COMMISSIONS AND OF THE I A U INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS Nos April November EDITORS L SZABADOS K OLAH TECHNICAL EDITOR A HOLL TYPESETTING MB POCS ADMINISTRATION Zs KOVARI EDITORIAL BOARD E Budding HW Duerb eck EF Guinan P Harmanec chair D Kurtz KC Leung C Maceroni NN Samus advisor C Sterken advisor H BUDAPEST XI I Box HUNGARY URL httpwwwkonkolyhuIBVSIBVShtml HU ISSN 2 IBVS 4701 { 4800 COPYRIGHT NOTICE IBVS is published on b ehalf of the th and nd Commissions of the IAU by the Konkoly Observatory Budap est Hungary Individual issues could b e downloaded for scientic and educational purp oses free of charge Bibliographic information of the recent issues could b e entered to indexing sys tems No IBVS issues may b e stored in a public retrieval system in any form or by any means electronic or otherwise without the prior written p ermission of the publishers Prior written p ermission of the publishers is required for entering IBVS issues to an electronic indexing or bibliographic system to o IBVS 4701 { 4800 3 CONTENTS WOLFGANG MOSCHNER ENRIQUE GARCIAMELENDO GSC A New Variable in the Field of V Cassiop eiae :::::::::: JM GOMEZFORRELLAD E GARCIAMELENDO J GUARROFLO J NOMENTORRES J VIDALSAINZ Observations of Selected HIPPARCOS Variables ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: JM GOMEZFORRELLAD HD a New Low Amplitude Variable Star :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ME VAN DEN ANCKER AW VOLP MR PEREZ D DE WINTER NearIR Photometry and Optical Sp ectroscopy of the Herbig Ae Star AB Au rigae ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: KEVIN KRISCIUNAS AND BRIAN M PATTEN Dor Candidates in the Op en Cluster M :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: R HAEFNER V Aql An Eclipsing Classical Nova ::::::::::::::::::::: T KIPPER The Dust Shell Around Sakurais Ob ject :::::::::::::::::::::: JENNWOOD CHEN T MICHAEL CORWIN BV Photometry of SX Phe Blue Stragglers in the Globular Cluster NGC GLENN GOMBERT BD a New UU Herculis Variable ::::::::: PETR MOLIK MIROSLAV BROZ MAREK WOLF CCD Photometry of V Cassiop eiae ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FRANZ AGERER JOACHIM HUBSCHER Photo electric Minima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries :::::::::::::::::::::::: FRANZ AGERER MICHAEL DAHM JOACHIM HUBSCHER Photo electric Minima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries and Maxima of Pulsating Stars ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: H ROVITHISLIVANIOU A KRANIDIOTIS E FRAGOULOPOULOU N SERGIS P ROVITHIS On the Orbital Period Changes of AK Herculis : RM ROBB DD BALAM AND R GREIMEL Discovery of the Optical RXS J :::::::::::: Variability of the Star GSC T J REYNOLDS J R THORSTENSEN AND N D SHERMAN Variable Stars Near V Aql Aql X ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CHULHEE KIM A Susp ected Variable Ob ject in the Field of C ::::::: R DIETHELM GSC a Newly Discovered Variable Star ::::::::: SV ANTIPIN NA GORYNYA ME SACHKOV NN SAMUS LN BERDNIKOV AS RASTORGOUEV EV GLUSHKOVA The Radial Velocity of Doublemo de Cepheid BD :::::::::::::::: BRIAN A SKIFF Co ordinates and Identications for Sonneb erg Variables I ::::::::::::::::: BRIAN A SKIFF Co ordinates and Identications for Sonneb erg variables II :::::::::::::::: BRIAN A SKIFF Co ordinates and Identications for Sonneb erg variables III :::::::::::::: BRIAN A SKIFF FASTT versus IRAS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BRIAN A SKIFF Co ordinates and Identications for Kuro chkins variables near M ::::::::: 4 IBVS 4701 { 4800 L N BERDNIKOV V V IGNATOVA D G TURNER Photo electric BVI c Observations and New Elements for the Cepheid V Centauri :::::::::::: L N BERDNIKOV D G TURNER Photo electric VI Observations and New Classication for RV Normae :::::: c J VANDENBROERE NSV a Lyrae Type Eclipsing Binary ::::::: T RUSSEVA V V and Four New Variable Stars in the Field of M :::: PRISCILLA J BENSON AND DEMERESE M SALTER GSC A Susp ected New Variable ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SAUL J ADELMAN StromgrenPhotometry of the Be Star CrB ::::::::::::::::::: YURIJ N KRUGLY GSC is a New Variable Star ::::::::::::::: HILMAR W DUERBECK Hipparcos Parallaxes of Cataclysmic Binaries and the Quest for Their Absolute Magnitudes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: P MERCHANBENITEZ M JURADOVARGAS F SANCHEZBAJO Photometric Observations of NSV ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: JD FERNIE A Photometric Up date on Coronae Borealis ::::::::::::::: LENNART DAHLMARK New Variable Stars in Andromeda and Cassiop eia PK ABOLMASOV SYU SHUGAROV Discovery of a New Mira Variable ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SEI ICHIRO KIYOTA Photometry of the outburst of U Scorpii ::::::: CLAUD H SANDBERG LACY KYLE MARCRUM CAFER IBANOGLU Times of Minima of Eclipsing