Action AgAinst Hunger ACF International Network 2007 Annual Report ACTION AGAINST HUNGER HUNGER AGAINST AGAINST ACTION ACTION AcF internAtionAL netWorK Comprised of five independent, non-profit organizations with headquarters in London, Madrid, Montréal, LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN New York, and Paris, the ACF International Network (ACF-IN) saves the lives of malnourished children while providing families with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. ACF-IN bridges emergency relief with longer-term development, intervening in emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and Since our first forays into the field of global hunger, almost 30 years chronic food insecurity. Our 6,000+ field staff—seasoned professionals and technical experts in nutrition, Action AgAinst ago, Action Against Hunger / Accion Contra el Hambre / Action Contre water and sanitation, public health, and food security—carry out life-saving programs in some 40 countries. Hunger core la Faim (ACF) has occupied a singular place among international These programs reach nearly 5 million people a year, restoring dignity, self-sufficiency, and independence to organizations. Whether responding to natural disasters, entrenched vulnerable populations around the world. PrinciPLes The ACF International Charter poverty, or seasonal hunger, our teams have been at the forefront of affirms six core principles that all humanitarian action for nearly three decades, fostering principled, staff members worldwide pledge to community-centered solutions for millions of people around the world. uphold in carrying out their work. With each year’s new challenges, ACF teams refine our programs and develop context-specific strategies, and 2007 was no exception. From indePendence the expanding crisis in Darfur, to Hurricane Felix in Central America, Cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh, and a massive earthquake in Peru, our neutrALity teams adapted existing programs or launched new efforts as the situation dictated. Frequently, those teams went into areas where other non-discriminAtion organizations hesitated to go because of unstable political conditions. Free And direct Despite growing insecurity in Darfur, ACF’s presence guaranteed life-saving services for tens of thousands of families, including vital ACF-USA Access to Victims www.actionagainsthunger.org nutrition programs, distributions of hygiene kits, and improved access Chairman: Raymond Debbane ProFessionALism to clean water and sanitation facilities. In response to the various Executive Director: Nan Dale natural disasters, Action Against Hunger conducted rapid assessments trAnsparency and responded with immediate assistance. As these crises transitioned ACF-France into post-emergency phases, ACF remained to help restore www.actioncontrelafaim.org contaminated fields, repair water points and sanitation facilities, and President: Denis Metzger Executive Director: François Danel restock productive assets like seeds, tools, and fishing nets. ACF’s broad solutions aim at enhancing livelihoods and income- ACF-Spain generating opportunities, boosting food production, and restoring www.accioncontraelhambre.org President: José Luis Leal Maldonado health and independence to distressed communities—vital services Executive Director: Olivier Longué whose life-saving value can’t be overstated. For communities recovering from natural disasters, displaced populations living in ACF-UK camps, or communities faced with cycles of drought and hunger, self- www.aahuk.org sufficiency is the most powerful tool for rebuilding livelihoods, and Chairman: Paul Wilson Action Against Hunger’s teams provide people with the tools and know- Executive Director: Jean-Michel Grand how to work their way back to normalcy. A c F ACF-Canada On behalf of the Boards of Directors at each of the ACF headquarters, intern www.actioncontrelafaim.ca 8 I am proud to present this report highlighting some of our key President: Diane Bussandri A Executive Director: Frédéric Boisrond accomplishments in 2007. tion AL Reflects the leadership of each ACF net headquarters as of December 31, 2008 W BURTON K. HAimes or on tHe coVer Chairman, International Chairmen’s Council K ACF International Network To view our financial information, please visit www.actionagainsthunger.org/resources/annual-reports-financials Our comprehensive approach to global hunger delivers a range of community-centered solutions to populations in crisis, like this young CCoverover photos: photos: ACF-Afghanistan, ACF-Afghanistan, courtesy courtesy I. I.Eshragi/Agence Eshragi/Agence VU; VU; ACF-Sri ACF-Sri Lanka, Lanka, courtesy courtesy J. J.Lapegue Lapegue girl’s community in Afghanistan. 