WARREN TREADGOLD Department of History Saint Louis University 3800 Lindell Boulevard Saint Louis, MO 63108 office telephone (314) 977-2910 office FAX (314) 977-1603 home telephone (314) 862-2886 email [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. in Byzantine Greek, Harvard University, 1977 (dissertation: "The Nature of the Bibliotheca of Photius"; advisers: Ihor Ševčenko and Herbert Bloch) A.B. magna cum laude in Medieval History and Literature, Harvard University, 1970 (senior thesis: "Arianism as a Force in Politics, 429-587," awarded Cumming Prize for best thesis in History and Literature; advisers: Angeliki Laiou and Caroline Bynum) TEACHING AND RESEARCH POSITIONS 1997- : Saint Louis University: National Endowment for the Humanities Professor of Byzantine Studies and Professor of History 1988-97: Florida International University: Professor of History 1991-97, Associate Professor of History 1990-91, Assistant Professor of History 1988-90; Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Research Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities 1996-97; Earhart Research Fellow 1992-93; Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford 1988-89 1983-88: Hillsdale College: Assistant Professor of History; Research Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities 1987; Visiting Assistant Professor of History and Classics, University of California at Berkeley 1986 1982-83: Free University of Berlin: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow 1980-82: Stanford University: Mellon Research Fellow and Visiting Lecturer in History and Classics 1978-80: University of Munich: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow 1977-78: University of California at Los Angeles: Visiting Lecturer in Classics BOOKS Studies in Byzantine Cultural History (Florilegium magistrorum historiae archaeologiaeque Antiquitatis et Medii Aevii 19, Editura Academiei Romȃne and Editura Istros, Bucharest and Brăila, 2016), pp. 487 The Middle Byzantine Historians (Palgrave Macmillan, New York and Basingstoke, 2013; ebook 2014), pp. xviii, 546 The Early Byzantine Historians (Palgrave Macmillan, New York and Basingstoke, 2007; paperback 2010), pp. xviii, 432 A Concise History of Byzantium (Palgrave Macmillan, New York and Basingstoke, 2001; simultaneous paperback), pp. xii, 273 (Spanish trans. published 2001 as Breve Historia de Bizancio by Ediciones Paidos Iberica, Barcelona; abridged French trans. published 2003 as Byzance: l'empire d'Orient by Sélection du Reader's Digest, Bagneux; abridged German trans. published 2004 as Schatzkammer Byzanz by Verlag Das Beste, Stuttgart; Romanian trans. published 2004 as O scurtă istorie a Bizanţului by Editura Artemis, Bucharest; Italian trans. published 2005 as Storia di Bisanzio by Società Editrice Il Mulino, Bologna; Korean trans. published 2008 by Garam Publishing Co., Seoul; Chinese trans. published 2008 as Bai zhan ting jian shi by Century Publishing Group, Shanghai; Greek trans. published 2011 as Vizantio: Epitomi Istoria by Epilogi Thyrathen Books, Thessaloniki) A History of the Byzantine State and Society (Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1997; simultaneous paperback), pp. xxiv, 1019 (Romanian trans. published 2004 as O istorie a statului şi societăţii bizantine by Institutul European, Iaşi; Chinese translation to be published in 2017 by Gingko Beijing Book, Beijing) Byzantium and Its Army, 284-1081 (Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1995; paperback 1998), pp. xvi, 250 (Italian trans. published 2007 as Bisanzio e il suo esercito, 284-1081 by Libreria Editrice 2 Goriziana, Gorizia; Polish translation published 2011 as Bizancjum i Jego Armia, 284-1081 by Templum Publisher, Wodzislaw Slaski; Romanian trans. published 2012 as Bizanţul şi armata sa, 284-1081 by Editura Speculum, Iaşi) The Byzantine Revival, 780-842 (Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1988; paperback 1991), pp. xviii, 504 [Editor,] Renaissances Before the Renaissance: Cultural Revivals of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (papers by Warren Treadgold, Bryan Reardon, Alan Cameron, George Hardin Brown, Stephen Ferruolo, and Ihor Ševčenko; Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1984), pp. x, 238 The Byzantine State Finances in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries (East European Monographs 121, distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 1982), pp. xx, 151 The Nature of the Bibliotheca of Photius (Dumbarton Oaks Studies 18, Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, Trustees for Harvard University, Washington, D.C., 1980), pp. xv, 206 BOOK IN PROGRESS The Later Byzantine Historians BOOK CHAPTERS "The Lost Books of Ammianus in Byzantine Historiography," in Armenia between Byzantium and the Orient: Celebrating the Memory of Karen Yuzbashyan, ed. Cornelia Horn et al. (Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity; Brill, Leiden, forthcoming) "What is Good Academic