DAG nag & Foto: PAT BROMILOW-DOWNING KUNS EN VERMAAK • ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Striking minor acc(h)ords MOVIEREVIEW Another group is hosted by Dina’s brother, Itzik. The awkwardness be- comes tangible for the audience when Sony Pictures the uninvited Egyptians sit in uneasy JoThe Wessels Band’s Visit silence around the dinner table with their Israeli hosts, conveniently cele- brating their wedding anniversary. “ONCE, not Awkwardness is a central theme of long ago, a the film. Viewers will find themselves small Egyptian fidgeting in their seats as if they share police band ar- in these uncomfortable situations. rived in Israel. Balace is, however, struck by the Not many re- many lighter comedic nuances. member this. It The true beauty of the film unfolds was not that im- as the evening progresses and cul- portant.” Thus tural barriers are broken. Opposing opens the highly characters form connections based on acclaimed inde- universal themes which have no lan- pendent film from Sony Pictures,The guage barrier. The Egyptians and Is- Band’s Visit, currently showing at the raelis share silent stories of lost love, Eikestad Mall. broken dreams and the burden of age- The film follows the visit of the ing. A romance is also kindled. Music eight piece Alexandria Ceremonial inevitably plays a role as a catalyst, Police Orchestra to Israel where they gradually overcoming the awkward are to play at the opening of an Arab hush. cultural centre. With existing burdens The film culminates with the WIL JY DANS? Broadway-glans word in die Moederstad herskep danksy die bekende Beauty and the Beast such as the tense Arab-Israeli rela- band’s departure from the desolate met Talia Kodesh as die skoonheid en Anton Luintingh as die ondier. tions and friction between the band’s town the next morning, silence once Foto: PAT BROMILOW-DOWNING members, their visit is further dis- again abundant. This time it conveys rupted after they are left abandoned at the feeling of sadness and loneliness Kunstekaap speel gasheer vir musiekblyspel the airport. Faced with aversion from caused by the band’s departure. the Israeli authorities, they attempt to The film was submitted to the 80th fend for themselves and mistakenly Academy Awards for best foreign end up in a rural town in the middle film, but was rejected on the grounds Broadway- of the desert. With no transport and of its containing over 50% English Musiekblyspel Beauty and little Israeli money, they have to rely dialogue. This is ironic, as this film on the reluctant goodwill of the locals proves that there is nothing foreign for food and accommodation. What about human connections. follows is an evening which pushes The Band’s Visit is not a lively all the characters to face the music of film. There is minimal dialogue and the Beast bekoor gehore awkward situations. almost no climax. Yet what the film The band’s leader, the enigmatic achieves spectacularly is to show the ADÉL GROENEWALD en word gevangene geneem in die die gehoor toe om hierdie “dooie” Colonel Tawfiq, together with the re- tender voiceless connections between ondier (Anton Luitingh) se kasteel. items se unieke persoonlikhede te bellious young trumpeter, Khaled, is people, bringing meaning to the seem- Belle gaan ruil haarself in om haar leer ken. hosted by a charismatic restaurateur ingly mundane. It is daringly simplis- TOE DIE Disney-fliek Beauty and pa vryheid te bied. Só bevind sy Babette is byvoorbeeld ’n vere- named Dina. She does her best to en- tic, yet complexly themed. Think As the Beast vir die eerste keer in haarself lewenslank vasgekeer in stoffer met vere vir vingers en ’n tertain her guests, taking the colonel It Is In Heaven meets Crash. 1994 as Broadway-musiekblyspel dié waarlik betowerende wêreld. swiepende, speelse romp wat haar out for a night on the town, yet the Get a good dose of caffeine before geopen het, het min mense verwag Daar rus egter ’n skrikwekkende geaardheid volkome weerspieël. evening is characterised by her failed watching the film, but be prepared to dat dit binne ’n tydperk van agt jaar vloek op die kasteel, maar te midde Die voormalige verhoogaktrise attempts at small talk. be astounded by the sound of silence. ’n rekordgetal van 5 464 optredes van die deurgaande spanning hou Madame de la Grande Bouche is agter die blad sal hê. die kleurvolle karakters die atmos- weer ’n snobistiese klerekas en bieg Dit is hierdie veelbekroonde per geleentheid dat sy nie meer in produksie wat tans, met ’n eg Suid- haar elegante kostuums pas nie. Enjoy February bliss @ Bohemia Afrikaanse rolverdeling, gehore in “Kleure en ligte word Die pitorkes lewer ’n voortref- die Kunstekaap-Teater in Kaapstad onbeskaamd ingespan en like vertoning van bekende liedjies FEBRUARY has tickled us with emo- of wine, good company and