• SPORTS: PATTERSON'S NEW POSSE, PAGE 10 • FEATURES: FALL'S REALITY TV LINEUP, PAGE 5 Friday, September 26, 2003 TCU DAILY SKIFF Serving Texas Christian University since 1()()2 • Vol. MM • Issue l<> • Fort Worth. Texas • www.skiff.tcu.edi Todays STATE NEWS Phi Gamma Delta suspended BY kRIST I W UkK.R plying with TCU to get this mat- Texas law has ,i similar defini- leadership, local alumni and GRAPEVINE Slflfl neportei Fraternity being te! resolved as quickly and elli- lion national council to determine the Emergency slides were used ciently as possible," Travis said. Fiji's national office lias been severitj ol the issue Parket said to evacuate an American The Phi Gamma Delta frater- investigated for TCU contact- the consequences are determined Airlines jet Thursday after nity is being investigated for pos- defines haz- "It has been brought in our atten- ed for on a case-by -case basis smoke was detected in the sible hazing violations. Vice possible hazing ing as anj l h e TCU Assistant Chief of Police passenger cabin shortly Chancellor for Student Affairs tion thai IIC ore under investiga- Don Mills said Thursday night. action taken investi- .1 C. Williams said Thursday before takeoff. tion for a possible hazing inci- or situation gation . night he was unaware of the News Digest on page 4 The investigation began the begining ol next week. dent, anil ue are full} complying Thursday morning following a created inten- M ills investigation and the TCI police Neither Mills nor Fiji presi- with TCI in get this matter report to Campus Life, Mills dent Zerek Travis would coin tionally, said. are currently not involved, HOUSTON — A judge resolved </v quickl) ami efficientl) .lames said. The fraternity has been sus men! on the nature of the viola- whether on or The last fraternity to he found Thursday ordered a Houston us possible. pended indefinitely from partici- tion. Bui. Travis who earlier off campus. Parker. guilty of hazing was Kappa woman with a history of men- pation in any activities, he said. declined to comment on the lo produce — Zerek Travis assistant Sigma, which was kicked off tal illness held on $50,000 The ban would bar the fraternity issue, said later that the fraternity mental or Phi Gamma Delia president dean of campus in fall 2002 The frater- bond on charges she killed ( ampus from several major ongoing and is cooperating with I ( I physical dis- nity was restored to good stand- her 9-year-old daughter this c O 111 I II I i . Life, upcoming social events this "It has been brought to our ing lo campus this tall week and rejected the weekend. attention that we arc under inves- embarrassment harassment or said inv tigations of this nature woman's request that she be Mills said the investigation tigation lor a possible hazing ridicule. according lo the involve Campus Life working kn-li W.ilkrr allowed to attend her child's could he completed as early as incident, and we are fully com- Interfraternity Council Web site, with the organization's student k.l.walker® u u < du funeral. News Digest on page 4 Lights dim at On 1— UTA pay raises depend on tuition increase ARLINGTON — Faculty Stage West size and salaries at the University of Texas at \\\ WRONkOkORIZ Arlington will depend on how Stud II.-|i.n-l.-i Theater to move much tuition increases next Stage West Theater's 10-yeai semester, a University of Texas stint on the corner of Bert} Street out by the end system official said Monday. and University Dine is coming to Tuition should be a factor in an end. of the month UTA's planning strategic goals, The theatei is moving to the such as faculty retention and W.E. Scott Theater at 3505 W. raises, said Teresa Sullivan. it hasn't been disclosed what the Lancaster Ave. and should be oul new facility will be. Kruger- UT system executive vice ol the I Diversity Drive location by (I'Brien said. chancellor for academic the end ol the month, said Peggj During the last 10 years, affairs Sullivan spoke to the Kruger-O'Brien, stage manager ol employees of the theater have student members of the UTA's the theater. received more Theater Critic Tuition Review Committee The theater is moving to help Awards than any oilier theatei in during its Monday meeting. gel rid ol some debt n has taken on Ion Worth. Kruger-O'Brien said. The 18-member committee since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Noneol the employees will be los- will make tuition recommen- said Kruger-O'Brien. who is also ing their jobs during the theater's dations to interim President the administrative assistant for the move, she said. Charles Sorber. The forecast is theatei Stage West is an independent based on tuition deregulation "Since 9/11, donations to the- theater company thai produces legislation that shifted the aters and charities