THE PLANTSMAN NEW HAMPSHIRE PLANT GROWERS ASSOCIATION DECEMBER 1992 & JANUARY 1993 THE PLANTSMAN NEW HAMPSHIRE PLANT GROWERS ASSOCIATION DECEMBER 1992 & JANUARY 1993 SniflOFO^ DRAUM Chemical Applicators / No Run-Off / No Labor Cost / No Exposure / Automatic Start / Automatic Stiutdown Apply chemicals automatically as ultra-fine fog particles. Eliminate worker exposure and labor costs, while providing uniform, consistent coverage. Complete space fumigation and leaf deposition is achieved due to the extremely small particle size. There is no costly chemical run-off. Four models are available: SLVH, LVH, SLVH Autostart and LVH Autostart. When horizontal airflow fans ore used, the SLVH models will treat up to 26,000 square feet: the LVH models will treat up to 70,000 square feet. Autofog" - progressive technology for today's grower DRAMM PO.Box 1960 Manitowoc, Wl 54221-1960 800-258-0848 FAX: 414-684-4499 C A L E SIDE FROM THE BOARD Henry Huntington DECEMBER vention Center, Manchester, NH; December 29 CONNECTICUT for information: (603) 271-3552. 5 NURSERYMEN'S ASSOCIATION February 15-16 RHODE IS- FORUM ANNUAL MEETING; Aqua Turf LAND NURSERYMEN'S ASSO- Outing Club, South-ington, CT; CL\TION SHORT COURSE & for information: (203) 872-2095. TRADE SHOW; Doubletree Inn, NH NEWS JANUARY Goat Island, Newport,RI: for in- formation: Ken Lagerquist at (508) n January 5-7 ERNA'S BEST 761-9260. TRADE SHOW; The Concord Re- ELSEWHERE February 15-17 PENNSYLVA- sort Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, NY; IN THE NEWS NIA NURSERYMEN & ALLIED for information: (205) 872-2095. INDUSTRIES CONFERENCE; 13 January 10-12 ATLANTIC Denise R. Calabrese at (717) 238- CANADA'S HORT EAST '93; 1673. FFA: BEYOND FARMING Halifax, Nova Scotia; for informa- Maria VanderWoude February 24 VERMONT tion: Debora Pollock Post at (902) PLANTSMEN'S ASSOCIATION 425-7810. 15 WINTER MEETING; Holiday Inn, January 11-12 MAINE LAND- Rutland, VT; for information: TRANSFERING THE BUSINESS SCAPE AND NURSERY ASSO- Scott Pfister at (802) 244-7048. TO YOUR CHILDREN CL\TION ANNUAL MEETING Michael Sciabarrasi & TRADE SHOW; Holiday Inn by MARCH the Bay, Portland, ME; for infor- March 6-14 BOSTON FLOWER 18 mation: Rich Churchill at (207) SHOW; Bayside Expo Center, Bos- 767-9646. ton, MA; for information: the MEMBER PROFILE Growing Things January 13 THE NEW HAMP- Massachusetts Horticultural Soci- SHIRE PLANT GROWERS' AS- ety at (617) 536-9280. 23 SOCL\TION WINTER MEETING; March 11-14 SEVENTH AN- Granite Street Bar and Gril Man- NUAL SEACOAST AREA BIOLOGICAL CONTROL chester, NH; for information: FLOWER &. LANDSCAPE SHOW; Dt. Patricia Vittum Chris Robarge at (603) 862-1074. Location to be announced; for in- formation: Brenda Schure at January 13 THE NEW HAMP- (603) 25 SHIRE LANDSCAPE ASSOCIA- 436-0815. A CONVERSATION TION DINNER MEETING; March 15-17 NEW ENGLAND HoUy Daze Granite Street Bar and Grill, LANDSCAPE EXPOSITION, Cen- Manchester, NH; for information: ter of New Hampshire Holiday 28 Guy Hodgdon at (603)439-5189. Inn & Convention Center, Man- WORTH REPEATING chester, NH; for information: Guy January 17-19 EMPIRE STATE Farm Grown Christmas Gifts Holiday Hodgdon at (207) 439-5189. TREE CONFERENCE; Mrs. Clement HasJdn Inn, Sufern, NY; for information: APRIL New York State Arborists' Asso- April 2-3 UNFVERSITY OF ciation at (518) 783-1322. NEW HAMPSHIRE GREEN- The PlantsiDan is published in early January 21 NHPGA TWILIGHT HOUSE OPEN HOUSE; Plant February, April, June, August, October, MEETING; Pleasant View Gar- Biology and Thompson School and December with copy deadlines being dens, Pittsfield, NH; for informa- Greenhouses, Durham, NH; for the 5th of each prior month. While cam- tion: (603) 435-8361. information: George Estes at (603) era-ready ads are preferred, set-up assis- 862-3205. tance is available at a nominal fee. Free January 30-31 FTD DISTRICT classified advertising is offered as a MEETING; Manchester, NH; for April 29 NHPGA TWILIGHT member service. We will carry a short information: Ray Savage at (603) MEETING; 5:30 pm at Kathan message (no artwork or logos) for one 352-1155. Gardens, Newport, NH; for infor- or two issues of The Plantsman. FEBRUARY mation: Dennis Kathan at (603) AD SIZE 6x 863-1089. February 3-4 NEW ENGLAND AUGUST 3 3/8- w X 2 3/8"h $120 $30 GROWS '93; Hynes Convention 3 3/8" w X 4 7/8"h $160 $40 Center, Boston, MA; for informa- August 12 NEW ENGLAND 7" w X 2 3/8"h $160 $40 tion: Virginia Wood at (617) 964- NURSERYMAN'S ASSOCLVTION 7" w X 4 7/8"h $250 $50 7" w X 10 'h $400 $100 8209. SUMMER MEETING, for infor- mation: Virginia Wood at February 4-6 FARM & FOREST (617) For further information, please contact EXPOSITION, Center of New 431-1625. the editor Robert Parker at the UNH Hampshire Holiday Inn &. Con- Research Greenhouses, Durham, NH 03824, (603)862-2061, or PO Box 5, COVER ILLUSTRATION BY