No. ~~Established 1878/ Vol. LX o 3PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1941TeCnt WATERS, MOORE WIN Philo Debates Tonight SOCIETY OF INQUIRY BASEBALL TEAM DEFEATS 1941 DRAPER PRIZES Two Philo debates will be BACKS TALK THURSDAY DE IL RFRS YHOUSE gyen this evenin' beginning atDE R IL FO FRS W N IN PEABDJ HOS 6.45 in Bulfinch Hall. At 6:45, Mr. And Mrs.RamkrishnaModak _________________ Pell Foster, Dave Chavchavadze To Ge Portrayal Of Waters Gives Sandburg Poem; in the affirmative vs. Allen Coffey, Life In India Con cessions Notice ELLY VOSE MISSES NO, Moore Recites "Steel," John Shove in the negative, on By Auslander"Resolved: that President Roose- Mr. and MALrs. Ramrkrishrna S. AIIl boys on. the scholarship HITTER B SCRATCHHI ByAuslander ~~velt's attack on Col. Lindbergh Modak from Ahmednagar,_ S. '11- list who wish to apply for con- B I COMPETITION CLOSE was justifiable." dia, will give a portrayal of Every- cessions or agencies, including Faces But 33 Batters; Allows Runners-upWere InContest At 7:10, Wiliam Eastham, day Life in India at George W~ash- work in the offices and library. No Earned Runs; Strikes Ames, Foord, Spengler George Bailey in the affirmative inonll Mrn Thurday, Mas a ti should fill out a card in the Reg- Out -Six Batters vs. Tal Malcolm, Al Stone in the 8nocitiznk Mro Mdakihaprmi istrar's Office imezdiatelv. No _______________--c-0c-mp- ve-dia.hahavin-g .sl 2 nent- citizen of been ~ _-2 --ZFTS-R1SI1TODA-Y - -nsglnig t 8womcinPa- -ean's place- shind-thathoe -- a em rofthe Bombay Legisla- by the Bureau of Self Help will botly B-ouse, the seventy-fifth an- womans plaeis il th e o tive Council for six years, special be allowed to canvass or conduct Duden Smashes Triple; Scoring rital competition for the Draper Thsdeaewileceto honorary magistrate of Ahmed- lbusiness. Two Runs In First prizes of tweifty and fifteen dollars teams for later comnpetition. nagar for eight years, and pastorI in the-speaking of selected declamia- __________________ of the First Church for sixteen H4olding te men fromn Deerfield tions was held. Mr. Baldwin of the yas r.Mdki rdaeft u n ialwn oere Engisovr dearmetIROR pesde XTND DEDLNE eas.Mrs ~1oak s gaduteofKELSEY, FISHER ESTABLISH t u n ialwn oere En~o-lispesied oeTdeartmnt IRRO EXTNDSDEADINE Columbia University, and has had -,ru to cross the plate, striking out Mr. Boeg ofd the hysis er- UNI WE ESAMY1 a long career of educational and TWO NEW SCHOOL RECORDS six, and facing but 33 men, lly ~Ir.Boyeepat- ofthephyics UTILWEDESDA, MY14missionary work in the United ___ Vose pitched the best gne of ball iment, Mr. Colby of the Latin de- States ad Indi~ Carr, Grover, Green Also Star for the lue this season. Anderson partment, and Mr. Whitney. of the - Contributions Are Urged From As part of leir demonstration As Team Beats Worcester of Deerfield also did a good job, al- French department. Judgi'ng the Members Of A Four Of The equipment the Al odaks bring' with By Score Of 95-31 lowing but three hits and striking speeches on the ability with which Undergraduate Classes them a large variety of picturesque out seven. The game was a nip and they were delivered, the judges Indian cooking utensils, costumes, The most profitable afternoon for tuck affair, and the outcome re- awarded first prize to Robert Ben- \\ith the deadline staring us in rugs, etc., arrayed in the colborfil Andover track men for many a year mnained undecided until the final out. ton \aters of Syracuse, N. Y., and the face, and with the Mirror badly Indian attire. Mr. MAodak will give came Saturday as Jack Fisher in the The final score was Andover 3, zecondl prize to Frederick Appel in need of contributions, it has been a detailed demonstration of the n- hmeanHrv esyinte10 Drfed2 loore- of N\ .abn. Mass.. The run- decided to push that deadline ahead ner in which Indians of various hesaieadneHa le tesloo Deefel 2 .oe--the-h-sdn1 rners-up in the competition werees Vay~t& castes, wind-tci ur ans; hiewil CpanJc tosdhe1pud 2-orrinhefstrmte RichardMc~ury Ames of Old Keep that date in mind, Wednesday, ilCpa Jctosdhe1pun 23orrinhefstrmte Riech nn dard FoordyAmeof th1thlndee rmtoa.A (Continued -on Pge 3) hammner 194 ft. 7 in. to break the Blue got off to an early lead. Cole- Lyrne,'Conn.,of the-14th,Edward Foordone week from today. At ~record John M\cLaughry establisffed man walked and Asbury beat ott L.itchfield, Conn.. and Wil'liam Fred- -present about twenty stories are rick SenglerofMensba, Wsc. -needed to complete the isstte. No MR. DI CLEMENTI in 1936 by almost three full feet. Co- 'beautiful bunt. \ith, men -an first t~ik of-MnasaWispenle . matter whether you're a