The Hip. The Bold. The Visionary. 4 The 5 Inspiration NoMa is inspired by NYC’s vibrant NoMad district. The trendy lifestyle, the fashionable crowd, the most cutting-edge of what WKHFLW\KDVWRRʆHU1R0DDOVRVSHDNVRIDQRPDGLFHQHUJ\ %ROGFRQʇGHQWDQGGLʆHUHQWȵMXVWOLNH\RX Design Concept 6 7 Made up of only 50 units, NoMa is designed for those in constant pursuit of a GLʆHUHQWOLIHVW\OH)HHOWKH energy and inspiration as you shape this into your home. At the rooftop, a 12 metre high art mural PDNHVDQLFRQLFVWDWHPHQW elevating attention from the surrounding cityscape. 100% bold. 100% freehold. Artist Impression Design Concept 8 3 Distinctive 9 %ORFNV 1 Lifestyle. %HFDXVHZHDUHDOOGLʆHUHQWWKHZD\ZHH[SUHVVRXUVHOYHV VKRXOGQȸW EH WKH VDPH 1R0D KDV GLVWLQFWLYH EORFNV HDFKRʆHULQJDQLQGHSHQGHQWIRUZDUGORRNLQJOLIHVW\OH$ canvas to paint who you are, what you represent, and your individual point of view. FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Design Concept 10 North 11 %HVSRNH Entrance (QWUDQFHV NORTH Artist’s Impression West Entrance EAST weST Block Entrances Artist’s Impression East Entrance Artist’s Impression FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Keycards EORFNV(DFKZLWKLWVRZQDFFHVVYLDGLʆHUHQWVLGHJDWHV EHVSRNHNH\FDUGGHVLJQVIRUJUHDWHUH[FOXVLYLW\ Design Concept 12 13 Artist’s Impression Design Concept Geylang East Nexus Park International E 15 P I Geylang East School Singapore Swimming A Y S W Singapore Complex E S P R Basketball Centre P X A E N D Y L A A The I S N L Lifelong P A E Learning B Institute A Geylang Paya Lebar Polyclinic R Square R O A PAYA LEBAR D CC PAYA LEBAR EW Geylang Geylang Methodist Geylang A Methodist School (Sec) East Public L School (Pri) PLQ Mall J Library U Neighbour N I ALJUNIED E EW D -hood James Cook R O University A Singapore D N U E A V E S I M S City Plaza T Singapore The A Connectivity Amenities Badminton Hall Skewer Bar N Singapore D J R O A O Post Geylang N G L A N Dakota MRT Station (CCL) about 500m 8min Mountbatten CC (U/C) about 200m 4min Branch G E Y G S I Aljunied MRT Station (EW9) about 900m 10min Tanjong Rhu Pau & Confectionery about 400m 5min K M No Signboard Tanjong Rhu A S Seafood at Geylang Pau & T 5min Mountbatten MRT Station (CC7) about 1km 11min The Tuckshop about 400m Confectionery O W N A The G Pan Island Expressway 4min 51 Old Airport Road Food Centre about 500m 6min Y Tuckshop R O Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway 5min & Shopping Mall A D O A D Kong Hwa East Coast Parkway 8min %UDZQ %UDLQV&RʄHH about 600m 7min D R M A R School Green L L E G U I Lane Directly connected to MBFC via Nicoll Highway 11min No Signboard Seafood at Geylang about 600m 8min Park Brawn & Brains Coee The Skewer Bar about 600m 8min FairPrice Jalan Tiga about 600m 8min Kallang Estate Fresh Market & Food Centre about 700m 9min K Etonhouse (GXFDWLRQ A Pre-school 51 Old Airport Goodman Arts Centre 2min L (223 Mountbatten) Road Food Centre L DAKOTA A & Shopping Mall CC PLQ Mall 2min N Kong Hwa School within 1km 5min G FairPrice Jalan Tiga Singapore Sports Hub 5min P Kallang Estate Broadrick Secondary School within 1km 6min A M O Fresh Market Broadrick Y U N & Food Centre (National Stadium, OCBC Aquatic Centre, A T Secondary School B A Etonhouse Pre-school (223 Mountbatten Road) within 