MARK CRISPI Newfields, NfH 03856, (603)778-8353. December 1992 & January 1993 1 GRIFFIN GREENHOUSE AND NURSERY SUPPLIES uality in a Bale! CustomblenTM Until now, a baled mix was regarded as an inexpensive substitute for a quality growing media. Grace/Sierra has revolutionized the bale mix concept—the quality of Metro- Mix® now compressed intoa 3 cu. ft. bale. An industry proven combination of Canadian sphagnum peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, a nutrient charge and wetting agent, at an economical price. Customblen Plus^^ Growing made simple! Consistentfeeding everyday, with the technology of Osmocote® combined with the quality of the new Customblen^" bale. Controlled release fertilizer incorporated at different rates for all you r needs—from bedding plants to hardy mums! For more information, call GRACErSIERRA Griffin Greenhouse Supplies at 508-851-4346. pround Hog Day February 2, 1993 . The appearance of a celebrated rodent and a ^reat perennial catalog! VAN BEKKUM NURSERY (603) 463-7663 Peter at Leslie Van Berkum 4 James Road DcerflieW, HH 03037 Fax (603) 463-7326 THE PLANTSMAN 2 FROM THE BOARD Professional Plant Growers Association: Your Voice for the Horticultural Industry Henry Huntington FOR AN ACTIVE MEMBER of Promotions Committee helps find other water issues. PPGA has the greenhouse industry, ques- better ways to market our prod- also been very active in the tions always arise on different ucts. This committee has made a fight regarding Quarantine 37. issues and aspects of our busi- significant financial commitment Q-37 deal with the importation ness. How can a better poinsettia to the Garden Council. The Gar- of potted plant material into the be grown? Where can help be den Council is a national market- U.S. PPGA has been strongly found for marketing products? ing association whose goal is to opposed to reducing these regu- How does a grower conform to promote the horticulture industry lations due to the possibility of all the new government regula- contributions through a voluntary importing foreign pests and dis- tions? PPGA provides the answers check-off program. The Marketing eases. to these questions and much Committee also develops videos The Annual Conference and more. such as The Flowering Plants Trade Show is an opportunity The Professional Plant Growers Video, which demonstrates to a for growers to meet other mem- Association is the national trade retailer how to display and care bers of the industry. The confer- association for the greenhouse in- for flowering plants in a retail ence is packed full of seminars dustry. PPGA is made up of over setting. As a member of the Mar- and lectures on all subjects. 2,500 greenhouse and allied trades keting Committee, I am person- Each year the conference is held people from across the United ally working on a program to in a different city around the States, Canada, and around the develop a "Growers Shipping Kit." U.S. in order to give all growers world. Included in this kit is a label to an opportunity to attend. In 1991, I was elected by be printed on shipping cartons PPGA sponsors trips to differ- the membership to the Board of and instructions to guide buyers ent parts of the world. This year Directors for the association. on how to receive plant material. a tour is scheduled to Great The board consists of 18 elected The committee also contracts Britain. While in Great Britain, grower-member directors and 9-12 garden writers for articles to we will tour the countryside as appointed directors representing promote our products in national well as visit growing operations the allied trades. As a director, I gardening magazines. and retail garden centers. This have travelled around the country The Government Affairs Com- is a great opportunity to see to attend director meetings. The mittee keeps their eye on what what our European neighbors board meets to set policies for is going on in Washington and are doing. We also sponsor mini the association and to discuss at the state government level. technical tours to different parts and implement new and ongoing We work as a coalition with sev- of the U.S. programs. The directors meet eral associations, such as SAP and These are just a sampling of three times each year; in January, the Farm Bureau to lobby mem- the programs that PPGA pro- June, and at our annual confer- bers of Congress on the issues vides for our industry. PPGA ence in late September or that concern us as growers and promotes our products and helps October. business people. We are currently us learn how to grow those When the Board meets, we preparing a manual on how to products. PPGA needs your sup- review current programs and comply with the new worker port to continue offering all develop new programs to answer protection standards.
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