Senior, PROMOTES AIR CLUB Captain Harv tied the record of and second Poppy Bush popped up, The first speaker of the evening Upper, Lower, or a unior, wvhy-.not___ Charley Borah made A-pril 26, 1924, but Dick, the mighty Duden, swung ;%asAmes, who recited "The Bomn-- lend a hand and submit your con- Forms Group ofYone Boys by recording 9.8 in the century. from the heels and smashed the ball bardinent,"' by Ayv Lowell, a story trbtosBh olcinbxo one oth of these former record holders deep into right field for a triple, --- oi the bombarduient of a city dur- the main Library-deskds-just sittingptocu To - src - ci~-nationial-iamio-h- in their bringing two runs across. After Du- iga rainstorm. Ames' declamration teewiigfrsmbd' r Model Airplanes respective events, so you can see den wvas caught off third, Don Boyn- ns very impressive and movig tidle. Either leave your literary em why everyone is happy at Princetorf-ton fanned to end the rally. &-ciigdifferentscenes in differ- orne hate itI is thereworourtw describing~ ~ ~ ~ r hteeri i tee rhand it Sic alary nteFl al teerem \i n avrweeortosas sar That was all the scorinag tem was - ent homes during the bombardment. to someone on the Literary board. hams Hall uniors have enithusi- will go ifior the next four years. until the eighth hen Deerfield fi- Finally the city is set afire and corm Right now the Spring issue, has astically been building model air- The meet -started under a beauti- nially came to life with two runs. petely destroyed, the ppulation poniite.Aculefthod planes. Having noticed this, Mr:- ful AIav skv as Rothwell of Wor- *-After Anthony had popped up to turned out in the rain. standbys, just two to be exact, have Di Clementi geiierously brought cester won the high hurdles by a Tuck Asbury. Chamberlain hit a Edward Foord was the second - (Continued on Page 2) about the conversion of some base- (Continued on Page 4) ball viciously through second. Don- 'peaker, giving David Lloyd _________ ment roomis for the purpose of ny Boynton scooped it up and George's speech, "Appeal to the Na- ni_______nTh roet a ifon" Ths(114). appea to the NEW DISPLAY ~T iidlbmdig h rjc a STUDENTS 6n"appeal (1914). to theThis put into practice early this term, START offtossed the tobag Poppy. and butChamberlain he was"-iill-ed was English people during the last war ADDISON GALLERY and now, on rainy afternoons and RAILROAD CLUB safe on an error. Then Hancock to free the good, peasants of Ger- --- during their free time, the boys of wleadDicl i as manyv from their military demi-godls ade UP Of Gallery's Moat \W'lliamns Hall may make use of the Organization SponsorsLecture grouinder through Sturges for an- wvaspresented by Foord in the sin- f NtbeW erCls tables and other equipmnent there In Williams Hall Tonight - other miiscue, scoring Chamberlain cewhic Lodt getore spok e r tohenad from second. With Hancock on third rove byicclmy eeiaton. w- Now on display at the Addison Mr. Di Clementi has arranged for Under the auspices of Mr-D' and riscoll on first, McGay laid looed who cit doe hn-vteerolosaakeifrmnhe al bes aou teir hobbysp an to tiei-llenti, a new club has been or- ddwvn a beautiful sacrifice scoring IL-TheArt nextallery speake isan wasexhibii Fiedrick ii of brs -abouttheir hoby, andthetman er'spo m " t e. hs m v ng d - r ' e m n n colec i Thas- theni about the operation of real ,anized -at A ndover; this is the te h n fromnT e tlnthird.iThisThrallylyend- d t o n o h tr'sPoe ovig"Seel" d- Tislry' pemannt ollctin. hisplanes. Airlines and inanufactur- Mlodel Railroad Club. As its name made a sweet catch. sription of the life, death, and fu- educational display of the work of ers have also been written to, for imiplies, the primary purpose of this (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) contemporary American painters the purpose of obtaining material new organization is the building- P. A.ClassSecretaries replaces the recent exhibit illustrat- useful to the organization. Every adoeaigo oe alod Crl od is ing the manufacture of sterling sil- Thursday night the fifteen-odd equipment. The cltib was started A bI.Cls eretay 10 ver products. Outstanding in the members miet in the hobby room at \ illiais Hall, and therefore at Meeting By New Officers AssembleHeeM y 0 exhibition are several strikn ma utnder the direction of J Taber. the present tirne its membership con- rine and fishing scenes b the fa-n ii f h lb itbul fjnir.foeer n Ls husaa evnocok On Saturday, May 10, at 12:30 mnous \Vinslow Homrer, ws avrlTe pren disuand.amso the itnlr f unrs,. HowCeei LsThraxatncgofCrl seve 'lock, P.
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