QUILLS CANADIAN POETRY MAGAZINE · VOLUME IX VOLUME · MAGAZINE QUILLS CANADIAN POETRY VOLUME IX www.quillspoetry.com $9.95 STATIONARY HONJO · SUSANTO · JAMES · LEE · KEOHANE FARINA · FAVRON · FERNANDES · COMEAU · BOLITHO DOUGLAS · BOLEN · GHAFFAR · KRALJII Among many others... www.quillspoetry.com Quills 2010 Cover_Quills 2007 Cover 17/01/11 8:55 AM Page 2 ATTENTION CANADIAN POETS! o rd er dir ectly from the publishe r: send cheque for $15 to Quill s Ma gaz ine www.quillspoetry.com CANADIAN POETRY MAGAZINE CANADIAN POETRY MAGAZINE CANADIAN POETRY MAGAZINE CANADIAN POETRY MAGAZINE COVer ArtWOrK By SArA MACIntyre “Morning Peace” Please see biography on facingfacing pagepage Publisher WILLIAM BYRON SHEARDOWN Design inteRnational web eXpRess Lithography COLOUR EXPRESS Bookbinding & Finishing LpaciFicARSEN ’bS indeRyBOOKBINDING LTD. Distribution DISTICOR Website Design kode websites Guest editors pandoRa’s collective, bonnie nish & daniela elza Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine is independent Quillsof government Canadian Poetrygrants andMagazine is privately is independent funded. of government grants and is privately funded. 2013 Volume IX QuillsQuills CanadianCanadian PoetryPoetry Magazine (ISSN:(ISSN: 1708-3486) is published annually. Editorial,Editorial, subscriptionsubscription andand mainmain offioffice: ce: PO#1 - Box1455 21660, Brigantine Vancouver, Drive, BCCoquitlam, V5L 5G3. BC Individual V3K 7C2. Individualsubscription subscription rates: $10.45 rates: per year$10.45 domestic; per year $20 domestic; per year $20foreign. per yearSingle foreign. copies: Singlecurrent copies: issue, current$10.45; issue,back issues,$10.45; $10.45. back Makeissues, cheque$10.45. or Make money cheque order payableor money to orderQuills payable Canadian to PoetryQuills CanadianMagazine .Poetry Any supplements Magazine. publishedAny supplements under Quills published Canadian under PoetryQuills MagazineCanadian arePoetry not Magazineincluded inare the not subscriptionincluded in theprice subscription but may pricebe purchased but may beat purchasedan additional at an cost additional as per costsupplement. as per supplement. Bulk orders Bulk for orders schools for or schools other orinstitutions other institutions can be requested can be requested in writing in writing to the toPublisher the Publisher at our at main our mainaddress. address. Submissions Submissions are acceptedare accepted by emailby email only. only. Copyright Copyright of ofindividual individual poems poems remains remains with with author. author. Only Only notification notifi cation of ofaccepted accepted submissions submissions will will be be given.given. CopyingCopying done done for forany anypurpose purpose other thanother personal than personal or educational or educational reasons is prohibited,reasons is requestsprohibited, must requests be made must in writingbe made to inour writing main offi to ource address. main office Any changeaddress. of Any address change should of beaddress given should at least be 6 given weeks at in least advance 6 weeks of innext advance edition of and next include edition old and address, include newold address,address andnew effectiveaddress anddate. effective Any miscommunication date. Any mis-communication or misdirection or misdirectionof address change of address falls changeon the onusfalls onof thethe subscriber.onus of the Wesubscriber. will make We every will make reasonable every reasonableattempt to attemptdeliver pastto deliver due issues. past due All rightsissues. reserved. All rights Copyright reserved. Copyright© 2013 by ©Quills 2010 Canadianby Quills PoetryCanadian Magazine. Poetry Magazine Canada Post. Canada Mail AgreementPost Mail Agreement Number: 4086 Number: 5023. 4086Printed 5023. on FSC © Certifi ed Stock. 2013 Annual Issue Cover Artwork by SArA MACIntyre “Morning Peace” Sara MacIntyre is an artist currently residing in rural northern Alberta with her husband and 4 children. raised in the yukon territory, her northern artistic roots run deep. Sara has nurtured a passion for drawing since early childhood. She has always been deeply moved by the rugged, dramatic, and often stark landscapes of the north and has sought to express and interpret what she sees, whether it be line, color, or movement, with lyrical results. Her current preferred medium is leather, and for the last 3 years she has directed her artistic energy into creating original, framed compositions that evoke bright, vast, snowy expanses; crisp cold nights beneath the northern lights; sweeping winds that cut across grassy foothills; and the rich darkness that envelops inhabitants and visitors in the heart of a boreal spruce forest. timeless and magical . reflections of our dreams. Sara’s northern-themed works have been peripatetic. they now hang in halls and homes all across the country, from BC to the shores of nova Scotia, as well as in the USA, Denmark, Ireland, and Switzerland. you can see more of her work at her public page: Steep Creek Designs by Sara MacIntyre @ Facebook.com i Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine On Being a Guest editor When Byron asked me to be guest editor for the ninth edition of Quills, I knew the effort and dedication necessary to take all of your submissions, read through them, select and order them into an issue. I felt this was a task that needed two sets of eyes and so I asked Daniela elza to guest edit alongside me. Having worked closely on other editing projects with Daniela, as well as hosting a reading series with her, I knew that her professionalism would help to get this job done quickly and seamlessly, with a good amount of fun thrown in. I didn’t realize how important this would be to the process until its later stages. to take over four hundred pages of submissions and narrow them down to about sixty is a challenging task. Many considerations went into what came together to shape this issue. We were pleased to see a cross-section of writers submitting their work. From novice to established and award winning, we read each submission carefully. When it came to making our final selection, we were surprised and pleased to discover how aligned our choices were. thank you to all who sent work in. Working with Daniela has been an absolute blessing. I suffered a concussion just before we had to sit down and finalize the issue. What this meant was that Daniela took on more than her share of the work when she knew I wasn’t able. I thank her for that. this process was one of love and joy, both because of what you shared with us, and also because of the possibility of working with someone I so admire and call friend. We hope you will welcome and enjoy the new voices as well as the voices of established and/or familiar poets that we have chosen for you here. Guest editor/s Bonnie nish (with Daniela elza) ii 2013 Annual Issue Contents RobeRt MaRtens 1 Fog elizabeth syMons 2 tunges Maggie bolitho 3 upwaRd Mobility susan Mccaslin 4 deaR cRow tiMothy shay 5 noRMal day Michelle baRkeR 6 FaMily poRtRait chRisty hill 8 Made oF clay david FRaseR 9 MaRgaRet, deceMbeR 1971 alan hill 10 cleaning My glasses liliJa valis 12 dancing in the Rain tiMothy shay 13 not bRoken but talking to MyselF beRnice leveR 14 blood on ouR hands candice JaMes 15 cRushed autuMn caRl leggo 16 gullibility Jeb gaudet 17 aFteR the bReakdown chRistopheR levenson 18 back to FundaMentals J.J. steinFeld 19 a displaced Jew Questions hiMselF on a high holy day JenniFeR zilM 20 ouR lady oF peRpetual help, FebRuaRy 13 taRa wohlbeRg 22 in 1621 MR. buRton said... nathaniel s. Rounds 23 leisuRe tiMe FoR the dispossessed sean aRthuR Joyce 24 what wakes this Mountain chelsea coMeau 26 ghosts catheRine Mcneil 27 discontinuity Robin susanto 28 night song sheila peteRs 29 geological tiMe: new yeaR’s eve kaRly stilling 30 last woRds oF FRida kahlo chRistine lowtheR 31 peRhaps healed ibRahiM honJo 32 this MoRning John b. lee 33 Macdonough 15 public school, new oRleans the assassin as a child david MeRRiField 34 FiRst step Melinda cochRane 35 selF poRtRait oF pooR iii Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine Roy RobeRts 36 donna dennis e. bolen 37 FoRest town sluMbeR lauRa douglas 38 Juvenile Joseph a. FaRina 39 displays david wood 40 MontReal patRicia sMekal 41 bol, cRoatia asheR ghaFFaR 42 attRaction kelsey keohane 44 a baR FoR the bete noiRe caRol haRvey steski 45 the waitRess FaRan ghahReMani 46 June 15, 2009 Jude neale 48 still liFe Robin susanto 49 huMMingbiRd - FoR bJF sho wiley 50 tuRn sean wiebe 51 at the delta hotel, cape bReton sean wiebe 52 syllogisMs with My daughteR Mickey bickeRstaFF 53 indiscRiMinate R.c. weslowski 54 in lieu oF calling heR beautiFul allen Qing yuan 55 Rain, Rain, go away Jana e. silna 56 night stoRM sheila peteRs 57 a song FoR andRés chopping onions kat wahaMaa 58 My gRandMotheR’s house elee kRalJii gaRdineR 60 backstitch celeste snowbeR 61 suppeR by the sea wilhelMina salMi 62 cetology cecile FavRon 63 Just aFteR the end-oF-lunch bell shannon Rayne 64 white, an inventoRy MaRni noRwich 65 panhandling k.J. MunRo 66 klondike coMposition chelsea coMeau 67 Ruby-thRoated Raoul FeRnandes 68 bioluMinescence caRol shillibeeR 69 Mouse tail wRites John b. lee 70 the Full MeasuRe contRibutoRs 72 iv 2013 Annual Issue Volume IX v Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine vi 2013 Annual Issue RobeRt MaRtens FOG the world’s white, a shivering lung. the streets, a sheer gleam. lampposts hunched, like crone ghosts withholding old wisdom. even the crows are pale and nearly invisible, disembodied voices. sky and earth seeping together, a single formless flow. listen – the drip of a branch. the pad of a cat. someone will arrive soon, i can sense it, someone who vanished a long age ago. the silver haired cedars. the hill, luminous, to my front door. we may dissolve. breathe in. the cold white spiral of spirit. the insomniac thrust of headlights. a city’s smeared glimmer. in this covert curl of hunger and hope, of memory’s milk, thick and billowy, the end of a phantom army’s homeward march.
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