haw been way all Us own shows and occasion- power of setting tuition to uni- down," Kruger-O'Brien said. ally works with othei organiza- versities this spring. "Selling our current building will tions, such as l( I I, Kruger- "There is not a place to give help us to get ourselves on a linn O'Brien said someone a raise except l\ Halasl/Staff Photagmphel foundation for the future." through tuition." Sullivan said. The Stage West Theater (above) has closed its doors and will move to a new location at the WE. Scott Theater, An independent buyer bought (below) Michael O'Brien, the lighting designer, dismantles the lighting system for the move. s The university lost funding the theater on University Drive and (more on / \t,1- page 21 for employee raises during the legislative session this spring when lawmakers cut about $10 million from UTA's budget Institute leads in substance-abuse research Typically raises are given annually to about 3 to 5 per- BY MEGHAN YOl kKR cosl effective, Simpson said According lo the institute's cent of the faculty. If raises Si.,11 Reportel 2002 annual report, the IBR was one of seven national aren't approved this semester, centers selected to participate in the project, called Ihe Dwayne Simpson, director of TCU's Institute of faculty members must wait for Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies Behavioral Research, says he does not feel neglected. the next legislative session. The institute's distinction in the field of drug-abuse Though most of the TCI' community is not aware ol — The Shorthorn treatment is demonstrated by grants and contracts from Simpson's work. William Koehler. provost and vice federal agencies, such as the National Institute on Drug chancellor for academic affairs, said the IBR has evolved Abuse, which is one of the National Institutes of Health. into one of the lop drug-abuse treatment research centers Koehler said Inside Skil in the country. Bryan Garner, a graduate student in cognitive psy- Pile Pulse/Campus Lines 2 "Students may not know about us. but the administra- chology who issisis IBR. said ihe institute's reputation tion understands and approves of what we do." Simpson Opinion 3 in substance-abuse treatment research led him to 1(1 said. "They see our recognition nationally and how we News Digest 4 "The IBR has been conducting substance-abuse Stf/ihen SpiUman/Phtitu Etlitoi contribute lo Ihe rest of the field." Keatures 5 research for ovei 4(l years and has played a major role in Kathenne Courtney, a psychology graduate student, works The institute is investigating drug treatment sj stems in at her desk in the Institute for Behavioral Research. Etc. 9 U.S. prisons and how lo make them more efficient and tmore <>n IIIH page 21 Spoils 10 The Law students on the rise Preparing for the TODAY l in mind, we recommend they High: X >; Low: 6S; Mostly sunny BY BECKY BRANDENBURG applicants have increased by gel a hio.nl liberal arts degree." Si.ill Reportel I l.X percent since kill 2002. future, today SATURDAY pre-law adviser Donald Jackson said when there is High: 87; Low: 61; Mostly sunny Law school doesn't just lead Jackson said. an economic downturn, many lo ihe courtroom. "So far this year there have students postpone entering the SUNDAY Applying to law school can been 9X.77o." he said. job market bj going to gradu- High: 79; Low: 53; Mostly sunny help students maximize their A consistent 35 lo 40 TCU ate school. More students chances in a number of career graduates have applied to law appl) in;: lo law school means fields, said Carol Thompson, school during the pasi 15 law schools are able lo he Looking chairwoman of Ihe sociology, years. Jackson said more selective, Jackson said. criminal justice and anthropol- He said students should con- Catherine Chapman, assis 1957 — "West Side Story." ogy departments. sult him early to prepare for a I.ml dean lor caieei services composed by Leonard Though five of her students law career. Jackson said he is and alumni relations at Texas Bernstein, opens at the Winter applied lo law school this past available by appointment and Wesleyan Law School, said Garden Theatre on Broadway. year, Thompson said law has sel aside several hours I.oon applicants tried for 235 school is not always necessary each week for advising. places in ihen fall program. 1990 — The Motion Picture for work in the areas her stu- "They tell me vvlui they the Tarranl County Bar Association of America abol- dents are Interested in ;uch as want and 1 give them a couple Association welcomes college ishes the "X" rating, replacing public policy, public service, of ways thai they can reach students considering law lo it with "NC-17." a rating des- attend its luncheons and spe- the FBI.
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