GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Trust Fortitude Compassion Professionalism 1937 Sixty-Five Years of Service 2002 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK 2 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY MEMBERS Governor Roy E. Barnes Chairman Commissioner Jim Wetherington Vice-Chairman Department of Corrections Chief Hubert L. Smith Secretary Rome Police Department Mr. Chris Brasher Board Attorney Department of Law Laura Jones Recording Secretary Department of Corrections Mr. Wayne Abernathy Sheriff Gregory T. Coursey Sheriff Bruce Harris Lula, Georgia Burke County Paulding County Sheriff Jacquelyn H. Barrett Chief Rebecca F. Denlinger Mr. Robert E. Keller Fulton County Cobb Co. Fire Department Clayton Judicial Circuit Mr. Charles D. “Bud” Black Sheriff Donnie Haralson Sheriff Jamil Saba Cleveland, Georgia Crisp County Dougherty County Mr. Rooney L. Bowen, III Mr. W. H. “Dub” Harper, Jr. Ms. Lydia J. Sartain Cordele, Georgia Waynesboro, Georgia Northeastern Judicial Circuit 3 1937 SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE 2002 DPS ORGANIZATIONAL CHART COMMISSIONER Chief of Staff Public Affairs DUI Risk Reduction Special Administrative Special Projects Legal Services Budget Personnel Investigations Services Background Accounting Grants Office of Professional Legislation Accreditation/Policy Investigations and Standards Recruiting Logistics Technology Excess Property Planning Polygraphs Fraud Investigations Program General Services Purchasing Fleet Management Mailroom Governor’s Office of Georgia Bureau of Criminal Justice Georgia State Patrol Highway Safety Investigation Coordinating Council Facilities/ Supply Maintenance Juvenile Justice Capitol Police Enforcement Vehicle Support 2002 Services 4 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY division reports Legal Services Office he Department of Public Safety’s Legal matters. They ensure proper requests are TServices Office consists of two attorneys, one made to secure the needed representation for paralegal, and one secretary. The Director of Legal the department’s employees and they provide Services reports directly to the Commissioner. litigation support to the Department of Law The primary function of the Legal Services Office when necessary. is to provide guidance to the Commissioner and The Legal Services Office drafts or reviews all his Command/Executive staff concerning any proposed legislation that may impact the matters associated with the day-to-day operations department and closely monitors and gathers of the department. information on bills impacting public safety. The Legal Services Office interacts with the On a daily basis, the Legal Services staff works Prosecuting Attorney’s Council, Georgia Sheriff’s in conjunction with the Personnel Services staff Association, Association of Chiefs of Police, to ensure compliance with all applicable State and Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and the Federal labor and employment laws. Legal Governor’s Office of Highway Safety in public Services also provides technical assistance to safety related matters. Personnel in responding to inquiries made by the The Legal Services Office works closely with EEOC and the Georgia Commission on Equal Investigative Services to ensure that investigations Employment Opportunity. are complete and objective and, when necessary, In 2002, the Legal Services staff: properly form the basis for discipline. The Legal Services Office assists the Public Information • Reviewed, advised or drafted 31 contracts, Office and field staff in processing open records agreements, or memoranda of requests, subpoenas and other document understanding between the department requests. The attorneys also regularly provide and other companies, agencies, or training to the department’s employees on such individuals. topics as unlawful harassment, open records, and • Reviewed 32 adverse actions and assisted search and seizure. in the administration of the disciplinary The Legal Services Office reviews and files decision. Safety Responsibility claims to suspend the • Opened and processed 30 cases and driver’s license of those individuals who are closed seven (7). responsible for damages to Georgia State Patrol • In addition, 32 Safety Responsibility vehicles. These damages arose from motor Claims were filed against individuals vehicle crashes involving uninsured motorists or responsible for property damage to individuals driving stolen vehicles. Georgia State Patrol vehicles which totaled The Legal Services Office acts as the liaison $99,347.32. with the Department of Law in civil litigation public information office The GSP Office of Public Information & Public media inquiries and interview requests for 48 State Affairs serves as liaison for the Department of Patrol Posts across the state. During 2002, the Public