1km 10min T L T E N E Singapore Indoor Stadium) R O B A Geylang Methodist School (Pri & Sec) within 1km 3min Y D N I C O L L H I G H W A A MOUNTBATTEN R Kallang Kallang Wave Mall 7min CC Sport Centre Etonhouse International School (Broadrick) within 1km 4min E X P E R Chung Cheng High School (Main) within 1km 4min R R I V OCBC L A N G Etonhouse International E G E Y Aquatic National OCBC S School (Broadrick) Etonhouse International Research Pre-school 4min )XWXUH.DOODQJ$OLYH/RRS Centre S Arena Long Beach Stadium W King Chung Cheng A High School (717-718 Mountbatten) Y Singapore National Cricket Association Arts James Cook University Singapore 4min K P Council 3DUN&RQQHFWRU E Dunman High School 7min Kallang Singapore Kallang Goodman Arthur Wave Mall Sports Hub Fields Arts Centre Park STADIUM CC Goodman Ceramic Studio Leisure Park Kallang Sports Katong ActiveSG Wilkinson Hub Swimming Complex Singapore Interim Library Water Sports Park Sports Museum Centre Singapore Indoor Stadium Etonhouse International M Research Pre-school O U N T (717-718 Mountbatten) B A T T E N R O A D TANJONG RHU FOOTBRIDGE Dunman High School KATONG PARK TE U/C TANJONG RHU TE U/C Katong Park 1R0DLVDERXWPHWUHVIURP'DNRWD057VWDWLRQ:KLFKLVMXVW DEULVNPLQXWHVȸZDONDZD\$WWKH057WKH&LUFOH/LQHWDNHV\RX K W A Y E C P E A S T C O A S T P A R directly to Singapore Sports Hub, Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by East Coast Park WKH%D\0DULQD%D\)LQDQFLDO&HQWUH(VSODQDGHȶ7KHDWUHVRQ N the Bay and Dhoby Ghaut Interchange. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5KM All travelling time is approximate only and is taken from NoMa to respective destination. The Location 16 17 6 Lifestyle 4 Central 3 2 7 6 7 1 %UDZQ %UDLQV&RʆHH 5 Goodman Ceramic Studio 100 Guillemard Road, #01-02 90 Goodman Road, Block G, #01-37 4 5 Singapore 399718 Goodman Arts Centre Singapore 439053 2 7KH6NHZHU%DU 2 Lor 25 Geylang 6 Onsight Climbing Gym MAP IS NOT DRAWN TO SCALE Singapore 388287 100 Guillemard Road, #01-14 Singapore 399718 3 7KH7XFNVKRS 403 Guillemard Road 7 Yoga Inc. /RFDWHGDORQJ*XLOOHPDUG5RDGMXVWQRUWKRI0RXQWEDWWHQ1R0DWDNHV\RXFORVH Singapore 399795 100 Guillemard Road, #01-08 WRWKHDFWLRQ*UHDWIRRGDW2OG$LUSRUW5RDG)RRG&HQWUH6SRUWLQJDFWLYLWLHV Singapore 399718 4 Cafe Melba (Old Singapore Badminton Hall) DQGZRUOGFODVVHQWHUWDLQPHQWDWWKH6LQJDSRUH6SRUWV+XEDQGIXWXUH.DOODQJ 90 Goodman Road, Block N, #01-56 $OLYH$QH[SUHVVZD\ULJKWDFURVVWR'RZQWRZQ&RUHDQG2UFKDUG+LSVWHUKDYHQ Goodman Arts Centre DW-RR&KLDWDQG.DWRQJ1R0DLVDWWKHFHQWUHRILWDOO Singapore 439053 The Lifestyle 18 19 The the SAVVY NoMa the Cosmopolitan Tribe the Investor Meet your neighbours at NoMa. A community of modern OLNHPLQGHGLQGLYLGXDOVFRXSOHVDQGIDPLOLHV6DYY\ZHOO WUDYHOOHGOLIHVW\OHPDYHULFNV&RQQHFWHG\HWLQGHSHQGHQW PLQGHG2QWKHORRNRXWIRUQHZRSSRUWXQLWLHVLGHDVDQGWKH QH[WELJWKLQJ The NoMa Tribe 20 The 21 )DFLOLWLHV Artist’s Impression The 7DNH D GLS LQ WKH LQʇQLW\ URRIWRS SRRO The (QMR\ JUHDW IRRG DQG JUHDW YLHZV DQGVRDNLQWKHOXVKVXUURXQGV/RXQJH from this vantage point. The smell of RQWKHʈRDWLQJGHFNZRUNRQDKHDOWK\ perfectly charred meats, cool vibes, ,QʇQLW\3RRO tan, and idle the day away. BBQ Pit awesome company. The Development 22 23 Artist’s Impression The A modern callisthenics gym designed MXVWIRU\RX7LPHWRWXUQRQ\RXUEHDVW