1 ACTION AGAINST HUNGER AGAINST ACTION ACTION AGAINST HUNGER A UNIQUE INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ACF’S INTEGRATED APPROACH TO FIGHTING HUNGER our comprehensive solutions to global hunger are needs-based, Today, over 850 million people still Food security: Action Against AdVOCAcy: Action Against Hunger FOr AlmOST context-specific, and customized through direct community suffer from hunger and more than Hunger’s food security programs raises awareness about hunger 30 yeArS, Action participation. While the programs we run may vary from one country one billion people lack access to include both emergency programs and seeks to alert and influence AgAINST HuNger to the next, they all share this defining set of characteristics: clean drinking water. Through an – such as emergency food the international community when integrated approach incorporating distributions – as well as long- fundamental rights such as access comPreHensiVe: Action Against Hunger integrates activities in HAS leD THe way Nutrition & Health, Food Security, term programs. These programs to water or food are violated. Action nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, health, and advocacy. IN DeFININg THe Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, and aim at boosting agricultural and/ Against Hunger’s advocacy efforts To tackle the underlying causes of hunger, we address the social, Advocacy, Action Against Hunger or economic activity providing aim at affecting institutional and IDeA OF glOBAl organizational, technical, and resource concerns essential to a responds efficiently and effectively populations with sufficient access cultural changes to help create a community’s well-being. parTNerSHIP. to help vulnerable populations to food of a satisfactory quality world without hunger. LAsting soLutions: Action Against Hunger works to ensure our around the world. and improving self-sufficiency. programs can be sustained without us. By integrating our programs nutrition And HealtH: WAter, sAnitAtion And with local and national systems we transform effective, short-term Nutrition programs aim at HYGIENE: These programs interventions into sustainable, long-term solutions. assessing, preventing and treating aim at guaranteeing access to community-centered: A community-centered approach is key acute malnutrition among the most drinking water and good sanitary to building local capacity for the management and maintenance of vulnerable populations, especially conditions (by providing wells, our programs. Through training, workshops, technical support, and young children and pregnant or water distribution networks, mentoring, Action Against Hunger builds local capacity and cultivates lactating women. Health programs latrines, hygiene education community know-how for the long-run. consist of fighting diseases linked sessions, etc). In 2007 about two with malnutrition. million people benefitted from indePendent & impartiAL: As a nongovernmental humanitarian these ACF programs. agency, ACF is apolitical. But when it comes to human suffering, we are not neutral: We do our utmost to deliver effective assistance whenever and wherever it’s most needed. FuLL AccountABiLity & trAnsparency: Action Against Hunger directly implements and oversees all of its programs, requiring full access to communities targeted for assistance. Committed to transparency and full disclosure, ACF ensures key financial information is publicly available and that its programs undergo external evaluation to assess their impact. A c F inte rn A ACF’s programs Our food security ACF ensures tion provide immediate programs offer effective assistance assistance and a broad range by working directly AL long-term relief of solutions for with communities net to malnourished generating income to customize lasting children and and food production. solutions to hunger. W their families. or K 2 ACF-Nepal, courtesy S. Remael. (From left): ACF-Zimbabwe, courtesy J. Lapegue; ACF-Afghanistan, courtesy I. Eshragi/Agence VU; ACF-Malawi, courtesy J.E. Atwood/Agence VU 3 PROGRAM MAP ArmeniA georgiA cHecHnyA AzerBAijAn mongoLiA mALi cHAd nepal myAnmAr irAn LAos LeBAnon niger HAiti palestiniAn territories guAtemALA etHioPiA guineA PHiLiPPines HondurAs nicArAguA somALiA sierrA Leone LiBeriA colOmBiA iVory coAst KenyA indonesiA democrAtic rePuBLic ugAndA oF tHe congo (drc) Burundi AngoLA pakistAn AFgHAnistAn malawi tAjiKstAn ArgentinA sri LAnKA zimBABWe This map reflects the reach of the ACF The breadth of Action Against Hunger’s international expertise International Network as of December 31, 2007. goes beyond the scope of our current programs. We have worked For the most up-to-date look at our current in many other countries, including Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, programs, please visit Cambodia, Cameroon, North Korea, mozambique, macedonia, www.actionagainsthunger.org/where-we-work rwanda, Tanzania, Western Sahara, and Zambia.
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