llOOI IT • 711.1 i'WOJ!'A!! c::ua•iaTi"*iic~·u"i•~"'"l 11&1'1 (, /z. o J7 z. ... 'lllf ........ c...... J I 9JIKaL;~ ::-f'r-- ·- WQPSJ :~ • ~-·· R5095 I t±*mw£i FOREWORD Thio voluao of Book IT of tho ^ianhattaa Hatriat Mi*tor/ hao bora wrlttoa to prorido tho k-oador with tho background noooaoary for a oloaror undorataading of tho auooooding — Trow of thio book. A briof dloouooiaa of tho Indopandont roaooroh oa radioaotirlty and nuoloar phyoloo loading up to tho dlooorary of ylutonlua la proooatod* ao wall m tho M a tniatratiTO arroagoaoato undor whloh tho Pllo Projoot hoo oporatod froa Joauary 194* to SI noooabor 1946. Poatureo which haro booa o o a m to aoro thaa ono phoao of tho Pllo Projoot ■ro inoludod la thla roluaa to avoid ropotltloa la ouoooodlai; roluaao. Book IT of tho Maahattaa Dio trio* Hiotory ha* booa wrlttoa ao of IX Daooabor 1944* la aa offort to proooat a ol«ar« ooasrohoaolvo hiotory of tho Pllo Projoot to that dato, adauto dotallo and highly t.chaioal dloouoolooo haro booa avoided whoravar poaaiblo. Tho annaarji ooatoiao aa abotraot of ovory aaln subjoot troatod la tho toxt and lo koyod to tho tori ia auoh a aanaor that paragraph nuabaro and hoadlngo ia tho suaoary oorroopoad to tho varlouo oootloao ia tho tozt« 3*o oupploooatary aatorial, or roforoneoo aro inoludod la **\r ▼oluao. A. gloooary of torao io prooentod la Appendix a. Othor phooao of tho hiotory of tho Pile iYojoot aro doaoribad in* Book IT - Vbluao 2 - Raaaaroh Book IV - Voluao S - Dooiga Book I? • Toluao 4 - Land Aoquioitloa# H.H.5T. Book IV - I'oluro® 6 - Cons tmotio:a Book IV - Volume 8 - Operations 31 Deooaber 1946 F 2 i M A m K DISTRICT Bln W O K 1 7 ~ t'XLa W J T C f vomm i - asmtm features fAStt OF GOJJTSWtS 7ar. No* Page Ho. F o m m o SUMMARY SECTION 1 - I N T l i O W C T m 1-1 Objective# 1 - 2 Scop® 1,1 1-3 Authorisations 1*1 1.2 sscfioK 2 * sAfiti m w w B m r s 2 - 1 Natural Radioactivity 2“2 Artificial Disintegration 2.1 2-3 Discovery and Effects of Neutrons 2.1 £■**4 Fission 2.2 2.2 SECTION 3 - AIMISTRATIOH 3-1 General 3.1 3~2 Rational Defense Research Committee (NDRC) 3.1 3-3 Offic«^>f Scientific Research and Development 3.2 3-4 Manhattan Engineer District 3*2 3-5 Administrative Jurisdiction 3.3 SECTION I* - PHASES OF TUB PILE PHOJ8CT U-l General 4-2 Research 4. 1 4-3 Development ■s*2 4-4 Design 4*3 4-5 Selection of Contractors k*3 4.3 3 . University of Chicago !;*3 b* Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation lx.ll c. a . I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Inc* 4* 5 \ * * '.general .filaetric Company 4 -0 Coordination 4*6 M 'U-, .10, jrW-i, Av** „? *“ . S~1 ' Oemral £#i 5-2 ^«taH?srslcal Laboratory 5 ',1 5-3 Clinton Xa'i:K»r«tc«pies 5,1 > 4 Hanford ‘Ungiwew *'oncks £ ,I S'-'XJHCH 6 - EiTSLLTCS^ICB AKD S^CBKXTT 6 -1 General 6 , 1 6 -2 /inployraent 6 , 1 distribution of iafocncatioa 6,1 6«*lj Cn-Projoot Investigation* 6,1 6-£ Physical Security 6*2 6-6 Security of Cnforreation 6*2 SECTION ? - LAW 3SHJRCMSHT AMD JURISDICTION 7-1 Oeneral 7*1 7-2 Jtariadicrfcton 7 ,1 7-3 laar Suferceaent 7 ,2 SECTION 8 - CARE OP HEAL BSTATB 3-4 General 3 * 1 8-2 Village Rsaidencea and Buaineaa .Buildings 8*1 8-3 Farma and Orcharda 0*1 34i Irrigation Dlstricta 8*2 --5 Sfcreeta and Highways 3%2 3-6 Electric Power Linsa 3.2 3-7 Railroads 3*3 SECriOM 9 - ORGANISATION AND FERSQHMBL 9 -1 General ^*1 9*2 kjirerninent 9*1 a* national Offioiala 5 , 1 b* Research Agencies 2 * 1 c* Manhattan Snginaor District % 2 2-3 Contractors ^#2 a* University of Chicago 9*2 b, K* I* du Pont da Nemours and Company, Inc*, 9*2 c, General Electric Company - APP3NDIX A - 01035ART IHDRX ii pl utmil-. ?h.11 -" !Dvol 'Nd tMoretJ.col 4t •'dlee, . 111/.. 11> .l a t>d ..-J.• oai ~• .,..., <1.-1-t ....n .. tiae llOUl.4 al1 ..... u. ..,..ui.1- u oo <>t • ou1t.ule alto. a....i - c!ft1cn, • ..,.ir.lct:1_ ..i _...u ,.. ot :tarp • • l e ~roduot lon !'acll1t1•• "1U.Ollt - benJ1t or oam;>leto .... z. r.i-11 "wnlo dlo.>.,....l"Od l a 15~ bf II. ~l . Thl.a >Ork Wiii t»ll- b:; the llo­ la tl·>n or n.dilO - the J h c......,. !hot Ulcri ..., palaa1,., r.a1..,.. &"'1 touatice ot an a_tona 1-• aoo : .,, .. bJ" t h9 -1.11110. or • •1.ncl• al;ata er beta putlole _. "' "> u od b)' ll. !lt!L'>lrtard and ~ . Sodd;J 1" 1902. ?be 3.t'ttt!.o.1.al carvor•1c:i ot oce ohlAio•l ol tX»Ct to a notbar uu ao:occ- p' S3!