Binaries ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: F J CLARKE T A LISTER CCD Lightcurves and Minima Times of the Eclipsing Binary RZ Cas ::::::: Z KVIZ y M ZEJDA L KOHOUTEK J GRYGAR Times of Minima of Some Southern Eclipsing Binaries ::::::::::::::::::::: IOAN TODORAN RODICA ROMAN RZ Cephei Period Variation :::: LIU YY Photometry of the Scuti Star HR :::::::::::::::::::::::: B HASSFORTHER U BASTIAN IRAS A New Mira Variable ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AS MIROSHNICHENKO KS KURATOV TA SHEIKINA DB MUKANOV LS i i a Newly Recognized Classical Be star ::::: V SIMON S SHUGAROV Rise from the Low State of the Binary V Sagittae :::::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO CCD Photometry of BF Eridani a Lowamplitude Dwarf Nova SEI ICHI YOSHIDA KENICHI KADOTA New Variable Stars Discovered in the MISAO Pro ject I MisVMisV E PORETTI The light curves of SX Phe stars in NGC :::::::::::::: M ZBORIL J BUDAJ Dierential UBV photometry of two CP stars Her and Her :::::::::: J R THORSTENSEN The Sp ectrum Period and Prop er Motion of V Scorpii ::::::::::::::::: ROGER DIETHELM MAREK WOLF CCD Photometry of the Eclipsing Binary V Cygni :::::::::::::::::::: Erratum ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: T PRIBULLA D CHOCHOL S PARIMUCHA Photo electric Minima of Some Eclipsing Systems ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: JM DEPASQUALE JJ BOCHANSKI EF GUINAN Recent Light Curves and Period Study of the Contact Binary W Ursae Ma joris :::::::::::::::::: IBVS 4701 { 4800 5 RONALD G SAMEC NW GOTHARD BC PARKER TW SAVAGE SD ANDERSON DANNY R FAULKNER UBV Observations of the Mass Exchanging SolarType Binary BE Cephei :: RAYMOND H BLOOMER JR ISSA R NGWELE Comments on the Light Curve of V Her :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CLAUD H SANDBERG LACY AND JEFFREY A SABBY Absolute Prop erties of ZZ Ursae Ma joris ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: P MERCHANBENITEZ M JURADOVARGAS F SANCHEZBAJO NSV an RR Lyrae Type Star in Libra :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO P SCHMEER CCD Photometry of the February Outburst of CI Gem ::::::::::::::: PATRICK SCHMEER AND HILMAR W DUERBECK The February Outburst of the Dwarf Nova CI Gem ::::::::::::::::::: HILMAR W DUERBECK PATRICK SCHMEER JOHAN H KNAPEN DON POLLACCO The February Sup eroutburst of the SU UMatype Dwarf Nova CG CMa ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: T KATO K MATSUMOTO R STUBBINGS CCD Photometry of the Outburst of CG CMa :::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO Precise Co ordinates of Variable Stars :::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO Precise Co ordinates of Variable Stars :::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO K MATSUMOTO CCD Photometry of the February Sup eroutburst of CY UMa ::::::::: T KATO Precise Co ordinates of Variable Stars :::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO K MATSUMOTO CCD Observation of the Octob er Sup er outburst of PU Per Conrmation as an SU UMatype Dwarf Nova ::::::::: T KATO D NOGAMI H BABA Cyclic Variability of V Aql :::::::: T KATO K MATSUMOTO CCD Photometry of the December Outburst of AQ Eri ::::::::::::::: T KATO CCD Photometry of the March Outburst of BZ UMa Detec tion of QuasiPeriodic Oscillations ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO Orbital Mo dulation During the Standstill of VW Vul :::::::::::: SEI ICHI YOSHIDA KENICHI KADOTA TAICHI KATO New Variable Stars Discovered in the MISAO Pro ject I I MisVMisV ::::::::::: SEI ICHI YOSHIDA KENICHI KADOTA TAICHI KATO New Variable Stars Discovered in the MISAO Pro ject I I I MisVMisV ::::::::::: SV ANTIPIN A New Classical Cepheid in Sagitta :::::::::::::::::::::::: NN SAMUS L HAYTHE S HORNSTEIN LJ JISONNA JR E LU Lost Variables on Nantucket Plates :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WILLIAM LILLER ALBERT JONES Light Curves for Nova Mus and Nova Oph ::::::::::::::::::::::: T ARENTOFT AND C STERKEN A New Dor Candidate in Crux ::::: T KATO K MATSUMOTO CCD Observation of the November Outburst of V Peg An SU UMa type Dwarf Nova With a Long Orbital Period :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: T KATO M UEMURA R STUBBINGS T WATANABE B MONARD Preoutburst Activity of V Sgr SAX J Possible Existence of Day Period ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: FRANZ AGERER New Elements and Light Curve of CR Tauri :::::::::::: 6 IBVS 4701 { 4800 N BENNERT I KONIG E MANTHEY H BLEUL K FIEGER M HESS A HOVEST W HOVEST T JURGES J KLEIMANN C KRIEGESKORTE E KRUSCH D MUNSTERMANN D REYMANN K ROSLER M NIELBOCK M POHLEN L SCHMIDTOBREICK C TAPPERT R VANSCHEIDT Dierential Photometry of Susp ected Cataclysmic Variables :::::::::::::::: SEI ICHI YOSHIDA KENICHI KADOTA TAICHI KATO New Variable Stars
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