Research?" in Remaking the University: Liberal Learning, the West, and the Revival of American Higher Education, ed. Mark Zunac (Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming) "The Unwritten Rules for Writing Byzantine History," in Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016, Plenary Papers, ed. Smilja Marjanović-Dušanić (Belgrade, 2016), 277-92 "Paying the Army in the Theodosian Period," in Production and Prosperity in the Theodosian Period, ed. Ine Jacobs (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion; Peeters Publishers, Leuven, 2014), 303-18 "The Lost Secret History of Nicetas the Paphlagonian," in The Steppe Lands and the World Beyond Them: Studies in Honor of Victor Spinei on his 70th Birthday, ed. Florin Curta and Bogdan-Petru Maleon (Editura Universităṭii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iaşi, 2013), 645-76 "Opposition to Iconoclasm as Grounds for Civil War," in Byzantine War Ideology: Between Roman Imperial Concept and Christian Religion, ed. J. Köder and I. Stouraitis (Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Denkschriften 452; Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung 30; Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, 2012), 33-39 "Trajan the Patrician, Nicephorus, and Theophanes," in Bibel, Byzanz und Christlicher Orient: Festschrift für Stephen Gero zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. D. Bumazhnov et al. (Peeters Publishers, Leuven, 2011), 589-621 "The Formation of a Byzantine Identity," in Culture and Identity in Eastern Christian History, ed. Russell E. Martin and Jennifer B. Spock (Ohio Slavic Papers 9; Slavica Publishers, Bloomington, 2009), 319-42 "Byzantium, the Reluctant Warrior," in Noble Ideals and Bloody Realities: Warfare in the Middle Ages, 378-1492, ed. Maya Yazigi and Niall Christie (Brill, Leiden, 2006), 209-33 "Army and Defence," in Palgrave Advances in Byzantine History, ed. Jonathan Harris (Palgrave Macmillan, New York and Basingstoke, 2005), 68-82 "The Struggle for Survival (641-780)" in The Oxford History of Byzantium, ed. Cyril Mango (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002), 129-50 "Introduction: Renaissances and Dark Ages," "The Macedonian Renaissance," and "Conclusion," in Renaissances Before the Renaissance: Cultural Revivals of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, ed. Warren Treadgold (Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1984), 1-22, 75-98, and 173-76 "Photios and the Reading Public for Classical Philology in Byzantium," in Byzantium and the Classical Tradition, ed. M. Mullet and R. Scott (Centre for Byzantine Studies, Birmingham, 1980), 123-26 ARTICLES Contribution to Symposium “Is Free Speech Under Threat in the United States?” Commentary, July/August 2017, 30 (https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/free-speech-threat-united-states/) 3 "The Roots of Campus Leftism," The Weekly Standard, September 19, 2016, 24-28 (http://www.weeklystandard.com/the-roots-of-campus-leftism/article/2004234) "The University We Need," Commentary, February 2016, 27-32; (https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/the-university-we-need/) (cf. exchange of letters in Commentary, May 2016, 6-9) "What Is 'Good' College Teaching?" The Wilson Quarterly, Winter 2016 (http://wilsonquarterly.com/quarterly/the-post-obama-world/what-is-good-college-teaching/) "The Life and Wider Significance of George Syncellus," Travaux et Mémoires 19 (2015), 9-30 "The Darkness of the Seventh-Century Near East," International Journal of the Classical Tradition 18 (2011), 579-92 "Byzantine Exceptionalism and Some Recent Books on Byzantium," Historically Speaking 12 (November 2010), 16-19 "The Byzantine World Histories of John Malalas and Eustathius of Epiphania," International History Review 29 (2007), 709-45 "Predicting the Accession of Theodosius I," Mediterraneo Antico 8 (2005), 767-91 "Standardized Numbers in the Byzantine Army," War in History 12 (2005), 1-14 "The Diplomatic Career and Historical Work of Olympiodorus of Thebes," International History Review 26 (2004), 709-33 "The Prophecies of the Patriarch Methodius," Revue des Études Byzantines 62 (2004), 229-37 "The Historicity of Imperial Bride-Shows," Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 54 (2004), 39-52 "Travel and Trade in the Dark Ages," International History Review 26 (2004), 80-88 "A Reply to a Recent Review," Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2003), 802-4 "Photius Before His Patriarchate," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 53 (2002), 1-17 "Late Ancient and Byzantine History Today," Historically Speaking 4 (April 2002), 20-22 (cf. exchange of letters in Historically Speaking 4 [September 2002], 35-36) "How to Hire Better Professors," Academic Questions 15 (Winter 2001-2), 39-49 (cf. exchange of letters in Academic Questions 16 [Fall 2002], 7-11) "The Persistence of Byzantium,"
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