Gym PRGHDQGZRUNRXWDVZHDW The Development 24 25 12m mural art social area BBQ infinity pool PiT GYM FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Artist’s Impression The &KLOODQGZLQGGRZQDWWKHURRIWRS.LFNVWDUW\RXUGD\ZLWK \RJDLQWKHPRUQLQJ&DWFKWKHVXQVHWIURPWKHSRROGHFN$V WKHFLW\ZLQGVGRZQJDWKHU\RXUWULEHDQGWXFNLQWRIUHVKO\ 5RRIWRS/LIH grilled burgers over craft beer and mellow beats. The Development 26 27 The NoMa Life FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The Development 28 29 V1 Artist’s Impression The 8VHWKHIR\HUWREXLOGFOHYHUO\FRQFHDOHGFDELQHWVIRUH[WUD storage. Use your creativity to combine aesthetics and )R\HU practical space with a wall-mounting option. The Development 30 31 sliding panels that opens up V2 Artist’s Impression for more space flexibility Artist’s Impression The Sliding panels can be opened and closed to give you even PRUHʈH[LELOLW\WRVXLW\RXUOLIHVW\OH2SHQXSWKHVSDFHLQ /LYLQJ)OH[LELOLW\ the day or close it up at night for absolute privacy. The Development 32 33 wfh-FRIENDLY LAYOUT V3 Artist’s Impression FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY (QMR\WKHʈH[LELOLW\RIZRUNLQJIURPKRPH:KHQWKHUHLVD The QHHG WR D SXOORXW GHVN WKDW LV EXLOW LQWR WKH VKHOYLQJ FDQ EHFRQYHQLHQWO\VHWXSIRUZRUNDQGYLUWXDOPHHWLQJV:KHQ ZRUNLVGRQHWKHGHVNFDQEHFOHYHUO\WXFNHGEDFNVRWKH )OH[LELOLW\:)+ VSDFHORRNVQHDWDQGWLG\ The Development 34 35 V4 Artist’s Impression The The living and dining areas are purposely designed to be side by side to let you use the space even more creatively or have Living Dining a more open entertainment space while having friends over. The Development 36 37 V5 Artist’s Impression The <RXU VSDFH <RXU VW\OH 0DNH WKH PDVWHU EHGURRP \RXU private abode. A creative hideaway to reboot and be your Master Bedroom most authentic self. The Development 38 39 V6 Artist’s Impression The Master Bathroom The Development 40 The 41 Site Plan 09 01 21 04 21 05 11 05 17 10 12 12 12 18 06 15 04 05 13 08 16 20 19 6(59,&(652$' /2521**(</$1* 6(59,&(652$' /2521**(</$1* 02 12 14 07 05 12 03 0 1.0 5.0 10.0m 0 1.0 5.0 10.0m Artist’s Impression Artist’sArtist’s Impression Impression *8,//(0$5'52$' *8,//(0$5'52$' 1st Storey 6th Storey 01 Vehicular Ingress 05 Lift Lobby 09 /RDGLQJ8QORDGLQJ 12 Communal Planter 16 5RRIWRS'LQLQJ%%43LW 20 Genset 02 Vehicular Egress 06 Mechanized Car Park 10 Water Bulk Meter 13 ,QʇQLW\6ZLPPLQJ3RRO 17 Rooftop Terrace 21 Bicycle Parking 03 Access Gate 07 0DQDJHPHQW2ʉFH)&& 11 OG Box 14 Water Deck 18 Yoga Corner 04 Side Gate 08 &RQVXPHU6ZLWFK5RRP 15 Sun Deck 19 Callisthenics Gym Building Plan Approval Number(s): A1404-00466-2018-BP02 Building Plan Approval Date(s): 1 July 2020 The Site Plan 42 43 Unit %ORFN Type A 1 Bedroom B 2 Bedroom Distribution D 4 Bedroom WEST block NORTH block East block Storey / Unit #01 #02 #03 #04 #05 #06 #07 #09 #10 WK6WRUH\/HYHO D1 D2 7th Storey Level D1 D2A 6th Storey Level 6ZLPPLQJ3RRO &RPPXQDO)DFLOLWLHV D1G % &RPPXQDO)DFLOLWLHV 5th Storey Level B7 B6 B5 &DUSDUN B4 B3 B2 A5 B1 A3 A4 4th Storey Level B7 B6 B5 &DUSDUN B4 B3 B2 A5 B1 A3 A4 3rd Storey Level B7 B6 B5 &DUSDUN B4 B3 B2 A5 B1 A3 A4 2nd Storey Level B7 B6 B5 &DUSDUN B4 B3 B2 A5 B1 A3 A4 1st Storey Level Driveway &DUSDUN 'ULYHZD\'URSRʆ A1 A2 A3-G
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