Safety to the news media and citizens of Publication Information Office originated 45 news Georgia. The Headquarters Public Information releases and media advisories. Office Staff provides research and clearance for 5 1937 SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE 2002 division reports OPEN RECORDS of Homeland Security, by assignment from the The Public Information Office oversees public Commissioner. access to Department Open Records for state prosecutors, defense attorneys, insurance VIDEO PROJECTS companies, and news media. The Director serves as Executive Producer for PIO provides filing, storage and retrieval of Department public service and educational video evidence photos, videotapes and documents from productions. In 2002, the Georgia State Patrol’s all GSP field operations. All PIO Staff members new departmental recruiting video was being are now designated by the DPS Commissioner distributed to civic groups, job fairs and college as Custodians of Public Record as public requests campuses, and to every Trooper and Patrol Post for GSP Open Records services have increased in the state. The Southern Regional Emmy six-fold since 1999. Awards nominated “Standards of Excellence” in two categories: Best Collaborative Photography GRAPHICS UNIT and Best Non-News Feature. In June, 2002, the The PIO Graphics Unit provides development Georgia State Patrol won its first EMMY Award ever and copying of Department evidence photos, video for their first recruiting video. and audiotapes. The Graphics Unit also provides special projects support to the PIO Publications DEPUTY DIRECTOR and GSP Recruitment Units. The PIO Deputy Director manages the daily In 2002 the Graphics Unit obtained a operations in the Public Information Office, reconditioned Kodak film scanner/printer unit to maintains the GSP retiree notification system, and help prepare PIO for the anticipated increase in compiles quarterly GOHS/NHTSA data for digital evidence photos from GSP SCRT and other statewide seatbelt, child restraint and DUI law enforcement agencies. enforcement campaigns. Additionally, the Deputy Director represents the PUBLICATIONS UNIT Department of Public Safety on the Governor’s PIO Publications is responsible for production Public Safety Awards Committee, is a member of of the quarterly GSP Trooper Newsletter, the DPS the Public Safety Memorial Committee, Annual Report, and content for the Georgia State coordinates the Department Awards Program and Patrol website. PIO Publications provided special responds to media inquiries after normal business project support to the Georgia Homeland Security hours and on weekends. The Deputy Director Task Force, the GSP Alcohol and Drug Awareness also prepares news releases for the six major Program (ADAP), and the Department’s efforts to holiday periods, specialized enforcement obtain accreditation from (CALEA), the campaigns, and other releases as needed each Commission on Accreditation for Law year. He also prepares seasonal public service Enforcement Agencies. announcements for use by field personnel and conducts a training course in media relations to DIRECTOR’S OFFICE trooper cadets during GSP Trooper School. The PIO Director provides guidance to the The retiree notification system continued to Commissioner/Colonel and Command Staff on grow during the year with more than 450 retirees matters of law enforcement media coverage, and receiving recorded messages of news from the development and placement of highway safety Department, including funeral announcements for public image campaigns. active and retired members, illnesses, retiree Since September 11, 2001, the PIO Director meetings, and upcoming Department events. also serves as Official Spokesman for the Office 6 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY division reports Another 100 members received the messages by SPECIAL PROJECTS e-mail. During 2002, the GSP Office of Public The Deputy Director also coordinates the Information assisted federal, state, and local dissemination of information to members of the agencies with special campaigns, programs and Command Staff of working significant incidents/ operations, including media advance work for the crashes utilizing the group paging system. USMC’s statewide Operation TRUEX military exercises, Public Service Ad work for the MEDIA RELATIONS Governor’s Firearms Initiative, agency support for The PIO Director and Deputy Director are on- the GBI’s “Levi’s Call” Child Abduction Alert System, call to respond to requests for television, radio and and media and security planning for the trial of newspaper interviews whenever GSP Command accused Fulton County cop-killer H. Rap Brown. Staff or uniformed Troopers are unavailable. The Headquarters PIO Staff plans and produces Department news conferences, media advisories
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