first-rate betower. uit die oorspronklike fliek, byvoor- tions in all its colourful dimensions. music every Tuesday, Thursday and Pieter Toerien, knap vervaardi- alle stelveranderings geskiet beeld die temalied en die feestelike The reasons vary from that annoy- Sunday in February can do wonders. ger van produksies soos The Lion ... geruisloos” “Be our guest” en “If I can’t love ing CNA jingle (“back to school, back We jammed to Bed on Bricks’ King, Phantom of the Opera en her” wat oorspronklik vir die ver- to reality”), to roasting temperatures, energetic funk rock, swayed to Side Cats, het saamgewerk met Hazel hoog gekomponeer is. to Valentine’s bliss (or puke), and Effect, rocked out with New Holland Feldman (Chicago en We Will Rock feer oorwegend vrolik. Die stel het natuurlik ook ’n even penniless confusion as to why and embraced the sounds of guitar You) om hierdie Broadway-skou- Die verhaal het, soos dit feëver- reuseaandeel in die blyspel se RAKA, Ramfest and Up the Creek guru Albert Frost. We can still ex- spel op eie bodem te herskep. hale betaam, ’n gelukkige einde sukses. Kleure en ligte word onbe- were stationed in one month. But pect to experience Zinkplaat’s return Die storie handel oor die vrees- wanneer Belle diep in die oë staar skaamd ingespan en alle stelveran- thanks to our “local watering hole”, to Bohemia for the first time in four lose Belle, gespeel deur Talia van haar nou aantreklike, menslike, derings geskiet geruis- en foutloos. Bohemia, some of our problems are years, be proud Afrikaners with Ryno Kodesh, wat hunker na iets meer as prins. Die SR verkoop vandag kaartjies solved. Velvet, swing to the blues of Dan haar eentonige dorpslewe. Die self- Die humor en sprankelende teen die afslag-prys van R180 (ver- The heartache of leaving summer- Patlansky and last, but definitely not gesentreerde dog baie vermaak- oomblikke kan toegeskryf word voer ingesluit) vir die vertoning loving holidays behind is lightened by least, sing along with our Tuesday fa- like karakter van Gaston (Jonathan aan die komiese bykarakters soos van 3 Maart. Hou in gedagte dat die the fact that Beyerskloof has proudly vourite, Jo Martin. Roxmouth) “eer” Belle met ’n hu- die moederlike teepot genaamd Mrs goedkoopste kaartjies normaalweg sponsored DPK February @ Bohe- The best part about it all is that weliksaanbod, maar sy het net oë Potts, ’n Franse kandelaar genaamd R200 beloop. Kaartjies is tydens mia. This ensures not only magical Beyerskloof’s DPK February @ Bo- vir storieboeke waar sy verlore kan Lumière en selfs Cogsworth, die middagete beskikbaar by die SR- gigs, but also R7 a glass of Beyers- hemia has lived up to the saying that raak in die fantasie en romanse. mismoedige staanhorlosie. kantoor, maar daar is ongelukkig kloof Pinotage for those usual Bohe- “the best things in life are free” and Belle se verstrooide pa, Maurice, Asemrowende kostuums en net 15 beskikbaar, so spring vinnig mia wine lovers. have ensured that all the thrilling ’n uitvinder, verdwaal in die woud uitstekende karakterisering laat om in die pret te deel. As for the scorching heat and Val- gigs mentioned are free of any cover entine’s love or hate, a soothing glass charge. – Lesia Smith SIMON SWERWER maak sy de- JAK de PRIesTER stel sy nuwe Die internasionaal-bekende T.I.T.E.S. wil die electro-scene CLAUde BOUscHARAIN se uit- K buutvertoning in Dorpstraat-Tea- album, Groen Mamba, op 20 Feb- violis ILYA GRINGOLTS toer meer toeganklik maak vir al- stalling Strange Enchantments is ter op 19 Februarie om 20:30. Dit ruarie by Die Boer-restaurant in binnekort na SA saam met die mal. Hierdie gebeurtenis vind op tans te sien by SMAC-kunsgalery kos R60, maar indien jy iets bestel Durbanville bekend. Dit gaan jou vooraanstaande Suid-Afrikaanse 27 Februarie by The Assembly in Kerkstraat. Die uitstalling bring om te eet gaan dit jou slegs R30 R110 uit die sak jaag, maar be- pianis Francois du Toit. Dié op- in Kaapstad plaas en waarborg ’n versameling skilderye van 1948 kos. Skakel die teater by 021 886 loof om iets spesiaal te wees. Die windende duo kan op Vrydag 20 ’n bymekaarkoms van uitste- tot 2005 bymekaar en dit onder- 6107 vir besprekings. nuwe album bevat 11 oorspronk- Februarie om 20:00 in die Endler- kende electro-dj’s, byvoorbeeld soek Bouscharain se gebruik van like snitte met temas wat wissel saal gesien word as deel van die HAEZER, DJ Lapse, Phil Kra- esoteriese simbolisme in haar RMAA van drome, liefde, aspirasies en Konservatorium se Konsertreeks. mer, Codec, The Sound en Alex. droomagtige uitdrukkings. Die struggles met finansies, tot ons Kaartjies is bekombaar by Com- Kaartjies is slegs R20 mits jy voor uitstalling is tot 15 Maart te sien. land. Kontak 021 979 1911 vir be- puticket, Shoprite en MTN en 22:00 gaan.
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