2818 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SI MARCH, 1914. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership [Excerpt from the Edinburgh Gazette, March 27, N heretofore subsisting between us, the under- 1914.] signed, William Sidaway, George Henry Sidaway, Notice of Dissolution. and John Davison, carrying on business as Mineral Water Manufacturers, at Back Station-road, Asling- HE Copartnery carrying on business as Yarn ton, Northumberland, under the style or firm of the T Merchants at 7, Royal Bank-place, Glasgow, EXCELSIpR MINERAL WATER COMPANY, under the firm name of M'NICOL, KILPATRiCK has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the AND CO., and of which firm the Subscribers are the eighteenth day of March, Iai4. All debts due to and sole Partners, has been dissolved by mutual consent, owing by the said late firm will be received and paid as at 26th January, 1914, by the retiral therelrom of by William Sidaway and George Henry Sidaway.— Mr. William Campbell and Mr. Daniel Campbell. Dated tho twenty-fifth day of March, 1914. The other Subscribers will continue to carry on the WILLIAM SIDAWAY. business under the said firm name for their own GEORGE HENRY SIDAWAY. behoof, and are authorized to receive payment of all 064 JOHN DAVISON. sums due to the Copartnery, and will pay all lia- bilities. WILLIAM CAMPBELL. R. S. M'NICOL. TVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership LESLIE C. KILPATRICK. jLJt heretofore subsisting between us, the under- DANIEL CAMPBELL. signed, George Conquest Freeman and Arthur Samuel JAMES DYMOCK, Witness, Cashier, 7, Barber, carrying on business as Builders, at Ashford Royal Bank-place, Glasgow. Works, Cricklewood, N.W., under the style or firm JAS. R. GOODALL, Witness, Clerk, 7, . of FREEMAN AND BARBER, has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the 25th day of March, 150 Royal Bank-place, Glasgow. 1914.—Dated 26th day of March, 1914. G. C. FREEMAN. »9 A. S. BARBER. ROGER PEACOCK, Deceased. "j^OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership Pursuant to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Victoria, JJl heretofore subsistjng between us, the under- chapter 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the signed, Edward Nicholson Vowler, ,Sir Edward Levien Law of Property and to relieve Trustees." Samuel, William Russell Walker, Ian Anderson and OTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and John Wall-Row, carrying on business as Stockbrokers, N other persons having any debts, claims or at 31, Throgmorton-sforeet, dn the city of London, demands against the estate of Roger Peacock, late of under the style or firm of E. N. VOWLER AND 18, Birch-street, Sea forth, and formerly of 57, Viola- CO., has been dissolved, so far as regards Sir Edward street, Bootle, both in the county of Lancaster, Levien Samuel, by mutual consent, as and from the Gentleman «{who died on the 5th day of March, 1914, 26th day of March, 1914.—Dated the 26th day of and whose will was proved in the Liverpool District March, 1914. Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's EDWARD N. VOWLER. High Court of Justice, on the 24th day of March, E. L. SAMUEL. 1914, by George Inch and James Aspinall, the execu- W. RUSSELL WALKER. tors therein named), are hereby required to send the I. ANDERSON. particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims or 107 J. WALL-ROW. demands to us, the undersigned, the Solicitors for the said executors, on or before the 7th day of May, 1914, after which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership among the parties entitled thereto, having regard N heretofore subsisting between us, the under- only to the debts, claims and demands of which they signed, James Edward Bailey, Henry Benjamin shall then have had notice; and that they will not be Bailey, and Graeme Cooper, carrying on business as liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any Meat Salesmen, at 64, Central Meat-market, in the part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons city of London, under the style or firm of COOPER of whose debt, claim OT demand they shall not then AND BAILEY, has been dissolved by mutual con- have had notice.—Dated this 26th day of March, sent, as and from the 28th day of March, 1914. All 1914. debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be CLEAVER HOLDEN and CO., 26, North John- received and paid by the said James Edward Bailey street, Liverpool, W., Solicitors for the Execu- and Henry Benjamin Bailey.—Dated this 30th day of °39 tors. March, 1914. GRAEME COOPER. J. E. BAILEY, HENRY WEEKS BURT, Deceased. isi H. B. BAILEY. Pursuant to the Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Vic./ cap. 35, intitled " An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees." [Excerpt from the Edinburgh Gazette, March 27, OTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and 1914.] N other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Henry Weeks Burt, late of " OTICE is hereby given, that the business of Swanage, in the county of Dorset, retired Stone Mer- N JOHN MUIR AND SON, Tanners and Cur- chant (who died -on the 25th day of January, 1914, Tiers, Beith, of which the subscriber Mrs. Mary Muir, and whose will was proved in the Bland ford District of Mains, Beith, was the sole partner, has been sold Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court and transferred as at twenty-sixth April, nineteen of Justice, on the 18th day of March, 1914, by hundred and thirteen, to the subscriber John Muir, Martha Burt, of Court Hill House, Swanage afore- Tanner and Currier, Beith. said, Widow, and Charles Burt, of Prestatyn, in the The business will continue to be carried on by the county of Flint, Wales, Gentleman, the surviving said John Muir on his own account and under the executors named in the said will), are hereby required same name of John Muir and Son. to send the particulars, in -writing, of their claims Mr. John Muir is authorised to uplift all the debts and demands to the undersigned, the Solicitors for due to, and he will discharge the whole debts and the said executors, on or before the 30th day of April, liabilities of, the firm. 1914, after which date the said executors will proceed Dated at Beith this twenty-fifth day of March, to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst nineteen hundred and fourteen. the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to MARY MUIR. the claims and demands of which they shall then JOHN MUIR. have had notice; and will not be liable for the assets ANDBEW SMITH, Law Clerk, Garnoch of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distri- View, Beith, buted, to any person or persons of whose claims or MARY MTJRPHY, Domestic Servant, demands they shall not then have had notice.—Dated Mains, Beith, this 27th day of March, 1914. Witnesses to the Signatures of the said J. R. SLADE and SON, 7. Institute-road, Swan- '149 Mrs. Mary Muir and John Muir. °'9 age, Solicitors to the said Executors..
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