¥MJ ~ '?V..hcrlord. ill lil$t. .1o rGW• h1,;:h o:Ml!:f nwlJ.a~A 'f:ll• C::O~ioed ln 1!>32 cxl J . ~w l ::::C .. TO{tO&cd tll&t. tills :-aa a ~ • .& .DOW.r:al d r f l f l f T v c v n n by ssany attaipts to convert uranium to m m olor.ento higher in the atonic scale by bombardment with neutron.. This work established the fact that uraniua-235 and uranium-238 fission upon bombardment. In 1940. h o m w , evidence obtained proving that uranium can undergo trmnmautation to new elements higlwr la the atoaic scale. This « u followed by the die- oovery end isolation of plutonitmu 8. Administration. s t t o r t * were cede to Interest the Ocvernasnt la resesroh oa uranium fission beceuse of the possible military use of the large aaounta of energy released by fiealoa. This resulted la the formation of the Advisory Coamittea oa Uranium. With the organisation of the National Defense Research Committee* nuclear physics researoh oa uranium was conducted at several universities under HDHC contracts. Xa Oeoesaber 1941, the t&ranium Section was reorganised under the Qffioe of Soiantifie Research and Qsveloptnent and aa "all out" effort wee begua et the tmivereity of Chicago under the direction of Dr. A. H. Ccrspton. The Manhattan Engineer District was organised and assuoed over-all direotloa ef the Pile Project effective Id August 194*. The OSHD re- .mined in charge of research until 1 Hay 1949 whea the Sushettaa Dist­ rict assumed full jurisdiction over all phases of the Project* *• p*maa< °** ***• Pile PTojcot. - The evolution of the Pile frojeot differed from the usual procedure because the urgent military need fcr plutonium did not permit the completion of the ou«ternary exhaustive research end pilot plant studies prior to design and oonetructlon of the large scale production plants. Ihe research program was conducted under the auspices of the Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago* The separation chemistry of the Pile PTojcot was studied on a 32 11 a "'fi! .. (iltli }1'111f~!llfl ! :t!!! J.ff ti~~~ .. • j I -.e ·~;- if i~I t ~ :. ·!i •t·.. f • f , ~ ,' 1i~illjt 1' 4ll ;rf ( i i i= 1 ~,, .. i"'r ,; 1 1~l11 1~ ir ! 1 1 · - i i r t • .. ¥ ~ a i ·- i f ? f ! . f I f ; : l ~ ! ! . l 1. t I I I ; :'§! jr1f.r .111~ -~ - i 1 i:Jii~! ~fJJ ,,-t;firl G* a# geaurj^ . ?he objective* of th» Pile r-rojeot diraotly affootod the >utcarr» of the ^ and It «m » th H ita i. neoes. sary & at s tr ic t secrecy bs mintained*. fcoh onploryee*# personal history *as cheeked and, a fte r m vXoymntt each person *a» ^ aoeea. to only such information as wm necessary for tfas aoepUbioa o f h i* task* Personnel wrere allowed to enter only those arsas in «hioh tfMy worked and *ere constantly winded af their security obligati*** mT* pa^rollod by Contractors* guards and M ilita ry Polio©* 7* - ^ - ^ i>oro^aanfe and Jurisdletlctu * rhe prolan of law enforce saant and ju risd iction m » latch greater a t the SmTord Btsgineer ffcrfes than at the itaiversity of Chicago or at the Clinton Laboratories hmwnrf of the at** of the Project and the msaber <*f persons p loyed* Zte Jtate of flMhtn*w aslntaiae* jurisdiction owr th* Project aal its law m m aoforoad by the C«*fcractor*s patrolnett, afeo worn deputised by the Bentm County sheriff* A special set of tram * mguUMm* we enacted by the ^arraiss loners o f Beaton Comty, fb» antlre reservation was r e s tr lo - ted and no oontraband, mmh a# oo*»rae» firearm , and U*ocr# was permitted on the plant area* 8* ^ a»tat»« • The area of the' Hanford .Ingiaeer tforfen inoludsd several ooiaaualtlee* xaany & r » and orchards* and sever*! utilities* ISwt of the dwell!*©* and business buildings mrm m o d dur5ng the construction period but have since been boarded up. at ao». wrfced for other uses* The farm and orolnrdS haw been operated by Fradoral Prison Industries. One jfrrigatioa district 1* being used ani ths other has been abandoned. The highways and railroad .have been improved suid one oleotric power line has boon diasvmtled rfhile the others 34 M i d i ii» m p t are being maintained and aome portion* ar® ia uaa. 9# Psrsonns1. - The Pil.
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