Sooner Catholic Serving the People of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Volume 35, Number 5 * March 16, 2008 Cardinal: Worth Measured By How Great We Love ROME, (Zenit.org). — The value of each of us will be determined by love, said the arch- priest of St. Peter’s Basilica to a gathering of young people in Rome. Cardinal Angelo Comastri said this during a Mass at the San Lorenzo International Center. The center, which celebrated its 25th anniversary March 13, was inaugurated by Pope John Paul II in 1983 and houses the first cross of the World Youth Days. The cardinal commented on the passage of the Gospel of Mark in which a scribe asks Jesus, which is the greatest commandment. “Like the scribe did,” he said, “so this after- noon we also ask Jesus, ‘Which is the first commandment? What matters most to God?’ “In God’s eyes we are worth as much as we love. This is a revolution. The world uses other valuation criteria. In God’s eyes there is only one value: love.” Cardinal Comastri added: “At the end of our lives, we will all be put in the scale of charity, and each one will be worth as much as they loved. “But why does only charity matter?” “The answer,” said the 64-year-old cardinal, “is once again the Christian revolu- tion: Because God is love. If you are in love, you have God with you, and if you have God with you, you are already in heaven. If, however, you are missing God, you don’t have anything.” Referring to the passage about the sinful woman who washes Jesus’ feet and dries them with her hair in the house of a well-known Pharisee, the archpriest of St. Peter’s said: “In that moment, this woman declares through her acts: I believe that you are love. I have love, I had not found it until today, but now that I’ve found you, I’ve understood that God is love. “And Jesus told the man who had invited him: Simon, you appear to be good, but your heart is made of ice, you are worthless in God’s eyes. Instead, this woman has understood it, she has found love. And so this woman is greater than you.” The cardinal asked the young people the following question: “We go to church, we listen to God’s word, we receive the Eucharist, but how often does charity enter into us? “In this time of Lent, we are invited to conversion; we all need to convert in order to Photo: AgnusImages.com accept the surprising news of the Gospel: Each of us is worth as much as we love.” Inside Archbishop Heritage Room Sings Praises of Offers Look at Scholarship Roots of Begun By Saint Catholic Faith Greg’s In Oklahoma 7 20 2 Sooner Catholic ● March 16, 2008 The Good News Sooner Catholic ... A Blessed Easter Most Reverend Eusebius J. Beltran God so loved the world Christ, I wish to send you my very best personal greetings and wishes Archbishop of Oklahoma City that He sent His Son Jesus for a very blessed and happy Holy May you Publisher to save us! Week and Easter celebration. I pray and your that the Good Lord who gave us new loved ones Ray Dyer Jesus loves us so much that He life through His passion, death and Editor gave Himself up for our salvation! resurrection will continue to bless us, enjoy a most Greater love than this, no one has, but to watch over us and to lead us safely blessed and that a man gives up His life for His to eternal life in heaven. Cara Koenig friend. And Jesus said: “You are My As your Archbishop, I sincerely happy Layout/Design/ friends if you keep My command- pray and joyfully exclaim, “May you Archbishop Easter Beltran Photographer ments.” and your loved ones enjoy a most My dear brothers and sisters in blessed and happy Easter.” Mauro Yanez Hispanic Editor Church Welcomes New Catholics at Easter Vigil Tens of thousands of people from candidates. Ammanda McCabe around the country will be received Most of those coming into the Staff into the Catholic Church at the Easter church through the RCIA program are Vigil, Holy Saturday, on March 22, adults, but in some instances, children 7501 Northwest Expressway through the Rite of Christian are part of both groups, usually as Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Called families enter the church together. Oklahoma City, OK 73132 catechumens, they will be baptized, It is estimated that more than a (405) 721-1810 Fax: (405) 721-5210 confirmed and receive Holy million infant baptisms will take place e-mail: [email protected] Communion on that day. In addition, in the U.S. during 2008. Mailing Address others known as candidates and who The Rite of Christian Initiation of P.O. Box 32180 already have a valid baptism will be Adults is an ancient rite that was rein- admitted into full communion with stated after the Second Vatican Oklahoma City, OK 73123 