310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 12 SENATE RESOLUTION 223 The SPEAKER: llr there objection HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Resolved, That the Senate has heard with to -the request of -the gentleman fro~ profound sorrow the announcement of the New York? . TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1~60 death of the .Honorable Alvin R. Bush, late -There was no objection. a Representative from the State of Pennsyl~ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. yania. " . Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, the Presi­ The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard BrasK:amp, Resolved, That the Secretary communicate dent· in -his state of the Union message D.D., 1>:ffered the following prayer: these resolutions to the House of Represent­ recommen.ded that this House ·accept a atives and transmit a copy thereof to the civil rights bill. · Matthew 1: 37: For with God nothing family of the deceased. The Speaker and the majority leader shall be impossible. Resolved, That, as a further mark of re­ commendably have made statements to Most merciful and gracious God, spect to the memory of the deceased, the Sen.­ the effect that Members might well sign grant unto us more of inner strength and · ate, at the conclusion of its business today, the discharge petition so that the House peace that we may meet the challenges adjourn until Wednesday next. can work its will on this bill despite the of our day with untroubled hearts. intransigence of certain members of the We penitently confess that we have SENATE RESOLUTION 224 Rules Committee. failed Thee so often even when Thou Resolved, That the Sel:late has heard with I think Members on both sides of the hast given us a clear vision and com­ profound sorrow the announcement of the death of the Honorable Charles A. Boyle, late aisle should come forward and be mand as to what Thou art calling us to a Representative from the State of Illinois. counted. The Nation is alert. The be and do. Resolved, That the Secretary communi­ voters are watching. Failure to sign Show us how we may dispel the con­ cate these resolutions to the House of Repre­ may be detrimental to some and fatal to fusion and chaos of these perilous times sentatives and transmit a copy thereof to others, if the bill cannot be considered in which mankind is groping. tJ,le family of the deceased. by the House. Gird and empower us by Thy holy Resolved, That, as a further mark of re­ Mr. Speaker, I therefore urge that spirit that we may help to direct the spect to the memory of the deceased, the Sen­ M;embers sign this petition. wills of men in the ways of truth and ate, at the conclusion of its business today, righteousness. adjourn until Wednesday next. Reveal unto us the wonder and glory SAM HUFF: COAL ATHLETE OF THE of that eternal kingdom which Thou PANAMA CANAL: POTENTIAL VIC­ YEAR art seeking to establish upon this earth TIM OF SUBVERSIVE FORCES tbrough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to address the House unanimous consent to address the House for 1 minute a;nd to revise and extend THE JOURNAL for 1 minute. my remarks. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection The SPEAKER. Is there objection terday was read and approved. to the request of the gentleman from to the request of the gentleman from Pennsylvania? West Virginia? There was no objection. There was no objection:. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Mr. WALTER. Mr. Speaker, for many Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, recently months the people of the United States the National Coal Policy Conference A message in writing from the Presi­ have watched with growing concern the honored one of West Virginia's favorite dent of the United States was communi­ rising Red tide in the Caribbean immedi­ sons, Robert Lee "Sam" Hu:ff, by naming cated to the House· by Mr. Ratchford, ately to the south of us, which is now him "coal's athlete of the year." The one of his secretaries. converging toward the Panama Canal award presentation was made by Mr. Jo­ and aimed at wresting its control from seph E. Moody, conference president, in a ceremony at the small coal-mining MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the United States. Tomorrow, under a previous order of community of Farmington, W.Va., which A message from the Senate by Mr. Mc­ the House, our distinguished colleague I have the honor to represent in the Gown, one of its clerks, announced that from my own State of Pennsylvania [Mr. Congress. · the Senate had passed the following FLoOD] will address this body on the most I would like to call attention to this resolutions: timely and gravely important subject of ceremony because it serves to