ACTS A Conflict of Spirits (I3:I-I3) “Now there were at Antioch, in the church that We came into this world with free moral agency. was there, prophets and teachers: Barnabas, and Simeon Paul gives a great cry of victory in Romans 7: who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the Lord!” (v. 25). We have one who will win the tetrarch, and Saul. And while they were ministering to battle for us, but we must line up with Him. the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have GOD’S GROUP called them.’ Then, when they had fasted and prayed In this text, the lines are clearly drawn. On and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. one side is God’s group, the prophets and the they found a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet teachers who are pictured as being in the church whose name was Bar Jesus, who was with the procon- in Antioch. Some of them are listed for us; others sul, Sergius Paulus, a man of intelligence. This man are implied. They are on the offensive for God in summoned Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the the world. The Holy Spirit said to this group, word of God. But Elymas the magician (for thus his “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work name is translated) was opposing them, seeking to turn to which I have called them” (13:2). the proconsul away from the faith. .” (13:1-13). A Christian has to give consideration to relig- ious semantics, the proper use of words and CTS 13:1-13 pictures a battle between good phrases in the Bible. The Holy Spirit says, “Set Aand evil, a conflict that has raged in the apart . for the work.” Someone could say, “I hearts of men from the beginning of time. was in my office and the Holy Spirit said to me, The Bible affirms that we are engaged in a ‘I have a work for you to do.’ Therefore, I am great war. Do not be led to think that we are at recommending that you support me in this work ease in Zion and there is peace in the land. that the Holy Spirit has called me to do.” I have Anyone who has studied the Word with any heard such a statement made by a television degree of diligence knows that we are involved preacher. It is not unusual to find people taking in major conflict in the spiritual realm. the phrases and words of the Bible from their contexts and applying them incorrectly. The Bible For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but plainly teaches that the Holy Spirit no longer against the rulers, against the powers, against the speaks directly to men. The calling that God world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places gives to men today comes through the gospel of (Ephesians 6:12). Jesus Christ. Paul and Barnabas lived in a special time. Obviously, within the context of this study, The final form of the Word of God was not yet there is the idea of choice regarding the side on available. They did not have the complete writ- which we will fight. We must choose our loyalty. ten Bible to read. The Holy Spirit worked di- 1 rectly with men then in order that God’s will sumes his support. One Sunday, as he is getting might be revealed to the world through the Spirit. ready to leave for Brazil, the elders of this con- When the first century came to a close, the gregation call him before the assembly. Perhaps complete revelation of God had been written they have asked the church for the past three down. We can read the direction of the Holy days to spend time in fasting and prayer for this Spirit of God today and know God’s calling great work. The elders lay hands on him as they through the Bible. It would be incorrect for us to say, “We want to challenge you with the work say that God has miraculously separated us for a that you will do in Brazil. We want you to know work as He did Barnabas and Saul. that we will be behind you, reinforcing and In 2 Thessalonians we see the kind of religious supporting you.” This would be an example of wording we might use today. Paul told the Thes- the laying on of hands seen in Acts 13:3. salonian brethren that the Lord will return. He said These brethren are supportive of Barnabas He will come in flaming fire taking vengeance on and Saul as they go out on their first preaching those who do not know God and have not obeyed tour. They fast, pray, and lay their hands on the gospel of Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:8). But them. They are saying, “We are going to be with he gave great encouragement to those who were you. You are not going into the field alone. We walking in the light in Thessalonica because they will be with you all the way in this ministry.” had believed the testimony that was given to them Thus, God’s group goes out to engage in the (2 Thessalonians 1:10). warfare. They are not retreating to their little In the second chapter Paul referred to them group in Antioch and saying, “If somebody comes as being called by the gospel of Jesus Christ in on us, we will teach him.” They are going out (2 Thessalonians 2:14). We might easily say of to do battle with the devil. ourselves that we have received the call of God through learning about Jesus’ saving grace and SATAN’S SERVANTS obeying Him. The Holy Spirit speaks to every The text says in verse 4, “So, being sent out by man today through the revealed Word of God. the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia and Paul said, “All Scripture is inspired by God and from there they sailed to Cyprus.” At Cyprus, profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, they find a sorcerer, Satan’s servant. God’s group for training in righteousness; that the man of God is on one side, and Satan’s servants are on the may be adequate, equipped for every good work” other side. We are introduced to Bar-Jesus, who is (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). The inspired Scriptures equip also named Elymas, and Sergius Paulus, a couple us today for the work that God has for us to do. in the devil’s group. Elymas is involved in sor- Acts 13:3 says, “When they had fasted and cery. I do not know all that the word “sorcery” prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent contains. It is at least apparent that the deceit of them away.” On occasions the Bible refers to the the devil was manifested through this man. He laying on of hands to impart spiritual gifts. Obvi- was an instrument in the hands of the devil. ously, verse 3 is not a reference to that kind of In the first three verses of this chapter we get laying on of hands, since Paul, being an apostle, an insight into the heart of God’s group. The had all the gifts. prophets, teachers, and apostles are blending A different kind of laying on of hands is their strength together. When two of them are being referred to: the laying on of hands which is going out on a mission journey, the others fast illustrated by the presbytery laying hands on the and pray. A spirit of unity and excitement exists young preacher Timothy (1 Timothy 4:14). This within God’s group of people. But in the devil’s is the impartation of reinforcement and support of a camp dissension appears in the ranks. Sergius cooperative group of people. This type of laying on Paulus, a prudent man, had heard Barnabas and of hands can be done today without violating the Saul. Maybe he had gone to the meeting they Scriptures. were having. He called them over and said, “I A young man finishes his work at a Christian want to hear more of the Word of God.” college and wants to go to Brazil to work for the It is exciting when you breech the ranks of Lord. The elders of the church where he wor- the devil’s army, is it not? It thrills my heart ships decide to help him. This congregation as- when somebody says to me, “I want to know 2 more about the Word of God.” It is wonderful Baal met? The prophets of Baal cut themselves when people get to studying the message be- with stones and bled; they cried out to their god cause the power is in that message. Romans 1:16 all afternoon and saw nothing happen. says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it Elymas tries to impress Sergius Paulus, but is the power of God for salvation. .” The Greek Paul, with the spirit of God, said, “. you [are word translated “power” is the word dunamis, the] son of the devil, . .” (13:10). One reason we the word from which we get our English word have not brought more people into the Lord’s “dynamite.” The gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s kingdom today is because we are so diplomatic.
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