the Catholic Church. Council and is the regular way for In our Archdiocese of Oklahoma adults to come into the Church. Visit us online through the City we will welcome almost 700 According to the latest annual Archdiocesan Web Page at people into the Church at the Easter figures from the Official Catholic www.catharchdioceseokc.org. Vigil. Catechumens coming into the Directory, almost 64,500 adults were Church here number 266, while 426 baptized in the church in the United The Sooner Catholic (USPS 066-910) is people from parishes across the arch- States last year, and almost 93,000 published biweekly except for once in July diocese will enter the Church as came into full communion. Fr. Stephen Bird blessing the Easter fire. and twice in December by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. No New List of Deadly Sins, Bishops Say The newspaper is not responsible for LONDON (Zenit.org) — Reports unsolicited material. that the Vatican has published a new “The story originated from an interview that list of the seven deadly sins of modern Copyright © 2008 Sooner Catholic times that includes littering and eco- Bishop Gianfranco Girotti gave to the nomic inequality is simply not true, L’Osservatore Romano in which he was questioned affirmed the episcopal conference of Subscription rate: $20 per year for all England and Wales. about new forms of social sins in this age of glob- who are not members of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. The conference released a state- alization.” Periodical postage paid at Oklahoma ment today clarifying that an inter- City, OK 73125. view published Sunday by POSTMASTER: Send address changes L’Osservatore Romano with Bishop a course that took place last week on “Above all in the area of bioethics, to the Sooner Catholic, P.O. Box Gianfranco Girotti, regent of the tribu- the “internal forum” — questions of in which we cannot fail to denounce 32180, Oklahoma City, OK 73123. nal of the Apostolic Penitentiary, was conscience — organized by the tribu- certain violations of the fundamental misinterpreted in the media as an offi- nal of the Apostolic Penitentiary to rights of human nature, by way of cial Vatican update to the seven dead- strengthen the training of priests in experiments, genetic manipulation, ly sins, laid out by Pope Gregory the administering the sacrament of confes- the effects of which are difficult to pre- Great in the sixth century. sion. vent and control.” “The Vatican has not published a new list of seven deadly sins; this is not In the interview titled “Le Nuove “Another area, a social issue, is the a new Vatican edict,” said the confer- Forme del Peccato Sociale” (The New issue of drug use, which debilitates the ence. “The story originated from an Forms of Social Sin), journalist Nicola psyche and darkens the intelligence, interview that Bishop Gianfranco Gori asked the prelate what he leaving many youth outside the eccle- Girotti gave to the L’Osservatore thought are the new sins of the modern sial circuit.” era. Romano in which he was questioned The bishop also mentioned social The Sooner Catholic is about new forms of social sins in this Bishop Girotti responded: “There inequality, “by which the poor are get- supported through the age of globalization.” are various areas in which today we ting poorer and the rich are getting Archdiocesan Development Fund. The Vatican newspaper inter- can see sinful attitudes in relation to richer, feeding an unsustainable social viewed the bishop at the conclusion of individual and social rights. injustice,” and the “area of ecology.” March 16, 2008 ● Sooner Catholic 3 Actor to Discuss Death Penalty ABCs of a Charitable Gift Annuity OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the A Charitable Gift Annuity is a contractual agreement Death Penalty will hold its annual between a donor and the Catholic Foundation in which the dinner at the Conner Center, Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual donor transfers assets in exchange for a promise of annuity Help, 3214 N. Lake Avenue on April payments for life. 12 at 6 p.m. The coalition is commit- ted to the abolition of the death By donating through a Charitable Gift Annuity, you: 1) penalty in Oklahoma. contract for a fixed payment for yourself, and 2) make a The keynote speaker will be Mike Farrell, who portrayed B.J. Hunnicutt gift to the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. If you itemize in M*A*S*H. Farrell, of Death deductions on your tax return, savings from the charitable Penalty Focus, is an active and deduction reduce the net cost of your gift to the Archdiocese.
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