dramatize . SENATE RESOLUTION 219 the Panama Canal as the key target of one of the unique contributions made by ResolVed, That the Senate has heard with what now amounts to a fourth front. the coal industry to the national scene, profound sorrow the announcement of the .A!3 you know, he has made extensive specifically, to the world of sports. death of the Honorable Richard M. Simpson, studies of isthmian problems, especially .A!3 sports fans everywhere know, Sam late a Representative from the State of Penn­ Hu:ff is an outstanding defensive star for sylvania. those of diplomatic and juridical char­ acter. I am sure that his address will be the New York Giants of the National Resolved, That a committee of two Sen­ Football League. .A!3 a college student, ators be appointed by the Vice President to highly informative, definitely construc­ join the committee appointed on the part of tive, and delivered in his usual brilliant he was an all-American lineman at West the House of Representatives to attend the form. Virginia University. By championship tuneral of the deceased. The tragic attempts of Panamanian performance on the athletic field and by Resolved, That the Secretary communicate exemplary conduct in private life, this these resolutions to the House of Repre­ mobs on November 3 and 28, 1959, to in­ young West Virginian has become a sentatives and. transmit a copy thereof to vade the Canal Zone, incidents that bear source of pride to his State and to the· the family of the deceased. the stamp of the Red pattern, have made coal community where he was born and Resolved, That, as a further mark of re­ the Panama ·canal a topic of worldwide raised. spect to the memory of the deceased, the interest, and a potential victim of sub­ Senate, at the conclusion of its business to­ versive forces. Thus, it is of the utmost But Sam Huff, whose father and day, adjourn until WednesdaY. next. brother are bituminous coal miners, is importance that the Congress, which is merely one of many championship com­ the ultimate authority for the determi­ SENATE RESOLUTION 222 nation of policies relative to the Panama petitors from the Nation's coal region's Resolved, That the Senate has heard with young men who have over the years ex­ profound sorrow the announcement of the Canal and interoceanic canals, generally celled in athletics. It is said that our death of the Honorable Steven V. Carter, should be fully informed on all the coal-producing areas produce, in addi­ late a Representative from the State of Iowa. weighty problems connected therewith. tion to our No. 1 energy source, the Resolved, That the Secretary communicate finest athletes in the world. To support these resolutions to the House of Represent­ this statement, the National Coal Policy atives and transmit a copy thereof to the CIVIL RIGHTS PETITION family of the deceased. Conference has also drawn up a profes­ Resolved, That, u a further mark of "e­ Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask sional football team composed solely of spect to the memory rof the deceased, the uo.animous consent to address the House players from coal regions. Senate, at the conclusion of its business for ~ minute and to revise and extend This mythical "all-coal-all-pro" team today, adjourn until Wednesday next. my remarks: includes 13 Pennsylvanians, 4 West Vir- 1960 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD- HOUSE 311 ginians, and 1 member each from Ohio Mr. CELLER. I would accept the Mr. LIBONATI. Mr. Speaker, the and Illinois. In addition to Sam Huff, amendment. passing of Frank Smith, wartime corre­ the team lists eight other champion per­ Mr. HOFFMAN of Michigan. Has the spondent and reporter for the Chicago formers from coal areas who will par­ gentleman any idea whether his accept­ Sun-Times, was a shock to his many ticipate in the all-professional game at ance would be helpful to me? friends and admirers. He was loved by Los Angeles this weekend. They are Mr. CEILER. I do not know about all who knew him. His work among the Gino Marchetti, Smithers, W. Va.; Lou that. If the gentleman will sign the veteran organizations endeared him to Groza, Martins Ferry, Ohio; Jesse Rich­ petition and vote for the bill, I certainly tholisands of servicemen. ardson, Scranton, Pa.; Stan Jones, Al­ would be willing to do that. He was a quiet, gentle, and polite per­ toona, Pa.; Bill George, Waynesburg, Pa.; Mr. HOFFMAN of Michigan. I have . son who was always ready to befriend Walt Michaels, Swoyerville, Pa.; Jim done many things that I have regretted; the unfortunate. He disliked to write ill Schrader, Carnegie, Pa.; and John maybe I will, but ·I cannot promise. of anyone. Yet his reputation for truth Unitas, Pittsburgh, Pa.
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