Efif; Richard Dowdefwell Ejq; 4tont>on. Sir John Rous Bar. Borough of cSiEftburp. Town of 3ft pr. Sir, Gilbert Clarke port Efq; Borough cf ^pUghurp. Sir Francis RufTel Bar, Sir Patience Ward Knt. Richard Lewis £/yj Sir John Darrell Kj- Town of jEDrtbp, Sir Francis Edwards Bar. Borough of Jpftetfb. Thomas Lee £/<y; Si> Robert Clayton Kb*. The Honourable Peregrine Ber- ThomasFrewin Ejq; ' The Honourable Anchitell Gray Borough of IBmeg, alias Sir John Barker B ir. .Richard Beake Ef] Detefo?M)tte 8. William Love Efq; tie, the Elder, Ejq; Port of jBcte Iftumncp. y Efq;, 2i0?ttigeno*rb. Peyton Ventris Ejq; Borough of 4lamontie£|)am. Sir John Morgan Bar. Thomas Pilkington Borough of jijepresburp. John Brewer E/f; John Coke Efq; Sir William MjShitmore Bar. Borough of IDuntefch. Sir William Drake Kfit. Sir Edward Harley Knight TheHow.Roger North Efq;? William Alhe Efq; James Chadwick Ejq; Sir Edward Adton Bar, Edmond Waller EJcj\ of the Bath. Sir Bar. William Sacheverell Efq; Pm of ^perb. S0omt)outb 3; Borough of ilHDIotO. Thomas Allen 5 B yrough of Slientpbgr* IDe&onfljtre 2(5. Ci>y 0/Ip 2tefo?t). Charles Marquifs of Wor- Sir Philip Skippon Knt- ? Borough of Caine. Edward Hales Efq; Efq; Francis Herbert Ejq; Richard Hampden Efqi Francis Courtnay Sir William Gregory Knight, cefter, _ Sir Robert Rich KJ-&Bar. $ Henry Chi vers Efq; Julius Deeds Efq; Samuel Rolle Efq; Charles Baldwyn Ejq; Lionel Ducket Efq; Port of John Hampden Effa Serjeant at Law. Sir Trevor Williams Knt. Boro gh of jB?fo25. 2Dober. Borough of COirnlork. City of <2£/refer. Sir Bazil Dixwell Bar. Borough of fear Paul Foley Ejq; Borough cf ^onmeiirh. Sir John Duke Bar. Borough of the 3D?hi$es, 1 George Weld Anthony Falkland. Sir Edward Seymour Bar. Borough of lUmpHet. ' John Arnold Efq; Sir William Pinfent Bar. Thomas Pappillon Efq; William Forefter Efq; Thomas Glemham Efq; Sir Bar, Henry Ppllexfen Efq; Thomas Conyngesby Ejq; Walter Grubbe Ejq; Pm o/y&anbtelfh. John Borlace Town of 2i0(ftlop«rCafile. Borough if <Cltio?.ougb« Borough of (Torne*. John Dutton Colt Efq; Sir Henry Johnfon Kjit. Borough of Cbipen&am. Sir James Oxinden Kp- and Bai OEambitDire 6. Sir John Fowell Bar. Bojfolfc 12. Richard More Efj; Borough of (LCieoblep. Sir William Cooke Bar. William Johnfon Efq; Henry Baynton Efq; John Thurbarne Ejq; Sir Lcvinus Bennct Bar, Ejq; Walter Wafeing Efq; Rawlin Mallack John Birch Ejq; Sir Henry Hobart Knight and Borough of jSHlDluirp. Nicholas Baynton Efq; Port of jaJeafo^B. Sir Robert Cotton Kjit, Borough of $>Ipm0Uff). James Morgan 'Efq; Baronet. Sir John Poley Knt. ' Borough of S^aimesburp. William Campion EJqy 'Vntve jity of CanibgfDgP. Sir John Maynard Serg, at Law. City of JI2o?tefc(j. - 0omerfet is. Philip Gurdon Efq; 1 . The Honourable Henry Whar- Sir Nicholas Pelham hf* Sir Robert Sawyer Kpt, Arthur Herbert E/d: George Homer Ejq; 6 Sir Nevil Catlyn Knt. Borough of dfcpt. ton Efq; ' ifaac Newton Majler of Arts. Borough 0/ €>afclframpton. Edward Gorges Efijr; SiVThomas Pope Blount Bar. Thomas Blofeild Ejq; Thomas Knyvet Ejq'; Charles Godfry Ejq; Town of Camb^ oae. William Cary Efq; City of 210|iifoT, Sir Charles Cefar Knt. Toinn of JtpfJrI8eafj0f. Henry Pooley Efq; Borough of CrltlaDe. Sir Thomas Chichley K*t, Henry Nortleigh Ejq; Sir Richard Hart Knt. WALES (24.) Borougkof UBt. Humtlg. Sir John Turner Knt* BQtough of s. & 0 m er.t; Charles Fox Efq; John Cotton E/jy Borough o/ifearfienatiTe. Xirjohn Knight Knt. Sir Samuel Grimfton Bar. Sigifmund Traffbrd Efq; Sir Robert Davers Bar. Edmond Webb Ejq; Sir Arthur Chichefter Bar. dfjtffec 4. George Churchill Efq; Town of dK^ear ^armoutfj. Cityof1&dL\\). Sir Thomas Hervey Knt. Borough of <£>rear IBebtefn. UnsUfe? 2. Maurice Vifc. Fitz-Harding. Robert Cotton Knt. & Bar, Richard Lee of Winflade^j Borough cf ^errfojb.
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