![Feedwater Pump Maintenance Guide](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
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As a result of this publication, this report is subject to only copyright protection and does not require any license agreement from EPRI. This notice supersedes the export control restrictions and any proprietary licensed material notices embedded in the document prior to publication. 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EPRI Report NP-1571, Causes of Repetitive Feedwater Pump Failures, October 1980. The data derived for this report confirms that the same statement is applicable today, fifteen years later (Reference 3). The NMAC Main Feedwater Pump Maintenance Guide is the latest EPRI sponsored effort directed toward boiler feed pumps in the fossil and nuclear power generation applica- tion areas. For two decades, EPRI has contributed research and development direction in the attempt to improve the awareness of the industry to the critical importance of the boiler feed pump to the reliability of the power generation facility. The failure of a boiler feed pump has economic ramifications in the cost of a forced outage or a reduc- tion in generated power. Conclusions from available data sources, including NPRDS and NMAC plant surveys, show that a majority of failure symptoms are leaks from lube oil systems, stuffing box shaft sealing systems, water piping and gaskets. In the NM AC evaluation of all maintenance issues, reactor boiler feedpumps rose in their combined ranking from thirteenth place in 1991, to fifth place m 1992, to third place in 1993. In 1995, pumps still rank in fourth place as a maintenance issue. This guide is directed only to the boiler feed pump applications in nuclear power generation facilities. In boiling water reactor facilities, the boiler feed pumps are utilized as reactor feed pumps. In pressurized water reactor facilities, the boiler feed pumps are utilized as steam gen- erator feed pumps. For purposes of simplicity, in this guide, the boiler feed pump m either type of facility will be referred to as a main feedwater pump. This guide provides basic information on the design, construction and maintenance of the main feedwater pump equipment supplied by the six pump manufacturers to the domestic United States nuclear power generation industry. This guide is intended to provide useful information to all disciplines and skills associated with the maintenance of main feedwater pump equipment, the planning of its maintenance, and the monitor- ing and evaluation of its performance. Data basically derived from 1988 onward is utilized to determine failure modes and effects analysis. The use of diagnostics is dis- cussed and its practical application in illustrative case histories is included. Predictive and preventive maintenance programs utilizing new technology are available and affordable today where they were previously unattainable. EPRI Licensed Material EPRI Licensed Material Main Feedwater Pump Maintenance Guide ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This guide was prepared for the Nuclear Maintenance Applications Center (NMAC), under Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) project number 3814-19. Many individuals and organizations provided assistance and information to make this publication possible. The manufacturers of nuclear main feedwater pumps, BW/IP International, Inc., Demag Delaval Turbomachinery Corp., Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company, and Sulzer Bingham Pump Company, are to be commended for providing the information necessary to make this guide complete and useful, and for granting permission to reproduce illustrations and use their technical data. Special recognition is given to Warren H. Brown for his significant efforts in analyzing data, his critical review of the text, and his participation in all activities associated with this guide. NM AC and the authors of this guide would like to particularly recognize the following members of the Technical Advisory Group for their timely and detailed contributions to this project: Bob Joines Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company Tim W otring Ingersoll-Dresser Pump Company Joe Silvaggio Demag Delaval Turbomachinery Corp. Don Spencer Sulzer Bingham Pump Company Steve Davis Public Service Electric and Gas, Salem Randy Dvorka ComEd, Quad Cities Mike Turner Carolina Power and Light, Shearon H arris Chris Farsaci Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, Nine Mile Point Brendan Duffy Northeast Utilities Don Duenkel Wisconsin Electric Power Corporation Jim W ilson Wisconsin Electric Power Corporation John Forsman Northern States Power Corporation, M onticello W illiam Gates Southern Nuclear Operating Company Robert Porter Entergy Operations, Inc. Lloyd Sullivan Entergy Operations, Inc. Donald Osborne Duke Power Company Harry Pales ComEd Amy Monroe South Carolina Electric and Gas, V.C. Summer Gene Baker South Carolina Electric and Gas, V.C. Summer Roger Beal Northeast Utilities We also acknowledge the following for their valued assistance: W ayne M otley Carolina Seals, Inc. Watson Tomlinson Duke Power Company EPRI Licensed Material EPRI Licensed Material Main Feedwater Pump Maintenance Guide CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION
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